DC20 Software Pack

There are two programs written by myself (Oliver.Hartmann@t-online.de):
DC20Term transfers the pictures out of the camera and stores they as raw data files - like the change for a new film.
DC2toTGA converts those raw data files to standard image files - like the development of the film.

So you get the pictures out of your camera as quick as possible and you are ready for the next shots. Later, to get the best results, you can convert the raw data files to standard image files as often you like.

The actual versions of both programs are available for DOS, Win16, Win32 and Linux.
See: http://home.t-online.de/home/oliver.hartmann

Kodak DC20 Terminal: DC20Term

For the first time, you can just plug in the camera and dump all the images out of it - only with one keystroke. No answering millions of questions with the mouse, and all the tedious work in the twain module and the image software, to finally end up the files in one directory.


See the short User's Guide!

DC2-to-TGA-File-Converter: DC2toTGA

After use of DC20Term you want to see your pictures.
DC2toTGA converts the raw data files to a standard image format (Targa).

See the short User's Guide!


Tips for DC20Term users

The program reads the data bytes sending by the camera via polling. Since the camera provides no handshake signals, this is a real time job and could go wrong in a multitasking environment. Maybe you must reduce the baud rate to avoid communication problems.


Syntax Examples:

Tips for DC2toTGA users

Versions before 1.40 convert only high resolution .dc2 files.
Version 1.40 or later now converts high and low res pictures.

The images created with the Kodak software (or the Chinon software) and the output of DC2toTGA often differ. The main reason is the higher contrast of the Kodak images. You can get quite similar results with the parameter -v0.65. But you lose a lot of details in the shadows. That's why I set the gamma default to 0.5. Another difference is the color adjustment: Try changing of red factor (e.g. to 0.7 or 0.75) or blue factor (e.g. 0.9).

Syntax Examples:

In most cases the default values are good enough. If the resulting image looks bad, start again with different settings for saturation, gamma value or norm_percentage.

© Copyright Oliver.Hartmann@t-online.de 1998.
All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 10 October 1998

Homepage: http://home.t-online.de/home/oliver.hartmann