#!@PERL@ -w # Copyright (C) 2002 Stanislav Sinyagin # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Stanislav Sinyagin use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { require '@torrus_config_pl@'; } use Getopt::Long; use Torrus::ConfigTree::XMLCompiler; use Torrus::SiteConfig; use Torrus::Log; exit(1) unless Torrus::SiteConfig::verify(); our @trees; our $all_trees; our $no_ds; our $no_validation; our $force; our $debug; our $verbose; our $help_needed; my $opts_ok = GetOptions ('tree=s' => \@trees, 'all' => \$all_trees, 'nods' => \$no_ds, 'noval' => \$no_validation, 'force' => \$force, 'debug' => \$debug, 'verbose' => \$verbose, 'help' => \$help_needed); if( not $opts_ok or not (scalar(@trees) or $all_trees) or $help_needed or scalar(@ARGV) > 0 ) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 --tree=NAME [options...]\n", "Options:\n", " --tree=NAME tree name(s) to compile\n", " --all compile all trees\n", " --nods compile non-datasource configuration only\n", " --noval disable parameter validation\n", " --force force the compiler even if anoother " . "compiler process is probably running\n", " --debug set the log level to debug\n", " --verbose set the log level to info\n", " --help this help message\n"; exit 1; } if( $all_trees ) { @trees = Torrus::SiteConfig::listTreeNames(); } if( $debug ) { Torrus::Log::setLevel('debug'); } elsif( $verbose ) { Torrus::Log::setLevel('verbose'); } &Torrus::DB::setSafeSignalHandlers(); Verbose(sprintf('Torrus version %s', '@VERSION@')); our $global_ok = 1; foreach my $tree ( @trees ) { if( not Torrus::SiteConfig::treeExists( $tree ) ) { Error("Tree named \"" . $tree . "\" does not exist"); exit(1); } &Torrus::DB::checkInterrupted(); Verbose("Compiling tree: $tree"); my $ok = 1; my $compiler = new Torrus::ConfigTree::XMLCompiler( -TreeName => $tree, -NoDSRebuild => $no_ds, -ForceWriter => $force ); if( not defined( $compiler ) ) { Error('Cannot initialize compiler for tree ' . $tree . '. Exiting'); Error('If you are sure there are no other compiler processes ' . 'running, use the --force option'); $global_ok = 0; last; } my @xmlFiles = @Torrus::Global::xmlAlwaysIncludeFirst; push( @xmlFiles, Torrus::SiteConfig::listXmlFiles( $tree ) ); push( @xmlFiles, @Torrus::Global::xmlAlwaysIncludeLast ); foreach my $xmlfile ( @xmlFiles ) { if( not $compiler->compile( $xmlfile ) ) { Error($xmlfile . ' compiled with errors'); $ok = 0; } } if( not $ok ) { Error("Errors found during XML compilation in the tree named \"" . $tree . "\""); $global_ok = 0; last; } Verbose('Data post-processing...'); if( not $compiler->postProcess() ) { Error('Errors found during post-processing'); $ok = 0; } if( $no_validation ) { Verbose('Skipping data validation...'); } else { Verbose('Data validation...'); if( not $compiler->validate() ) { Error('Errors found during validation process'); $ok = 0; } } &Torrus::DB::checkInterrupted(); # Preserve the dynamic tokenset members if( not $compiler->{'first_time_created'} ) { my $oldConfig = new Torrus::ConfigTree( -TreeName => $tree ); if( defined( $oldConfig ) ) { foreach my $ts ( $oldConfig->getTsets() ) { if( $compiler->tsetExists( $ts ) ) { foreach my $member ( $oldConfig->tsetMembers( $ts ) ) { my $origin = $oldConfig->tsetMemberOrigin( $ts, $member ); if( defined( $origin ) and $origin ne 'static' ) { my $path = $oldConfig->path($member); if( $compiler->nodeExists( $path ) ) { my $token = $compiler->token( $path ); $compiler->tsetAddMember ( $ts, $token, $origin ); Verbose('Preserved dynamic tokenset member: ' . $path . ' in ' . $ts); } } } } } } undef $oldConfig; } &Torrus::DB::checkInterrupted(); $compiler->finalize( $ok ); undef $compiler; &Torrus::DB::cleanupEnvironment(); $global_ok = $ok ? $global_ok:0; } exit($global_ok ? 0:1); # Local Variables: # mode: perl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # perl-indent-level: 4 # End: