#@ *: DakotaConfig=HAVE_NPSOL ## DAKOTA INPUT FILE - dakota_svanberg_sbo_vlb5.in # lower bound on x5 prevents hard convergence unless Lagrange multiplier accounts for bounds # The Svanberg five-segment beam has a linear objective and a nonlinear constraint: # Svanberg, Krister, "The Method of Moving Asymptotes--A New Method for # Structural Optimization," Intl. J. Num. Meth. Vol. 24, 1987, pp. 359-373. environment, tabular_data tabular_data_file = 'dakota_svanberg_dakslp.dat' #s0 # tabular_data_file = 'dakota_svanberg_tana.dat' #s1 method_pointer = 'SBLO' variables, continuous_design = 5 initial_point 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 lower_bounds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 upper_bounds 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 descriptors 'x1' 'x2' 'x3' 'x4' 'x5' interface, id_interface = 'TRUE_FN' fork analysis_driver = 'svanberg' parameters_file = 'svanberg_params.in' results_file = 'svanberg_results.out' deactivate active_set_vector # file_tag file_save method, id_method = 'SBLO' surrogate_based_local model_pointer = 'SURROGATE' approx_method_pointer = 'SAO' max_iterations = 50 convergence_tolerance = 2e-3 # threshhold for hard convegence with correct Lagrange multiplier for x5=x5_lb constraint_tolerance = 1e-4 trust_region initial_size = 0.40 contraction_factor = 0.5 expansion_factor = 2.0 acceptance_logic filter method, id_method = 'SAO' npsol convergence_tolerance = 1e-4 constraint_tolerance = 1e-5 model, id_model = 'SURROGATE' responses_pointer = 'SURROGATE_RESP' surrogate local taylor_series #s0 # surrogate multipoint tana #s1 actual_model_pointer = 'TRUTH' model, id_model = 'TRUTH' single interface_pointer = 'TRUE_FN' responses_pointer = 'TRUE_RESP' responses, id_responses = 'SURROGATE_RESP' num_objective_functions = 1 nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 1 analytic_gradients no_hessians responses, id_responses = 'TRUE_RESP' num_objective_functions = 1 nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 1 analytic_gradients no_hessians