/* optional args to functions */ get_option options defaults f = error (_ "unknown parameter " ++ f), hits == [] = hits?0 { hits = [v :: [n, v] <- options ++ defaults; n == f]; } /* Various operators as functions. */ logical_and a b = a && b; logical_or a b = a || b; bitwise_and a b = a & b; bitwise_or a b = a | b; eor a b = a ^ b; left_shift a b = a << b; right_shift a b = a >> b; not a = !a; less a b = a < b; more a b = a > b; less_equal a b = a <= b; more_equal a b = a >= b; equal a b = a == b; not_equal a b = a != b; pointer_equal a b = a === b; not_pointer_equal a b = a !== b; add a b = a + b; subtract a b = a - b; multiply a b = a * b; divide a b = a / b; idivide a b = (int) ((int) a / (int) b); power a b = a ** b; square x = x * x; remainder a b = a % b; cons a b = a : b; dot a b = a . ( b ); join a b = a ++ b; // 'difference' is defined in _list subscript a b = a ? b; generate s n f = [s, n .. f]; comma r i = (r, i); compose f g = f @ g; // our only trinary operator is actually a binary operator if_then_else a x = if a then x?0 else x?1; cast_unsigned_char x = (unsigned char) x; cast_signed_char x = (signed char) x; cast_unsigned_short x = (unsigned short) x; cast_signed_short x = (signed short) x; cast_unsigned_int x = (unsigned int) x; cast_signed_int x = (signed int) x; cast_float x = (float) x; cast_double x = (double) x; cast_complex x = (complex) x; cast_double_complex x = (double complex) x; unary_minus x = -x; negate x = !x; complement x = ~x; unary_plus x = +x; // the function we call for "a -> v" expressions mksvpair s v = [s, v], is_string s = error "not str on lhs of ->"; // the vector ops ... im is an image, vec is a real_list vec op_name im vec = im_lintra_vec ones im vec, op_name == "add" || op_name == "add'" = im_lintra_vec ones (-1 * im) vec, op_name == "subtract'" = im_lintra_vec ones im inv, op_name == "subtract" = im_lintra_vec vec im zeros, op_name == "multiply" || op_name == "multiply'" = im_lintra_vec vec (1 / im) zeros, op_name == "divide'" = im_lintra_vec recip im zeros, op_name == "divide" = im_expntra_vec im vec, op_name == "power'" = im_powtra_vec im vec, op_name == "power" = im_remainderconst_vec im vec, op_name == "remainder" = im_andimage_vec im vec, op_name == "bitwise_and" || op_name == "bitwise_and'" = im_orimage_vec im vec, op_name == "bitwise_or" || op_name == "bitwise_or'" = im_eorimage_vec im vec, op_name == "eor" || op_name == "eor'" = im_equal_vec im vec, op_name == "equal" || op_name == "equal'" = im_notequal_vec im vec, op_name == "not_equal" || op_name == "not_equal'" = im_less_vec im vec, op_name == "less" = im_moreeq_vec im vec, op_name == "less'" = im_lesseq_vec im vec, op_name == "less_equal" = im_more_vec im vec, op_name == "less_equal'" = error ("unimplemented vector operation: " ++ op_name) { zeros = replicate (len vec) 0; ones = replicate (len vec) 1; recip = map (divide 1) vec; inv = map (multiply (-1)) vec; } // make a name value pair mknvpair n v = [n, v], is_string n = error "not [char] on LHS of =>"; /* Macbeth chart patch names. */ macbeth_names = [ "Dark skin", "Light skin", "Blue sky", "Foliage", "Blue flower", "Bluish green", "Orange", "Purplish blue", "Moderate red", "Purple", "Yellow green", "Orange yellow", "Blue", "Green", "Red", "Yellow", "Magenta", "Cyan", "White (density 0.05)", "Neutral 8 (density 0.23)", "Neutral 6.5 (density 0.44)", "Neutral 5 (density 0.70)", "Neutral 3.5 (density 1.05)", "Black (density 1.50)" ]; bandsplit x = oo_unary_function bandsplit_op x, is_class x = map (subscript x) [0 .. bands - 1], is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "bandsplit") { bands = get_header "Bands" x; bandsplit_op = Operator "bandsplit" (map Image @ bandsplit) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } bandjoin l = wrapper joined, has_wrapper = joined, is_listof has_image l = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "bandjoin") { has_wrapper = has_member_list (has_member "Image") l; wrapper = get_member_list (has_member "Image") (get_member "Image") l; joined = im_gbandjoin (map get_image l); } bandand x = oo_unary_function bandand_op x, is_class x = foldr1 bitwise_and (bandsplit x), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "bandand") { bandand_op = Operator "bandand" bandand Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } bandor x = oo_unary_function bandor_op x, is_class x = foldr1 bitwise_or (bandsplit x), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "bandor") { bandor_op = Operator "bandor" bandor Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } sum x = oo_unary_function sum_op x, is_class x = im_avg x * (get_width x) * (get_height x) * (get_bands x), is_image x = sum_list x, is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments (" ++ print x ++ ") to " ++ "sum") { sum_op = Operator "sum" sum Operator_type.COMPOUND false; // add elements in a nested-list thing sum_list l = foldr acc 0 l { acc x total = total + sum x, is_list x = total + x; } } product x = oo_unary_function product_op x, is_class x = product_list x, is_list x // (product image) doesn't make much sense :( = error (_ "bad arguments (" ++ print x ++ ") to " ++ "product") { product_op = Operator "product" product Operator_type.COMPOUND false; product_list l = foldr prod 1 l { prod x total = total * product x, is_list x = total * x; } } mean x = oo_unary_function mean_op x, is_class x = im_avg x, is_image x = mean_list x, is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments (" ++ print x ++ ") to " ++ "mean") { mean_op = Operator "mean" mean Operator_type.COMPOUND false; mean_list l = sum l / size l; // number of elements in some sort of nested-list thing size l = foldr acc 0 l { acc x total = total + size x, is_list x = total + 1; } } meang x = (appl (power e) @ mean @ appl log) x { appl fn x = map fn x, is_list x = fn x; } skew x = oo_unary_function skew_op x, is_class x = sum ((x - m) ** 3) / ((N - 1) * s ** 3), is_image x = sum ((Group x' - m) ** 3).value / ((N - 1) * s ** 3), is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments (" ++ print x ++ ") to " ++ "skew") { skew_op = Operator "skew" skew Operator_type.COMPOUND false; // squash any large matrix down to a flat list ... much simpler x' = x, is_image x; = flatten x; m = mean x'; s = deviation x'; w = get_width x'; h = get_height x'; b = get_bands x'; N = w * h * b, is_image x' = len x'; } kurtosis x = oo_unary_function kurtosis_op x, is_class x = sum ((x - m) ** 4) / ((N - 1) * s ** 4), is_image x = sum ((Group x' - m) ** 4).value / ((N - 1) * s ** 4), is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments (" ++ print x ++ ") to " ++ "kurtosis") { kurtosis_op = Operator "kurtosis" kurtosis Operator_type.COMPOUND false; // squash any large matrix down to a flat list ... much simpler x' = x, is_image x; = flatten x; m = mean x'; s = deviation x'; w = get_width x'; h = get_height x'; b = get_bands x'; N = len x', is_list x'; = w * h * b; } // zero-excluding mean meanze x = oo_unary_function meanze_op x, is_class x = meanze_image_hist x, is_image x && (fmt == Image_format.UCHAR || fmt == Image_format.USHORT) = meanze_image x, is_image x = meanze_list x, is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments (" ++ print x ++ ") to " ++ "meanze") { fmt = get_format x; meanze_op = Operator "meanze" meanze Operator_type.COMPOUND false; meanze_list l = sum l / size l; // number of non-zero elements in some sort of nested-list thing size l = foldr acc 0 l { acc x total = total + size x, is_list x = total + 1, x != 0; = total; } // add elements in a nested-list thing sum l = foldr acc 0 l { acc x total = total + sum x, is_list x = total + x; } // image mean, for any image type meanze_image i = sum / N { w = get_width i; h = get_height i; b = get_bands i; st = stats i; sum = st.value?0?2; // find non-zero pixels (not zero in all bands) zp = im_notequal_vec i (replicate b 0); // number of non-zero pixels N = b * (mean zp * w * h) / 255; } // image mean for 8 and 16-bit unsigned images // we can use a histogram, yay, and save a pass through the image meanze_image_hist i = sum / N { // histogram, knock out zeros hist = hist_find i; black = image_new 1 1 (get_bands hist) (get_format hist) (get_coding hist) (get_type hist) 0 0 0; histze = insert 0 0 black hist; // matching identity iden = im_identity_ushort (get_bands hist) (get_width hist), (get_width hist) > 256 = im_identity (get_bands hist); // number of non-zero pixels N = mean histze * 256; // sum of pixels sum = mean (hist * iden) * 256; } } deviation x = oo_unary_function deviation_op x, is_class x = im_deviate x, is_image x = deviation_list x, is_real_list x || is_matrix x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "deviation") { deviation_op = Operator "deviation" deviation Operator_type.COMPOUND false; deviation_list l = (abs (s2 - (s * s / n)) / (n - 1)) ** 0.5 { [n, s, s2] = sum_sum2_list l; } // return n, sum, sum of squares for a list of reals sum_sum2_list x = foldr accumulate [0, 0, 0] x { accumulate x sofar = [n + 1, x + s, x * x + s2], is_real x = [n + n', s + s', s2 + s2'], is_list x = error "sum_sum2_list: not real or [real]" { [n, s, s2] = sofar; [n', s', s2'] = sum_sum2_list x; } } } deviationze x = oo_unary_function deviationze_op x, is_class x = deviationze_image x, is_image x = deviationze_list x, is_real_list x || is_matrix x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "deviationze") { deviationze_op = Operator "deviationze" deviationze Operator_type.COMPOUND false; deviationze_list l = (abs (s2 - (s * s / n)) / (n - 1)) ** 0.5 { [n, s, s2] = sum_sum2_list l; } // return number of non-zero elements, sum, sum of squares for a list of // reals sum_sum2_list x = foldr accumulate [0, 0, 0] x { accumulate x sofar = sofar, is_real x && x == 0 = [n + 1, x + s, x * x + s2], is_real x = [n + n', s + s', s2 + s2'], is_list x = error "sum_sum2_list: not real or [real]" { [n, s, s2] = sofar; [n', s', s2'] = sum_sum2_list x; } } deviationze_image i = ((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / (N - 1)) ** 0.5 { w = get_width i; h = get_height i; b = get_bands i; st = stats i; sum = st.value?0?2; sum2 = st.value?0?3; // find non-zero pixels (not zero in all bands) zp = im_notequal_vec i (replicate b 0); // number of non-zero pixels N = b * (mean zp * w * h) / 255; } } // find the centre of gravity of a histogram gravity x = oo_unary_function gravity_op x, is_class x = im_hist_gravity x, is_hist x = gravity_list x, is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "gravity") { gravity_op = Operator "gravity" gravity Operator_type.COMPOUND false; // centre of gravity of a histogram... use the histogram to weight an // identity, then sum, then find the mean element im_hist_gravity h = m { // make horizontal h' = rot270 h, get_width h == 1 = h, get_height h == 1 = error "width or height not 1"; // number of elements w = get_width h'; // matching identity i = im_identity_ushort 1 w, w <= 2 ** 16 - 1 = make_xy w 1 ? 0; // weight identity and sum s = mean (i * h') * w; // sum of original histogram s' = mean h * w; // weighted mean m = s / s'; } gravity_list l = m { w = len l; // matching identity i = [0, 1 .. w - 1]; // weight identity and sum s = sum (map2 multiply i l); // sum of original histogram s' = sum l; // weighted mean m = s / s'; } } project x = oo_unary_function project_op x, is_class x = im_project x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "project") { project_op = Operator "project" project Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } abs x = oo_unary_function abs_op x, is_class x = im_abs x, is_image x = abs_cmplx x, is_complex x = abs_num x, is_real x = abs_list x, is_real_list x = abs_list (map abs_list x), is_matrix x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "abs") { abs_op = Operator "abs" abs Operator_type.COMPOUND false; abs_list l = (sum (map square l)) ** 0.5; abs_num n = n, n >= 0 = -n; abs_cmplx c = ((re c)**2 + (im c)**2) ** 0.5; } copy x = oo_unary_function copy_op x, is_class x = im_copy x, is_image x = x { copy_op = Operator "copy" copy Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } // like abs, but treat pixels as vectors ... ie. always get a 1-band image // back ... also treat matricies as lists of vectors // handy for dE from object difference abs_vec x = oo_unary_function abs_vec_op x, is_class x = abs_vec_image x, is_image x = abs_vec_cmplx x, is_complex x = abs_vec_num x, is_real x = abs_vec_list x, is_real_list x = mean (map abs_vec_list x), is_matrix x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "abs_vec") { abs_vec_op = Operator "abs_vec" abs_vec Operator_type.COMPOUND false; abs_vec_list l = (sum (map square l)) ** 0.5; abs_vec_num n = n, n >= 0 = -n; abs_vec_cmplx c = ((re c)**2 + (im c)**2) ** 0.5; abs_vec_image im = (sum (map square (bandsplit im))) ** 0.5; } transpose x = oo_unary_function transpose_op x, is_class x = transpose_image x, is_image x = transpose_list x, is_listof is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "transpose") { transpose_op = Operator "transpose" transpose Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; transpose_list l = [], l' == [] = (map hd l') : (transpose_list (map tl l')) { l' = takewhile (not_equal []) l; } transpose_image = im_flipver @ im_rot270; } rot45 x = oo_unary_function rot45_op x, is_class x = error "rot45 image: not implemented", is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "rot45") { rot45_op = Operator "rot45" rot45_object Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; rot45_object x = rot45_matrix x, is_odd_square_matrix x = error "rot45 image: not implemented", is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "rot45"); // slow, but what the heck rot45_matrix l = (im_rotate_dmask45 (Matrix l)).value; } // apply an image function to a [[real]] ... matrix is converted to a 1 band // image for processing apply_matrix_as_image fn m = (get_value @ im_vips2mask @ fn @ im_mask2vips @ Matrix) m; // a general image/matrix operation where the mat version is most easily done // by converting mat->image->mat apply_matim_operation name fn x = oo_unary_function class_op x, is_class x = fn x, is_image x = apply_matrix_as_image fn x, is_matrix x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ name) { class_op = Operator name (apply_matim_operation name fn) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } rot90 = apply_matim_operation "rot90" im_rot90; rot180 = apply_matim_operation "rot180" im_rot180; rot270 = apply_matim_operation "rot270" im_rot270; rotquad = apply_matim_operation "rotquad" im_rotquad; fliplr = apply_matim_operation "fliplr" im_fliphor; fliptb = apply_matim_operation "flipud" im_flipver; image_set_type type x = oo_unary_function image_set_type_op x, is_class x = im_copy_set x (to_real type) (get_header "Xres" x) (get_header "Yres" x) (get_header "Xoffset" x) (get_header "Yoffset" x), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "image_set_type:" ++ print type ++ " " ++ print x) { image_set_type_op = Operator "image_set_type" (image_set_type type) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } image_set_origin xoff yoff x = oo_unary_function image_set_origin_op x, is_class x = im_copy_set x (get_header "Type" x) (get_header "Xres" x) (get_header "Yres" x) (to_real xoff) (to_real yoff), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "image_set_origin") { image_set_origin_op = Operator "image_set_origin" (image_set_origin xoff yoff) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } cache tile_width tile_height max_tiles x = oo_unary_function cache_op x, is_class x = im_tile_cache_random x (to_real tile_width) (to_real tile_height) (to_real max_tiles), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "cache") { cache_op = Operator "cache" (cache tile_width tile_height max_tiles) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } tile across down x = oo_unary_function tile_op x, is_class x = im_replicate x (to_real across) (to_real down), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "tile") { tile_op = Operator "tile" (tile across down) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } grid tile_height across down x = oo_unary_function grid_op x, is_class x = im_grid x (to_real tile_height) (to_real across) (to_real down), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "grid") { grid_op = Operator "grid" (grid tile_height across down) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } max_pair a b = a, a > b = b; min_pair a b = a, a < b = b; range min value max = min_pair max (max_pair min value); max x = oo_unary_function max_op x, is_class x = im_max x, is_image x = max_list x, is_list x = x, is_number x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "max") { max_op = Operator "max" max Operator_type.COMPOUND false; max_list x = error "max []", x == [] = foldr1 max_pair x, is_real_list x = foldr1 max_pair (map max_list x), is_list x = max x; } min x = oo_unary_function min_op x, is_class x = im_min x, is_image x = min_list x, is_list x = x, is_number x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "min") { min_op = Operator "min" min Operator_type.COMPOUND false; min_list x = error "min []", x == [] = foldr1 min_pair x, is_real_list x = foldr1 min_pair (map min_list x), is_list x = min x; } maxpos x = oo_unary_function maxpos_op x, is_class x = im_maxpos x, is_image x = maxpos_matrix x, is_matrix x = maxpos_list x, is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "maxpos") { maxpos_op = Operator "maxpos" maxpos Operator_type.COMPOUND false; maxpos_matrix m = (-1, -1), m == [[]] = (indexes?row, row) { max_value = max (Matrix m); indexes = map (index (equal max_value)) m; row = index (not_equal (-1)) indexes; } maxpos_list l = -1, l == [] = index (equal (max l)) l; } minpos x = oo_unary_function minpos_op x, is_class x = im_minpos x, is_image x = minpos_matrix x, is_matrix x = minpos_list x, is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "minpos") { minpos_op = Operator "minpos" minpos Operator_type.COMPOUND false; minpos_matrix m = (-1, -1), m == [[]] = (indexes?row, row) { min_value = min (Matrix m); indexes = map (index (equal min_value)) m; row = index (not_equal (-1)) indexes; } minpos_list l = -1, l == [] = index (equal (min l)) l; } stats x = oo_unary_function stats_op x, is_class x = im_stats x, is_image x = im_stats (to_image x).value, is_matrix x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "stats") { stats_op = Operator "stats" stats Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } e = 2.7182818284590452354; pi = 3.14159265358979323846; rad d = 2 * pi * (d / 360); deg r = 360 * r / (2 * pi); sign x = oo_unary_function sign_op x, is_class x = im_sign x, is_image x = sign_cmplx x, is_complex x = sign_num x, is_real x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "sign") { sign_op = Operator "sign" sign Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; sign_num n = 0, n == 0 = 1, n > 0 = -1; sign_cmplx c = (0, 0), mod == 0 = (re c / mod, im c / mod) { mod = abs c; } } rint x = oo_unary_function rint_op x, is_class x = im_rint x, is_image x = rint_value x, is_number x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "rint") { rint_op = Operator "rint" rint Operator_type.ARITHMETIC false; rint_value x = (int) (x + 0.5), x > 0 = (int) (x - 0.5); } scale x = oo_unary_function scale_op x, is_class x = (unsigned char) x, is_number x = im_scale x, is_image x = scale_list x, is_real_list x || is_matrix x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "scale") { scale_op = Operator "scale" scale Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; scale_list l = apply_scale s o l { mn = find_limit min_pair l; mx = find_limit max_pair l; s = 255.0 / (mx - mn); o = -(mn * s); } find_limit fn l = find_limit fn (map (find_limit fn) l), is_listof is_list l = foldr1 fn l; apply_scale s o x = x * s + o, is_number x = map (apply_scale s o) x; } scaleps x = oo_unary_function scale_op x, is_class x = im_scaleps x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "scale") { scale_op = Operator "scaleps" scaleps Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } fwfft x = oo_unary_function fwfft_op x, is_class x = im_fwfft x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "fwfft") { fwfft_op = Operator "fwfft" fwfft Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } invfft x = oo_unary_function invfft_op x, is_class x = im_invfftr x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "invfft") { invfft_op = Operator "invfft" invfft Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } falsecolour x = oo_unary_function falsecolour_op x, is_class x = image_set_type Image_type.sRGB (im_falsecolour x), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "falsecolour") { falsecolour_op = Operator "falsecolour" falsecolour Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } polar x = oo_unary_function polar_op x, is_class x = im_c2amph x, is_image x = polar_cmplx x, is_complex x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "polar") { polar_op = Operator "polar" polar Operator_type.COMPOUND false; polar_cmplx r = (l, a) { a = 270, x == 0 && y < 0 = 90, x == 0 && y >= 0 = 360 + atan (y / x), x > 0 && y < 0 = atan (y / x), x > 0 && y >= 0 = 180 + atan (y / x); l = (x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** 0.5; x = re r; y = im r; } } rectangular x = oo_unary_function rectangular_op x, is_class x = im_c2rect x, is_image x = rectangular_cmplx x, is_complex x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "rectangular") { rectangular_op = Operator "rectangular" rectangular Operator_type.COMPOUND false; rectangular_cmplx p = (x, y) { l = re p; a = im p; x = l * cos a; y = l * sin a; } } // we can't use colour_unary: that likes 3 band only recomb matrix x = oo_unary_function recomb_op x, is_class x = im_recomb x matrix, is_image x = recomb_real_list x, is_real_list x = map recomb_real_list x, is_matrix x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "recomb") { // COMPOUND_REWRAP ... signal to the colour class to go to image and // back recomb_op = Operator "recomb" (recomb matrix) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; // process [1,2,3 ..] as an image recomb_real_list l = (to_matrix im').value?0 { im = (float) (to_image (Vector l)).value; im' = recomb matrix im; } } extract_area x y w h obj = oo_unary_function extract_area_op obj, is_class obj = im_extract_area obj x' y' w' h', is_image obj = map (extract_range x' w') (extract_range y' h' obj), is_matrix obj = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "extract_area") { x' = to_real x; y' = to_real y; w' = to_real w; h' = to_real h; extract_area_op = Operator "extract_area" (extract_area x y w h) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; extract_range from length list = (take length @ drop from) list; } extract_band b obj = subscript obj b; extract_row y obj = oo_unary_function extract_row_op obj, is_class obj = extract_area 0 y' (get_width obj) 1 obj, is_image obj = [obj?y'], is_matrix obj = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "extract_row") { y' = to_real y; extract_row_op = Operator "extract_row" (extract_row y) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } extract_column x obj = oo_unary_function extract_column_op obj, is_class obj = extract_area x' 0 1 height obj, is_image obj = map (\row [row?x']) obj, is_matrix obj = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "extract_column") { x' = to_real x; height = get_header "Ysize" obj; extract_column_op = Operator "extract_column" (extract_column x) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } blend cond in1 in2 = oo_binary_function blend_op cond [in1,in2], is_class cond = im_blend (get_image cond) (get_image in1) (get_image in2), has_image cond && has_image in1 && has_image in2 = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "blend" ++ ": " ++ join_sep ", " (map print [cond, in1, in2])) { blend_op = Operator "blend" blend_obj Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; blend_obj cond x = blend_result_image { [then_part, else_part] = x; // get things about our output from inputs in this order objects = [then_part, else_part, cond]; // properties of our output image target_width = get_member_list has_width get_width objects; target_height = get_member_list has_height get_height objects; target_bands = get_member_list has_bands get_bands objects; target_format = get_member_list has_format get_format objects; target_type = get_member_list has_type get_type objects; to_image x = to_image_size target_width target_height target_bands target_format x; [then_image, else_image] = map to_image [then_part, else_part]; blend_result_image = image_set_type target_type (im_blend cond then_image else_image); } } // do big first: we want to keep big's class, if possible // eg. big is a Plot, small is a 1x1 Image insert x y small big = oo_binary'_function insert_op small big, is_class big = oo_binary_function insert_op small big, is_class small = im_insert big small (to_real x) (to_real y), is_image small && is_image big = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "insert") { insert_op = Operator "insert" (insert x y) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } insert_noexpand x y small big = oo_binary_function insert_noexpand_op small big, is_class small = oo_binary'_function insert_noexpand_op small big, is_class big = im_insert_noexpand big small (to_real x) (to_real y), is_image small && is_image big = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "insert_noexpand") { insert_noexpand_op = Operator "insert_noexpand" (insert_noexpand x y) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } decode im = oo_unary_function decode_op im, is_class im = decode_im im, is_image im = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "decode") { decode_op = Operator "decode" decode Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; decode_im im = im_LabQ2Lab im, get_coding im == Image_coding.LABPACK = im_rad2float im, get_coding im == Image_coding.RAD = im; } measure_draw across down measure image = mark { patch_width = image.width / across; sample_width = patch_width * (measure / 100); left_margin = (patch_width - sample_width) / 2; patch_height = image.height / down; sample_height = patch_height * (measure / 100); top_margin = (patch_height - sample_height) / 2; cods = [[x * patch_width + left_margin, y * patch_height + top_margin] :: y <- [0 .. down - 1]; x <- [0 .. across - 1]]; x = map (extract 0) cods; y = map (extract 1) cods; outer = mkim [$pixel => 255] sample_width sample_height 1; inner = mkim [] (sample_width - 4) (sample_height - 4) 1; patch = insert 2 2 inner outer; bg = mkim [] image.width image.height 1; mask = Image (im_insertset bg.value patch.value x y); image' = colour_transform_to Image_type.sRGB image; mark = if mask then Vector [0, 255, 0] else image'; } measure_sample across down measure image = measures { patch_width = image.width / across; sample_width = patch_width * (measure / 100); left_margin = (patch_width - sample_width) / 2; patch_height = image.height / down; sample_height = patch_height * (measure / 100); top_margin = (patch_height - sample_height) / 2; cods = [[x * patch_width + left_margin, y * patch_height + top_margin] :: y <- [0 .. down - 1]; x <- [0 .. across - 1]]; image' = decode image; patches = map (\p extract_area p?0 p?1 sample_width sample_height image') cods; measures = Matrix (map (map mean) (map bandsplit patches)); } extract_bands b n obj = oo_unary_function extract_bands_op obj, is_class obj = im_extract_bands obj (to_real b) (to_real n), is_image obj = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "extract_bands") { extract_bands_op = Operator "extract_bands" (extract_bands b n) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } invert x = oo_unary_function invert_op x, is_class x = im_invert x, is_image x = 255 - x, is_real x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "invert") { invert_op = Operator "invert" invert Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } transform ipol wrap params image = oo_unary_function transform_op image, is_class image = im_transform image (to_matrix params) (to_real ipol) (to_real wrap), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "transform") { transform_op = Operator "transform" (transform ipol wrap params) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } transform_search max_error max_iterations order ipol wrap sample reference = oo_binary_function transform_search_op sample reference, is_class sample = oo_binary'_function transform_search_op sample reference, is_class reference = im_transform_search sample reference (to_real max_error) (to_real max_iterations) (to_real order) (to_real ipol) (to_real wrap), is_image sample && is_image reference = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "transform_search") { transform_search_op = Operator "transform_search" (transform_search max_error max_iterations order ipol wrap) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } rotate interp angle image = oo_binary_function rotate_op angle image, is_class angle = oo_binary'_function rotate_op angle image, is_class image = im_affinei_all image interp.value a (-b) b a 0 0, is_real angle && is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "rotate") { rotate_op = Operator "rotate" (rotate interp) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; a = cos angle; b = sin angle; } matrix_binary fn a b = itom (fn (mtoi a) (mtoi b)) { mtoi x = im_mask2vips (Matrix x); itom x = (im_vips2mask x).value; } join_lr a b = oo_binary_function join_lr_op a b, is_class a = oo_binary'_function join_lr_op a b, is_class b = join_im a b, is_image a && is_image b = matrix_binary join_im a b, is_matrix a && is_matrix b = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "join_lr") { join_lr_op = Operator "join_lr" join_lr Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; join_im a b = insert (get_width a) 0 b a; } join_tb a b = oo_binary_function join_tb_op a b, is_class a = oo_binary'_function join_tb_op a b, is_class b = join_im a b, is_image a && is_image b = matrix_binary join_im a b, is_matrix a && is_matrix b = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "join_tb") { join_tb_op = Operator "join_tb" join_tb Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; join_im a b = insert 0 (get_height a) b a; } conj x = oo_unary_function conj_op x, is_class x = (re x, -im x), is_complex x || (is_image x && format == Image_format.COMPLEX) || (is_image x && format == Image_format.DPCOMPLEX) // assume it's some sort of real = x { format = get_header "BandFmt" x; conj_op = Operator "conj" conj Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } clip2fmt format image = oo_unary_function clip2fmt_op image, is_class image = im_clip2fmt image (to_real format), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "clip2fmt") { clip2fmt_op = Operator "clip2fmt" (clip2fmt format) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } embed type x y w h im = oo_unary_function embed_op im, is_class im = im_embed im (to_real type) (to_real x) (to_real y) (to_real w) (to_real h), is_image im = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "embed") { embed_op = Operator "embed" (embed type x y w h) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } /* Morph a mask with a [[real]] matrix ... turn m2 into an image, morph it * with m1, turn it back to a matrix again. */ _morph_2_masks fn m1 m2 = m'' { // The [[real]] can contain 128 values ... squeeze them out! image = im_mask2vips (Matrix m2) == 255; m2_width = get_width image; m2_height = get_height image; // need to embed m2 in an image large enough for us to be able to // position m1 all around the edges, with a 1 pixel overlap image' = embed 0 (m1.width / 2) (m1.height / 2) (m2_width + (m1.width - 1)) (m2_height + (m1.height - 1)) image; // morph! image'' = fn m1 image'; // back to mask m' = im_vips2mask ((double) image''); // Turn 0 in output to 128 (don't care). m'' = map (map fn) m'.value { fn a = 128, a == 0; = a; } } dilate mask image = oo_unary_function dilate_op image, is_class image = im_dilate image (to_matrix mask), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "dilate") { dilate_op = Operator "dilate" dilate_object Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; dilate_object x = _morph_2_masks dilate mask x, is_matrix x = dilate mask x; } erode mask image = oo_unary_function erode_op image, is_class image = im_erode image (to_matrix mask), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "erode") { erode_op = Operator "erode" erode_object Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; erode_object x = _morph_2_masks erode mask x, is_matrix x = erode mask x; } conv mask image = oo_unary_function conv_op image, is_class image = im_conv image (to_matrix mask), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "conv" ++ ": " ++ "conv (" ++ print mask ++ ") (" ++ print image ++ ")") { conv_op = Operator "conv" (conv mask) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } convf mask image = oo_unary_function convf_op image, is_class image = im_conv_f image (to_matrix mask), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "convf" ++ ": " ++ "convf (" ++ print mask ++ ") (" ++ print image ++ ")") { convf_op = Operator "convf" (convf mask) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } convsep mask image = oo_unary_function convsep_op image, is_class image = im_convsep image (to_matrix mask), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "convsep") { convsep_op = Operator "convsep" (convsep mask) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } aconvsep layers mask image = oo_unary_function aconvsep_op image, is_class image = im_aconvsep image (to_matrix mask) (to_real layers), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "aconvsep") { aconvsep_op = Operator "aconvsep" (aconvsep layers mask) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } convsepf mask image = oo_unary_function convsepf_op image, is_class image = im_convsep_f image (to_matrix mask), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "convsepf") { convsepf_op = Operator "convsepf" (convsepf mask) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } rank w h n image = oo_unary_function rank_op image, is_class image = im_rank image (to_real w) (to_real h) (to_real n), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "rank") { rank_op = Operator "rank" (rank w h n) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } rank_image n x = rlist x.value, is_Group x = rlist x, is_list x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "rank_image") { rlist l = wrapper ranked, has_wrapper = ranked { has_wrapper = has_member_list (has_member "Image") l; wrapper = get_member_list (has_member "Image") (get_member "Image") l; ranked = im_rank_image (map get_image l) (to_real n); } } // find the correlation surface for a small image within a big one correlate small big = oo_binary_function correlate_op small big, is_class small = oo_binary'_function correlate_op small big, is_class big = im_spcor big small, is_image small && is_image big = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "correlate") { correlate_op = Operator "correlate" correlate Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } // just sum-of-squares-of-differences correlate_fast small big = oo_binary_function correlate_fast_op small big, is_class small = oo_binary'_function correlate_fast_op small big, is_class big = im_fastcor big small, is_image small && is_image big = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "correlate_fast") { correlate_fast_op = Operator "correlate_fast" correlate_fast Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } // set Type, wrap as Plot_hist if it's a class hist_tag x = oo_unary_function hist_tag_op x, is_class x = image_set_type Image_type.HISTOGRAM x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_tag") { hist_tag_op = Operator "hist_tag" (Plot_histogram @ hist_tag) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } hist_find x = oo_unary_function hist_find_op x, is_class x = im_histgr x (-1), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_find") { hist_find_op = Operator "hist_find" (Plot_histogram @ hist_find) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } hist_find_nD bins image = oo_unary_function hist_find_nD_op image, is_class image = im_histnD image (to_real bins), is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_find_nD") { hist_find_nD_op = Operator "hist_find_nD" (hist_find_nD bins) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } hist_find_indexed index value = oo_binary_function hist_find_indexed_op index value, is_class index = oo_binary'_function hist_find_indexed_op index value, is_class value = im_hist_indexed index value, is_image index && is_image value = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_find_indexed") { hist_find_indexed_op = Operator "hist_find_indexed" (compose (compose Plot_histogram) hist_find_indexed) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } hist_map hist image = oo_binary_function hist_map_op hist image, is_class hist = oo_binary'_function hist_map_op hist image, is_class image = im_maplut image hist, is_image hist && is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_map") { // can't use rewrap, as we want to always wrap as image hist_map_op = Operator "hist_map" (compose (compose Image) hist_map) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } hist_cum hist = oo_unary_function hist_cum_op hist, is_class hist = im_histcum hist, is_image hist = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_cum") { hist_cum_op = Operator "hist_cum" hist_cum Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } hist_diff hist = oo_unary_function hist_diff_op hist, is_class hist = im_histdiff hist, is_image hist = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_diff") { hist_diff_op = Operator "hist_diff" hist_diff Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; im_histdiff h = (conv (Matrix [[-1, 1]]) @ clip2fmt (fmt (get_format h))) h { // up the format so it can represent the whole range of // possible values from this mask fmt x = Image_format.SHORT, x == Image_format.UCHAR || x == Image_format.CHAR = Image_format.INT, x == Image_format.USHORT || x == Image_format.SHORT || x == Image_format.UINT = x; } } hist_norm hist = oo_unary_function hist_norm_op hist, is_class hist = im_histnorm hist, is_image hist = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_norm") { hist_norm_op = Operator "hist_norm" hist_norm Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } hist_inv hist = oo_unary_function hist_inv_op hist, is_class hist = inv hist, is_image hist = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_inv") { hist_inv_op = Operator "hist_inv" hist_inv Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; inv im = im_invertlut (to_matrix im''') len { // need a vertical doublemask im' = rot90 im, get_width im > 1 && get_height im == 1 = im, get_width im == 1 && get_height im > 1 = error (_ "not a hist"); len = get_height im'; // values must be scaled to 0 - 1 im'' = im' / (max im'); // add an index column on the left // again, must be in 0-1 y = ((make_xy 1 len)?1) / len; im''' = y ++ im''; } } hist_match in ref = oo_binary_function hist_match_op in ref, is_class in = oo_binary'_function hist_match_op in ref, is_class ref = im_histspec in ref, is_image in && is_image ref = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_match") { hist_match_op = Operator "hist_match" hist_match Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } hist_equalize x = hist_map ((hist_norm @ hist_cum @ hist_find) x) x; hist_equalize_local w h l image = oo_unary_function hist_equalize_local_op image, is_class image = out, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_equalize_local") { hist_equalize_local_op = Operator "hist_equalize_local" (hist_equalize_local w h l) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; [out] = vips_call "hist_local" [image, to_real w, to_real h] [$max_slope => to_real l]; } // find the threshold below which are percent of the image (percent in [0,1]) // eg. hist_thresh 0.1 x == 12, then x < 12 will light up 10% of the pixels hist_thresh percent image = x { // our own normaliser ... we don't want to norm channels separately // norm to [0,1] my_hist_norm h = h / max h; // normalised cumulative hist // we sum the channels before we normalise, because we want to treat them // all the same h = (my_hist_norm @ sum @ bandsplit @ hist_cum @ hist_find) image.value; // threshold that, then use im_profile to search for the x position in the // histogram x = mean (im_profile (h > percent) 1); } /* Sometimes useful, despite plotting now being built in, for making * diagnostic images. */ hist_plot hist = oo_unary_function hist_plot_op hist, is_class hist = im_histplot hist, is_image hist = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_plot") { hist_plot_op = Operator "hist_plot" (Image @ hist_plot) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } zerox d x = oo_unary_function zerox_op x, is_class x = im_zerox x (to_real d), is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "zerox") { zerox_op = Operator "zerox" (zerox d) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } reduce kernel xshr yshr image = oo_unary_function reduce_op image, is_class image = reduce_im image, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "reduce") { reduce_op = Operator "reduce" reduce_im Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; reduce_im im = out { [out] = vips_call "reduce" [im, xshr, yshr] [$kernel => kernel.value]; } } similarity interpolate scale angle image = oo_unary_function similarity_op image, is_class image = similarity_im image, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "similarity") { similarity_op = Operator "similarity" similarity_im Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; similarity_im im = out { [out] = vips_call "similarity" [im] [ $interpolate => interpolate.value, $scale => scale, $angle => angle ]; } } resize kernel xfac yfac image = oo_unary_function resize_op image, is_class image = resize_im image, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "resize") { resize_op = Operator "resize" resize_im Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; xfac' = to_real xfac; yfac' = to_real yfac; rxfac' = 1 / xfac'; ryfac' = 1 / yfac'; is_nn = kernel.type == Kernel_type.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR; resize_im im // upscale by integer factor, nearest neighbour = im_zoom im xfac' yfac', is_int xfac' && is_int yfac' && xfac' >= 1 && yfac' >= 1 && is_nn // downscale by integer factor, nearest neighbour = im_subsample im rxfac' ryfac', is_int rxfac' && is_int ryfac' && rxfac' >= 1 && ryfac' >= 1 && is_nn // everything else ... we just pass on to vips_resize() = vips_resize kernel xfac' yfac' im { vips_resize kernel hscale vscale im = out { [out] = vips_call "resize" [im, hscale] [$vscale => vscale, $kernel => kernel.value]; } } } sharpen radius x1 y2 y3 m1 m2 in = oo_unary_function sharpen_op in, is_class in = im_sharpen in (to_real radius) (to_real x1) (to_real y2) (to_real y3) (to_real m1) (to_real m2), is_image in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "sharpen") { sharpen_op = Operator "sharpen" (sharpen radius x1 y2 y3 m1 m2) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } tone_analyse s m h sa ma ha in = oo_unary_function tone_analyse_op in, is_class in = im_tone_analyse in (to_real s) (to_real m) (to_real h) (to_real sa) (to_real ma) (to_real ha), is_image in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "tone_analyse") { tone_analyse_op = Operator "tone_analyse" (Plot_histogram @ tone_analyse s m h sa ma ha) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; } tone_map hist image = oo_binary_function tone_map_op hist image, is_class hist = oo_binary'_function tone_map_op hist image, is_class image = im_tone_map image hist, is_image hist && is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "tone_map") { tone_map_op = Operator "tone_map" tone_map Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } tone_build fmt b w s m h sa ma ha = (Plot_histogram @ clip2fmt fmt) (im_tone_build_range mx mx (to_real b) (to_real w) (to_real s) (to_real m) (to_real h) (to_real sa) (to_real ma) (to_real ha)) { mx = Image_format.maxval fmt; } icc_export depth profile intent in = oo_unary_function icc_export_op in, is_class in = im_icc_export_depth in (to_real depth) (expand profile) (to_real intent), is_image in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "icc_export") { icc_export_op = Operator "icc_export" (icc_export depth profile intent) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } icc_import profile intent in = oo_unary_function icc_import_op in, is_class in = im_icc_import in (expand profile) (to_real intent), is_image in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "icc_import") { icc_import_op = Operator "icc_import" (icc_import profile intent) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } icc_import_embedded intent in = oo_unary_function icc_import_embedded_op in, is_class in = im_icc_import_embedded in (to_real intent), is_image in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "icc_import_embedded") { icc_import_embedded_op = Operator "icc_import_embedded" (icc_import_embedded intent) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } icc_transform in_profile out_profile intent in = oo_unary_function icc_transform_op in, is_class in = im_icc_transform in (expand in_profile) (expand out_profile) (to_real intent), is_image in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "icc_transform") { icc_transform_op = Operator "icc_transform" (icc_transform in_profile out_profile intent) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } icc_ac2rc profile in = oo_unary_function icc_ac2rc_op in, is_class in = im_icc_ac2rc in (expand profile), is_image in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "icc_ac2rc") { icc_ac2rc_op = Operator "icc_ac2rc" (icc_ac2rc profile) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } // Given a xywh rect, flip it around so wh are always positive rect_normalise x y w h = [x', y', w', h'] { x' = x + w, w < 0 = x; y' = y + h, h < 0 = y; w' = abs w; h' = abs h; } draw_flood_blob x y ink image = oo_unary_function draw_flood_blob_op image, is_class image = im_draw_flood_blob image (to_real x) (to_real y) ink, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "draw_flood_blob") { draw_flood_blob_op = Operator "draw_flood_blob" (draw_flood_blob x y ink) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } draw_flood x y ink image = oo_unary_function draw_flood_op image, is_class image = im_draw_flood image (to_real x) (to_real y) ink, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "draw_flood") { draw_flood_op = Operator "draw_flood" (draw_flood x y ink) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } /* This version of draw_rect uses insert_noexpand and will be fast, even for * huge images. */ draw_rect_width x y w h f t ink image = oo_unary_function draw_rect_width_op image, is_class image = my_draw_rect_width image (to_int x) (to_int y) (to_int w) (to_int h) (to_int f) (to_int t) ink, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "draw_rect_width") { draw_rect_width_op = Operator "draw_rect_width" (draw_rect_width x y w h f t ink) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; my_draw_rect_width image x y w h f t ink = insert x' y' (block w' h') image, f == 1 = (insert x' y' (block w' t) @ insert (x' + w' - t) y' (block t h') @ insert x' (y' + h' - t) (block w' t) @ insert x' y' (block t h')) image { insert = insert_noexpand; block w h = image_new w h (get_bands image) (get_format image) (get_coding image) (get_type image) ink' 0 0; ink' = Vector ink, is_list ink = ink; [x', y', w', h'] = rect_normalise x y w h; } } /* Default to 1 pixel wide edges. */ draw_rect x y w h f ink image = draw_rect_width x y w h f 1 ink image; /* This version of draw_rect uses the paintbox rect draw operation. It is an * inplace operation and will use bucketloads of memory. */ draw_rect_paintbox x y w h f ink image = oo_unary_function draw_rect_op image, is_class image = im_draw_rect image (to_real x) (to_real y) (to_real w) (to_real h) (to_real f) ink, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "draw_rect_paintbox") { draw_rect_op = Operator "draw_rect" (draw_rect x y w h f ink) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } draw_circle x y r f ink image = oo_unary_function draw_circle_op image, is_class image = im_draw_circle image (to_real x) (to_real y) (to_real r) (to_real f) ink, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "draw_circle") { draw_circle_op = Operator "draw_circle" (draw_circle x y r f ink) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } draw_line x1 y1 x2 y2 ink image = oo_unary_function draw_line_op image, is_class image = im_draw_line image (to_real x1) (to_real y1) (to_real x2) (to_real y2) ink, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "draw_line") { draw_line_op = Operator "draw_line" (draw_line x1 y1 x2 y2 ink) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } print_base base in = oo_unary_function print_base_op in, is_class in = map (print_base base) in, is_list in = print_base_real, is_real in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "print_base") { print_base_op = Operator "print_base" (print_base base) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; print_base_real = error "print_base: bad base", base < 2 || base > 16 = "0", in < 0 || chars == [] = reverse chars { digits = map (\x x % base) (takewhile (not_equal 0) (iterate (\x idivide x base) in)); chars = map tohd digits; tohd x = (char) ((int) '0' + x), x < 10 = (char) ((int) 'A' + (x - 10)); } } /* id x: the identity function * * id :: * -> * */ id x = x; /* const x y: junk y, return x * * (const 3) is the function that always returns 3. * const :: * -> ** -> * */ const x y = x; /* converse fn a b: swap order of args to fn * * converse fn a b == fn b a * converse :: (* -> ** -> ***) -> ** -> * -> *** */ converse fn a b = fn b a; /* fix fn x: find the fixed point of a function */ fix fn x = limit (iterate fn x); /* until pred fn n: apply fn to n until pred succeeds; return that value * * until (more 1000) (multiply 2) 1 = 1024 * until :: (* -> bool) -> (* -> *) -> * -> * */ until pred fn n = n, pred n = until pred fn (fn n); /* Infinite list of primes. */ primes = 1 : (sieve [2 ..]) { sieve l = hd l : sieve (filter (nmultiple (hd l)) (tl l)); nmultiple n x = x / n != (int) (x / n); } /* Map an n-ary function (pass the args as a list) over groups of objects. * The objects can be single objects or groups. If more than one * object is a group, we iterate for the length of the smallest group. * Don't loop over plain lists, since we want (eg.) "mean [1, 2, 3]" to work. * Treat [] as no-value --- ie. if any of the inputs are [] we put [] into the * output and don't apply the function. copy-pasted into _types, keep in sync */ map_nary fn args = fn args, groups == [] = Group (map process [0, 1 .. shortest - 1]) { // find all the group arguments groups = filter is_Group args; // what's the length of the shortest group arg? shortest = foldr1 min_pair (map (len @ get_value) groups); // process index n ... pull that member from each argument // recurse to handle application, so we work for nested groups too process n = NULL, any (map (is_noval n) args) = map_nary fn (map (extract n) args) { extract n arg = arg.value?n, is_Group arg = arg; is_noval n arg = is_Group arg && arg.value?n == NULL; } } /* Map a 1-ary function over an object. */ map_unary fn a = map_nary (list_1ary fn) [a]; /* Map a 2-ary function over a pair of objects. */ map_binary fn a b = map_nary (list_2ary fn) [a, b]; /* Map a 3-ary function over three objects. */ map_trinary fn a b c = map_nary (list_3ary fn) [a, b, c]; /* Map a 4-ary function over three objects. */ map_quaternary fn a b c d = map_nary (list_4ary fn) [a, b, c, d]; /* Same as map_nary, but for lists. Handy for (eg.) implementing arith ops on * vectors and matricies. */ map_nary_list fn args = fn args, lists == [] = map process [0, 1 .. shortest - 1] { // find all the list arguments lists = filter is_list args; // what's the length of the shortest list arg? shortest = foldr1 min_pair (map len lists); // process index n ... pull that member from each argument // recurse to handle application, so we work for nested lists too process n = map_nary_list fn (map (extract n) args) { extract n arg = arg?n, is_list arg = arg; } } map_unaryl fn a = map_nary_list (list_1ary fn) [a]; map_binaryl fn a b = map_nary_list (list_2ary fn) [a, b]; /* Remove features smaller than x pixels across from an image. This used to be * rather complex ... convsep is now good enough to use. */ smooth x image = convsep (matrix_gaussian_blur (to_real x * 2)) image; /* Chop up an image into a list of lists of smaller images. Pad edges with * black. */ imagearray_chop tile_width tile_height hoverlap voverlap i = map chop' [0, vstep .. last_y] { width = get_width i; height = get_height i; bands = get_bands i; format = get_format i; type = get_type i; tile_width' = to_real tile_width; tile_height' = to_real tile_height; hoverlap' = to_real hoverlap; voverlap' = to_real voverlap; /* Unique pixels per tile. */ hstep = tile_width' - hoverlap'; vstep = tile_height' - voverlap'; /* Number of tiles across and down. Remember the case where width == * hstep. */ across = (int) ((width - 1) / hstep) + 1; down = (int) ((height - 1) / vstep) + 1; /* top/left of final tile. */ last_x = hstep * (across - 1); last_y = vstep * (down - 1); /* How much do we need to pad by? */ sx = last_x + tile_width'; sy = last_y + tile_height'; /* Expand image with black to pad size. */ pad = embed 0 0 0 sx sy i; /* Chop up a row. */ chop' y = map chop'' [0, hstep .. last_x] { chop'' x = extract_area x y tile_width' tile_height' pad; } } /* Reassemble image. */ imagearray_assemble hoverlap voverlap il = (image_set_origin 0 0 @ foldl1 tbj @ map (foldl1 lrj)) il { lrj l r = insert (get_width l + hoverlap) 0 r l; tbj t b = insert 0 (get_height t + voverlap) b t; } /* Generate an nxn identity matrix. */ identity_matrix n = error "identity_matrix: n > 0", n < 1 = map line [0 .. n - 1] { line p = take p [0, 0 ..] ++ [1] ++ take (n - p - 1) [0, 0 ..]; } /* Incomplete gamma function Q(a, x) == 1 - P(a, x) FIXME ... this is now a builtin, until we can get a nice List class (requires overloadable ':') gammq a x = error "bad args", x < 0 || a <= 0 = 1 - gamser, x < a + 1 = gammcf { gamser = (gser a x)?0; gammcf = (gcf a x)?0; } */ /* Incomplete gamma function P(a, x) evaluated as series representation. Also * return ln(gamma(a)) ... nr in c, pp 218 */ gser a x = [gamser, gln] { gln = gammln a; gamser = error "bad args", x < 0 = 0, x == 0 = 1 // fix this { // maximum iterations maxit = 100; ap = List [a + 1, a + 2 ...]; xoap = x / ap; del = map product (prefixes xoap.value); /* del = map (multiply (1 / a)) (map product (prefixes xoap)) del = xap = iterate (multiply */ /* Generate all prefixes of a list ... [1,2,3] -> [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, * 3], [1, 2, 3, 4] ...] */ prefixes l = map (converse take l) [1..]; } } /* ln(gamma(xx)) ... nr in c, pp 214 */ gammln xx = gln { cof = [76.18009172947146, -86.50532032941677, 24.01409824083091, -1.231739572450155, 0.1208650973866179e-2, -0.5395239384953e-5]; y = take 6 (iterate (add 1) (xx + 1)); ser = 1.000000000190015 + sum (map2 divide cof y); tmp = xx + 0.5; tmp' = tmp - ((xx + 0.5) * log tmp); gln = -tmp + log (2.5066282746310005 * ser / xx); } /* make a LUT from a scatter */ buildlut x = Plot_histogram (im_buildlut x), is_Matrix x && x.width > 1 = im_buildlut (Matrix x), is_matrix x && is_list_len_more 1 x?0 = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "buildlut"); /* Linear regression. Return a class with the stuff we need in. * from s15.2, p 665 NR in C * * Also calculate R2, see eg.: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_determination */ linreg xes yes = obj { obj = class { // in case we ever get shown in the workspace _vislevel = 2; slope = sum [t * y :: [t, y] <- zip2 tes yes] / st2; intercept = (sy - sx * slope) / ss; chi2 = sum [(y - intercept - slope * x) ** 2 :: [x, y] <- zip2 xes yes]; siga = (chi2 / (ss - 2)) ** 0.5 * ((1 + sx ** 2 / (ss * st2)) / ss) ** 0.5; sigb = (chi2 / (ss - 2)) ** 0.5 * (1 / st2) ** 0.5; // for compat with linregw, see below q = 1.0; R2 = 1 - chi2 / sum [(y - my) ** 2 :: y <- yes]; } ss = len xes; sx = sum xes; sy = sum yes; my = sy / ss; sxoss = sx / ss; tes = [x - sxoss :: x <- xes]; st2 = sum [t ** 2 :: t <- tes]; } /* Weighted linear regression. Xes, yes and a list of deviations. */ linregw xes yes devs = obj { obj = class { // in case we ever get shown in the workspace _vislevel = 2; slope = sum [(t * y) / sd :: [t, y, sd] <- zip3 tes yes devs] / st2; intercept = (sy - sx * slope) / ss; chi2 = sum [((y - intercept - slope * x) / sd) ** 2 :: [x, y, sd] <- zip3 xes yes devs]; siga = ((1 + sx * sx / (ss * st2)) / ss) ** 0.5; sigb = (1 / st2) ** 0.5; q = gammq (0.5 * (len xes - 2)) (0.5 * chi2); R2 = 1 - chi2 / sum [(y - my) ** 2 :: y <- yes]; } wt = [sd ** -0.5 :: sd <- devs]; ss = sum wt; sx = sum [x * w :: [x, w] <- zip2 xes wt]; sy = sum [y * w :: [y, w] <- zip2 yes wt]; my = sy / len xes; sxoss = sx / ss; tes = [(x - sxoss) / sd :: [x, sd] <- zip2 xes devs]; st2 = sum [t ** 2 :: t <- tes]; } /* Clustering: pass in a list of points, repeatedly merge the * closest two points until no two points are closer than the threshold. * Return [merged-points, corresponding-weights]. A weight is a list of the * indexes we merged to make that point, ie. len weight == how significant * this point is. * * eg. * cluster 12 [152,154,155,42,159] == * [[155,42],[[1,2,0,4],[3]]] */ cluster thresh points = oo_unary_function cluster_op points, is_class points // can't use [0..len points - 1], in case len points == 0 = merge [points, map (converse cons []) (take (len points) [0 ..])], is_list points = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "cluster") { cluster_op = Operator "cluster" (cluster thresh) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; merge x = x, m < 2 || d > thresh = merge [points', weights'] { [points, weights] = x; m = len points; // generate indexes of all possible pairs, avoiding comparing a thing // to itself, and assuming that dist is reflexive // first index is always less than 2nd index // the +1,+2 makes sure we have an increasing generator, otherwise we // can get [3 .. 4] (for example), which will make a decreasing // sequence pairs = [[x, y] :: x <- [0 .. m - 1]; y <- [x + 1, x + 2 .. m - 1]]; // distance function // arg is eg. [3,1], meaning get distance from point 3 to point 1 dist x = abs (points?i - points?j) { [i, j] = x; } // smallest distance, then the two points we merge p = minpos (map dist pairs); d = dist pairs?p; [i, j] = pairs?p; // new point and new weight nw = weights?i ++ weights?j; np = (points?i * len weights?i + points?j * len weights?j) / len nw; // remove element i from a list remove i l = take i l ++ drop (i + 1) l; // remove two old points, add the new merged one // i < j (see "pairs", above) points' = np : remove i (remove j points); weights' = nw : remove i (remove j weights); } } /* Extract the area of an image around an arrow. * Transform the image to make the arrow horizontal, then displace by hd and * vd pxels, then cut out a bit h pixels high centered on the arrow. */ extract_arrow hd vd h arrow = extract_area (re p' + hd) (im p' - h / 2 + vd) (re pv) h im' { // the line as a polar vector pv = polar (arrow.width, arrow.height); a = im pv; // smallest rotation that will make the line horizontal a' = 360 - a, a > 270 = 180 - a, a > 90 = -a; im' = rotate Interpolate_bilinear a' arrow.image; // look at the start and end of the arrow, pick the leftmost p = (arrow.left, arrow.top), arrow.left <= arrow.right = (arrow.right, arrow.bottom); // transform that point to im' space p' = rectangular (polar p + (0, a')) + (im'.xoffset, im'.yoffset); } /* You'd think these would go in _convert, but they are not really colour ops, * so put them here. */ rad2float image = oo_unary_function rad2float_op image, is_class image = im_rad2float image, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "rad2float") { rad2float_op = Operator "rad2float" rad2float Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } float2rad image = oo_unary_function float2rad_op image, is_class image = im_float2rad image, is_image image = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "float2rad") { float2rad_op = Operator "float2rad" float2rad Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; } segment x = oo_unary_function segment_op x, is_class x = image', is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "segment") { segment_op = Operator "segment" segment Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; [image, nsegs] = im_segment x; image' = im_copy_set_meta image "n-segments" nsegs; } point a b = oo_binary_function point_op a b, is_class a = oo_binary'_function point_op a b, is_class b = im_read_point b x y, is_image b = [b?x?y], is_matrix b = [b?x], is_real_list b && y == 0 = [b?y], is_real_list b && x == 0 = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "point") { point_op = Operator "point" (\a\b Vector (point a b)) Operator_type.COMPOUND false; (x, y) = a, is_complex a; = (a?0, a?1), is_real_list a && is_list_len 2 a = error "bad position format"; } /* One image in, one out. */ system_image command x = oo_unary_function system_image_op x, is_class x = system x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "system_image") { system_image_op = Operator "system_image" (system_image command) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; system im = image_out { [image_out, log] = im_system_image (get_image im) "%s.tif" "%s.tif" command; } } /* Two images in, one out. */ system_image2 command x1 x2 = oo_binary_function system_image2_op x1 x2, is_class x1 = oo_binary'_function system_image2_op x1 x2, is_class x2 = system x1 x2, is_image x1 && is_image x2 = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "system_image2") { system_image2_op = Operator "system_image2" (system_image2 command) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; system x1 x2 = image_out { [image_out] = vips_call "system" [command] [ $in => [x1, x2], $out => true, $out_format => "%s.tif", $in_format => "%s.tif" ]; } } /* Three images in, one out. */ system_image3 command x1 x2 x3 = oo_binary_function system_image2_op x2 x3, is_class x2 = oo_binary'_function system_image2_op x2 x3, is_class x3 = system x1 x2 x3, is_image x1 && is_image x2 && is_image x3 = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "system_image3") { system_image2_op = Operator "system_image2" (system_image3 command x1) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; system x1 x2 x3 = image_out { [image_out] = vips_call "system" [command] [ $in => [x1, x2, x3], $out => true, $out_format => "%s.tif", $in_format => "%s.tif" ]; } } /* Zero images in, one out. */ system_image0 command = Image image_out { [image_out] = vips_call "system" [command] [ $out => true, $out_format => "%s.tif" ]; } hough_line w h x = oo_unary_function hough_line_op x, is_class x = hline (to_real w) (to_real h) x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hough_line") { hough_line_op = Operator "hough_line" (hough_line w h) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; hline w h x = pspace { [pspace] = vips_call "hough_line" [x] [ $width => w, $height => h ]; } } hough_circle s mn mx x = oo_unary_function hough_circle_op x, is_class x = hcircle (to_real s) (to_real mn) (to_real mx) x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hough_circle") { hough_circle_op = Operator "hough_circle" (hough_circle s mn mx) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; hcircle s mn mx x = pspace { [pspace] = vips_call "hough_circle" [x] [ $scale => s, $min_radius => mn, $max_radius => mx ]; } } mapim interp ind in = oo_binary_function mapim_op ind in, is_class ind = oo_binary'_function mapim_op ind in, is_class in = mapim_fn ind in, is_image ind && is_image in = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "mapim") { mapim_op = Operator "mapim" (mapim interp) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; mapim_fn ind im = out { [out] = vips_call "mapim" [im, ind] [$interpolate => interp]; } } perlin cell width height = Image im { [im] = vips_call "perlin" [to_real width, to_real height] [ $cell_size => to_real cell ]; } worley cell width height = Image im { [im] = vips_call "worley" [to_real width, to_real height] [ $cell_size => to_real cell ]; } gaussnoise width height mean sigma = im { [im] = vips_call "gaussnoise" [to_real width, to_real height] [ $mean => to_real mean, $sigma => to_real sigma ]; } flattenimage bg x = oo_unary_function flatten_op x, is_class x = flt (to_vector bg) x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "flattenimage") { flatten_op = Operator "flatten" (flattenimage bg) Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; flt bg x = out { [out] = vips_call "flatten" [x] [ $background => bg.value ]; } } premultiply x = oo_unary_function premultiply_op x, is_class x = prem x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "premultiply") { premultiply_op = Operator "premultiply" premultiply Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; prem x = out { [out] = vips_call "premultiply" [x] [ ]; } } unpremultiply x = oo_unary_function unpremultiply_op x, is_class x = unprem x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "unpremultiply") { unpremultiply_op = Operator "unpremultiply" unpremultiply Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; unprem x = out { [out] = vips_call "unpremultiply" [x] [ ]; } } hist_entropy x = oo_unary_function hist_entropy_op x, is_class x = entropy x, is_image x = error (_ "bad arguments to " ++ "hist_entropy") { hist_entropy_op = Operator "hist_entropy" hist_entropy Operator_type.COMPOUND_REWRAP false; entropy x = out { [out] = vips_call "hist_entropy" [x] [ ]; } }