Lines Matching refs:errorMsg

48     wxString errorMsg;  in checkGlError()  local
57 errorMsg = wxString::Format( "Error: %s: invalid enum", aInfo ); in checkGlError()
61 errorMsg = wxString::Format( "Error: %s: invalid value", aInfo ); in checkGlError()
65 errorMsg = wxString::Format( "Error: %s: invalid operation", aInfo ); in checkGlError()
77 errorMsg = "The framebuffer attachment points are incomplete."; in checkGlError()
81 errorMsg = "No images attached to the framebuffer."; in checkGlError()
85 errorMsg = "The framebuffer does not have at least one image attached to it."; in checkGlError()
89 errorMsg = "The framebuffer read buffer is incomplete."; in checkGlError()
93 errorMsg = "The combination of internal formats of the attached images violates " in checkGlError()
98 errorMsg = "GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES is not the same for all attached render " in checkGlError()
103 errorMsg = "Framebuffer incomplete layer targets errors."; in checkGlError()
107 errorMsg = "Framebuffer attachments have different dimensions"; in checkGlError()
111 errorMsg.Printf( "Unknown incomplete framebuffer error id %X", status ); in checkGlError()
116 errorMsg = wxString::Format( "Error: %s: invalid framebuffer operation", aInfo ); in checkGlError()
122 errorMsg = wxString::Format( "Error: %s: out of memory", aInfo ); in checkGlError()
126 errorMsg = wxString::Format( "Error: %s: stack underflow", aInfo ); in checkGlError()
130 errorMsg = wxString::Format( "Error: %s: stack overflow", aInfo ); in checkGlError()
134 errorMsg = wxString::Format( "Error: %s: unknown error", aInfo ); in checkGlError()
144 errorMsg, in checkGlError()
148 throw std::runtime_error( (const char*) errorMsg.char_str() ); in checkGlError()
153 errorMsg, in checkGlError()
157 DisplayErrorMessage( nullptr, "OpenGL Error", errorMsg ); in checkGlError()