#!/bin/bash set -e set -u # TestName="$(basename "$(pwd)")" export TestName JobName=backup-bareos-fd #shellcheck source=../environment.in . ./environment JobName=backup-bareos-fd #shellcheck source=../scripts/functions . "${rscripts}"/functions "${rscripts}"/cleanup "${rscripts}"/setup # Directory to backup. # This directory will be created by setup_data "$@"(). BackupDirectory="${tmp}/data" # Use a tgz to setup data to be backed up. # Data will be placed at "${tmp}/data/". setup_data "$@" start_test start_bareos #run_python_unittests "$@" function endpoint_check { # $1: method # $2: endpoint-url # $3: string to grep for # $4: extra curl options url="$2" echo "curl -w \"\n%{http_code}\n\" -s -X $1 $url -H \"accept: application/json\" -H \"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN\" \"$4\" " >> ${tmp}/../log/curl.log # curl doesn't like empty string "" as option, will exit with code 3 if [ -z "$4" ] then curl -w "\n%{http_code}\n" -s -X $1 $url -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" > ${tmp}/curl.out else curl -w "\n%{http_code}\n" -s -X $1 $url -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$4" > ${tmp}/curl.out fi cat ${tmp}/curl.out >> ${tmp}/../log/curl.log echo "Search for \"$3\"" >> ${tmp}/../log/curl.log grep -q "$3" ${tmp}/curl.out resultCode=$? echo $resultCode >> ${tmp}/../log/curl.log echo "------------" >> ${tmp}/../log/curl.log if [ $resultCode -ne 0 ] then print_debug "ERROR getting endpoint $2 with method $1" exit 1 fi } ## place api tests here ## TODO: error handling / make sure api gets stopped mkdir -p etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/schedule mkdir -p etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/user cd api ./startapi.sh sleep 3 echo "api started" TOKEN=`curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=&username=admin-tls&password=secret&scope=&client_id=&client_secret=" | grep access_token | cut -d '"' -f 4` #echo $TOKEN endpoint_check POST "configuration/clients" newClient.$$ "-d {\"name\":\"newClient.$$-fd\",\"address\": \"\", \"password\": \"string\"}" endpoint_check GET "configuration/clients/bareos-fd" bareos-fd "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/clients" newClient "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/jobs" backup-bareos-fd "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/jobs/backup-bareos-fd" backup-bareos-fd "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/filesets" SelfTest "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/filesets/SelfTest" SelfTest "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/jobdefs" DefaultJob "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/jobdefs/DefaultJob" DefaultJob "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/pools" Full "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/pools/Full" Full "" endpoint_check POST "configuration/schedules" mysched.$$ "-d {\"name\":\"mysched.$$\",\"enabled\":\"no\"}" endpoint_check GET "configuration/schedules" mysched "" # On some endpoints director returns empty strings, in this case we grep for http status code 204 (empty document by intention) endpoint_check PUT "control/schedules/disable/mysched.$$" 204 "" endpoint_check PUT "control/schedules/enable/mysched.$$" 204 "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/storages" File "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/storages/File" File "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/consoles" admin-tls "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/consoles/admin-tls" admin-tls "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/profiles" operator "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/profiles/operator" operator "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/profiles" operator "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/profiles/operator" operator "" endpoint_check POST "configuration/users" string "-d {\"name\":\"myuser$$\",\"description\":\"string\"}" endpoint_check GET "configuration/users" myuser$$ "" endpoint_check GET "configuration/users/myuser$$" myuser$$ "" endpoint_check GET "control/clients" bareos-fd "" endpoint_check GET "control/clients/1" test2-fd "" endpoint_check PUT "control/clients/disable/bareos-fd" 204 "" endpoint_check PUT "control/clients/enable/bareos-fd" 204 "" endpoint_check PUT "control/jobs/run" jobid "-d {\"jobControl\":{\"job\":\"backup-bareos-fd\",\"joblevel\":\"Full\"}}" endpoint_check PUT "control/jobs/run" jobid "-d {\"jobControl\":{\"job\":\"backup-bareos-fd\",\"joblevel\":\"Full\"}}" endpoint_check PUT "control/jobs/cancel/2" 200 "" endpoint_check PUT "control/jobs/rerun/2" "jobid" "" # try non-existing job endpoint_check GET "control/jobs/26544" "not found" "" endpoint_check GET "control/jobs/1" "jobstatus" "" endpoint_check GET "control/jobs/totals" "jobs" "" endpoint_check GET "control/jobs" "jobs" "" endpoint_check GET "control/jobs/logs/1" "joblog" "" endpoint_check GET "control/jobs/files/1" "filenames" "" # TODO: loop here until jobid 1 has finished instead of sleep sleep 5 endpoint_check PUT "control/jobs/restore" "jobid" "-d {\"jobControl\":{\"client\":\"bareos-fd\",\"selectAllDone\":\"yes\"}}" endpoint_check DELETE "control/jobs/1" "deleted" "" endpoint_check DELETE "control/jobs/63535" "No job" "" endpoint_check GET "control/volumes" "volumes" "" # label volume fails inside centos7 container - TODO find out why #endpoint_check POST "control/volumes" 204 "-d {\"volume\":\"Full-$$\",\"pool\":\"Full\",\"storage\":\"File\"} " #endpoint_check PATCH "control/volumes/Full-$$" "Recycle" "-d {\"pool\":\"Full\",\"volstatus\":\"Recycle\"} " #endpoint_check PUT "control/volumes/Full-$$" 204 "-d {\"volume\":\"Full-00$$\",\"storage\":\"File\",\"pool\":\"Full\",\"encrypt\":\"yes\"} " endpoint_check GET "control/volumes/1" "mediaid" "" endpoint_check GET "control/volumes/188" "No volume" "" endpoint_check GET "control/pools" "pools" "" endpoint_check GET "control/pools/1" "poolid" "" endpoint_check GET "users/me/" "username" "" endpoint_check GET "control/directors/version" "bareos-dir" "" endpoint_check GET "control/directors/time" "year" "" endpoint_check PUT "control/directors/reload" "success" "" ./stopapi.sh cd - #check_for_zombie_jobs storage=File client=bareos-fd stop_bareos end_test