#@ s*: Label=FastTest #@ s0: DakotaConfig=HAVE_NPSOL #@ s5: DakotaConfig=HAVE_NPSOL #@ s3: DakotaConfig=HAVE_DOT #@ s8: DakotaConfig=HAVE_DOT #@ s4: DakotaConfig=HAVE_NLPQL #@ s9: DakotaConfig=HAVE_NLPQL #@ s0: UserMan=textbook_opt_multiobj1 #@ [taxonomy:start] #@ s0: [analysis:Optimization] #@ s0: [method:SQP] #@ s0: [goal:Local] #@ s0: [goal:BoundConstraints] #@ s0: [variable:Continuous] #@ s0: [model:Smooth] #@ s0: [model:FirstDerivatives] #@ [taxonomy:end] # DAKOTA INPUT FILE - dakota_multiobj1.in # Dakota Input File: textbook_opt_multiobj1.in #s0 # Unconstrained multiobjective optimization using the Textbook problem. # # The formulation is: minimize F # s.t. x_l <= x <= x_u # # where F = w1*f1 + w2*f2 + w3*f3 # f1 = original textbook objective fcn # f2 = original textbook constraint 1 # f3 = original textbook constraint 2 environment tabular_data tabular_data_file = 'textbook_opt_multiobj1.dat' #s0 method ## (NPSOL requires a software license; if not available, try #s0 ## conmin_frcg or optpp_q_newton instead) #s0 npsol_sqp #s0,#s5 # optpp_newton #s1,#s6 # conmin_frcg #s2,#s7 # dot_bfgs #s3,#s8 # nlpql_sqp #s4,#s9 convergence_tolerance = 1.e-8 variables continuous_design = 2 initial_point 0.9 1.1 upper_bounds 5.8 2.9 lower_bounds 0.5 -2.9 descriptors 'x1' 'x2' interface analysis_drivers = 'text_book' direct responses objective_functions = 3 # sense = "min" "max" "max" #s5,#s6,#s7,#s8,#s9 weights = .7 .2 .1 # weights = .333 .333 .333 analytic_gradients # numerical_gradients # method_source vendor # interval_type forward # fd_gradient_step_size = 1.e-6 no_hessians #s0,#s2,#s3,#s4,#s5,#s7,#s8,#s9 # analytic_hessians #s1,#s6