#@ s*: Label=FastTest #@ *: DakotaConfig=HAVE_NPSOL # DAKOTA INPUT FILE: dakota_trsbouu2_tbch.in # # Surrogate-based OUU with trust regions: surrogate containing nested # environment, method_pointer = 'SBLO' method, id_method = 'SBLO' surrogate_based_local model_pointer = 'OPTIM_M' approx_method_pointer = 'OPTIM' max_iterations = 50 soft_convergence_limit = 2 trust_region initial_size = 0.4 contraction_factor = 0.5 expansion_factor = 1.50 ########################### # begin opt specification # ########################### method, id_method = 'OPTIM' npsol_sqp convergence_tolerance = 1.e-8 model, id_model = 'OPTIM_M' surrogate global variables_pointer = 'OPTIM_V' responses_pointer = 'OPTIM_R' polynomial quadratic dace_method_pointer = 'DACE' variables, id_variables = 'OPTIM_V' continuous_design = 2 initial_point 1.8 1.0 upper_bounds 2.164 4.0 lower_bounds 1.5 0.0 descriptors 'd1' 'd2' responses, # minimize f + p_fail_r1 + p_fail_r2 # s.t. g_1/2/3 <= 0 # p_fail_r3 <= 0.1 # NOTE: This specifies the TOTAL RESPONSE for the optimization, # which is a combination of nested & interface responses. id_responses = 'OPTIM_R' objective_functions = 1 nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 4 nonlinear_inequality_upper_bounds = 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6e+5 analytic_gradients # numerical_gradients # method_source dakota # interval_type central # fd_gradient_step_size = 1.e-5 no_hessians ############################ # begin DACE specification # ############################ method, id_method = 'DACE' model_pointer = 'DACE_M' sampling sample_type lhs seed = 12347 # fixed_seed #s1 # dace lhs seed = 5 # samples = 8 symbols = 8 model, id_model = 'DACE_M' nested variables_pointer = 'OPTIM_V' sub_method_pointer = 'UQ' optional_interface_pointer = 'OPTIONAL_I' optional_interface_responses_pointer = 'OPTIONAL_I_R' responses_pointer = 'OPTIM_R_NO_GRAD' primary_response_mapping = 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. secondary_response_mapping = 0. 0. 0. 1. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. responses, id_responses = 'OPTIM_R_NO_GRAD' objective_functions = 1 nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 4 no_gradients no_hessians ########################################## # begin optional interface specification # ########################################## interface, id_interface = 'OPTIONAL_I' direct analysis_driver = 'cyl_head' responses, # NOTE: This is the response set from the optional interface. id_responses = 'OPTIONAL_I_R' objective_functions = 1 nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 3 no_gradients no_hessians ########################## # begin UQ specification # ########################## method, id_method = 'UQ' model_pointer = 'UQ_M' sampling sample_type lhs samples = 50 seed = 12347 # fixed_seed #s1 response_levels = 4.2e+11 1.6e+05 7.5e+05 complementary distribution output quiet model, id_model = 'UQ_M' single variables_pointer = 'UQ_V' interface_pointer = 'UQ_I' responses_pointer = 'UQ_R' variables, id_variables = 'UQ_V' continuous_design = 2 normal_uncertain = 2 means = 248.89, 593.33 std_deviations = 12.4, 29.7 uniform_uncertain = 2 lower_bounds = 199.3, 474.63 upper_bounds = 298.5, 712. weibull_uncertain = 2 alphas = 12., 30. betas = 250., 590. interface, id_interface = 'UQ_I' direct analysis_driver = 'text_book_ouu' deactivate evaluation_cache restart_file responses, id_responses = 'UQ_R' response_functions = 3 no_gradients no_hessians