External references ------------------- Long URLs should be wrapped in the PDF. This can be achieved with the ``\url`` command which is used by the LaTeX writer whenever the content (name) of a reference node equals the link URL. Example: a long URL that should wrap in the output http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/latex.html#id79 If the argument contains any "%", "#", or "^^", or ends with ``\``, it can't be used in the argument to another command. The argument must not contain unbalanced braces. The characters ^, {, }, and ``\`` are invalid in a "http:" or "ftp:" URL and not recognized as part of it: | http://www.example.org/strange^^name | http://www.example.org\\using\\DOS\\paths\\ | http://www.example.org/XML/strange{n}ame They can, however be used in paths and/or filenames. Handling by the LaTeX writer: * ``#``, ``\`` and ``%`` are escaped: | `URL with # `__ http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema#dev | `URL with % `__ http://example.org/Schema%dev | `file with DOS path`__ `A:DOS\\path\\`__ .. note:: These URLs are typeset inside a LaTeX command without error. | http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema#dev | http://example.org/Schema%dev | `A:DOS\\path\\`__ __ __ __ A:DOS\\path\\ * ``^^`` LaTeX's special syntax for characters results in "strange" replacements (both with ``\href`` and ``\url``). A warning is given. `file with ^^ <../strange^^name>`__: `<../strange^^name>`__ * Unbalanced braces, { or }, will fail (both with ``\href`` and ``\url``):: `file with { <../strange{name>`__ `<../strange{name>`__ while balanced braces are suported: | `<../strange{n}ame>`__ | `<../st{r}ange{n}ame>`__ | `<../{st{r}ange{n}ame}>`__