#@ *: DakotaConfig=HAVE_OPTPP #@ *: ExecCmd='dakota_library_mode' Restart=none #@ #@ ------------------------- #@ serial tests (rosenbrock) #@ ------------------------- #@ s*: Label=FastTest #@ #@ test 0: parsed input file (library mode 1) #@ override dakota command; leave input file as dakota_library_mode.in #@ #@ test 1: direct data object insertion (library mode 2) #@ override dakota command; override input file to none #@ s1: InputFile='' #@ #@ test 2: mixed mode with an input file (library mode 3) #@ override dakota command; leave input file as dakota_library_mode.in #@ s2: ExecArgs='-mixed' #@ #@ test 3: mixed mode using default input string (library mode 3) #@ override dakota command; override input file to none #@ s3: ExecArgs='-mixed' InputFile='' #@ #@ -------------------------- #@ parallel tests (text_book); first 4 use same principles as serial #@ -------------------------- #@ p*: Label=AcceptanceTest #@ p0: MPIProcs=2 #@ p1: MPIProcs=2 InputFile='' #@ p2: MPIProcs=2 ExecArgs='-mixed' #@ p3: MPIProcs=2 InputFile='' ExecArgs='-mixed' #@ p4: MPIProcs=2 #@ p5: MPIProcs=2 #@ p6: MPIProcs=4 #@ p7: MPIProcs=4 # dakota_library_mode.in: tests for DAKOTA's library mode, with various # input and parallelism specifications (requires dakota_library_mode binary) method, optpp_q_newton #s0,#s1,#s2,#s3,#p0,#p1,#p2,#p3 max_iterations = 50 #s0,#s1,#s2,#s3,#p0,#p1,#p2,#p3 convergence_tolerance = 1e-5 #s0,#s1,#s2,#s3,#p0,#p1,#p2,#p3 # polynomial_chaos #p4,#p5,#p6,#p7 # expansion_order = 4 collocation_ratio = 2 #p4,#p5,#p6,#p7 # use_derivatives #p4,#p5,#p6,#p7 # seed = 74321 #p4,#p5,#p6,#p7 variables, continuous_design = 2 #s0,#s1,#s2,#s3,#p0,#p1,#p2,#p3 # uniform_uncertain = 2 #p4,#p5,#p6,#p7 lower_bounds -2.0 -2.0 upper_bounds 2.0 2.0 descriptors 'x1' 'x2' interface, direct analysis_driver = 'plugin_rosenbrock' #s0,#s1,#s2,#s3 # analysis_driver = 'plugin_text_book' #p0,#p1,#p2,#p3,#p4,#p5,#p6,#p7 # asynchronous processors_per_analysis = 2 #p4,#p5,#p6,#p7 # one server/single pass: # evaluation_concurrency = 10 #p4 # one server/multiple passes and two servers/single pass: # evaluation_concurrency = 5 #p5,#p6 # two servers/multiple passes: # evaluation_concurrency = 2 #p7 responses, objective_functions = 1 #s0,#s1,#s2,#s3,#p0,#p1,#p2,#p3 # nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 2 #p0,#p1,#p2,#p3 # response_functions = 3 #p4,#p5,#p6,#p7 analytic_gradients no_hessians