@Author T. Helfer; @Date 15/09/2015; @Description{ "This test describes an uniaxial loading " "by imposing the deformation gradient in " "one direction. " "The perpendicular directions are " "stress-free. The shear components of the " "deformation gradient are set to zero. " "The results are compared to analytical solutions." }; @Behaviour '@MFrontAsterBehavioursBuildPath@' 'astersaintvenantkirchhoffelasticity'; @MaterialProperty 'YoungModulus' 215.e9; @MaterialProperty 'PoissonRatio' 0.3; @ImposedDrivingVariable 'FZZ' {0:1.,1.:1.2}; @ImposedDrivingVariable 'FXY' 0.; @ImposedDrivingVariable 'FYX' 0.; @ImposedDrivingVariable 'FXZ' 0.; @ImposedDrivingVariable 'FZX' 0.; @ImposedDrivingVariable 'FYZ' 0.; @ImposedDrivingVariable 'FZY' 0.; @ExternalStateVariable 'Temperature' 293.15; @Times {0.,1 in 10}; @Test {'SZZ':'YoungModulus*(FZZ**2-1)*FZZ/(2*(1-PoissonRatio*(FZZ**2-1)))'} 1.e-2; @Test {'SXY':'0'} 1.e-2; @Test {'SXZ':'0'} 1.e-2; @Test {'SYZ':'0'} 1.e-2; @Test {'FXX':'sqrt(1-PoissonRatio*(FZZ**2-1))'} 1.e-8; @Test {'FYY':'sqrt(1-PoissonRatio*(FZZ**2-1))'} 1.e-8;