#@ p*: Label=FastTest #@ p0: MPIProcs=2 # DAKOTA INPUT FILE - dakota_sbo_textbook.in # Demonstrates the use of approximation models and a trust region # optimization environment in performing constrained minimization on # the textbook test function. # These tests exercise the "correction" capabilities of the surrogate # based optimization environment. Here, the options are "none," "additive # zeroth_order," "multiplicative zeroth_order," "additive first_order," # and "multiplicative first_order." The "none" case is the default # setting which is invoked if the "correction" keyword is omitted. # Test 8 mirrors 5, but with the new GP module environment, method_pointer = 'SBLO' method, id_method = 'SBLO' surrogate_based_local model_pointer = 'SURROGATE' approx_method_pointer = 'NLP' max_iterations = 50 trust_region initial_size = 0.10 contraction_factor = 0.5 expansion_factor = 1.50 soft_convergence = 1 # slowed convergence method, id_method = 'NLP' conmin_mfd # optpp_cg # npsol # dot_bfgs # dot_fr # dot_mmfd max_iterations = 50 convergence_tolerance = 1e-4 model, id_model = 'SURROGATE' responses_pointer = 'SURROGATE_RESP' surrogate global dace_method_pointer = 'SAMPLING' # reuse_samples region # correction additive zeroth_order #s1,#s5,#s8,#s9 # correction multiplicative zeroth_order #s2 # correction additive first_order #s3,#s6,#s7,#p0 # correction multiplicative first_order #s4 # use_derivatives #s6,#s7 # neural_network polynomial quadratic #s0,#s1,#s2,#s3,#s4,#p0 # gaussian_process surfpack #s5,#s6,#s7 # gaussian_process surfpack correlation_lengths = 0.707106781186547 0.707106781186547 # experimental_gaussian_process #s8 # find_nugget 1 #s8 # trend quadratic #s8 # Emulate s1 with new polynomial model # experimental_polynomial #s9 # basis_order 2 #s9 # mars # surrogate local taylor_series # actual_model_pointer = 'TRUTH' variables, continuous_design = 2 initial_point 2.0 2.0 upper_bounds 5.8 2.9 lower_bounds 0.5 -2.9 descriptors 'x1' 'x2' responses, id_responses = 'SURROGATE_RESP' objective_functions = 1 nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 2 # analytic_gradients # no_gradients numerical_gradients method_source dakota interval_type forward fd_gradient_step_size = .0001 # analytic_hessians no_hessians ############################################### # SAMPLING method specifications for building # # surrogate function(s) # ############################################### method, id_method = 'SAMPLING' model_pointer = 'TRUTH' # dace central_composite # dace box_behnken dace lhs seed = 12345 samples = 10 # dace oas seed = 5 # samples = 49 symbols = 7 model, id_model = 'TRUTH' single interface_pointer = 'TRUE_FN' responses_pointer = 'TRUE_RESP' interface, direct id_interface = 'TRUE_FN' analysis_driver = 'text_book' responses, id_responses = 'TRUE_RESP' objective_functions = 1 nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 2 # analytic_gradients #s3,#s4,#s7 no_gradients #s0,#s1,#s2,#s5,#s8,#s9 # numerical_gradients #s6,#p0 # method_source dakota #s6,#p0 # interval_type central #s6,#p0 # fd_gradient_step_size = 1.e-9 #s6,#p0 no_hessians