# $Id$ -*-perl-*- # verbose mode $verbose = 0; # map file $mapfile = @MAPFILE@; # directory where collected data will be stored $datadir = @DATADIR@; # how old data in days are considered to be expired $expiration = 30; # if compression is used $compression = 1; # compression filter. $compress = 'gzip -c'; # decompression filter $uncompress = 'zcat'; # suffix that will be added to compressed files $compsuffix = '.gz'; # run commands in parallel $concurrent = 0; # filter that will be used before storing (and compressing if it is turned on) sysutils output $filter = ''; # time granularity: hour, min, sec $granularity = 'min'; # period to diplay collected data $period = '$'; # time format used when outputting data $timefmt = ($granularity eq 'sec') ? '%Y-%m-%d/%H/%M/%S:' : '%Y-%m-%d/%H/%M:'; # lockfile to prevent run of next gather when previous is still running # (empty string means we don't want to use locking) $lockfile = ''; # Gnuplot settings %gnuplot = ( 'cmd' => 'gnuplot -p', 'term' => 'x11', 'yrange' => ':', 'style' => 'linespoints', 'options' => '', );