#!@PERL@ # Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Mikhael Goikhman # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see: # Filter this script to pod2man to get a man page: # pod2man -c "Fvwm Utilities" fvwm-perllib | nroff -man | less -e #use strict; # comment to make it faster BEGIN { # use vars qw($prefix $datarootdir $datadir $perllibdir); $prefix = "@prefix@"; $datarootdir = "@datarootdir@"; $datadir = "@datadir@"; $perllibdir = "@FVWM_PERLLIBDIR@"; # try to do it as fast as possible if ($ARGV[0] eq 'dir') { print $perllibdir; exit(0); } } use Getopt::Long; use lib $perllibdir; use General::FileSystem '-die'; my $version = "@VERSION@"; my $version_info = "@VERSIONINFO@"; my $pager = $ENV{PAGER} || "less -e"; my $do_man = 0; my $do_cat = 0; my $do_raw = 0; GetOptions( "help|h|?" => \&show_help, "version|v|V" => \&show_version, "man" => \$do_man, "cat" => \$do_cat, "raw" => \$do_raw, "dir" => sub { print $perllibdir; exit(0); }, ) || wrong_usage(); if ($ARGV[0] eq 'man') { $do_man = 1; shift; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'cat') { $do_cat = 1; shift; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'raw') { $do_raw = 1; shift; } wrong_usage() if !$do_man && !$do_cat && !$do_raw || @ARGV > 1; my $man_or_cat_str = $do_man || $do_raw ? "man" : "cat"; my $internal_pods = {}; $internal_pods->{index} = qq{ :head1 NAME index - lists all available help topics :head1 DESCRIPTION Recent I versions install the Perl library that makes creating fvwm modules in Perl possible and easy. You may read the Perl library documentation locally by running: % fvwm-perllib $man_or_cat_str Available topics: index tutorial events {{CLASS_NAMES}} For example: % fvwm-perllib $man_or_cat_str FVWM::Module :head1 AUTHOR Mikhael Goikhman . }; $internal_pods->{tutorial} = q{ :head1 NAME tutorial - common techniques for writting fvwm modules :head1 TUTORIAL :head2 What is a window manager A window manager is a program that runs on top of the X Window System and manages windows, menus, key and mouse bindings, virtual desktops and pages, draws window decorations using defined colors or images, title-bar buttons and fonts. The window manager defines window placement and focus policies. It may also manage such things as root background, mouse cursors, sounds, run applications and do other nice things. :head2 What is a module In the unix traditions, different functionality may be implemented by separate programs to reduce a bloat. A module is an optional program that is intended to extend the window manager using a defined module protocol. Fvwm modules are spawned by the main I executable. They usually listen to the window manager events, do some useful work and send back commands for execution. There are transient modules that exit immediately or shortly, and persistent modules that exit together with a window manager or when a user requests. Some modules may control windows or other modules. Some modules may supply a GUI, others may be non interactive. :head2 Creating a simple module Let's create a module that shows a flash window for one second when you change pages. We will use I with nifty options for our flash purposes, but you may use your fantasy to do this better. First, we should understand when our module works. Usually a module does nothing (sleeps) and is awaken when something interesting happens. This is achieved using events. A module defines events that it is interesting to receive and set-ups event handlers (perl functions) to be called when the event happens. Then a module enters the event loop where it sleeps all the time until one or another event happens. Most of the module work is done in the event handlers. When an event is processed, the module enters the event loop again. In our case, we should listen to an fvwm event I. The list of all events may be found in man page "events". When we receive the event we want to get new page coordinates and display them using our special xmessage window. Now, from theory to practice. The header of all modules written in Perl is pretty standard: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use lib `fvwm-perllib dir`; use FVWM::Module; Then create the actual module object: my $module = new FVWM::Module( Mask => M_NEW_PAGE | M_NEW_DESK, Debug => 1, ); The B option tells to print the event names that a module receives to help writing a module, it also echoes all sent commands. The B option tells which events a module wants to receive, in our case these are events generated on the page and desk changes. To handle events, event handlers that are perl functions, should be defined. It is ok not to define any event handler for I and to define two event handlers for I. But for our purposes one I would be more than enough: $module->add_handler(M_NEW_PAGE, \&got_new_page); It is a time to implement our C function that will be called every time the desktop page is changed. sub got_new_page { my ($module, $event) = @_; my $width = $event->_vp_width; my $height = $event->_vp_height; if (!$width || !$height) { # this may happen when doing DeskTopSize 1x1 on page 2 2 return; } my $page_nx = int($event->_vp_x / $width); my $page_ny = int($event->_vp_y / $height); # actually show the flash $module->send("Exec xmessage -name FlashWindow \ -bg cyan -fg white -center -timeout 1 -button '' \ -xrm '*cursorName: none' -xrm '*borderWidth: 2' \ -xrm '*borderColor: yellow' -xrm '*Margin: 12' \ '($page_nx, $page_ny)'"); } All event handlers are called with 2 parameters, a module and an event objects. The arguments for all events are defined in L. Each event type has its own arguments. Our I has 5 arguments: vp_x vp_y desk vp_width vp_height. We should do some calculations to get the page numbers from viewport coordinates. The B method passes the command to I for execution. It would be better to set-up the FlashWindow specially: $module->send("Style FlashWindow StaysOnTop, NoTitle, NoHandles, \ BorderWidth 10, WindowListSkip, NeverFocus, UsePPosition"); Finally, all persistent modules should enter the event loop: $module->event_loop; The full module source that we just wrote is available at ftp://ftp.fvwm.org/pub/fvwm/devel/sources/tests/perl/module-flash . To run it execute this fvwm command: Module /path/to/module-flash To kill the module, execute: KillModule /path/to/module-flash :head2 Using event trackers In fact, the task of calculating page coordinates, or managing information about all windows, or gathering colorset, module or global information is so often, that there are existing implentation in the form of event trackers. Tracker is an instance of L superclass. Currently these tracker classes are available (see their man pages): FVWM::Tracker::Colorsets FVWM::Tracker::GlobalConfig FVWM::Tracker::ModuleConfig FVWM::Tracker::PageInfo FVWM::Tracker::Scheduler FVWM::Tracker::WindowList Using a tracker is easy, something along lines: my $tracker = $module->track("WindowList"); my $colorset_tracker = $module->track("Colorsets"); Our module that we wrote above may be reduced if we use: my $viewport = $module->track("PageInfo"); my $page_nx = $viewport->data("page_nx"); my $page_ny = $viewport->data("page_ny"); Note that the tracker continues to work and maintain the up-to-date information about the current page and desk (or up-to-date windows or colorsets depending on the tracker type) at any given moment. Internally, trackers listen to appropriate events using the same event handler mechanism, so there is no speed advantage. However it is a good idea to reuse the existing verified code and reduce the number of events needed to be trapped manually. There is usually no problem if the developer and the tracker define handlers for the same events (besides the handler order maybe). :head2 On the module masks In our example above we explicitly defined Mask in constructor. This is not really needed. If not specified, the event mask is managed automatically (it is updated every time a new event handler is added). Note, there are actually two event masks, called "mask" and "xmask" (extended mask). If you are interested in the details, refer to the fvwm documentation or perllib sources. When trackers are added or removed, the module mask (and xmask) are automatically tweaked underhand. In short, there is often no reason to worry about the module masks. However, in rare cases you may want to define SyncMask (or SyncXMask), so that fvwm is synchronized with the module on certain events. :head2 Creating a more functional module Let's extend our new-page-flash example above and add a way to stop our module and to define another string format. This would be possible using the following I commands: SendToModule /path/to/module-flash stop SendToModule /path/to/module-flash format '[%d %d]' To handle such commands, we should define I event handler. use General::Parse; my $format = "(%d, %d)"; # the default format $module->mask($module->mask | M_STRING); $module->add_handler(M_STRING, sub { my ($module, $event) = @_; my $line = $event->_text; my ($action, @args) = get_tokens($line); if ($action eq "stop") { $module->terminate; } elsif ($action eq "format") { $format = $args[0]; } }); :head1 EXAMPLES Currently see I for examples. Learning the sources of B, B modules may help too. :head1 SEE ALSO See L for the module API. :head1 AUTHOR Mikhael Goikhman . }; $internal_pods->{events} = q{ :head1 NAME events - list of all fvwm events with arguments :head1 DESCRIPTION This list is automatically generated from L package. Given L object of certain event type, say I, here is the syntax to get value of its I argument: $win_id = $event->_win_id; There are several more ways to access arguments, like: $win_id = $event->arg_values->[0]; $text = $event->args->{text}; :head1 EVENTS WITH ARGUMENTS {{EVENT_NAMES}} :head1 ARGUMENT TYPE LEGEND Here is a mapping of fvwm argument types to perl native types: number - integer bool - boolean, true or false window - X window id in decimal, use sprintf("0x%07x", $wid) pixel - "rgb:" . join('/', sprintf("%06lx", $val) =~ /(..)(..)(..)/) string - string (scalar) wflags - window flags in binary string looped - loop of zero or more fixed argument bunches Run L to browse events. :head1 SEE ALSO See "tutorial", L, L and L. :head1 AUTHOR Mikhael Goikhman . }; my $topic = $ARGV[0] || "index"; my $file = "-"; my $text = ""; if (exists $internal_pods->{$topic}) { $text = $internal_pods->{$topic}; $text =~ s/^\t//mg; $text =~ s/^:/=/mg; if ($topic eq 'index') { my @class_names = sort @{list_filenames($perllibdir, 1)}; @class_names = map { s!\.pm$!!; s!/!::!g; $_ } @class_names; $text =~ s/\{\{CLASS_NAMES\}\}/join("\n ", @class_names)/seg; } if ($topic eq 'events') { my $content = `cat '$perllibdir/FVWM/EventNames.pm'`; my $result = ""; foreach ($content =~ /\t&([^\s]+.*?\t\tfields[^\n]+(?:\n\t\t\t[^\n]+)*)/sg) { my ($name, $rest) = /^([^\s]+).*?((?:\n\t\t\t[^\n]+)*)$/s; # ] $result .= " $name\n"; $rest =~ s/([^\s]+)\s*=>\s*([\w]+)/ $result .= sprintf(" %-16s\t%s\n", $1, $2) /eg; $result .= "\n"; } $text =~ s!\{\{EVENT_NAMES\}\}!$result!se; } } else { $file = "$perllibdir/$topic.pm"; $file =~ s!::!/!g; die "No $file found.\n" unless -f $file; } my $man_converter = $do_man ? " | nroff -man | $pager" : ""; open(MANPIPE, $do_cat ? "| pod2text '$file' | $pager" : "| pod2man --section 3 --release 'fvwm $version$version_info'" . " --center 'Fvwm Perl library' --name '$topic' '$file'" . " | @SED@ 's//perllib/ig'$man_converter") or die "Can't open pipe to pod/man viewer\n"; print MANPIPE $text or die "Can't write to pod/man viewer\n"; close MANPIPE; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub show_help { print "Shows documentation of the supplied FVWM Perl library.\n\n"; print "Usage: fvwm-perllib man|cat\n"; print "\tAn introduction to the FVWM Perl library\n\n"; print "Usage: fvwm-perllib man|cat|raw \n"; print "\tManual page for , try: man FVWM::Module\n"; print "\t\$PAGER is used for a pager, the default is '$pager'\n\n"; print "Usage: fvwm-perllib dir\n"; print "\tFor use in fvwm modules written in Perl\n\n"; print "Usage: fvwm-perllib [OPTIONS]\n"; print "Options:\n"; print "\t--help show this help and exit\n"; print "\t--version show the version and exit\n"; exit 0; } sub show_version { print "$version\n"; exit 0; } sub wrong_usage { print STDERR "Try '$0 --help' for more information.\n"; exit -1; } __END__ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME fvwm-perllib - shows the documentation of the Fvwm Perl library =head1 SYNOPSIS B [ B<--help>|B<-h>|B<-?> ] [ B<--version>|B<-v>|B<-V> ] [ B [ I ] ] [ B [ I ] ] [ B [ I ] ] [ B ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Starting from fvwm-2.5.x versions there is a built-in support for creating fvwm modules in Perl. This B utility provides help services for the Fvwm Perl library. =head1 OPTIONS B<--help> show the help and exit B<--version> show the version and exit B<--man> or B [ I ] show manual page just like man(1) B<--cat> or B [ I ] show manual page in plain text B<--raw> or B [ I ] generate output in man format (not human readable) B<--dir> or B print perllib directory without a trailing end of line =head1 USAGE Use this in the fvwm modules written in Perl: use lib `fvwm-perllib dir`; Introduction to the Fvwm Perl library: % fvwm-perllib man Manual page for the C class: % fvwm-perllib man FVWM::Module Standard options: % fvwm-perllib --help % fvwm-perllib --version =head1 AUTHORS Mikhael Goikhman . =head1 COPYING The script is distributed by the same terms as fvwm itself. See GNU General Public License for details. =head1 BUGS No known bugs. Report bugs to fvwm-bug@fvwm.org. =cut # ***************************************************************************