-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL -- http://postgis.org/ -- Copyright 2009 Paul Ramsey -- -- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file. -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- metadata table DROP VIEW geography_columns; -- indexes DROP OPERATOR FAMILY gist_geography_ops USING gist CASCADE; DROP OPERATOR FAMILY btree_geography_ops USING btree CASCADE; -- r-tree operator DROP OPERATOR && (geography,geography); -- b-tree operators DROP OPERATOR < (geography,geography); DROP OPERATOR <= (geography,geography); DROP OPERATOR = (geography,geography); DROP OPERATOR >= (geography,geography); DROP OPERATOR > (geography,geography); -- casts DROP CAST IF EXISTS (geography AS geometry); DROP CAST IF EXISTS (geography AS geography); DROP CAST IF EXISTS (geometry AS geography); -- -- Text hacks to over-ride implicit casting issues with GEOMETRY -- TODO Remove for 2.0 -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsText(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsBinary(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsSVG(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGML(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsKML(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGeoJson(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Distance(text, text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_DWithin(text, text, float8); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Area(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Length(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Covers(text, text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_CoveredBy(text, text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Intersects(text, text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Buffer(text, float8); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Intersection(text, text); -- functions DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsText(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_GeographyFromText(text); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsBinary(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_GeographyFromBinary(bytea); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_typmod_dims(integer); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_typmod_srid(integer); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_typmod_type(integer); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography(geometry); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geometry(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_consistent(internal,geometry,int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_compress(internal); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_penalty(internal,internal,internal); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_picksplit(internal, internal); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_union(bytea, internal); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_same(box2d, box2d, internal); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_decompress(internal); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_selectivity (internal, oid, internal, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gist_join_selectivity(internal, oid, internal, smallint); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_overlaps(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_lt(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_le(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_gt(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_ge(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_eq(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_cmp(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsSVG(geography,int4,int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsSVG(geography,int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsSVG(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_AsGML(int4, geography, int4, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGML(geography, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGML(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGML(int4, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGML(int4, geography, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGML(geography, int4, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGML(int4, geography, int4, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_AsKML(int4, geography, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsKML(geography, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsKML(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsKML(int4, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsKML(int4, geography, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_AsGeoJson(int4, geography, int4, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGeoJson(geography, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGeoJson(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGeoJson(int4, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGeoJson(int4, geography, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGeoJson(geography, int4, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_AsGeoJson(int4, geography, int4, int4); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_Distance(geography, geography, float8, boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_DWithin(geography, geography, float8, boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Distance(geography, geography, boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Distance(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_Expand(geography, float8); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_DWithin(geography, geography, float8, boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_DWithin(geography, geography, float8); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Area(geography, boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Area(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Length(geography, boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Length(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_PointOutside(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_Covers(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Covers(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_CoveredBy(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Intersects(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_BestSRID(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _ST_BestSRID(geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Buffer(geography, float8); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_Intersection(geography, geography); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography(geography, integer, boolean); --DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_in(cstring, oid, integer); --DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_out(geography); DROP TYPE geography CASCADE; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_typmod_in(cstring[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_typmod_out(integer); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS geography_analyze(internal); -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS gidx_in(cstring); -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS gidx_out(gidx); DROP TYPE gidx CASCADE;