#@ *: DakotaConfig=HAVE_NOWPAC environment, method_pointer = 'OPTIM' ########################### # begin opt specification # ########################### method, id_method = 'OPTIM' model_pointer = 'OPTIM_M' snowpac seed = 25041981 # max_iterations = 500 # convergence_tolerance = 1e-4 max_function_evaluations = 250 trust_region initial_size = 0.10 minimum_size = 1.0e-6 contract_threshold = 0.25 expand_threshold = 0.75 contraction_factor = 0.50 expansion_factor = 1.50 # output debug model, id_model = 'OPTIM_M' nested variables_pointer = 'OPTIM_V' sub_method_pointer = 'UQ' responses_pointer = 'OPTIM_R' primary_response_mapping = 0. 1.e+6 0. 1.e+6 0. 1.e+6 secondary_response_mapping = 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. variables, id_variables = 'OPTIM_V' continuous_design = 3 initial_point 3*.5 lower_bounds 3*-1. upper_bounds 3* 1. responses, id_responses = 'OPTIM_R' objective_functions = 1 nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 3 nonlinear_inequality_upper_bounds = .02 .2 .02 no_gradients no_hessians ########################## # begin UQ specification # ########################## method, id_method = 'UQ' model_pointer = 'HIERARCH' multilevel_sampling # sample_type lhs pilot_samples = 20 seed = 1237 max_iterations = 2 # convergence_tolerance = .1 convergence_tolerance = .01 # convergence_tolerance = .001 # convergence_tolerance = .0001 output silent final_moments central model, id_model = 'HIERARCH' surrogate hierarchical ordered_model_fidelities = 'SIM1' model, id_model = 'SIM1' variables_pointer = 'UQ_V' interface_pointer = 'UQ_I' responses_pointer = 'UQ_R' simulation solution_level_control = 'mesh_size' # dense matrices --> direct solvers --> cubic growth in expense solution_level_cost = 1. 8. 64. 512. 4096. variables, id_variables = 'UQ_V' continuous_design = 3 # number of cosine terms in soln expansion uniform_uncertain = 6 # number of cosine terms in soln expansion lower_bounds = 6*-1. upper_bounds = 6* 1. discrete_state_set integer = 1 # even poly degree for odd mesh pts including boundary set_values = 4 8 16 32 64 descriptors = 'mesh_size' real = 4 elements_per_variable = 2 2 1 1 set_values = 0.1 1 # field mean 0.5 4 # field std dev 1 # kernel order 0.2 # kernel length descriptors = 'field_mean' 'field_std_dev' 'kernel_order' 'kernel_length' initial_state = 1 4 1 0.2 string = 2 # form of kernel (refer to Yang,Lei,Baker,Lin) elements_per_variable = 2 2 initial_state = 'cosine' 'off' set_values = 'cosine' 'exponential' 'off' 'on' descriptors = 'kernel_type' 'positivity' interface, id_interface = 'UQ_I' direct analysis_driver = 'steady_state_diffusion_1d' deactivate evaluation_cache restart_file responses, id_responses = 'UQ_R' response_functions = 3 # number of soln pts excl. +/-5% (symmetric) no_gradients no_hessians