#!/usr/bin/env python import os,sys from distutils.core import setup ## This is where module 'antlr' resides in the installed package dstdir = '@prefix@/share/@PACKAGE_NAME@-@PACKAGE_VERSION@' ## This is where module 'antlr' resides in the source distribution' srcdir = '@abs_top_srcdir@/lib/python/antlr' moddir = None for d in [ dstdir, srcdir ] : moddir = d for f in [ '__init__.py','antlr.py' ] : if moddir : x = "%s/%s" % (moddir,f) if not os.path.exists(x) : sys.stderr.write('notice: "%s" does not exist - going to skip dir "%s")\n' % (x,moddir)) sys.stderr.flush() moddir = None if moddir: break if not moddir: sys.stderr.write('error: unable to find module "antlr".\n') sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(1) else: sys.stderr.write('notice: module "antlr" found in "%s"\n' % (moddir)) setup(name="antlr", version="@PACKAGE_VERSION@", description="Python runtime support for ANTLR-generated parsers", author="Wolfgang Haefelinger / Marq Kole", author_email="ora.et.labora@web.de", url="http://www.antlr.org/", packages=['antlr'], package_dir={'antlr' : moddir } )