package sros; ## ## @PACKAGE@ @VERSION@ @copyright@ # # RANCID - Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ # # - Nokia (Alcatel-Lucent) SR OS rancid procedures use 5.010; use strict 'vars'; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; require(Exporter); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); use rancid @VERSION@; our $proc; our $memoryseen; @ISA = qw(Exporter rancid main); #XXX @Exporter::EXPORT = qw($VERSION @commandtable %commands @commands); # load-time initialization sub import { 0; } # post-open(collection file) initialization sub init { $proc = ""; $memoryseen = 0; # add content lines and separators ProcessHistory("","","","#RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: $devtype\n"); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","A0","#\n"); # memory summary ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","B0","#\n"); # chassis summary ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","C0","#\n"); # show information ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","D0","#\n"); # show redundancy ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E0","#\n"); # show chassis 0; } # main loop of input of device output sub inloop { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT) = @_; my($cmd, $rval); TOP: while(<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; CMD: if (/[#]\s?logout\s*$/) { $clean_run = 1; last; } if (/^Error:/ && !(/^Error: Invalid parameter\./ || /^Error: Bad command\./)) { print STDOUT ("$host clogin error: $_"); print STDERR ("$host clogin error: $_") if ($debug); $clean_run = 0; last; } while (/[#]\s*($cmds_regexp)\s*$/) { $cmd = $1; if (!defined($prompt)) { $prompt = ($_ =~ /^[*]?([^#>]+[#])/)[0]; $prompt =~ s/([][}{)(+*\\])/\\$1/g; $prompt = "[*]?$prompt"; print STDERR ("PROMPT MATCH: $prompt\n") if ($debug); } print STDERR ("HIT COMMAND:$_") if ($debug); if (! defined($commands{$cmd})) { print STDERR "$host: found unexpected command - \"$cmd\"\n"; $clean_run = 0; last TOP; } if (! defined(&{$commands{$cmd}})) { printf(STDERR "$host: undefined function - \"%s\"\n", $commands{$cmd}); $clean_run = 0; last TOP; } # filter the modified-config indicator ("*") from the line. /^$prompt/ && s/^[*]//; $rval = &{$commands{$cmd}}($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd); delete($commands{$cmd}); if ($rval == -1) { $clean_run = 0; last TOP; } if (defined($prompt)) { if (/$prompt/) { goto CMD; } } } } } # This routine parses "file type bootlog.txt" sub BootLog { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In BootLog: $_" if ($debug); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # if file doesn't exist, return 0 return(0) if (/minor: cli could not access file/i); if (/total memory:\s+(\S+)\s+chassis type:\s+(\S+)\s+card type:\s+(\S+)/i) { next if ($memoryseen++); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","A1", "#Total memory: $1\n"); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","B1", "#Chassis type: $2\n"); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","B2", "#Card type: $3\n"); } /^chassis serial number is \'(.*)\'/i && ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","B1", "#Chassis serial number: $1\n") && next; } } # This routine parses "show bof" sub ShowBOF { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowBOF: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("BOF","","","#\n# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; /^INFO: CLI #\d+: Switching to the .* engine/ && next; /show bof/i && next; /[-=]+$/i && next; ProcessHistory("BOF","","","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "show card detail" sub ShowCardDetail { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowCardDetail: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E6","#\n# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; # humanize free space if (/^(\s+free space\s+:\s+)([0-9,]+\s+.*)/i) { my($preamble) = $1; my($space) = bytes2human(human2bytes($2)); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E6","# $preamble$space\n"); next; } # temp varies in "show card detail" next if (/^(\s+Temperature\s+:)\s+\d+C/); next if (/^(Config file|BOF) last (saved|modified)\s+:/ && ($filter_osc >= 2)); # power data if (/hardware resources .power-zone/i) { while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last TOP if (/^$prompt/); last if (/(^\s*$|^=+)/); } } /[-=]+$/i && next; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E6","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "show card state" sub ShowCardState { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowCardState: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E5","#\n# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; /[-=]+$/i && next; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E5","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "show chassis" sub ShowChassis { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowChassis: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E1","# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; /^$/i && next; # extra blank lines tr doesn't remove /[-=]+$/i && next; /^\s+type\s+:\s+(.*)/i && ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E1","# $_") && next; /^\s+serial number\s+:\s+(.*)/i && ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","B1", "#Chassis serial number: $1\n") && ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E1","# $_") && next; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E1","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "show chassis environment" sub ShowChassisEnv { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowChassisEnv: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E2","#\n# $_"); TOP: while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; # power data if (/hardware resources .power-zone/i) { while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last TOP if (/^$prompt/); last if (/(^\s*$|^=+)/); } } /speed/i && next; /[-=]+$/i && next; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E2","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "show chassis power-supply" sub ShowChassisPS { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowChassisPS: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E3","#\n# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(0) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); # cmd for 7750 SR only /\^+/i && next; return(0) if (/minor: .* unknown element/i); # cmd for 7750 SR only return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; /[-=]+$/i && next; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E3","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "show chassis power-management" sub ShowChassisPM { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowChassisPM: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E4","#\n# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(0) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); # cmd for 7950 XRS only /\^+/i && next; return(0) if (/minor: .* unknown element/i); # cmd for 7950 XRS only return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; /volts/i && next; /watts/i && next; /amps/i && next; /[-=]+$/i && next; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","E4","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "show debug" sub ShowDebug { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowDebug: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("","","","#\n# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; /^INFO: CLI #\d+: Switching to the .* engine/ && next; /show debug/i && next; ProcessHistory("","","","$_"); } } # This routine parses "show redundancy synchronization" sub ShowRedundancy { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowRedundancy: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","D2","# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); # not on 7210 SAS, return 0 return(0) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(0) if (/minor: .* synchronization is only supported/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; /[-=]+$/i && next; /standby up time/i && next; /last config file sync time/i && next; /last boot env sync time/i && next; /last rollback sync time/i && next; /last cert sync time/i && next; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","D2","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "show system information" sub ShowSystemInfo { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In ShowSystemInfo: $_" if ($debug); $_ =~ s/ +/ /; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","C1","# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); # context lines /^\[]$/i && next; /[-=]+$/i && next; /system up time/i && next; # User Last Modified : someuname # Time Last Modified : 2018/05/29 09:15:32 /(user|time) last modified/i && ($filter_osc >= 2) && next; # Changes Since Last Save: Yes /changes since last save/i && ($filter_osc >= 2) && next; /time last saved/i && ($filter_osc >= 2) && next; if (/system type\s+:\s+(.*)/i) { $proc = $1; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","B4", "#System type: $proc\n"); } if (/system version\s+:\s+(.*)/i) { $proc = $1; ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","B5", "#System version: $proc\n"); } ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","C1","# $_"); } } # This routine parses "admin display-config index" sub WriteTermIndex { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In WriteTermIndex: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("","","","#\n# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); /# (timos-|all rights reserved|built on)/i && next; /# Generated /i && next; /^#-+$/i && next; s/echo \"(.*)\"/# $1/i; next if (/^# finished \S{3} \S{3} /i); ProcessHistory("","","","$_"); } } # This routine parses "admin display-config" sub WriteTerm { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In WriteTerm: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("","","","#\n# $_"); while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); /# (timos-|all rights reserved|built on)/i && next; /# Generated /i && next; /^#-+$/i && next; s/echo \"(.*)\"/# $1/i; # password/community filtering if (/^(\s+community) "[^"]*" /) { if ($filter_commstr) { ProcessHistory("SNMPSERVERCOMM","keysort","$_", "#$1 $'") && next; } else { ProcessHistory("SNMPSERVERCOMM","keysort","$_","$_") && next; } } if (/^(\s+trap-target\s+.*)\s+(notify-community)\s+("\S+")/) { if ($filter_commstr) { ProcessHistory("","","","#$1 $2 $'") && next; } else { ProcessHistory("","","","$_") && next; } } if (/^(\s+password)\s+("\$\S+")/) { if ($filter_pwds >= 2) { ProcessHistory("","","","#$1 $'") && next; } else { ProcessHistory("","","","$_") && next; } } # end of config. if (/^# finished \S{3} \S{3} /i) { $found_end = 1; return(0); } ProcessHistory("","","","$_"); } return(0); } # This routine parses "admin show configuration" in the MD-CLI sub WriteTermMD { my($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd) = @_; print STDERR " In WriteTermMD: $_" if ($debug); ProcessHistory("","","","#\n# $_"); my($linecnt) = 0; while (<$INPUT>) { tr/\015//d; last if (/^$prompt/); next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/); next if (/^\s+\^$/); return(-1) if (/error: invalid parameter/i); return(-1) if (/minor: cli command not allowed for this user/i); /# (timos-|all rights reserved|built on)/i && next; /# Generated /i && next; /^#-+$/i && next; s/echo \"(.*)\"/# $1/i; $linecnt++; # password/community filtering if (/^(\s+community) "[^"]*" /) { if ($filter_commstr) { ProcessHistory("SNMPSERVERCOMM","","", "#$1 $'") && next; } else { ProcessHistory("SNMPSERVERCOMM","","","$_") && next; } } if (/^(\s+trap-target\s+.*)\s+(notify-community)\s+("\S+")/) { if ($filter_commstr) { ProcessHistory("","","","#$1 $2 $'") && next; } else { ProcessHistory("","","","$_") && next; } } if (/^(\s+password)\s+("\$\S+")/) { if ($filter_pwds >= 2) { ProcessHistory("","","","#$1 $'") && next; } else { ProcessHistory("","","","$_") && next; } } # end of config. if ((/^(# finished \S{3} \S{3} |\[\]\s*$)/i) && $linecnt > 5) { $found_end = 1; return(0); } ProcessHistory("","","","$_"); } return(0); } 1;