QNX.ORG.RU Community R and D QNX.ORG.RU Team Mike Gorchak mike@malva.ua Application 2.6 Toppler toppler roever@users.sf.net Public public http://toppler.soureforge.net roever@users.sf.net Andreas Röver Reimplementation of the old game (aka Nebulous) Reimplementation of the old game (aka Nebulous). In the game you have to climb a tower with lots of strange inhabitants that try to push you down. Your only defence is a snowball you can throw and your skill to avoid these beings. http://toppler.soureforge.net @VERSION@ Medium Stable GNU General Public License Games and Diversions/Action Adventure Games games,toppler,nebulus,nebulous qnx6 none Photon User repdata://LicenseUrl/COPYING /usr/photon/bin/launchmenu_notify Post Use /usr/photon/bin/launchmenu_notify Post Unuse