--------------------------------------------------------------------- Snort 3 Reference Manual --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Snort Team Revision History Revision 2021-12-15 06:07:48 EST TST --------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. Help 2. Basic Modules 2.1. active 2.2. alerts 2.3. attribute_table 2.4. classifications 2.5. daq 2.6. decode 2.7. detection 2.8. event_filter 2.9. event_queue 2.10. high_availability 2.11. host_cache 2.12. host_tracker 2.13. hosts 2.14. inspection 2.15. ips 2.16. latency 2.17. memory 2.18. network 2.19. output 2.20. packet_tracer 2.21. packets 2.22. payload_injector 2.23. process 2.24. profiler 2.25. rate_filter 2.26. references 2.27. search_engine 2.28. side_channel 2.29. snort 2.30. suppress 2.31. trace 3. Codec Modules 3.1. arp 3.2. auth 3.3. ciscometadata 3.4. eapol 3.5. erspan2 3.6. erspan3 3.7. esp 3.8. eth 3.9. fabricpath 3.10. geneve 3.11. gre 3.12. gtp 3.13. icmp4 3.14. icmp6 3.15. igmp 3.16. ipv4 3.17. ipv6 3.18. llc 3.19. mpls 3.20. pbb 3.21. pgm 3.22. pppoe 3.23. tcp 3.24. token_ring 3.25. udp 3.26. vlan 3.27. wlan 4. Connector Modules 4.1. file_connector 4.2. tcp_connector 5. Inspector Modules 5.1. appid 5.2. appid_listener 5.3. arp_spoof 5.4. back_orifice 5.5. binder 5.6. cip 5.7. cpeos_test 5.8. data_log 5.9. dce_http_proxy 5.10. dce_http_server 5.11. dce_smb 5.12. dce_tcp 5.13. dce_udp 5.14. dnp3 5.15. dns 5.16. domain_filter 5.17. dpx 5.18. file_id 5.19. file_log 5.20. ftp_client 5.21. ftp_data 5.22. ftp_server 5.23. gtp_inspect 5.24. http2_inspect 5.25. http_inspect 5.26. iec104 5.27. imap 5.28. mem_test 5.29. modbus 5.30. netflow 5.31. normalizer 5.32. null_trace_logger 5.33. packet_capture 5.34. perf_monitor 5.35. pop 5.36. port_scan 5.37. reputation 5.38. rna 5.39. rpc_decode 5.40. s7commplus 5.41. sip 5.42. smtp 5.43. so_proxy 5.44. ssh 5.45. ssl 5.46. stream 5.47. stream_file 5.48. stream_icmp 5.49. stream_ip 5.50. stream_tcp 5.51. stream_udp 5.52. stream_user 5.53. telnet 5.54. wizard 6. IPS Action Modules 6.1. react 6.2. reject 7. IPS Option Modules 7.1. ack 7.2. appids 7.3. asn1 7.4. base64_decode 7.5. ber_data 7.6. ber_skip 7.7. bufferlen 7.8. byte_extract 7.9. byte_jump 7.10. byte_math 7.11. byte_test 7.12. cip_attribute 7.13. cip_class 7.14. cip_conn_path_class 7.15. cip_instance 7.16. cip_req 7.17. cip_rsp 7.18. cip_service 7.19. cip_status 7.20. classtype 7.21. content 7.22. cvs 7.23. dce_iface 7.24. dce_opnum 7.25. dce_stub_data 7.26. detection_filter 7.27. dnp3_data 7.28. dnp3_func 7.29. dnp3_ind 7.30. dnp3_obj 7.31. dsize 7.32. enable 7.33. enip_command 7.34. enip_req 7.35. enip_rsp 7.36. file_data 7.37. file_type 7.38. flags 7.39. flow 7.40. flowbits 7.41. fragbits 7.42. fragoffset 7.43. gid 7.44. gtp_info 7.45. gtp_type 7.46. gtp_version 7.47. http_client_body 7.48. http_cookie 7.49. http_header 7.50. http_method 7.51. http_param 7.52. http_raw_body 7.53. http_raw_cookie 7.54. http_raw_header 7.55. http_raw_request 7.56. http_raw_status 7.57. http_raw_trailer 7.58. http_raw_uri 7.59. http_stat_code 7.60. http_stat_msg 7.61. http_trailer 7.62. http_true_ip 7.63. http_uri 7.64. http_version 7.65. icmp_id 7.66. icmp_seq 7.67. icode 7.68. id 7.69. iec104_apci_type 7.70. iec104_asdu_func 7.71. ip_proto 7.72. ipopts 7.73. isdataat 7.74. itype 7.75. js_data 7.76. md5 7.77. metadata 7.78. modbus_data 7.79. modbus_func 7.80. modbus_unit 7.81. msg 7.82. mss 7.83. num_headers 7.84. num_trailers 7.85. pcre 7.86. pkt_data 7.87. pkt_num 7.88. priority 7.89. raw_data 7.90. reference 7.91. regex 7.92. rem 7.93. replace 7.94. rev 7.95. rpc 7.96. s7commplus_content 7.97. s7commplus_func 7.98. s7commplus_opcode 7.99. sd_pattern 7.100. seq 7.101. service 7.102. sha256 7.103. sha512 7.104. sid 7.105. sip_body 7.106. sip_header 7.107. sip_method 7.108. sip_stat_code 7.109. so 7.110. soid 7.111. ssl_state 7.112. ssl_version 7.113. stream_reassemble 7.114. stream_size 7.115. tag 7.116. target 7.117. tos 7.118. ttl 7.119. urg 7.120. vba_data 7.121. window 7.122. wscale 8. Search Engine Modules 9. SO Rule Modules 10. Logger Modules 10.1. alert_csv 10.2. alert_ex 10.3. alert_fast 10.4. alert_full 10.5. alert_json 10.6. alert_syslog 10.7. alert_talos 10.8. alert_unixsock 10.9. log_codecs 10.10. log_hext 10.11. log_pcap 10.12. unified2 11. Appendix 11.1. Build Options 11.2. Environment Variables 11.3. Command Line Options 11.4. Configuration 11.5. Counts 11.6. Generators 11.7. Builtin Rules 11.8. Command Set 11.9. Signals 11.10. Module Listing 11.11. Plugin Listing --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Help --------------------------------------------------------------------- The detail in this reference manual was generated from the various help commands available in Snort. snort --help will output: Snort has several options to get more help: -? list command line options (same as --help) --help this overview of help --help-commands [] output matching commands --help-config [] output matching config options --help-counts [] output matching peg counts --help-limits print the int upper bounds denoted by max* --help-module output description of given module --help-modules list all available modules with brief help --help-modules-json dump description of all available modules in JSON format --help-plugins list all available plugins with brief help --help-options [