Director { Name = "bareos-dir" Messages = "Daemon" DirAddresses = { ipv4 = { addr = port = @dir_port@ } } QueryFile = "@scriptdir@/query.sql" WorkingDirectory = "@working_dir@" PidDirectory = "@piddir@" BackendDirectory = "@backenddir@" # Subscriptions = 0 MaximumConcurrentJobs = 10 # MaximumConnections = 30 # MaximumConsoleConnections = 20 Password = "@dir_password@" # FdConnectTimeout = 3 minutes # SdConnectTimeout = 30 minutes # HeartbeatInterval = 0 # StatisticsRetention = 5 years 1 months 5 days # StatisticsCollectInterval = 150 # OptimizeForSize = yes # OptimizeForSpeed = no # OmitDefaults = yes # NdmpLogLevel = 4 Auditing = yes # TlsAuthenticate = no # TlsEnable = yes # TlsRequire = no # TlsVerifyPeer = no } Client { Name = "bareos-fd" Description = "Client resource of the Director itself." Address = "localhost" # Port = 9102 Password = "[md5]97a3419152ff86bedac46016e0c97271" # Catalog = "MyCatalog" # Passive = no # ConnectionFromDirectorToClient = yes # ConnectionFromClientToDirector = no # Enabled = yes # HardQuota = 0 # SoftQuota = 0 # SoftQuotaGracePeriod = 0 # StrictQuotas = no # QuotaIncludeFailedJobs = yes # FileRetention = 2 months # JobRetention = 6 months # HeartbeatInterval = 0 # AutoPrune = no # MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1 # NdmpLogLevel = 4 # NdmpBlockSize = 63 k # NdmpUseLmdb = yes # TlsAuthenticate = no # TlsEnable = yes # TlsRequire = no # TlsVerifyPeer = no } JobDefs { Name = "DefaultJob" Type = Backup # BackupFormat = "Native" Level = Incremental Messages = "Standard" Storage = "File" Pool = "Incremental" FullBackupPool = "Full" IncrementalBackupPool = "Incremental" DifferentialBackupPool = "Differential" Client = "bareos-fd" FileSet = "SelfTest" Schedule = "WeeklyCycle" WriteBootstrap = "/var/lib/bareos/%c.bsr" # PrefixLinks = no # PruneJobs = no # PruneFiles = no # PruneVolumes = no # PurgeMigrationJob = no # Enabled = yes # SpoolAttributes = no # SpoolData = no # RerunFailedLevels = no # PreferMountedVolumes = yes # MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1 # RescheduleOnError = no # RescheduleInterval = 30 minutes # RescheduleTimes = 5 # Priority = 10 # AllowMixedPriority = no # Accurate = no # AllowDuplicateJobs = yes # AllowHigherDuplicates = yes # CancelLowerLevelDuplicates = no # CancelQueuedDuplicates = no # CancelRunningDuplicates = no # SaveFileHistory = yes # FileHistorySize = 9 m 549 k 640 # MaxConcurrentCopies = 100 # AlwaysIncremental = no # AlwaysIncrementalJobRetention = 0 # AlwaysIncrementalKeepNumber = 0 # MaxFullConsolidations = 0 # RunOnIncomingConnectInterval = 0 } Job { Name = "RestoreFiles" Description = "Standard Restore template. Only one such job is needed for all standard Jobs/Clients/Storage ..." Type = Restore # BackupFormat = "Native" Messages = "Standard" Storage = "File" Pool = "Incremental" Client = "bareos-fd" FileSet = "LinuxAll" Where = "/tmp/bareos-restores" # PrefixLinks = no # PruneJobs = no # PruneFiles = no # PruneVolumes = no # PurgeMigrationJob = no # Enabled = yes # SpoolAttributes = no # SpoolData = no # RerunFailedLevels = no # PreferMountedVolumes = yes # MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1 # RescheduleOnError = no # RescheduleInterval = 30 minutes # RescheduleTimes = 5 # Priority = 10 # AllowMixedPriority = no # Accurate = no # AllowDuplicateJobs = yes # AllowHigherDuplicates = yes # CancelLowerLevelDuplicates = no # CancelQueuedDuplicates = no # CancelRunningDuplicates = no # SaveFileHistory = yes # FileHistorySize = 9 m 549 k 640 # MaxConcurrentCopies = 100 # AlwaysIncremental = no # AlwaysIncrementalJobRetention = 0 # AlwaysIncrementalKeepNumber = 0 # MaxFullConsolidations = 0 # RunOnIncomingConnectInterval = 0 } Job { Name = "BackupCatalog" Description = "Backup the catalog database (after the nightly save)" # Type = Backup # BackupFormat = "Native" Level = Full # Messages = "Standard" # Storage = "File" # Pool = "Incremental" # FullBackupPool = "Full" # IncrementalBackupPool = "Incremental" # DifferentialBackupPool = "Differential" # Client = "bareos-fd" FileSet = "Catalog" Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup" JobDefs = "DefaultJob" #WriteBootstrap = "|/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bareos) " -s "Bootstrap for Job %j" root" # PrefixLinks = no # PruneJobs = no # PruneFiles = no # PruneVolumes = no # PurgeMigrationJob = no # Enabled = yes # SpoolAttributes = no # SpoolData = no # RerunFailedLevels = no # PreferMountedVolumes = yes # MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1 # RescheduleOnError = no # RescheduleInterval = 30 minutes # RescheduleTimes = 5 Priority = 11 # AllowMixedPriority = no run before job = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/ MyCatalog" run after job = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/delete_catalog_backup" # Accurate = no # AllowDuplicateJobs = yes # AllowHigherDuplicates = yes # CancelLowerLevelDuplicates = no # CancelQueuedDuplicates = no # CancelRunningDuplicates = no # SaveFileHistory = yes # FileHistorySize = 9 m 549 k 640 # MaxConcurrentCopies = 100 # AlwaysIncremental = no # AlwaysIncrementalJobRetention = 0 # AlwaysIncrementalKeepNumber = 0 # MaxFullConsolidations = 0 # RunOnIncomingConnectInterval = 0 } Job { Name = "backup-bareos-fd" # Type = Backup # BackupFormat = "Native" # Level = Incremental # Messages = "Standard" # Storage = "File" # Pool = "Incremental" # FullBackupPool = "Full" # IncrementalBackupPool = "Incremental" # DifferentialBackupPool = "Differential" Client = "bareos-fd" # FileSet = "SelfTest" # Schedule = "WeeklyCycle" JobDefs = "DefaultJob" # WriteBootstrap = "/var/lib/bareos/%c.bsr" # PrefixLinks = no # PruneJobs = no # PruneFiles = no # PruneVolumes = no # PurgeMigrationJob = no # Enabled = yes # SpoolAttributes = no # SpoolData = no # RerunFailedLevels = no # PreferMountedVolumes = yes # MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1 # RescheduleOnError = no # RescheduleInterval = 30 minutes # RescheduleTimes = 5 # Priority = 10 # AllowMixedPriority = no # Accurate = no # AllowDuplicateJobs = yes # AllowHigherDuplicates = yes # CancelLowerLevelDuplicates = no # CancelQueuedDuplicates = no # CancelRunningDuplicates = no # SaveFileHistory = yes # FileHistorySize = 9 m 549 k 640 # MaxConcurrentCopies = 100 # AlwaysIncremental = no # AlwaysIncrementalJobRetention = 0 # AlwaysIncrementalKeepNumber = 0 # MaxFullConsolidations = 0 # RunOnIncomingConnectInterval = 0 } Storage { Name = "File" Address = "vagrant" # Port = 9103 Password = "[md5]4f389409b83d78959bc9fd95292fb63a" Device = "FileStorage" MediaType = "File" # AutoChanger = no # Enabled = yes # AllowCompression = yes # HeartbeatInterval = 0 # CacheStatusInterval = 30 seconds # MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1 # MaximumConcurrentReadJobs = 0 # CollectStatistics = no # TlsAuthenticate = no # TlsEnable = yes # TlsRequire = no # TlsVerifyPeer = no } Catalog { Name = "MyCatalog" DbPassword = "@db_password@" DbUser = "@db_user@" DbName = "@db_name@" DbDriver = "XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DATABASE_DRIVER_XXX" # MultipleConnections = no # DisableBatchInsert = no # Reconnect = no # ExitOnFatal = no # MinConnections = 1 # MaxConnections = 5 # IncConnections = 1 # IdleTimeout = 30 # ValidateTimeout = 120 } Schedule { Name = "WeeklyCycle" run = Full 1st Sat at 21:00 run = Differential 2nd-5th Sat at 21:00 run = Incremental Mon-Fri at 21:00 # Enabled = yes } Schedule { Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup" Description = "This schedule does the catalog. It starts after the WeeklyCycle." run = Full Mon-Fri at 21:10 # Enabled = yes } FileSet { Name = "Windows All Drives" Include { Options { Signature = MD5 IgnoreCase = Yes Exclude = Yes AclSupport = Yes XattrSupport = Yes Wild Dir = "[A-Z]:/RECYCLER" Wild Dir = "[A-Z]:/$RECYCLE.BIN" Wild Dir = "[A-Z]:/System Volume Information" Wild File = "[A-Z]:/pagefile.sys" Drive Type = "fixed" } File = "/" } } FileSet { Name = "SelfTest" Description = "fileset just to backup some files for selftest" Include { Options { Signature = MD5 AclSupport = Yes XattrSupport = Yes } File = "/usr/sbin" } } FileSet { Name = "LinuxAll" Description = "Backup all regular filesystems, determined by filesystem type." Include { Options { Signature = MD5 OneFS = No AclSupport = Yes XattrSupport = Yes Fs Type = "btrfs" Fs Type = "ext2" Fs Type = "ext3" Fs Type = "ext4" Fs Type = "reiserfs" Fs Type = "jfs" Fs Type = "xfs" Fs Type = "zfs" } File = "/" } Exclude { File = "/var/lib/bareos" File = "/var/lib/bareos/storage" File = "/proc" File = "/tmp" File = "/var/tmp" File = "/.journal" File = "/.fsck" } } FileSet { Name = "Catalog" Description = "Backup the catalog dump and Bareos configuration files." Include { Options { Signature = MD5 AclSupport = Yes XattrSupport = Yes } File = "/var/lib/bareos/bareos.sql" File = "/etc/bareos" } } Pool { Name = "Scratch" PoolType = Scratch # LabelType = "bareos" # CleaningPrefix = "CLN" # UseCatalog = yes # PurgeOldestVolume = no # RecycleOldestVolume = no # RecycleCurrentVolume = no # CatalogFiles = yes # VolumeRetention = 1 years # AutoPrune = yes # Recycle = yes } Pool { Name = "Incremental" PoolType = Backup LabelFormat = "Incremental-" # LabelType = "bareos" # CleaningPrefix = "CLN" # UseCatalog = yes # PurgeOldestVolume = no # RecycleOldestVolume = no # RecycleCurrentVolume = no MaximumVolumes = 100 MaximumVolumeBytes = 1 g # CatalogFiles = yes VolumeRetention = 1 months # AutoPrune = yes # Recycle = yes } Pool { Name = "Full" PoolType = Backup LabelFormat = "Full-" # LabelType = "bareos" # CleaningPrefix = "CLN" # UseCatalog = yes # PurgeOldestVolume = no # RecycleOldestVolume = no # RecycleCurrentVolume = no MaximumVolumes = 100 MaximumVolumeBytes = 50 g # CatalogFiles = yes # VolumeRetention = 1 years # AutoPrune = yes # Recycle = yes } Pool { Name = "Differential" PoolType = Backup LabelFormat = "Differential-" # LabelType = "bareos" # CleaningPrefix = "CLN" # UseCatalog = yes # PurgeOldestVolume = no # RecycleOldestVolume = no # RecycleCurrentVolume = no MaximumVolumes = 100 MaximumVolumeBytes = 10 g # CatalogFiles = yes VolumeRetention = 3 months # AutoPrune = yes # Recycle = yes } Messages { Name = "Standard" MailCommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bareos\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bareos: %t %e of %c %l\" %r" OperatorCommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bareos\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bareos: Intervention needed for %j\" %r" catalog = all,!saved,!skipped,!audit append = @logdir@/bareos.log = all,!saved,!skipped,!audit console = all,!saved,!skipped,!audit mail = root = all,!saved,!skipped,!audit operator = root = mount } Messages { Name = "Daemon" MailCommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bareos\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bareos daemon message\" %r" append = @logdir@/bareos-audit.log = audit append = @logdir@/bareos.log = all,!skipped,!audit console = all,!saved,!skipped,!audit mail = root = all,!skipped,!audit } Profile { Name = "webui-readonly" JobACL = "*all*" ClientACL = "*all*" StorageACL = "*all*" ScheduleACL = "*all*" PoolACL = "*all*" CommandACL = ".api", ".help", "use", "version", "status", "list", "llist", ".clients", ".jobs", ".filesets", ".pools", ".storages", ".defaults", ".schedule", ".bvfs_lsdirs", ".bvfs_lsfiles", ".bvfs_update", ".bvfs_get_jobids", ".bvfs_versions", ".bvfs_restore" FileSetACL = "*all*" CatalogACL = "*all*" WhereACL = "*all*" } Profile { Name = "webui-admin" JobACL = "*all*" ClientACL = "*all*" StorageACL = "*all*" ScheduleACL = "*all*" PoolACL = "*all*" CommandACL = "!.bvfs_clear_cache", "!.exit", "!.sql", "!configure", "!create", "!delete", "!purge", "!prune", "!sqlquery", "!umount", "!unmount", "*all*" FileSetACL = "*all*" CatalogACL = "*all*" WhereACL = "*all*" } Profile { Name = "operator" Description = "Profile allowing normal Bareos operations." JobACL = "*all*" ClientACL = "*all*" StorageACL = "*all*" ScheduleACL = "*all*" PoolACL = "*all*" CommandACL = "!.bvfs_clear_cache", "!.exit", "!.sql", "!configure", "!create", "!delete", "!purge", "!prune", "!sqlquery", "!umount", "!unmount", "*all*" FileSetACL = "*all*" CatalogACL = "*all*" WhereACL = "*all*" PluginOptionsACL = "*all*" } Console { Name = "bareos-mon" Description = "Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director." Password = "[md5]4cf5943929b8447731b086f0f43f7f99" JobACL = "*all*" CommandACL = "status", ".status" # UsePamAuthentication = no # TlsAuthenticate = no # TlsEnable = yes # TlsRequire = no # TlsVerifyPeer = no } Console { Name = "admin" Password = "[md5]5ebe2294ecd0e0f08eab7690d2a6ee69" Profile = "webui-admin" # UsePamAuthentication = no # TlsAuthenticate = no TlsEnable = no # TlsRequire = no # TlsVerifyPeer = no } #Console { # Name = "*UserAgent*" # Description = "root console definition" # Password = "[md5]1499042c6de7a645bcb4c21f3e05dc3a" # UsePamAuthentication = no # TlsAuthenticate = no # TlsEnable = yes # TlsRequire = no # TlsVerifyPeer = no #}