environment, output_precision = 16 method, model_pointer = 'HIERARCH' multilevel_polynomial_chaos # Defines aggregate set of ML samples across all discretization levels import_build_points_file = 'dakota_uq_heat_eq_mlpce_import.hf.dat' # Defines lower bound for pilot comprised of import + new samples. # Can be scalar or vector input -- set to zero or <= expected import # counts if you want import only. pilot_samples = 100 40 20 10 # pilot_samples = 0 # Distinct option does not support data imports (yet) discrepancy_emulation recursive # discrepancy_emulation distinct # Starting point / lower bound for exp order -- this gets incremented as # sample levels increase in order to meet the collocation ratio target expansion_order = 2 collocation_ratio = .75 # non-repeatable experiments if any new points: # seed = 1237 orthogonal_matching_pursuit # Don't iterate/adapt -- conv tol only important if adapting max_iterations = 0 # convergence_tolerance = .001 # Set to silent to minimize intermediate output # output debug model, id_model = 'HIERARCH' variables_pointer = 'LF_VARS' surrogate hierarchical ordered_model_fidelities = 'HF' #'LF' correction additive zeroth_order model, id_model = 'LF' variables_pointer = 'LF_VARS' simulation solution_level_control = 'N_x' solution_level_cost = 375. 10125. 81000. 648000. model, id_model = 'HF' variables_pointer = 'HF_VARS' simulation solution_level_control = 'N_x' solution_level_cost = 5.67e+5 4.536e+6 2.1e+7 1.68e+8 variables, id_variables = 'LF_VARS' uniform_uncertain = 7 lower_bounds = 7*-1. upper_bounds = 7* 1. discrete_state_set integer = 2 num_set_values = 4 1 set_values = 5 15 30 60 # number of spatial coords 3 # number of Fourier solution modes initial_state = 5 3 descriptors 'N_x' 'N_mod' variables, id_variables = 'HF_VARS' uniform_uncertain = 7 lower_bounds = 7*-1. upper_bounds = 7* 1. discrete_state_set integer = 2 num_set_values = 4 1 set_values = 30 60 100 200 # number of spatial coords 21 # number of Fourier solution modes initial_state = 30 21 descriptors 'N_x' 'N_mod' interface, direct analysis_driver = 'transient_diffusion_1d' # deactivate evaluation_cache restart_file responses, response_functions = 1 no_gradients no_hessians