Colour_new_item = class Menupullright (_ "_New") (_ "make a patch of colour") { Widget_colour_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Colour") (_ "make a patch of colour") { action = Colour_picker "Lab" [50,0,0]; } LAB_colour = class Menuaction (_ "CIE Lab _Picker") (_ "pick colour in CIE Lab space") { action = widget "Lab" [50, 0, 0]; // ab_slice size size = 512; // range of values ... +/- 128 for ab range = 256; // map xy in slice image to ab and back xy2ab x = x / (size / range) - 128; ab2xy a = (a + 128) * (size / range); widget space default_value = class Colour space _result { _vislevel = 3; [_L, _a, _b] = default_value; L = Scale "Lightness" 0 100 _L; ab_slice = Image (lab_slice size L.value); point = Mark ab_slice (ab2xy _a) (ab2xy _b); _result = [L.value, xy2ab point.left, xy2ab]; Colour_edit colour_space value = widget colour_space value; } } CCT_colour = class Menuaction (_ "Colour from CCT") (_ "pick colour by CCT") { action = widget 6500; widget x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; T = Scale "CCT" 1800 25000 x; _result = colour_from_temp (to_real T); Colour_edit space value = widget (temp_from_colour (Colour space value)); } } } Colour_to_colour_item = class Menuaction (_ "Con_vert to Colour") (_ "convert anything to a colour") { action x = to_colour x; } #separator Colour_convert_item = class Menupullright (_ "_Colourspace") (_ "convert to various colour spaces") { spaces = Image_type.image_colour_spaces; conv dest x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; to = Option_enum (_ "Convert to") spaces (spaces.get_name dest); _result = map_unary (colour_transform_to to.value_thing) x; } Mono_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Monochrome") (_ "convert to mono colourspace") { action x = conv Image_type.B_W x; } sRGB_item = class Menuaction (_ "_sRGB") (_ "convert to sRGB colourspace") { action x = conv Image_type.sRGB x; } GREY16_item = class Menuaction (_ "_GREY16") (_ "convert to GREY16 colourspace") { action x = conv Image_type.GREY16 x; } RGB16_item = class Menuaction (_ "_RGB16") (_ "convert to RGB16 colourspace") { action x = conv Image_type.RGB16 x; } Lab_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Lab") (_ "convert to Lab colourspace (float Lab)") { action x = conv Image_type.LAB x; } LabQ_item = class Menuaction (_ "Lab_Q") (_ "convert to LabQ colourspace (32-bit Lab)") { action x = conv Image_type.LABQ x; } LabS_item = class Menuaction (_ "Lab_S") (_ "convert to LabS colourspace (48-bit Lab)") { action x = conv Image_type.LABS x; } LCh_item = class Menuaction (_ "L_Ch") (_ "convert to LCh colourspace") { action x = conv Image_type.LCH x; } XYZ_item = class Menuaction (_ "_XYZ") (_ "convert to XYZ colourspace") { action x = conv Image_type.XYZ x; } Yxy_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Yxy") (_ "convert to Yxy colourspace") { action x = conv Image_type.YXY x; } UCS_item = class Menuaction (_ "_UCS") (_ "convert to UCS colourspace") { action x = conv Image_type.UCS x; } } /* mark objects as being in various colourspaces */ Colour_tag_item = class Menupullright (_ "_Tag As") (_ "tag object as being in various colour spaces") { spaces = Image_type.image_colour_spaces; tag dest x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; to = Option_enum (_ "Tag as") spaces (spaces.get_name dest); _result = map_unary (image_set_type to.value_thing) x; } Mono_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Monochrome") (_ "tag as being in mono colourspace") { action x = tag Image_type.B_W x; } sRGB_item = class Menuaction (_ "_sRGB") (_ "tag as being in sRGB colourspace") { action x = tag Image_type.sRGB x; } RGB16_item = class Menuaction (_ "_RGB16") (_ "tag as being in RGB16 colourspace") { action x = tag Image_type.RGB16 x; } GREY16_item = class Menuaction (_ "_GREY16") (_ "tag as being in GREY16 colourspace") { action x = tag Image_type.GREY16 x; } Lab_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Lab") (_ "tag as being in Lab colourspace (float Lab)") { action x = tag Image_type.LAB x; } LabQ_item = class Menuaction (_ "Lab_Q") (_ "tag as being in LabQ colourspace (32-bit Lab)") { action x = tag Image_type.LABQ x; } LabS_item = class Menuaction (_ "Lab_S") (_ "tag as being in LabS colourspace (48-bit Lab)") { action x = tag Image_type.LABS x; } LCh_item = class Menuaction (_ "L_Ch") (_ "tag as being in LCh colourspace") { action x = tag Image_type.LCH x; } XYZ_item = class Menuaction (_ "_XYZ") (_ "tag as being in XYZ colourspace") { action x = tag Image_type.XYZ x; } Yxy_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Yxy") (_ "tag as being in Yxy colourspace") { action x = tag Image_type.YXY x; } UCS_item = class Menuaction (_ "_UCS") (_ "tag as being in UCS colourspace") { action x = tag Image_type.UCS x; } } Colour_temperature_item = class Menupullright (_ "Te_mperature") (_ "colour temperature conversions") { Whitepoint_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Move Whitepoint") (_ "change whitepoint") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; old_white = Option_enum (_ "Old whitepoint") Whitepoints "D65"; new_white = Option_enum (_ "New whitepoint") Whitepoints "D50"; _result = map_unary process x { process im = im''' { im' = colour_transform_to Image_type.XYZ im; im'' = im' * (new_white.value_thing / old_white.value_thing); im''' = colour_transform_to (get_type im) im''; } } } } D65_to_D50_item = class Menupullright (_ "D_65 to D50") (_ "complex conversion") { XYZ_minimal_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Minimal") (_ "D65 to D50 using the minimal 3x3 matrix in XYZ") { action x = map_unary process x { process im = im''' { im' = colour_transform_to Image_type.XYZ im; im'' = recomb D652D50_direct im'; im''' = colour_transform_to (get_type im) im''; } } } Bradford_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Bradford") (_ "D65 to D50 in Bradford cone space") { action x = map_unary process x { process im = im''' { im' = colour_transform_to Image_type.XYZ im; im'' = im_D652D50 im'; im''' = colour_transform_to (get_type im) im''; } } } } D50_to_D65_item = class Menupullright (_ "D_50 to D65") (_ "complex conversion") { XYZ_minimal_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Minimal") (_ "D50 to D65 using the minimal 3x3 matrix in XYZ") { action x = map_unary process x { process im = im''' { im' = colour_transform_to Image_type.XYZ im; im'' = recomb D502D65_direct im'; im''' = colour_transform_to (get_type im) im''; } } } Bradford_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Bradford") (_ "D60 to D65 in Bradford cone space") { action x = map_unary process x { process im = im''' { im' = colour_transform_to Image_type.XYZ im; im'' = im_D502D65 im'; im''' = colour_transform_to (get_type im) im''; } } } } Lab_to_D50XYZ_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Lab to D50 XYZ") (_ "Lab to XYZ with a D50 whitepoint") { action x = map_unary (colour_unary im_D50Lab2XYZ) x; } D50XYZ_to_Lab_item = class Menuaction (_ "D50 _XYZ to Lab") (_ "XYZ to Lab with a D50 whitepoint") { action x = map_unary (colour_unary im_D50XYZ2Lab) x; } sep1 = Menuseparator; CCT_item = class Menuaction (_ "Calculate temperature") (_ "estimate CCT using the McCamy approximation") { action z = map_unary temp_from_colour z; } Colour_item = Colour_new_item.CCT_colour; } Colour_icc_item = class Menupullright (_ "_ICC") (_ "transform with ICC profiles") { print_profile = "$VIPSHOME/share/$PACKAGE/data/cmyk.icm"; monitor_profile = "$VIPSHOME/share/$PACKAGE/data/sRGB.icm"; guess_profile image = print_profile, has_type image && get_type image == Image_type.CMYK && has_bands image && get_bands image >= 4 = monitor_profile; render_intents = Option_enum (_ "Render intent") Render_intent.names (_ "Absolute"); Export_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Export") (_ "export from PCS to device space") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; profile = Pathname (_ "Output profile") print_profile; intent = render_intents; depth = Option (_ "Output depth") [_ "8 bit", _ "16 bit"] 0; _result = map_unary process x { process image = icc_export [8, 16]?depth profile.value intent.value_thing lab { lab = colour_transform_to Image_type.LABQ image; } } } } Import_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Import") (_ "import from device space to PCS") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; embedded = Toggle (_ "Use embedded profile if possible") false; profile = Pathname (_ "Default input profile") (guess_profile x); intent = render_intents; _result = map_unary process x { process image = icc_import_embedded intent.value_thing image, get_header_type "icc-profile-data" image != 0 && embedded = icc_import profile.value intent.value_thing image; } } } Transform_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Transform") (_ "transform between two device spaces") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; in_profile = Pathname (_ "Input profile") (guess_profile x); out_profile = Pathname (_ "Output profile") print_profile; intent = render_intents; _result = map_unary process x { process image = icc_transform in_profile.value out_profile.value intent.value_thing image; } } } AC2RC_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Absolute to Relative") (_ "absolute to relative colorimetry using device profile") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; profile = Pathname (_ "Pick a profile") (guess_profile x); _result = map_unary process x { process image = icc_ac2rc profile.value lab { lab = colour_transform_to Image_type.LAB image; } } } } } Colour_rad_item = class Menupullright (_ "_Radiance") (_ "convert to and from Radiance packed format") { Unpack_item = class Menuaction (_ "Unpack") (_ "unpack Radiance format to float") { action x = map_unary rad2float x; } Pack_item = class Menuaction (_ "Pack") (_ "pack 3-band float to Radiance format") { action x = map_unary float2rad x; } } #separator Colour_dE_item = class Menupullright (_ "_Difference") (_ "calculate colour difference") { /* Apply a converter to an object ... convert image or colour (since * we can guess the colour space we're converting from), don't convert * matrix or vector (since we can't tell ... assume it's in the right * space already). */ apply_cvt cvt x = cvt x, is_Image x || is_Colour x || is_image x = x; diff cvt in1 in2 = abs_vec (apply_cvt cvt in1 - apply_cvt cvt in2); /* Converter to LAB. */ lab_cvt = colour_transform_to Image_type.LAB; /* Converter to UCS ... plain UCS is Ch form, so we go LAB again after * to make sure we get a rectangular coord system. */ ucs_cvt = colour_transform Image_type.LCH Image_type.LAB @ colour_transform_to Image_type.UCS; CIEdE76_item = class Menuaction (_ "CIE dE _76") (_ "calculate CIE dE 1976 for two objects") { action a b = map_binary (diff lab_cvt) a b; } CIEdE00_item = class Menuaction (_ "CIE dE _00") (_ "calculate CIE dE 2000 for two objects") { action a b = map_binary (colour_binary (_ "im_dE00_fromLab") im_dE00_fromLab) a b; } UCS_item = class Menuaction (_ "_CMC(l:l)") (_ "calculate CMC(l:l) for two objects") { action a b = map_binary (diff ucs_cvt) a b; } } Colour_adjust_item = class Menupullright (_ "_Adjust") (_ "alter colours in various ways") { Recombination_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Recombination") (_ "recombine colour with an editable matrix") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; matrix = Matrix_rec (identity_matrix (bands x)) { // try to guess a sensible value for the size of the // matrix bands x = x.bands, is_Image x || is_Colour x = x.width, is_Matrix x = bands x.value?0, is_Group x = x.bands, has_member "bands" x = 3; } _result = map_unary (recomb matrix) x; } } Cast_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Cast") (_ "displace neutral axis in CIE Lab") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; gr = Scale "Green-red" (-20) 20 0; by = Scale "Blue-yellow" (-20) 20 0; _result = map_unary adjust_cast x { adjust_cast in = colour_transform_to (get_type in) in'' { in' = colour_transform_to Image_type.LAB in; in'' = in' + Vector [0, gr.value, by.value]; } } } } HSB_item = class Menuaction (_ "_HSB") (_ "adjust hue-saturation-brightness in LCh") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; h = Scale "Hue" 0 360 0; s = Scale "Saturation" 0.01 5 1; b = Scale "Brightness" 0.01 5 1; _result = map_unary adjust_hsb x { adjust_hsb in = colour_transform_to (get_type in) in'' { in' = colour_transform_to Image_type.LCH in; in'' = in' * Vector [b.value, s.value, 1] + Vector [0, 0, h.value]; } } } } } Colour_similar_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Similar Colour") (_ "find pixels with a similar colour") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; target_colour = Colour_picker "Lab" [50, 0, 0]; t = Scale "dE threshold" 0 100 10; _result = map_unary match x { match in = abs_vec (in' - target) < t { target = colour_transform_to Image_type.LAB target_colour; in' = colour_transform_to Image_type.LAB in; } } } } #separator Colour_chart_to_matrix_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Measure Colour Chart") (_ "measure average pixel values for a colour chart image") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; pacross = Expression (_ "Patches across chart") 6; pdown = Expression (_ "Patches down chart") 4; measure = Scale (_ "Measure area (%)") 1 100 50; // get a representative image from an arg get_image x = get_image x.value?0, is_Group x = x; _im = get_image x; sample = measure_draw (to_real pacross) (to_real pdown) (to_real measure) _im; _result = map_unary chart x { chart in = measure_sample (to_real pacross) (to_real pdown) (to_real measure) in; } } } Colour_matrix_to_chart_item = class Menuaction (_ "Make Synth_etic Colour Chart") (_ "make a colour chart image from a matrix of measurements") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; pacross = Expression (_ "Patches across chart") 6; pdown = Expression (_ "Patches down chart") 4; pwidth = Expression (_ "Patch width in pixels") 50; pheight = Expression (_ "Patch height in pixels") 50; bwidth = Expression (_ "Border between patches") 0; _result = map_unary build_chart x { build_chart in = Image (imagearray_assemble (to_real bwidth) (to_real bwidth) patch_table) { // patch numbers for row starts rowstart = map (multiply (to_real pacross)) [0 .. to_real pdown - 1]; // assemble patches ... each one a pixel value patches = map (take (to_real pacross)) (map (converse drop in.value) rowstart); // make an n-band constant image from eg. [1,2,3] // we don't know the format .. use sRGB (well, why not?) patch v = image_new (to_real pwidth) (to_real pheight) (len v) Image_format.FLOAT Image_coding.NOCODING Image_type.sRGB (Vector v) 0 0; // make an image for each patch patch_table = map (map patch) patches; } } } } Colour_plot_ab_scatter_item = class Menuaction (_ "_Plot ab Scatter") (_ "plot an ab scatter histogram") { action x = class _result { _vislevel = 3; bins = Expression (_ "Number of bins on each axis") 8; _result = map_unary plot_scatter x { plot_scatter in = Image (bg * (((90 / mx) * hist) ++ blk)) { lab = colour_transform_to Image_type.LAB in.value; ab = (unsigned char) ((lab?1 ++ lab?2) + 128); hist = hist_find_nD bins.expr ab; mx = max hist; bg = lab_slice bins.expr 1; blk = 1 + im_black (to_real bins) (to_real bins) 2; } } } }