Lines Matching refs:PRINT

348 #define PRINT(x) PA_DEBUG(x);
389 PRINT(("GetProcAddr failed for %s" ,name)); \
762PRINT(("WASAPI ERROR HRESULT: 0x%X : %s\n [FUNCTION: %s FILE: %s {LINE: %d}]\n", res, text, func, …
777PRINT(("WASAPI ERROR PAERROR: %i : %s\n [FUNCTION: %s FILE: %s {LINE: %d}]\n", err, Pa_GetErrorTex…
851 PRINT(("SetSystemTimer: timeBeginPeriod(1) failed!\n"));
872 PRINT(("RestoreSystemTimer: timeEndPeriod(1) failed!\n"));
1225 PRINT(("WASAPI: getting Windows version with RtlGetVersion()\n"));
1247 PRINT(("WASAPI: getting Windows version with GetVersion()\n"));
1295 PRINT(("WASAPI: getting Windows version with VerifyVersionInfo()\n"));
1315 PRINT(("WASAPI: Windows version = %d\n", version));
1363 PRINT(("WASAPI: IAudioClient version = %d\n", cli_version));
1768PRINT(("WASAPI: IAudioClient2_SetClientProperties(IsOffload = %d, Category = %d, Options = %d) fai…
1773PRINT(("WASAPI: IAudioClient2 set properties: IsOffload = %d, Category = %d, Options = %d\n", audi…
1866PRINT(("WASAPI device: %d is not currently available (state:%d)\n", index, wasapiDeviceInfo->state…
2051 PRINT(("WASAPI:%d| bad Data Flow!\n", index));
2060PRINT(("WASAPI: failed filling device info for device index[%d] - error[%d|%s]\n", index, result, …
2283 PRINT(("WASAPI: device list ok - found %d devices\n", paWasapi->deviceCount));
2302PRINT(("WASAPI: failed to create device list - error[%d|%s]\n", result, Pa_GetErrorText(result)));
2316 PRINT(("WASAPI: No AVRT! (not VISTA?)\n"));
2375 PRINT(("WASAPI: initialized ok\n"));
2381 PRINT(("WASAPI: failed %s error[%d|%s]\n", __FUNCTION__, result, Pa_GetErrorText(result)));
2650 PRINT(("SubFormat =CUSTOM GUID{%d:%d:%d:%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d}\n",
2663 PRINT(("Samples.wValidBitsPerSample =%d\n", in->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample));
2664 PRINT(("dwChannelMask =0x%X\n",in->dwChannelMask));
2668 case WAVE_FORMAT_PCM: PRINT(("wFormatTag =WAVE_FORMAT_PCM\n")); break;
2671 PRINT(("wFormatTag =UNKNOWN(%d)\n",old->wFormatTag)); break;
2674 PRINT(("nChannels =%d\n",old->nChannels));
2675 PRINT(("nSamplesPerSec =%d\n",old->nSamplesPerSec));
2676 PRINT(("nAvgBytesPerSec=%d\n",old->nAvgBytesPerSec));
2677 PRINT(("nBlockAlign =%d\n",old->nBlockAlign));
2678 PRINT(("wBitsPerSample =%d\n",old->wBitsPerSample));
2679 PRINT(("cbSize =%d\n",old->cbSize));
3314 PRINT(("WASAPI: CreateAudioClient: forcing POLL mode\n"));
3440PRINT(("WASAPI: CreateAudioClient: detected %d times larger buffer than requested, correct to matc…
3481PRINT(("WASAPI: CreateAudioClient: decreasing buffer size to %d milliseconds\n", (pSub->period / 1…
3521 PRINT(("WASAPI: CreateAudioClient: correcting buffer size/alignment to device default\n"));
3631PRINT(("WASAPI::OpenStream(output): framesPerUser[ %d ] framesPerHost[ %d ] latency[ %.02fms ] exc…
3699PRINT(("WASAPI::OpenStream(input): framesPerUser[ %d ] framesPerHost[ %d ] latency[ %.02fms ] excl…
4013 PRINT(("WASAPI::OpenStream: full-duplex mode\n"));
4414 PRINT(("Failed marshaling stream COM pointers."));
4424 PRINT(("Failed creating thread: ProcThreadEvent."));
4433 PRINT(("Failed creating thread: ProcThreadPoll."));
4442 PRINT(("Failed starting thread: timeout."));
5079 PRINT(("WASAPI: AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics failed: error[%d]\n", GetLastError()));
5093 PRINT(("WASAPI: thread[ priority-0x%X class-0x%X ]\n", cur_priority, cur_priority_class));
5107 PRINT(("WASAPI: AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics failed!\n"));
5804 PRINT(("WASAPI: failed ProcThreadEvent CoInitialize"));
5814 PRINT(("WASAPI: Error unmarshaling stream COM pointers. HRESULT: %i\n", hr));
5885 PRINT(("WASAPI Thread: failed creating Input/Output event handle\n"));
5963PRINT(("WASAPI Thread: WAIT_TIMEOUT - probably bad audio driver or Vista x64 bug: use paWinWasapiP…
6042PRINT(("WASAPI: underrun workaround, sleep [%d] ms - 1/2 of the user buffer[%d] | host buffer[%d]\…