#!@PYTHON@ # Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Generator of various types of DNS data in the hex format. This script reads a human readable specification file (called "spec file" hereafter) that defines some type of DNS data (an RDATA, an RR, or a complete message) and dumps the defined data to a separate file as a "wire format" sequence parsable by the UnitTestUtil::readWireData() function (currently defined as part of libdns++ tests). Many DNS related tests involve wire format test data, so it will be convenient if we can define the data in a more intuitive way than writing the entire hex sequence by hand. Here is a simple example. Consider the following spec file: [custom] sections: a [a] as_rr: True When the script reads this file, it detects the file specifies a single component (called "section" here) that consists of a single A RDATA, which must be dumped as an RR (not only the part of RDATA). It then dumps the following content: # A RR (QNAME=example.com Class=IN(1) TTL=86400 RDLEN=4) 076578616d706c6503636f6d00 0001 0001 00015180 0004 # Address= c0000201 As can be seen, the script automatically completes all variable parameters of RRs: owner name, class, TTL, RDATA length and data. For testing purposes many of these will be the same common one (like "example.com" or, so it would be convenient if we only have to specify non default parameters. To change the RDATA (i.e., the IPv4 address), we should add the following line at the end of the spec file: address: Then the last two lines of the output file will be as follows: # Address= c0000202 In some cases we would rather specify malformed data for tests. This script has the ability to specify broken parameters for many types of data. For example, we can generate data that would look like an A RR but the RDLEN is 3 by adding the following line to the spec file: rdlen: 3 Then the first two lines of the output file will be as follows: # A RR (QNAME=example.com Class=IN(1) TTL=86400 RDLEN=3) 076578616d706c6503636f6d00 0001 0001 00015180 0003 ** USAGE ** gen_wiredata.py [-o output_file] spec_file If the -o option is missing, and if the spec_file has a suffix (such as in the form of "data.spec"), the output file name will be the prefix part of it (as in "data"); if -o is missing and the spec_file does not have a suffix, the script will fail. ** SPEC FILE SYNTAX ** A spec file accepted in this script should be in the form of a configuration file that is parsable by the Python's standard configparser module. In short, it consists of sections; each section is identified in the form of [section_name] followed by "name: value" entries. Lines beginning with # or ; will be treated as comments. Refer to the configparser module documentation for further details of the general syntax. This script has two major modes: the custom mode and the DNS query mode. The former generates an arbitrary combination of DNS message header, question section, RDATAs or RRs. It is mainly intended to generate a test data for a single type of RDATA or RR, or for complicated complete DNS messages. The DNS query mode is actually a special case of the custom mode, which is a shortcut to generate a simple DNS query message (with or without EDNS). * Custom mode syntax * By default this script assumes the DNS query mode. To specify the custom mode, there must be a special "custom" section in the spec file, which should contain 'sections' entry. This value of this entryis colon-separated string fields, each of which is either "header", "question", "edns", "name", or a string specifying an RR type. For RR types the string is lower-cased string mnemonic that identifies the type: 'a' for type A, 'ns' for type NS, and so on (note: in the current implementation it's case sensitive, and must be lower cased). Each of these fields is interpreted as a section name of the spec (configuration), and in that section parameters specific to the semantics of the field can be configured. A "header" section specifies the content of a DNS message header. See the documentation of the DNSHeader class of this module for configurable parameters. A "question" section specifies the content of a single question that is normally to be placed in the Question section of a DNS message. See the documentation of the DNSQuestion class of this module for configurable parameters. An "edns" section specifies the content of an EDNS OPT RR. See the documentation of the EDNS class of this module for configurable parameters. A "name" section specifies a domain name with or without compression. This is specifically intended to be used for testing name related functionalities and would rarely be used with other sections. See the documentation of the Name class of this module for configurable parameters. In a specific section for an RR or RDATA, possible entries depend on the type. But there are some common configurable entries. See the description of the RR class. The most important one would be "as_rr". It controls whether the entry should be treated as an RR (with name, type, class and TTL) or only as an RDATA. By default as_rr is "False", so if an entry is to be interpreted as an RR, an as_rr entry must be explicitly specified with a value of "True". Another common entry is "rdlen". It specifies the RDLEN field value of the RR (note: this is included when the entry is interpreted as RDATA, too). By default this value is automatically determined by the RR type and (it has a variable length) from other fields of RDATA, but as shown in the above example, it can be explicitly set, possibly to a bogus value for testing against invalid data. For type specific entries (and their defaults when provided), see the documentation of the corresponding Python class defined in this module. In general, there should be a class named the same mnemonic of the corresponding RR type for each supported type, and they are a subclass of the RR class. For example, the "NS" class is defined for RR type NS. Look again at the A RR example shown at the beginning of this description. There's a "custom" section, which consists of a "sections" entry whose value is a single "a", which means the data to be generated is an A RR or RDATA. There's a corresponding "a" section, which only specifies that it should be interpreted as an RR (all field values of the RR are derived from the default). If you want to generate a data sequence for two ore more RRs or RDATAs, you can specify them in the form of colon-separated fields for the "sections" entry. For example, to generate a sequence of A and NS RRs in that order, the "custom" section would be something like this: [custom] sections: a:ns and there must be an "ns" section in addition to "a". If a sequence of two or more RRs/RDATAs of the same RR type should be generated, these should be uniquely indexed with the "/" separator. For example, to generate two A RRs, the "custom" section would be as follows: [custom] sections: a/1:a/2 and there must be "a/1" and "a/2" sections. Another practical example that would be used for many tests is to generate data for a complete DNS response message. The spec file of such an example configuration would look like as follows: [custom] sections: header:question:a [header] qr: 1 ancount: 1 [question] [a] as_rr: True With this configuration, this script will generate test data for a DNS response to a query for example.com/IN/A containing one corresponding A RR in the answer section. * DNS query mode syntax * If the spec file does not contain a "custom" section (that has a "sections" entry), this script assumes the DNS query mode. This mode is actually a special case of custom mode; it implicitly assumes the "sections" entry whose value is "header:question:edns". In this mode it is expected that the spec file also contains at least a "header" and "question" sections, and optionally an "edns" section. But the script does not warn or fail even if the expected sections are missing. * Entry value types * As described above, a section of the spec file accepts entries specific to the semantics of the section. They generally correspond to DNS message or RR fields. Many of them are expected to be integral values, for which either decimal or hexadecimal representation is accepted, for example: rr_ttl: 3600 tag: 0x1234 Some others are expected to be string. A string value does not have to be quoted: address: but can also be quoted with single quotes: address: '' Note 1: a string that can be interpreted as an integer must be quoted. For example, if you want to set a "string" entry to "3600", it should be: string: '3600' instead of string: 3600 Note 2: a string enclosed with double quotes is not accepted: # This doesn't work: address: "" In general, string values are converted to hexadecimal sequences according to the semantics of the entry. For instance, a textual IPv4 address in the above example will be converted to a hexadecimal sequence corresponding to a 4-byte integer. So, in many cases, the acceptable syntax for a particular string entry value should be obvious from the context. There are still some exceptional cases especially for complicated RR field values, for which the corresponding class documentation should be referenced. One special string syntax that would be worth noting is domain names, which would naturally be used in many kinds of entries. The simplest form of acceptable syntax is a textual representation of domain names such as "example.com" (note: names are always assumed to be "absolute", so the trailing dot can be omitted). But a domain name in the wire format can also contain a compression pointer. This script provides a simple support for name compression with a special notation of "ptr=nn" where nn is the numeric pointer value (decimal). For example, if the NSDNAME field of an NS RDATA is specified as follows: nsname: ns.ptr=12 this script will generate the following output: # NS name=ns.ptr=12 026e73c00c ** EXTEND THE SCRIPT ** This script is expected to be extended as we add more support for various types of RR. It is encouraged to add support for a new type of RR to this script as we see the need for testing that type. Here is a simple instruction of how to do that. Assume you are adding support for "FOO" RR. Also assume that the FOO RDATA contains a single field named "value". What you are expected to do is as follows: - Define a new class named "FOO" inherited from the RR class. Also define a class variable named "value" for the FOO RDATA field (the variable name can be different from the field name, but it's convenient if it can be easily identifiable.) with an appropriate default value (if possible): class FOO(RR): value = 10 The name of the variable will be (automatically) used as the corresponding entry name in the spec file. So, a spec file that sets this field to 20 would look like this: [foo] value: 20 - Define the "dump()" method for class FOO. It must call self.dump_header() (which is derived from class RR) at the beginning. It then prints the RDATA field values in an appropriate way. Assuming the value is a 16-bit integer field, a complete dump() method would look like this: def dump(self, f): if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = 2 self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# Value=%d\\n' % (self.value)) f.write('%04x\\n' % (self.value)) The first f.write() call is not mandatory, but is encouraged to be provided so that the generated files will be more human readable. Depending on the complexity of the RDATA fields, the dump() implementation would be more complicated. In particular, if the RDATA length is variable and the RDLEN field value is not specified in the spec file, the dump() method is normally expected to calculate the correct length and pass it to dump_header(). See the implementation of various derived classes of class RR for actual examples. """ import configparser, re, time, socket, sys, base64 from datetime import datetime from optparse import OptionParser re_hex = re.compile(r'^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+') re_decimal = re.compile(r'^\d+$') re_string = re.compile(r"\'(.*)\'$") dnssec_timefmt = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' dict_qr = { 'query' : 0, 'response' : 1 } dict_opcode = { 'query' : 0, 'iquery' : 1, 'status' : 2, 'notify' : 4, 'update' : 5 } rdict_opcode = dict([(dict_opcode[k], k.upper()) for k in dict_opcode.keys()]) dict_rcode = { 'noerror' : 0, 'formerr' : 1, 'servfail' : 2, 'nxdomain' : 3, 'notimp' : 4, 'refused' : 5, 'yxdomain' : 6, 'yxrrset' : 7, 'nxrrset' : 8, 'notauth' : 9, 'notzone' : 10 } rdict_rcode = dict([(dict_rcode[k], k.upper()) for k in dict_rcode.keys()]) dict_rrtype = { 'none' : 0, 'a' : 1, 'ns' : 2, 'md' : 3, 'mf' : 4, 'cname' : 5, 'soa' : 6, 'mb' : 7, 'mg' : 8, 'mr' : 9, 'null' : 10, 'wks' : 11, 'ptr' : 12, 'hinfo' : 13, 'minfo' : 14, 'mx' : 15, 'txt' : 16, 'rp' : 17, 'afsdb' : 18, 'x25' : 19, 'isdn' : 20, 'rt' : 21, 'nsap' : 22, 'nsap_tr' : 23, 'sig' : 24, 'key' : 25, 'px' : 26, 'gpos' : 27, 'aaaa' : 28, 'loc' : 29, 'nxt' : 30, 'srv' : 33, 'naptr' : 35, 'kx' : 36, 'cert' : 37, 'a6' : 38, 'dname' : 39, 'opt' : 41, 'apl' : 42, 'ds' : 43, 'sshfp' : 44, 'ipseckey' : 45, 'rrsig' : 46, 'nsec' : 47, 'dnskey' : 48, 'dhcid' : 49, 'nsec3' : 50, 'nsec3param' : 51, 'tlsa' : 52, 'hip' : 55, 'spf' : 99, 'unspec' : 103, 'tkey' : 249, 'tsig' : 250, 'dlv' : 32769, 'ixfr' : 251, 'axfr' : 252, 'mailb' : 253, 'maila' : 254, 'any' : 255, 'caa' : 257 } rdict_rrtype = dict([(dict_rrtype[k], k.upper()) for k in dict_rrtype.keys()]) dict_rrclass = { 'in' : 1, 'ch' : 3, 'hs' : 4, 'any' : 255 } rdict_rrclass = dict([(dict_rrclass[k], k.upper()) for k in \ dict_rrclass.keys()]) dict_algorithm = { 'rsamd5' : 1, 'dh' : 2, 'dsa' : 3, 'ecc' : 4, 'rsasha1' : 5 } dict_nsec3_algorithm = { 'reserved' : 0, 'sha1' : 1 } rdict_algorithm = dict([(dict_algorithm[k], k.upper()) for k in \ dict_algorithm.keys()]) rdict_nsec3_algorithm = dict([(dict_nsec3_algorithm[k], k.upper()) for k in \ dict_nsec3_algorithm.keys()]) header_xtables = { 'qr' : dict_qr, 'opcode' : dict_opcode, 'rcode' : dict_rcode } question_xtables = { 'rrtype' : dict_rrtype, 'rrclass' : dict_rrclass } def parse_value(value, xtable = {}): if re.search(re_hex, value): return int(value, 16) if re.search(re_decimal, value): return int(value) m = re.match(re_string, value) if m: return m.group(1) lovalue = value.lower() if lovalue in xtable: return xtable[lovalue] return value def code_totext(code, dict): if code in dict.keys(): return dict[code] + '(' + str(code) + ')' return str(code) def encode_name(name, absolute=True): # make sure the name is dot-terminated. duplicate dots will be ignored # below. name += '.' labels = name.split('.') wire = '' for l in labels: if len(l) > 4 and l[0:4] == 'ptr=': # special meta-syntax for compression pointer wire += '%04x' % (0xc000 | int(l[4:])) break if absolute or len(l) > 0: wire += '%02x' % len(l) wire += ''.join(['%02x' % ord(ch) for ch in l]) if len(l) == 0: break return wire def encode_string(name, len=None): if type(name) is int and len is not None: return '%0.*x' % (len * 2, name) return ''.join(['%02x' % ord(ch) for ch in name]) def encode_bytes(name, len=None): if type(name) is int and len is not None: return '%0.*x' % (len * 2, name) return ''.join(['%02x' % ch for ch in name]) def count_namelabels(name): if name == '.': # special case return 0 m = re.match('^(.*)\.$', name) if m: name = m.group(1) return len(name.split('.')) def get_config(config, section, configobj, xtables = {}): try: for field in config.options(section): value = config.get(section, field) if field in xtables.keys(): xtable = xtables[field] else: xtable = {} configobj.__dict__[field] = parse_value(value, xtable) except configparser.NoSectionError: return False return True def print_header(f, input_file): f.write('''### ### This data file was auto-generated from ''' + input_file + ''' ### ''') class Name: '''Implements rendering a single domain name in the test data format. Configurable parameter is as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - name (string): A textual representation of the name, such as 'example.com'. - pointer (int): If specified, compression pointer will be prepended to the generated data with the offset being the value of this parameter. ''' name = 'example.com' pointer = None # no compression by default def dump(self, f): name = self.name if self.pointer is not None: if len(name) > 0 and name[-1] != '.': name += '.' name += 'ptr=%d' % self.pointer name_wire = encode_name(name) f.write('\n# DNS Name: %s' % self.name) if self.pointer is not None: f.write(' + compression pointer: %d' % self.pointer) f.write('\n') f.write('%s' % name_wire) f.write('\n') class DNSHeader: '''Implements rendering a DNS Header section in the test data format. Configurable parameter is as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - id (16-bit int): - qr, aa, tc, rd, ra, ad, cd (0 or 1): Standard header bits as defined in RFC1035 and RFC4035. If set to 1, the corresponding bit will be set; if set to 0, it will be cleared. - mbz (0-3): The reserved field of the 3rd and 4th octets of the header. - rcode (4-bit int or string): The RCODE field. If specified as a string, it must be the commonly used textual mnemonic of the RCODEs (NOERROR, FORMERR, etc, case insensitive). - opcode (4-bit int or string): The OPCODE field. If specified as a string, it must be the commonly used textual mnemonic of the OPCODEs (QUERY, NOTIFY, etc, case insensitive). - qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount (16-bit int): The QD/AN/NS/AR COUNT fields, respectively. ''' id = 0x1035 (qr, aa, tc, rd, ra, ad, cd) = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 mbz = 0 rcode = 0 # noerror opcode = 0 # query (qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount) = 1, 0, 0, 0 def dump(self, f): f.write('\n# Header Section\n') f.write('# ID=' + str(self.id)) f.write(' QR=' + ('Response' if self.qr else 'Query')) f.write(' Opcode=' + code_totext(self.opcode, rdict_opcode)) f.write(' Rcode=' + code_totext(self.rcode, rdict_rcode)) f.write('%s' % (' AA' if self.aa else '')) f.write('%s' % (' TC' if self.tc else '')) f.write('%s' % (' RD' if self.rd else '')) f.write('%s' % (' AD' if self.ad else '')) f.write('%s' % (' CD' if self.cd else '')) f.write('\n') f.write('%04x ' % self.id) flag_and_code = 0 flag_and_code |= (self.qr << 15 | self.opcode << 14 | self.aa << 10 | self.tc << 9 | self.rd << 8 | self.ra << 7 | self.mbz << 6 | self.ad << 5 | self.cd << 4 | self.rcode) f.write('%04x\n' % flag_and_code) f.write('# QDCNT=%d, ANCNT=%d, NSCNT=%d, ARCNT=%d\n' % (self.qdcount, self.ancount, self.nscount, self.arcount)) f.write('%04x %04x %04x %04x\n' % (self.qdcount, self.ancount, self.nscount, self.arcount)) class DNSQuestion: '''Implements rendering a DNS question in the test data format. Configurable parameter is as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - name (string): The QNAME. The string must be interpreted as a valid domain name. - rrtype (int or string): The question type. If specified as an integer, it must be the 16-bit RR type value of the covered type. If specified as a string, it must be the textual mnemonic of the type. - rrclass (int or string): The question class. If specified as an integer, it must be the 16-bit RR class value of the covered type. If specified as a string, it must be the textual mnemonic of the class. ''' name = 'example.com.' rrtype = parse_value('A', dict_rrtype) rrclass = parse_value('IN', dict_rrclass) def dump(self, f): f.write('\n# Question Section\n') f.write('# QNAME=%s QTYPE=%s QCLASS=%s\n' % (self.name, code_totext(self.rrtype, rdict_rrtype), code_totext(self.rrclass, rdict_rrclass))) f.write(encode_name(self.name)) f.write(' %04x %04x\n' % (self.rrtype, self.rrclass)) class EDNS: '''Implements rendering EDNS OPT RR in the test data format. Configurable parameter is as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - name (string): The owner name of the OPT RR. The string must be interpreted as a valid domain name. - udpsize (16-bit int): The UDP payload size (set as the RR class) - extrcode (8-bit int): The upper 8 bits of the extended RCODE. - version (8-bit int): The EDNS version. - do (int): The DNSSEC DO bit. The bit will be set if this value is 1; otherwise the bit will be unset. - mbz (15-bit int): The rest of the flags field. - rdlen (16-bit int): The RDLEN field. Note: right now specifying a non 0 value (except for making bogus data) doesn't make sense because there is no way to configure RDATA. ''' name = '.' udpsize = 4096 extrcode = 0 version = 0 do = 0 mbz = 0 rdlen = 0 def dump(self, f): f.write('\n# EDNS OPT RR\n') f.write('# NAME=%s TYPE=%s UDPSize=%d ExtRcode=%s Version=%s DO=%d\n' % (self.name, code_totext(dict_rrtype['opt'], rdict_rrtype), self.udpsize, self.extrcode, self.version, 1 if self.do else 0)) code_vers = (self.extrcode << 8) | (self.version & 0x00ff) extflags = (self.do << 15) | (self.mbz & ~0x8000) f.write('%s %04x %04x %04x %04x\n' % (encode_name(self.name), dict_rrtype['opt'], self.udpsize, code_vers, extflags)) f.write('# RDLEN=%d\n' % self.rdlen) f.write('%04x\n' % self.rdlen) class RR: '''This is a base class for various types of RR test data. For each RR type (A, AAAA, NS, etc), we define a derived class of RR to dump type specific RDATA parameters. This class defines parameters common to all types of RDATA, namely the owner name, RR class and TTL. The dump() method of derived classes are expected to call dump_header(), whose default implementation is provided in this class. This method decides whether to dump the test data as an RR (with name, type, class) or only as RDATA (with its length), and dumps the corresponding data via the specified file object. By convention we assume derived classes are named after the common standard mnemonic of the corresponding RR types. For example, the derived class for the RR type SOA should be named "SOA". Configurable parameters are as follows: - as_rr (bool): Whether or not the data is to be dumped as an RR. False by default. - rr_name (string): The owner name of the RR. The string must be interpreted as a valid domain name (compression pointer can be contained). Default is 'example.com.' - rr_class (string): The RR class of the data. Only meaningful when the data is dumped as an RR. Default is 'IN'. - rr_ttl (int): The TTL value of the RR. Only meaningful when the data is dumped as an RR. Default is 86400 (1 day). - rdlen (int): 16-bit RDATA length. It can be None (i.e. omitted in the spec file), in which case the actual length of the generated RDATA is automatically determined and used; if negative, the RDLEN field will be omitted from the output data. (Note that omitting RDLEN with as_rr being True is mostly meaningless, although the script doesn't complain about it). Default is None. ''' def __init__(self): self.as_rr = False # only when as_rr is True, same for class/TTL: self.rr_name = 'example.com' self.rr_class = 'IN' self.rr_ttl = 86400 self.rdlen = None def dump_header(self, f, rdlen): type_txt = self.__class__.__name__ type_code = parse_value(type_txt, dict_rrtype) rdlen_spec = '' rdlen_data = '' if rdlen >= 0: rdlen_spec = ', RDLEN=%d' % rdlen rdlen_data = '%04x' % rdlen if self.as_rr: rrclass = parse_value(self.rr_class, dict_rrclass) f.write('\n# %s RR (QNAME=%s Class=%s TTL=%d%s)\n' % (type_txt, self.rr_name, code_totext(rrclass, rdict_rrclass), self.rr_ttl, rdlen_spec)) f.write('%s %04x %04x %08x %s\n' % (encode_name(self.rr_name), type_code, rrclass, self.rr_ttl, rdlen_data)) else: f.write('\n# %s RDATA%s\n' % (type_txt, rdlen_spec)) f.write('%s\n' % rdlen_data) class A(RR): '''Implements rendering A RDATA (of class IN) in the test data format. Configurable parameter is as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - address (string): The address field. This must be a valid textual IPv4 address. ''' RDLEN_DEFAULT = 4 # fixed by default address = '' def dump(self, f): if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = self.RDLEN_DEFAULT self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# Address=%s\n' % (self.address)) bin_address = socket.inet_aton(self.address) f.write('%02x%02x%02x%02x\n' % (bin_address[0], bin_address[1], bin_address[2], bin_address[3])) class AAAA(RR): '''Implements rendering AAAA RDATA (of class IN) in the test data format. Configurable parameter is as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - address (string): The address field. This must be a valid textual IPv6 address. ''' RDLEN_DEFAULT = 16 # fixed by default address = '2001:db8::1' def dump(self, f): if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = self.RDLEN_DEFAULT self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# Address=%s\n' % (self.address)) bin_address = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.address) [f.write('%02x' % x) for x in bin_address] f.write('\n') class NS(RR): '''Implements rendering NS RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameter is as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - nsname (string): The NSDNAME field. The string must be interpreted as a valid domain name. ''' nsname = 'ns.example.com' def dump(self, f): nsname_wire = encode_name(self.nsname) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = len(nsname_wire) / 2 self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# NS name=%s\n' % (self.nsname)) f.write('%s\n' % nsname_wire) class SOA(RR): '''Implements rendering SOA RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - mname/rname (string): The MNAME/RNAME fields, respectively. The string must be interpreted as a valid domain name. - serial (32-bit int): The SERIAL field - refresh (32-bit int): The REFRESH field - retry (32-bit int): The RETRY field - expire (32-bit int): The EXPIRE field - minimum (32-bit int): The MINIMUM field ''' mname = 'ns.example.com' rname = 'root.example.com' serial = 2010012601 refresh = 3600 retry = 300 expire = 3600000 minimum = 1200 def dump(self, f): mname_wire = encode_name(self.mname) rname_wire = encode_name(self.rname) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = int(20 + len(mname_wire) / 2 + len(str(rname_wire)) / 2) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# NNAME=%s RNAME=%s\n' % (self.mname, self.rname)) f.write('%s %s\n' % (mname_wire, rname_wire)) f.write('# SERIAL(%d) REFRESH(%d) RETRY(%d) EXPIRE(%d) MINIMUM(%d)\n' % (self.serial, self.refresh, self.retry, self.expire, self.minimum)) f.write('%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n' % (self.serial, self.refresh, self.retry, self.expire, self.minimum)) class TXT(RR): '''Implements rendering TXT RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - nstring (int): number of character-strings - stringlenN (int) (int, N = 0, ..., nstring-1): the length of the N-th character-string. - stringN (string, N = 0, ..., nstring-1): the N-th character-string. - stringlen (int): the default string. If nstring >= 1 and the corresponding stringlenN isn't specified in the spec file, this value will be used. If this parameter isn't specified either, the length of the string will be used. Note that it means this parameter (or any stringlenN) doesn't have to be specified unless you want to intentionally build a broken character string. - string (string): the default string. If nstring >= 1 and the corresponding stringN isn't specified in the spec file, this string will be used. ''' nstring = 1 stringlen = None string = 'Test-String' def dump(self, f): stringlen_list = [] string_list = [] wirestring_list = [] for i in range(0, self.nstring): key_string = 'string' + str(i) if key_string in self.__dict__: string_list.append(self.__dict__[key_string]) else: string_list.append(self.string) wirestring_list.append(encode_string(string_list[-1])) key_stringlen = 'stringlen' + str(i) if key_stringlen in self.__dict__: stringlen_list.append(self.__dict__[key_stringlen]) else: stringlen_list.append(self.stringlen) if stringlen_list[-1] is None: stringlen_list[-1] = int(len(wirestring_list[-1]) / 2) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = int(len(''.join(wirestring_list)) / 2) + self.nstring self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) for i in range(0, self.nstring): f.write('# String Len=%d, String=\"%s\"\n' % (stringlen_list[i], string_list[i])) f.write('%02x%s%s\n' % (stringlen_list[i], ' ' if len(wirestring_list[i]) > 0 else '', wirestring_list[i])) class RP(RR): '''Implements rendering RP RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - mailbox (string): The mailbox field. - text (string): The text field. These strings must be interpreted as a valid domain name. ''' mailbox = 'root.example.com' text = 'rp-text.example.com' def dump(self, f): mailbox_wire = encode_name(self.mailbox) text_wire = encode_name(self.text) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = (len(mailbox_wire) + len(text_wire)) / 2 else: self.rdlen = int(self.rdlen) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# MAILBOX=%s TEXT=%s\n' % (self.mailbox, self.text)) f.write('%s %s\n' % (mailbox_wire, text_wire)) class SSHFP(RR): '''Implements rendering SSHFP RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - algorithm (int): The algorithm number. - fingerprint_type (int): The fingerprint type. - fingerprint (string): The fingerprint. ''' algorithm = 2 fingerprint_type = 1 fingerprint = '123456789abcdef67890123456789abcdef67890' def dump(self, f): if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = 2 + (len(self.fingerprint) / 2) else: self.rdlen = int(self.rdlen) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# ALGORITHM=%d FINGERPRINT_TYPE=%d FINGERPRINT=%s\n' % (self.algorithm, self.fingerprint_type, self.fingerprint)) f.write('%02x %02x %s\n' % (self.algorithm, self.fingerprint_type, self.fingerprint)) class MINFO(RR): '''Implements rendering MINFO RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - rmailbox (string): The rmailbox field. - emailbox (string): The emailbox field. These strings must be interpreted as a valid domain name. ''' rmailbox = 'rmailbox.example.com' emailbox = 'emailbox.example.com' def dump(self, f): rmailbox_wire = encode_name(self.rmailbox) emailbox_wire = encode_name(self.emailbox) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = (len(rmailbox_wire) + len(emailbox_wire)) / 2 else: self.rdlen = int(self.rdlen) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# RMAILBOX=%s EMAILBOX=%s\n' % (self.rmailbox, self.emailbox)) f.write('%s %s\n' % (rmailbox_wire, emailbox_wire)) class AFSDB(RR): '''Implements rendering AFSDB RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - subtype (16 bit int): The subtype field. - server (string): The server field. The string must be interpreted as a valid domain name. ''' subtype = 1 server = 'afsdb.example.com' def dump(self, f): server_wire = encode_name(self.server) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = 2 + len(server_wire) / 2 else: self.rdlen = int(self.rdlen) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# SUBTYPE=%d SERVER=%s\n' % (self.subtype, self.server)) f.write('%04x %s\n' % (self.subtype, server_wire)) class CAA(RR): '''Implements rendering CAA RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - flags (int): The flags field. - tag (string): The tag field. - value (string): The value field. ''' flags = 0 tag = 'issue' value = 'ca.example.net' def dump(self, f): if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = 1 + 1 + len(self.tag) + len(self.value) else: self.rdlen = int(self.rdlen) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# FLAGS=%d TAG=%s VALUE=%s\n' % \ (self.flags, self.tag, self.value)) f.write('%02x %02x ' % \ (self.flags, len(self.tag))) f.write(encode_string(self.tag)) f.write(encode_string(self.value)) f.write('\n') class DNSKEY(RR): '''Implements rendering DNSKEY RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see code below for the default values): - flags (16-bit int): The flags field. - protocol (8-bit int): The protocol field. - algorithm (8-bit int): The algorithm field. - digest (string): The key digest field. ''' flags = 257 protocol = 3 algorithm = 5 digest = 'AAECAwQFBgcICQoLDA0ODw==' def dump(self, f): decoded_digest = base64.b64decode(bytes(self.digest, 'ascii')) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = 4 + len(decoded_digest) else: self.rdlen = int(self.rdlen) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# FLAGS=%d\n' % (self.flags)) f.write('%04x\n' % (self.flags)) f.write('# PROTOCOL=%d\n' % (self.protocol)) f.write('%02x\n' % (self.protocol)) f.write('# ALGORITHM=%d\n' % (self.algorithm)) f.write('%02x\n' % (self.algorithm)) f.write('# DIGEST=%s\n' % (self.digest)) f.write('%s\n' % (encode_bytes(decoded_digest))) class NSECBASE(RR): '''Implements rendering NSEC/NSEC3 type bitmaps commonly used for these RRs. The NSEC and NSEC3 classes will be inherited from this class. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - nbitmap (int): The number of type bitmaps. The following three define the bitmaps. If suffixed with "N" (0 <= N < nbitmaps), it means the definition for the N-th bitmap. If there is no suffix (e.g., just "block", it means the default for any unspecified values) - block[N] (8-bit int): The Window Block. - maplen[N] (8-bit int): The Bitmap Length. The default "maplen" can also be unspecified (with being set to None), in which case the corresponding length will be calculated from the bitmap. - bitmap[N] (string): The Bitmap. This must be the hexadecimal representation of the bitmap field. For example, for a bitmap where the 7th and 15th bits (and only these bits) are set, it must be '0101'. Note also that the value must be quoted with single quotations because it could also be interpreted as an integer. ''' nbitmap = 1 # number of bitmaps block = 0 maplen = None # default bitmap length, auto-calculate bitmap = '040000000003' # an arbitrarily chosen bitmap sample def dump(self, f): # first, construct the bitmap data block_list = [] maplen_list = [] bitmap_list = [] for i in range(0, self.nbitmap): key_bitmap = 'bitmap' + str(i) if key_bitmap in self.__dict__: bitmap_list.append(self.__dict__[key_bitmap]) else: bitmap_list.append(self.bitmap) key_maplen = 'maplen' + str(i) if key_maplen in self.__dict__: maplen_list.append(self.__dict__[key_maplen]) else: maplen_list.append(self.maplen) if maplen_list[-1] is None: # calculate it if not specified maplen_list[-1] = int(len(bitmap_list[-1]) / 2) key_block = 'block' + str(i) if key_block in self.__dict__: block_list.append(self.__dict__[key_block]) else: block_list.append(self.block) # dump RR-type specific part (NSEC or NSEC3) self.dump_fixedpart(f, 2 * self.nbitmap + \ int(len(''.join(bitmap_list)) / 2)) # dump the bitmap for i in range(0, self.nbitmap): f.write('# Bitmap: Block=%d, Length=%d\n' % (block_list[i], maplen_list[i])) f.write('%02x %02x %s\n' % (block_list[i], maplen_list[i], bitmap_list[i])) class NSEC(NSECBASE): '''Implements rendering NSEC RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - Type bitmap related parameters: see class NSECBASE - nextname (string): The Next Domain Name field. The string must be interpreted as a valid domain name. ''' nextname = 'next.example.com' def dump_fixedpart(self, f, bitmap_totallen): name_wire = encode_name(self.nextname) if self.rdlen is None: # if rdlen needs to be calculated, it must be based on the bitmap # length, because the configured maplen can be fake. self.rdlen = int(len(name_wire) / 2) + bitmap_totallen self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# Next Name=%s (%d bytes)\n' % (self.nextname, int(len(name_wire) / 2))) f.write('%s\n' % name_wire) class NSEC3PARAM(RR): '''Implements rendering NSEC3PARAM RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - hashalg (8-bit int): The Hash Algorithm field. Note that currently the only defined algorithm is SHA-1, for which a value of 1 will be used, and it's the default. So this implementation does not support any string representation right now. - optout (bool): The Opt-Out flag of the Flags field. - mbz (7-bit int): The rest of the Flags field. This value will be left shifted for 1 bit and then OR-ed with optout to construct the complete Flags field. - iterations (16-bit int): The Iterations field. - saltlen (int): The Salt Length field. - salt (string): The Salt field. It is converted to a sequence of ascii codes and its hexadecimal representation will be used. ''' hashalg = 1 # SHA-1 optout = False # opt-out flag mbz = 0 # other flag fields (none defined yet) iterations = 1 saltlen = 5 salt = 's' * saltlen def dump(self, f): if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = 4 + 1 + len(self.salt) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) self._dump_params(f) def _dump_params(self, f): '''This method is intended to be shared with NSEC3 class. ''' optout_val = 1 if self.optout else 0 f.write('# Hash Alg=%s, Opt-Out=%d, Other Flags=%0x, Iterations=%d\n' % (code_totext(self.hashalg, rdict_nsec3_algorithm), optout_val, self.mbz, self.iterations)) f.write('%02x %02x %04x\n' % (self.hashalg, (self.mbz << 1) | optout_val, self.iterations)) f.write("# Salt Len=%d, Salt='%s'\n" % (self.saltlen, self.salt)) f.write('%02x%s%s\n' % (self.saltlen, ' ' if len(self.salt) > 0 else '', encode_string(self.salt))) class NSEC3(NSECBASE, NSEC3PARAM): '''Implements rendering NSEC3 RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - Type bitmap related parameters: see class NSECBASE - Hash parameter related parameters: see class NSEC3PARAM - hashlen (int): The Hash Length field. - hash (string): The Next Hashed Owner Name field. This parameter is interpreted as "salt". ''' hashlen = 20 hash = 'h' * hashlen def dump_fixedpart(self, f, bitmap_totallen): if self.rdlen is None: # if rdlen needs to be calculated, it must be based on the bitmap # length, because the configured maplen can be fake. self.rdlen = 4 + 1 + len(self.salt) + 1 + len(self.hash) \ + bitmap_totallen self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) self._dump_params(f) f.write("# Hash Len=%d, Hash='%s'\n" % (self.hashlen, self.hash)) f.write('%02x%s%s\n' % (self.hashlen, ' ' if len(self.hash) > 0 else '', encode_string(self.hash))) class RRSIG(RR): '''Implements rendering RRSIG RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - covered (int or string): The Type Covered field. If specified as an integer, it must be the 16-bit RR type value of the covered type. If specified as a string, it must be the textual mnemonic of the type. - algorithm (int or string): The Algorithm field. If specified as an integer, it must be the 8-bit algorithm number as defined in RFC4034. If specified as a string, it must be one of the keys of dict_algorithm (case insensitive). - labels (int): The Labels field. If omitted (the corresponding variable being set to None), the number of labels of "signer" (excluding the trailing null label as specified in RFC4034) will be used. - originalttl (32-bit int): The Original TTL field. - expiration (32-bit int): The Expiration TTL field. - inception (32-bit int): The Inception TTL field. - tag (16-bit int): The Key Tag field. - signer (string): The Signer's Name field. The string must be interpreted as a valid domain name. - signature (int): The Signature field. Right now only a simple integer form is supported. A prefix of "0" will be prepended if the resulting hexadecimal representation consists of an odd number of characters. ''' covered = 'A' algorithm = 'RSASHA1' labels = None # auto-calculate (#labels of signer) originalttl = 3600 expiration = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime('20100131120000', dnssec_timefmt).timetuple())) inception = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime('20100101120000', dnssec_timefmt).timetuple())) tag = 0x1035 signer = 'example.com' signature = 0x123456789abcdef123456789abcdef def dump(self, f): name_wire = encode_name(self.signer) sig_wire = '%x' % self.signature if len(sig_wire) % 2 != 0: sig_wire = '0' + sig_wire if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = int(18 + len(name_wire) / 2 + len(str(sig_wire)) / 2) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) if type(self.covered) is str: self.covered = dict_rrtype[self.covered.lower()] if type(self.algorithm) is str: self.algorithm = dict_algorithm[self.algorithm.lower()] if self.labels is None: self.labels = count_namelabels(self.signer) f.write('# Covered=%s Algorithm=%s Labels=%d OrigTTL=%d\n' % (code_totext(self.covered, rdict_rrtype), code_totext(self.algorithm, rdict_algorithm), self.labels, self.originalttl)) f.write('%04x %02x %02x %08x\n' % (self.covered, self.algorithm, self.labels, self.originalttl)) f.write('# Expiration=%s, Inception=%s\n' % (str(self.expiration), str(self.inception))) f.write('%08x %08x\n' % (self.expiration, self.inception)) f.write('# Tag=%d Signer=%s and Signature\n' % (self.tag, self.signer)) f.write('%04x %s %s\n' % (self.tag, name_wire, sig_wire)) class TKEY(RR): '''Implements rendering TKEY RDATA in the test data format. As a meta RR type TKEY uses some non common parameters. This class overrides some of the default attributes of the RR class accordingly: - rr_class is set to 'ANY' - rr_ttl is set to 0 Like other derived classes these can be overridden via the spec file. Other configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - algorithm (string): The Algorithm Name field. The value is generally interpreted as a domain name string, and will typically be gss-tsig. - inception (32-bit int): The Inception TTL field. - expire (32-bit int): The Expire TTL field. - mode (16-bit int): The Mode field. - error (16-bit int): The Error field. - key_len (int): The Key Len field. - key (int or string): The Key field. If specified as an integer, the integer value is used as the Key, possibly with prepended 0's so that the total length will be key len. If specified as a string, it is converted to a sequence of ascii codes and its hexadecimal representation will be used. So, for example, if "key" is set to 'abc', it will be converted to '616263'. Note that in this case the length of "key" may not be equal to key_len. If unspecified, the key_len number of '78' (ascii code of 'x') will be used. - other_len (int): The Other Len field. - other_data (int or string): The Other Data field. This is interpreted just like "key" except that other_len is used instead of key_len. If unspecified this will be empty. ''' algorithm = 'gss-tsig' inception = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime('20210501120000', dnssec_timefmt).timetuple())) expire = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime('20210501130000', dnssec_timefmt).timetuple())) mode = 3 # GSS-API error = 0 key_len = 32 key = None # use 'x' * key_len other_len = 0 other_data = None # TKEY has some special defaults def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rr_class = 'ANY' self.rr_ttl = 0 def dump(self, f): name_wire = encode_name(self.algorithm) key_len = self.key_len key = self.key if key is None: key = encode_string('x' * key_len) else: key = encode_string(self.key, key_len) other_len = self.other_len if other_len is None: other_len = 0 other_data = self.other_data if other_data is None: other_data = '' else: other_data = encode_string(self.other_data, other_len) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = int(len(name_wire) / 2 + 16 + len(key) / 2 + \ len(other_data) / 2) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# Algorithm=%s\n' % self.algorithm) f.write('%s\n' % name_wire) f.write('# Inception=%d Expire=%d Mode=%d Error=%d\n' % (self.inception, self.expire, self.mode, self.error)) f.write('%08x %08x %04x %04x\n' % (self.inception, self.expire, self.mode, self.error)) f.write('# Key Len=%d Key=(see hex)\n' % key_len) f.write('%04x%s\n' % (key_len, ' ' + key if len(key) > 0 else '')) f.write('# Other-Len=%d Other-Data=(see hex)\n' % other_len) f.write('%04x%s\n' % (other_len, ' ' + other_data if len(other_data) > 0 else '')) class TLSA(RR): '''Implements rendering TLSA RDATA in the test data format. Configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - certificate_usage (int): The certificate usage field value. - selector (int): The selector field value. - matching_type (int): The matching type field value. - certificate_association_data (string): The certificate association data. ''' certificate_usage = 0 selector = 0 matching_type = 1 certificate_association_data = 'd2abde240d7cd3ee6b4b28c54df034b97983a1d16e8a410e4561cb106618e971' def dump(self, f): if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = 2 + (len(self.certificate_association_data) / 2) else: self.rdlen = int(self.rdlen) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# CERTIFICATE_USAGE=%d SELECTOR=%d MATCHING_TYPE=%d CERTIFICATE_ASSOCIATION_DATA=%s\n' %\ (self.certificate_usage, self.selector, self.matching_type,\ self.certificate_association_data)) f.write('%02x %02x %02x %s\n' % (self.certificate_usage, self.selector, self.matching_type,\ self.certificate_association_data)) class TSIG(RR): '''Implements rendering TSIG RDATA in the test data format. As a meta RR type TSIG uses some non common parameters. This class overrides some of the default attributes of the RR class accordingly: - rr_class is set to 'ANY' - rr_ttl is set to 0 Like other derived classes these can be overridden via the spec file. Other configurable parameters are as follows (see the description of the same name of attribute for the default value): - algorithm (string): The Algorithm Name field. The value is generally interpreted as a domain name string, and will typically be one of the standard algorithm names defined in RFC4635. For convenience, however, a shortcut value "hmac-md5" is allowed instead of the standard "hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int". - time_signed (48-bit int): The Time Signed field. - fudge (16-bit int): The Fudge field. - mac_size (int): The MAC Size field. If omitted, the common value determined by the algorithm will be used. - mac (int or string): The MAC field. If specified as an integer, the integer value is used as the MAC, possibly with prepended 0's so that the total length will be mac_size. If specified as a string, it is converted to a sequence of ascii codes and its hexadecimal representation will be used. So, for example, if "mac" is set to 'abc', it will be converted to '616263'. Note that in this case the length of "mac" may not be equal to mac_size. If unspecified, the mac_size number of '78' (ascii code of 'x') will be used. - original_id (16-bit int): The Original ID field. - error (16-bit int): The Error field. - other_len (int): The Other Len field. - other_data (int or string): The Other Data field. This is interpreted just like "mac" except that other_len is used instead of mac_size. If unspecified this will be empty unless the "error" is set to 18 (which means the "BADTIME" error), in which case a hexadecimal representation of "time_signed + fudge + 1" will be used. ''' algorithm = 'hmac-sha256' time_signed = 1286978795 # arbitrarily chosen default fudge = 300 mac_size = None # use a common value for the algorithm mac = None # use 'x' * mac_size original_id = 2845 # arbitrarily chosen default error = 0 other_len = None # 6 if error is BADTIME; otherwise 0 other_data = None # use time_signed + fudge + 1 for BADTIME dict_macsize = { 'hmac-md5' : 16, 'hmac-sha1' : 20, 'hmac-sha256' : 32 } # TSIG has some special defaults def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rr_class = 'ANY' self.rr_ttl = 0 def dump(self, f): if str(self.algorithm) == 'hmac-md5': name_wire = encode_name('hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int') else: name_wire = encode_name(self.algorithm) mac_size = self.mac_size if mac_size is None: if self.algorithm in self.dict_macsize.keys(): mac_size = self.dict_macsize[self.algorithm] else: raise RuntimeError('TSIG Mac Size cannot be determined') mac = encode_string('x' * mac_size) if self.mac is None else \ encode_string(self.mac, mac_size) other_len = self.other_len if other_len is None: # 18 = BADTIME other_len = 6 if self.error == 18 else 0 other_data = self.other_data if other_data is None: other_data = '%012x' % (self.time_signed + self.fudge + 1) \ if self.error == 18 else '' else: other_data = encode_string(self.other_data, other_len) if self.rdlen is None: self.rdlen = int(len(name_wire) / 2 + 16 + len(mac) / 2 + \ len(other_data) / 2) self.dump_header(f, self.rdlen) f.write('# Algorithm=%s Time-Signed=%d Fudge=%d\n' % (self.algorithm, self.time_signed, self.fudge)) f.write('%s %012x %04x\n' % (name_wire, self.time_signed, self.fudge)) f.write('# MAC Size=%d MAC=(see hex)\n' % mac_size) f.write('%04x%s\n' % (mac_size, ' ' + mac if len(mac) > 0 else '')) f.write('# Original-ID=%d Error=%d\n' % (self.original_id, self.error)) f.write('%04x %04x\n' % (self.original_id, self.error)) f.write('# Other-Len=%d Other-Data=(see hex)\n' % other_len) f.write('%04x%s\n' % (other_len, ' ' + other_data if len(other_data) > 0 else '')) # Build section-class mapping config_param = { 'name' : (Name, {}), 'header' : (DNSHeader, header_xtables), 'question' : (DNSQuestion, question_xtables), 'edns' : (EDNS, {}) } for rrtype in dict_rrtype.keys(): # For any supported RR types add the tuple of (RR_CLASS, {}). # We expect KeyError as not all the types are supported, and simply # ignore them. try: cur_mod = sys.modules[__name__] config_param[rrtype] = (cur_mod.__dict__[rrtype.upper()], {}) except KeyError: pass def get_config_param(section): s = section m = re.match('^([^:]+)/\d+$', section) if m: s = m.group(1) return config_param[s] usage = '''usage: %prog [options] input_file''' if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-o', '--output', action='store', dest='output', default=None, metavar='FILE', help='output file name [default: prefix of input_file]') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: parser.error('input file is missing') configfile = args[0] outputfile = options.output if not outputfile: m = re.match('(.*)\.[^.]+$', configfile) if m: outputfile = m.group(1) else: raise ValueError('output file is not specified and input file is not in the form of "output_file.suffix"') # DeprecationWarning: use ConfigParser directly config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() config.read(configfile) output = open(outputfile, 'w') print_header(output, configfile) # First try the 'custom' mode; if it fails assume the query mode. try: sections = config.get('custom', 'sections').split(':') except configparser.NoSectionError: sections = ['header', 'question', 'edns'] for s in sections: section_param = get_config_param(s) (obj, xtables) = (section_param[0](), section_param[1]) if get_config(config, s, obj, xtables): obj.dump(output) output.close()