@echo off setlocal rem rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2021 Tanuki Software, Ltd. rem http://www.tanukisoftware.com rem All rights reserved. rem rem This software is the proprietary information of Tanuki Software. rem You shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the rem license agreement you entered into with Tanuki Software. rem http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/doc/english/licenseOverview.html rem rem Java Service Wrapper script - Install as an NT service. rem rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem These settings can be modified to fit the needs of your application rem Optimized for use with version 3.5.45 of the Wrapper. rem The base name for the Wrapper binary. set _WRAPPER_BASE=wrapper rem The directory where the Wrapper binary (.exe) file is located. It can be rem either an absolute or a relative path. If the path contains any special rem characters, please make sure to quote the variable. set _WRAPPER_DIR= rem The name and location of the Wrapper configuration file. This will be used rem if the user does not specify a configuration file as the first parameter to rem this script. rem If a relative path is specified, please note that the location is based on the rem location of the Wrapper executable. set _WRAPPER_CONF_DEFAULT="../conf/%_WRAPPER_BASE%.conf" rem Makes it possible to override the Wrapper configuration file by specifying it rem as the first parameter. rem set _WRAPPER_CONF_OVERRIDE=true rem _PASS_THROUGH controls how the script arguments should be passed to the rem Wrapper. Possible values are: rem - commented or 'false': the arguments will be ignored (not passed). rem - 'app_args' or 'true': the arguments will be passed through the Wrapper as rem arguments for the Java Application. rem - 'both': both Wrapper properties and Application arguments can be passed to rem the Wrapper. The Wrapper properties come in first position. The rem user can optionally add a '--' separator followed by application rem arguments. rem NOTE - If _WRAPPER_CONF_OVERRIDE is set to true the above applies to arguments rem starting with the second, otherwise it applies to all arguments. rem set _PASS_THROUGH=app_args rem If there are any errors, the script will pause for a specific number of seconds rem or until the user presses a key. (0 not to wait, negative to wait forever). set _WRAPPER_TIMEOUT=-1 rem Do not modify anything beyond this point rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem rem Resolve the real path of the wrapper.exe rem For non NT systems, the _REALPATH and _WRAPPER_CONF values rem can be hard-coded below and the following test removed. rem if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto nt echo This script only works with NT-based versions of Windows. goto :eof :nt rem Find the application home. rem if no path path specified do the default action IF not DEFINED _WRAPPER_DIR goto dir_undefined set _WRAPPER_DIR_QUOTED="%_WRAPPER_DIR:"=%" if not "%_WRAPPER_DIR:~-2,1%" == "\" set _WRAPPER_DIR_QUOTED="%_WRAPPER_DIR_QUOTED:"=%\" rem check if absolute path if "%_WRAPPER_DIR_QUOTED:~2,1%" == ":" goto absolute_path if "%_WRAPPER_DIR_QUOTED:~1,1%" == "\" goto absolute_path rem everythig else means relative path set _REALPATH="%~dp0%_WRAPPER_DIR_QUOTED:"=%" goto pathfound :dir_undefined rem Use a relative path to the wrapper %~dp0 is location of current script under NT set _REALPATH="%~dp0" goto pathfound :absolute_path rem Use an absolute path to the wrapper set _REALPATH="%_WRAPPER_DIR_QUOTED:"=%" :pathfound rem rem Decide on the specific Wrapper binary to use (See delta-pack) rem if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" goto amd64 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" goto amd64 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="IA64" goto ia64 :x86_32 set _WRAPPER_L_EXE="%_REALPATH:"=%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-x86-32.exe" set _BIN_BITS="32" goto search :amd64 set _WRAPPER_L_EXE="%_REALPATH:"=%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-x86-64.exe" set _BIN_BITS="64" goto search :ia64 set _WRAPPER_L_EXE="%_REALPATH:"=%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-ia-64.exe" set _BIN_BITS="64" goto search :search set _WRAPPER_EXE="%_WRAPPER_L_EXE:"=%" if exist %_WRAPPER_EXE% goto check_lic_bits set _WRAPPER_EXE="%_REALPATH:"=%%_WRAPPER_BASE%.exe" if exist %_WRAPPER_EXE% goto conf if %_BIN_BITS%=="64" goto x86_32 echo Unable to locate a Wrapper executable using any of the following names: echo %_WRAPPER_L_EXE% echo %_WRAPPER_EXE% goto preexitpause :check_lic_bits if %_BIN_BITS%=="64" ( set _CHECK_LIC_BITS=true ) rem rem Find the wrapper.conf rem :conf if [%_WRAPPER_CONF_OVERRIDE%]==[true] ( set _WRAPPER_CONF="%~f1" if not [%_WRAPPER_CONF%]==[""] ( shift goto conf ) ) set _WRAPPER_CONF="%_WRAPPER_CONF_DEFAULT:"=%" rem The command should not be called inside a IF, else errorlevel would be 0 if not [%_CHECK_LIC_BITS%]==[true] goto conf %_WRAPPER_EXE% --request_delta_binary_bits %_WRAPPER_CONF% > nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% equ 32 ( set _LIC32_OS64=true set _CHECK_LIC_BITS=false goto x86_32 ) :conf if [%_PASS_THROUGH%]==[true] ( set _PASS_THROUGH=app_args ) if [%_PASS_THROUGH%]==[app_args] ( set _PARAMETERS=-- set ARGS_ARE_APP_PARAMS=true set _PASS_THROUGH_ON=true ) if [%_PASS_THROUGH%]==[both] ( set _PASS_THROUGH_ON=true ) if not [%_PASS_THROUGH_ON%]==[true] ( set _PASS_THROUGH=false ) if not [%1]==[] ( if [%_PASS_THROUGH%]==[false] ( echo Additional arguments are not allowed when _PASS_THROUGH is set to false. goto preexitpause ) ) rem Collect all parameters :parameters if [%1]==[] goto callcommand if [%ARGS_ARE_APP_PARAMS%]==[true] goto append if [%1]==[--] ( set ARGS_ARE_APP_PARAMS=true goto append ) rem So we are appending a wrapper property. rem 1) Check it is wrapped inside double quotes. if not ["%~1"]==[%1] ( if not [%_MISSING_QUOTES_REPORTED%]==[true] ( set _MISSING_QUOTES_REPORTED=true echo WARNING: Any property assignment before '--' should be wrapped inside double quotes on Windows. In a powershell prompt command, double quotes should be escaped with backquote characters ^(^`^). ) rem If not wrapped inside quotes, the following tests are not relevant, so skip them. Should we stop? We always used to continue.. but the Wrapper will probably fail. goto append ) rem 2) Check that the arg matches the pattern of a property (the command should be outside of a IF block for errorlevel to be correct) echo %1 | findstr ^wrapper\..*\=.*$ > nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto append echo %1 | findstr ^.*\=.*$ > nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto unkown_property rem Not a valid assignment. echo WARNING: Encountered an invalid configuration property assignment '%~1'. When PASS_THROUGH is set to 'both', any argument before '--' should be in the format '^=^'. goto append :unkown_property rem The property name is not starting with 'wrapper.' so invalid. rem Extract the property name (this should be outside of a IF-ELSE block) for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ("%~1") do set _COMMAND_PROP=%%a echo WARNING: Encountered an unknown configuration property '%_COMMAND_PROP%'. When PASS_THROUGH is set to 'both', any argument before '--' should target a valid Wrapper configuration property. :append set _PARAMETERS=%_PARAMETERS% %1 shift goto parameters rem rem Run the Wrapper rem :callcommand if [%_PASS_THROUGH%]==[false] ( %_WRAPPER_EXE% -i %_WRAPPER_CONF% ) else ( %_WRAPPER_EXE% -i %_WRAPPER_CONF% %_PARAMETERS% ) if not errorlevel 1 goto :eof :preexitpause if %_WRAPPER_TIMEOUT% gtr 0 ( timeout /t %_WRAPPER_TIMEOUT% ) else ( if %_WRAPPER_TIMEOUT% lss 0 ( pause ) )