Lines Matching defs:documentation

28       "documentation":"<p>Accepts an offer to share the specified portfolio.</p>"  string
44 "documentation":"<p>Associates the specified budget with the specified resource.</p>" string
59 "documentation":"<p>Associates the specified principal ARN with the specified portfolio.</p>" string
74 …"documentation":"<p>Associates the specified product with the specified portfolio.</p> <p>A delega… string
89 "documentation":"<p>Associates a self-service action with a provisioning artifact.</p>" string
107 …"documentation":"<p>Associate the specified TagOption with the specified portfolio or product.</p>" string
120 "documentation":"<p>Associates multiple self-service actions with provisioning artifacts.</p>" string
133 …"documentation":"<p>Disassociates a batch of self-service actions from the specified provisioning … string
147 …"documentation":"<p>Copies the specified source product to the specified target product or a new p… string
163 …"documentation":"<p>Creates a constraint.</p> <p>A delegated admin is authorized to invoke this co… string
178 …"documentation":"<p>Creates a portfolio.</p> <p>A delegated admin is authorized to invoke this com… string
195 …"documentation":"<p>Shares the specified portfolio with the specified account or organization node… string
210 …"documentation":"<p>Creates a product.</p> <p>A delegated admin is authorized to invoke this comma… string
225 …"documentation":"<p>Creates a plan. A plan includes the list of resources to be created (when prov… string
240 …"documentation":"<p>Creates a provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for the specified pr… string
254 "documentation":"<p>Creates a self-service action.</p>" string
269 "documentation":"<p>Creates a TagOption.</p>" string
283 …"documentation":"<p>Deletes the specified constraint.</p> <p>A delegated admin is authorized to in… string
299 …"documentation":"<p>Deletes the specified portfolio.</p> <p>You cannot delete a portfolio if it wa… string
315 …"documentation":"<p>Stops sharing the specified portfolio with the specified account or organizati… string
331 …"documentation":"<p>Deletes the specified product.</p> <p>You cannot delete a product if it was sh… string
345 "documentation":"<p>Deletes the specified plan.</p>" string
360 …"documentation":"<p>Deletes the specified provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for the … string
374 "documentation":"<p>Deletes a self-service action.</p>" string
389 …"documentation":"<p>Deletes the specified TagOption.</p> <p>You cannot delete a TagOption if it is… string
402 "documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified constraint.</p>" string
415 "documentation":"<p>Gets the status of the specified copy product operation.</p>" string
428 …"documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified portfolio.</p> <p>A delegated admin is au… string
443 …"documentation":"<p>Gets the status of the specified portfolio share operation. This API can only … string
457 …"documentation":"<p>Returns a summary of each of the portfolio shares that were created for the sp… string
471 "documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified product.</p>" string
485 …"documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified product. This operation is run with admin… string
499 "documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified product.</p>" string
513 "documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified provisioned product.</p>" string
527 "documentation":"<p>Gets information about the resource changes for the specified plan.</p>" string
541 …"documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified provisioning artifact (also known as a ve… string
555 …"documentation":"<p>Gets information about the configuration required to provision the specified p… string
568 …"documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified request operation.</p> <p>Use this operat… string
581 "documentation":"<p>Describes a self-service action.</p>" string
595 …"documentation":"<p>Finds the default parameters for a specific self-service action on a specific … string
609 "documentation":"<p>Gets information about the specified TagOption.</p>" string
624 …"documentation":"<p>Disable portfolio sharing through AWS Organizations feature. This feature will… string
637 "documentation":"<p>Disassociates the specified budget from the specified resource.</p>" string
651 …"documentation":"<p>Disassociates a previously associated principal ARN from a specified portfolio… string
666 …"documentation":"<p>Disassociates the specified product from the specified portfolio. </p> <p>A de… string
679 …"documentation":"<p>Disassociates the specified self-service action association from the specified… string
693 "documentation":"<p>Disassociates the specified TagOption from the specified resource.</p>" string
708 …"documentation":"<p>Enable portfolio sharing feature through AWS Organizations. This API will allo… string
723 …"documentation":"<p>Provisions or modifies a product based on the resource changes for the specifi… string
738 "documentation":"<p>Executes a self-service action against a provisioned product.</p>" string
752 …"documentation":"<p>Get the Access Status for AWS Organization portfolio share feature. This API c… string
766 …"documentation":"<p>This API takes either a <code>ProvisonedProductId</code> or a <code>Provisione… string
782 …"documentation":"<p>Requests the import of a resource as a Service Catalog provisioned product tha… string
796 "documentation":"<p>Lists all portfolios for which sharing was accepted by this account.</p>" string
810 "documentation":"<p>Lists all the budgets associated to the specified resource.</p>" string
824 "documentation":"<p>Lists the constraints for the specified portfolio and product.</p>" string
838 …"documentation":"<p>Lists the paths to the specified product. A path is how the user has access to… string
853 …"documentation":"<p>Lists the organization nodes that have access to the specified portfolio. This… string
867 …"documentation":"<p>Lists the account IDs that have access to the specified portfolio.</p> <p>A de… string
880 "documentation":"<p>Lists all portfolios in the catalog.</p>" string
894 "documentation":"<p>Lists all portfolios that the specified product is associated with.</p>" string
908 "documentation":"<p>Lists all principal ARNs associated with the specified portfolio.</p>" string
922 …"documentation":"<p>Lists the plans for the specified provisioned product or all plans to which th… string
936 …"documentation":"<p>Lists all provisioning artifacts (also known as versions) for the specified pr… string
950 …"documentation":"<p>Lists all provisioning artifacts (also known as versions) for the specified se… string
963 "documentation":"<p>Lists the specified requests or all performed requests.</p>" string
978 "documentation":"<p>Lists the resources associated with the specified TagOption.</p>" string
991 "documentation":"<p>Lists all self-service actions.</p>" string
1005 …"documentation":"<p>Returns a paginated list of self-service actions associated with the specified… string
1019 …"documentation":"<p>Returns summary information about stack instances that are associated with the… string
1033 "documentation":"<p>Lists the specified TagOptions or all TagOptions.</p>" string
1048 …"documentation":"<p>Provisions the specified product.</p> <p>A provisioned product is a resourced … string
1061 "documentation":"<p>Rejects an offer to share the specified portfolio.</p>" string
1074 …"documentation":"<p>Lists the provisioned products that are available (not terminated).</p> <p>To … string
1087 "documentation":"<p>Gets information about the products to which the caller has access.</p>" string
1101 …"documentation":"<p>Gets information about the products for the specified portfolio or all product… string
1114 …"documentation":"<p>Gets information about the provisioned products that meet the specified criter… string
1127 …"documentation":"<p>Terminates the specified provisioned product.</p> <p>This operation does not d… string
1141 "documentation":"<p>Updates the specified constraint.</p>" string
1157 …"documentation":"<p>Updates the specified portfolio.</p> <p>You cannot update a product that was s… string
1173 …"documentation":"<p>Updates the specified portfolio share. You can use this API to enable or disab… string
1188 "documentation":"<p>Updates the specified product.</p>" string
1202 …"documentation":"<p>Requests updates to the configuration of the specified provisioned product.</p… string
1217 … "documentation":"<p>Requests updates to the properties of the specified provisioned product.</p>" string
1231 …"documentation":"<p>Updates the specified provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for the … string
1245 "documentation":"<p>Updates a self-service action.</p>" string
1261 "documentation":"<p>Updates the specified TagOption.</p>" string
1275 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1279 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
1283 …"documentation":"<p>The type of shared portfolios to accept. The default is to accept imported por… string
1297 …"documentation":"<p>The access level.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>Account</code> - Filter results base… string
1301 …"documentation":"<p>The user to which the access level applies. The only supported value is <code>… string
1304 "documentation":"<p>The access level to use to filter results.</p>" string
1350 "documentation":"<p>The name of the budget you want to associate.</p>" string
1354 "documentation":"<p> The resource identifier. Either a portfolio-id or a product-id.</p>" string
1373 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1377 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
1381 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the principal (IAM user, role, or group).</p>" string
1385 "documentation":"<p>The principal type. The supported value is <code>IAM</code>.</p>" string
1403 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1407 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
1411 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
1415 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the source portfolio.</p>" string
1434 … "documentation":"<p>The product identifier. For example, <code>prod-abcdzk7xy33qa</code>.</p>" string
1438 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact. For example, <code>pa-4abcdjnxjj6… string
1442 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier. For example, <code>act-fs7abcd89wxyz</code… string
1446 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1464 "documentation":"<p>The resource identifier.</p>" string
1468 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption identifier.</p>" string
1484 …"documentation":"<p>One or more associations, each consisting of the Action ID, the Product ID, an… string
1488 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1497 …"documentation":"<p>An object that contains a list of errors, along with information to help you i… string
1507 …"documentation":"<p>One or more associations, each consisting of the Action ID, the Product ID, an… string
1511 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1520 …"documentation":"<p>An object that contains a list of errors, along with information to help you i… string
1530 "documentation":"<p>Name of the associated budget.</p>" string
1533 "documentation":"<p>Information about a budget.</p>" string
1558 "documentation":"<p>The name of the CloudWatch dashboard.</p>" string
1561 "documentation":"<p>Information about a CloudWatch dashboard.</p>" string
1577 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the constraint.</p>" string
1581 …"documentation":"<p>The type of constraint.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>LAUNCH</code> </p> </li> <li> … string
1585 "documentation":"<p>The description of the constraint.</p>" string
1589 "documentation":"<p>The owner of the constraint.</p>" string
1593 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the product the constraint applies to. Note that a constrain… string
1597 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the portfolio the product resides in. The constraint applies… string
1600 "documentation":"<p>Information about a constraint.</p>" string
1616 …"documentation":"<p>The type of constraint.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>LAUNCH</code> </p> </li> <li> … string
1620 "documentation":"<p>The description of the constraint.</p>" string
1623 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about a constraint.</p>" string
1647 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1651 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source product.</p>" string
1655 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the target product. By default, a new product is created.</p… string
1659 …"documentation":"<p>A name for the target product. The default is the name of the source product.<… string
1663 …"documentation":"<p>The identifiers of the provisioning artifacts (also known as versions) of the … string
1667 …"documentation":"<p>The copy options. If the value is <code>CopyTags</code>, the tags from the sou… string
1671 …"documentation":"<p> A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reque… string
1681 "documentation":"<p>The token to use to track the progress of the operation.</p>" string
1705 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1709 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
1713 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
1717 …"documentation":"<p>The constraint parameters, in JSON format. The syntax depends on the constrain… string
1721 …"documentation":"<p>The type of constraint.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>LAUNCH</code> </p> </li> <li> … string
1725 "documentation":"<p>The description of the constraint.</p>" string
1729 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
1739 "documentation":"<p>Information about the constraint.</p>" string
1743 "documentation":"<p>The constraint parameters.</p>" string
1747 "documentation":"<p>The status of the current request.</p>" string
1761 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1765 "documentation":"<p>The name to use for display purposes.</p>" string
1769 "documentation":"<p>The description of the portfolio.</p>" string
1773 "documentation":"<p>The name of the portfolio provider.</p>" string
1777 "documentation":"<p>One or more tags.</p>" string
1781 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
1791 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolio.</p>" string
1795 "documentation":"<p>Information about the tags associated with the portfolio.</p>" string
1805 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1809 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
1813 "documentation":"<p>The AWS account ID. For example, <code>123456789012</code>.</p>" string
1817 …"documentation":"<p>The organization node to whom you are going to share. If <code>OrganizationNod… string
1821 …"documentation":"<p>Enables or disables <code>TagOptions </code> sharing when creating the portfol… string
1830 …"documentation":"<p>The portfolio shares a unique identifier that only returns if the portfolio is… string
1846 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1850 "documentation":"<p>The name of the product.</p>" string
1854 "documentation":"<p>The owner of the product.</p>" string
1858 "documentation":"<p>The description of the product.</p>" string
1862 "documentation":"<p>The distributor of the product.</p>" string
1866 "documentation":"<p>The support information about the product.</p>" string
1870 "documentation":"<p>The contact email for product support.</p>" string
1874 …"documentation":"<p>The contact URL for product support.</p> <p> <code>^https?:\\/\\// </code>/ is… string
1878 "documentation":"<p>The type of product.</p>" string
1882 "documentation":"<p>One or more tags.</p>" string
1886 "documentation":"<p>The configuration of the provisioning artifact. </p>" string
1890 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
1900 "documentation":"<p>Information about the product view.</p>" string
1904 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioning artifact. </p>" string
1908 "documentation":"<p>Information about the tags associated with the product.</p>" string
1925 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
1929 "documentation":"<p>The name of the plan.</p>" string
1933 "documentation":"<p>The plan type.</p>" string
1937 …"documentation":"<p>Passed to CloudFormation. The SNS topic ARNs to which to publish stack-related… string
1941 …"documentation":"<p>The path identifier of the product. This value is optional if the product has … string
1945 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
1949 …"documentation":"<p>A user-friendly name for the provisioned product. This value must be unique fo… string
1953 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
1957 …"documentation":"<p>Parameters specified by the administrator that are required for provisioning t… string
1961 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
1966 …"documentation":"<p>One or more tags.</p> <p>If the plan is for an existing provisioned product, t… string
1975 "documentation":"<p>The name of the plan.</p>" string
1979 "documentation":"<p>The plan identifier.</p>" string
1983 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
1987 "documentation":"<p>The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.</p>" string
1991 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
2005 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2009 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
2013 "documentation":"<p>The configuration for the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
2017 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
2027 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
2031 …"documentation":"<p>Specify the template source with one of the following options, but not both. K… string
2035 "documentation":"<p>The status of the current request.</p>" string
2050 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action name.</p>" string
2054 …"documentation":"<p>The service action definition type. For example, <code>SSM_AUTOMATION</code>.<… string
2058 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action definition. Can be one of the following:</p> <dl> <dt>… string
2062 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action description.</p>" string
2066 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2070 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
2080 "documentation":"<p>An object containing information about the self-service action.</p>" string
2093 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption key.</p>" string
2097 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption value.</p>" string
2106 "documentation":"<p>Information about the TagOption.</p>" string
2119 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2123 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the constraint.</p>" string
2138 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2142 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
2157 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2161 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
2165 "documentation":"<p>The AWS account ID.</p>" string
2169 "documentation":"<p>The organization node to whom you are going to stop sharing.</p>" string
2178 …"documentation":"<p>The portfolio share unique identifier. This will only be returned if delete is… string
2188 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2192 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
2207 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2211 "documentation":"<p>The plan identifier.</p>" string
2215 …"documentation":"<p>If set to true, AWS Service Catalog stops managing the specified provisioned p… string
2233 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2237 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
2241 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
2256 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier. For example, <code>act-fs7abcd89wxyz</code… string
2260 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2275 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption identifier.</p>" string
2290 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2294 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the constraint.</p>" string
2303 "documentation":"<p>Information about the constraint.</p>" string
2307 "documentation":"<p>The constraint parameters.</p>" string
2311 "documentation":"<p>The status of the current request.</p>" string
2321 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2325 …"documentation":"<p>The token for the copy product operation. This token is returned by <a>CopyPro… string
2334 "documentation":"<p>The status of the copy product operation.</p>" string
2338 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the copied product.</p>" string
2342 "documentation":"<p>The status message.</p>" string
2352 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2356 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
2365 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolio.</p>" string
2369 "documentation":"<p>Information about the tags associated with the portfolio.</p>" string
2373 "documentation":"<p>Information about the TagOptions associated with the portfolio.</p>" string
2377 "documentation":"<p>Information about the associated budgets.</p>" string
2387 …"documentation":"<p>The token for the portfolio share operation. This token is returned either by … string
2396 …"documentation":"<p>The token for the portfolio share operation. For example, <code>share-6v24abcd… string
2400 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
2404 …"documentation":"<p>Organization node identifier. It can be either account id, organizational unit… string
2408 "documentation":"<p>Status of the portfolio share operation.</p>" string
2412 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolio share operation.</p>" string
2434 …"documentation":"<p>The unique identifier of the portfolio for which shares will be retrieved.</p>" string
2438 …"documentation":"<p>The type of portfolio share to summarize. This field acts as a filter on the t… string
2442 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
2446 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
2455 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
2459 "documentation":"<p>Summaries about each of the portfolio shares.</p>" string
2468 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2472 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
2476 "documentation":"<p>The product name.</p>" string
2480 …"documentation":"<p>The unique identifier of the shared portfolio that the specified product is as… string
2489 "documentation":"<p>Information about the product view.</p>" string
2493 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioning artifacts (also known as versions) for the … string
2497 "documentation":"<p>Information about the tags associated with the product.</p>" string
2501 "documentation":"<p>Information about the TagOptions associated with the product.</p>" string
2505 "documentation":"<p>Information about the associated budgets.</p>" string
2514 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2518 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
2522 "documentation":"<p>The product name.</p>" string
2531 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about the product view.</p>" string
2535 … "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioning artifacts for the specified product.</p>" string
2539 "documentation":"<p>Information about the associated budgets.</p>" string
2543 "documentation":"<p>Information about the associated launch paths.</p>" string
2553 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2557 "documentation":"<p>The product view identifier.</p>" string
2566 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about the product.</p>" string
2570 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioning artifacts for the product.</p>" string
2579 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2583 …"documentation":"<p>The provisioned product identifier. You must provide the name or ID, but not b… string
2587 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioned product. You must provide the name or ID, but not … string
2590 …"documentation":"DescribeProvisionedProductAPI input structure. AcceptLanguage - [Optional] The la… string
2597 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioned product.</p>" string
2601 …"documentation":"<p>Any CloudWatch dashboards that were created when provisioning the product.</p>" string
2611 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2615 "documentation":"<p>The plan identifier.</p>" string
2619 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
2623 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
2632 "documentation":"<p>Information about the plan.</p>" string
2636 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the resource changes that will occur when the plan is execut… string
2640 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
2649 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2653 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
2657 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
2661 "documentation":"<p>The provisioning artifact name.</p>" string
2665 "documentation":"<p>The product name.</p>" string
2669 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether a verbose level of detail is enabled.</p>" string
2678 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
2682 "documentation":"<p>The URL of the CloudFormation template in Amazon S3.</p>" string
2686 "documentation":"<p>The status of the current request.</p>" string
2695 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2699 …"documentation":"<p>The product identifier. You must provide the product name or ID, but not both.… string
2703 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the product. You must provide the name or ID, but not both.</p>" string
2707 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact. You must provide the name or ID, … string
2711 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioning artifact. You must provide the name or ID, but no… string
2715 …"documentation":"<p>The path identifier of the product. This value is optional if the product has … string
2719 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the path. You must provide the name or ID, but not both.</p>" string
2728 "documentation":"<p>Information about the parameters used to provision the product.</p>" string
2732 "documentation":"<p>Information about the constraints used to provision the product.</p>" string
2736 …"documentation":"<p>Any additional metadata specifically related to the provisioning of the produc… string
2740 "documentation":"<p>Information about the TagOptions associated with the resource.</p>" string
2744 …"documentation":"<p>An object that contains information about preferences, such as regions and acc… string
2748 "documentation":"<p>The output of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
2758 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2762 …"documentation":"<p>The record identifier of the provisioned product. This identifier is returned … string
2766 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
2770 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
2779 "documentation":"<p>Information about the product.</p>" string
2783 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the product created as the result of a request. For example,… string
2787 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
2800 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product.</p>" string
2804 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier.</p>" string
2808 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2817 "documentation":"<p>The parameters of the self-service action.</p>" string
2827 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier.</p>" string
2831 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2840 "documentation":"<p>Detailed information about the self-service action.</p>" string
2850 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption identifier.</p>" string
2859 "documentation":"<p>Information about the TagOption.</p>" string
2884 "documentation":"<p>The name of the budget you want to disassociate.</p>" string
2888 …"documentation":"<p>The resource identifier you want to disassociate from. Either a portfolio-id o… string
2906 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2910 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
2914 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the principal (IAM user, role, or group).</p>" string
2932 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2936 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
2940 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
2959 … "documentation":"<p>The product identifier. For example, <code>prod-abcdzk7xy33qa</code>.</p>" string
2963 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact. For example, <code>pa-4abcdjnxjj6… string
2967 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier. For example, <code>act-fs7abcd89wxyz</code… string
2971 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
2989 "documentation":"<p>The resource identifier.</p>" string
2993 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption identifier.</p>" string
3006 "documentation":"<p>The specified resource is a duplicate.</p>", string
3038 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3042 "documentation":"<p>The plan identifier.</p>" string
3046 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
3056 "documentation":"<p>Information about the result of provisioning the product.</p>" string
3070 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product.</p>" string
3074 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier. For example, <code>act-fs7abcd89wxyz</code… string
3078 … "documentation":"<p>An idempotency token that uniquely identifies the execute request.</p>", string
3083 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3087 …"documentation":"<p>A map of all self-service action parameters and their values. If a provided pa… string
3096 …"documentation":"<p>An object containing detailed information about the result of provisioning the… string
3105 "documentation":"<p>The name of the execution parameter.</p>" string
3109 "documentation":"<p>The execution parameter type.</p>" string
3113 "documentation":"<p>The default values for the execution parameter.</p>" string
3116 …"documentation":"<p>Details of an execution parameter value that is passed to a self-service actio… string
3155 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier. For example, <code>act-fs7abcd89wxyz</code… string
3159 … "documentation":"<p>The product identifier. For example, <code>prod-abcdzk7xy33qa</code>.</p>" string
3163 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact. For example, <code>pa-4abcdjnxjj6… string
3167 "documentation":"<p>The error code. Valid values are listed below.</p>" string
3171 "documentation":"<p>A text description of the error.</p>" string
3174 …"documentation":"<p>An object containing information about the error, along with identifying infor… string
3191 "documentation":"<p>The status of the portfolio share feature.</p>" string
3200 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3204 … "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product that you want the outputs from.</p>" string
3208 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioned product that you want the outputs from.</p>" string
3212 …"documentation":"<p>The list of keys that the API should return with their values. If none are pro… string
3216 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3220 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3229 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the product created as the result of a request. For example,… string
3233 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3263 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3267 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
3271 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
3275 …"documentation":"<p>The user-friendly name of the provisioned product. The value must be unique fo… string
3279 …"documentation":"<p>The unique identifier of the resource to be imported. It only currently suppor… string
3283 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
3300 "documentation":"<p>One or more parameters provided to the operation are not valid.</p>", string
3307 …"documentation":"<p>An attempt was made to modify a resource that is in a state that is not valid.… string
3316 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the launch path.</p>" string
3320 "documentation":"<p>The name of the launch path.</p>" string
3323 "documentation":"<p>A launch path object.</p>" string
3334 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the product path.</p>" string
3338 "documentation":"<p>The constraints on the portfolio-product relationship.</p>" string
3342 "documentation":"<p>The tags associated with this product path.</p>" string
3346 "documentation":"<p>The name of the portfolio to which the user was assigned.</p>" string
3349 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about a product path for a user.</p>" string
3359 …"documentation":"<p>The current limits of the service would have been exceeded by this operation. … string
3367 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3371 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3375 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3379 …"documentation":"<p>The type of shared portfolios to list. The default is to list imported portfol… string
3388 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolios.</p>" string
3392 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3402 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3406 "documentation":"<p>The resource identifier.</p>" string
3410 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3414 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3423 "documentation":"<p>Information about the associated budgets.</p>" string
3427 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3437 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3441 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
3445 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
3449 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3453 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3462 "documentation":"<p>Information about the constraints.</p>" string
3466 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3476 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3480 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
3484 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3488 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3497 "documentation":"<p>Information about the launch path.</p>" string
3501 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3514 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3518 … "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier. For example, <code>port-2abcdext3y5fk</code>.</p>" string
3522 …"documentation":"<p>The organization node type that will be returned in the output.</p> <ul> <li> … string
3526 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3530 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3539 "documentation":"<p>Displays information about the organization nodes.</p>" string
3543 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3553 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3557 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
3561 …"documentation":"<p>The ID of an organization node the portfolio is shared with. All children of t… string
3565 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3569 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3578 "documentation":"<p>Information about the AWS accounts with access to the portfolio.</p>" string
3582 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3592 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3596 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
3600 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3604 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3613 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolios.</p>" string
3617 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3626 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3630 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3634 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3643 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolios.</p>" string
3647 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3657 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3661 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
3665 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3669 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3678 … "documentation":"<p>The IAM principals (users or roles) associated with the portfolio.</p>" string
3682 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3691 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3695 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
3699 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3703 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3707 …"documentation":"<p>The access level to use to obtain results. The default is <code>User</code>.</… string
3716 "documentation":"<p>Information about the plans.</p>" string
3720 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3730 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier. For example, <code>act-fs7abcd89wxyz</code… string
3734 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3738 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3742 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3751 …"documentation":"<p>An array of objects with information about product views and provisioning arti… string
3755 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3765 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3769 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
3778 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioning artifacts.</p>" string
3782 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3791 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3795 …"documentation":"<p>The access level to use to obtain results. The default is <code>User</code>.</… string
3799 "documentation":"<p>The search filter to scope the results.</p>" string
3803 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3807 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3816 "documentation":"<p>The records, in reverse chronological order.</p>" string
3820 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3829 …"documentation":"<p>The filter key.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>product</code> - Filter results based … string
3833 "documentation":"<p>The filter value.</p>" string
3836 "documentation":"<p>The search filter to use when listing history records.</p>" string
3844 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption identifier.</p>" string
3848 …"documentation":"<p>The resource type.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>Portfolio</code> </p> </li> <li> <p… string
3852 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3856 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3865 "documentation":"<p>Information about the resources.</p>" string
3869 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3882 … "documentation":"<p>The product identifier. For example, <code>prod-abcdzk7xy33qa</code>.</p>" string
3886 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact. For example, <code>pa-4abcdjnxjj6… string
3890 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3894 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3898 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3907 …"documentation":"<p>An object containing information about the self-service actions associated wit… string
3911 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3920 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3924 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3928 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3937 …"documentation":"<p>An object containing information about the service actions associated with the… string
3941 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3951 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
3955 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product.</p>" string
3959 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
3963 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
3972 "documentation":"<p>List of stack instances.</p>" string
3976 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
3985 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption key.</p>" string
3989 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption value.</p>" string
3993 "documentation":"<p>The active state.</p>" string
3996 "documentation":"<p>Filters to use when listing TagOptions.</p>" string
4003 …"documentation":"<p>The search filters. If no search filters are specified, the output includes al… string
4007 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
4011 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
4020 "documentation":"<p>Information about the TagOptions.</p>" string
4024 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
4054 "documentation":"<p>The operation is not supported.</p>", string
4062 "documentation":"<p>The organization node type.</p>" string
4066 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the organization node.</p>" string
4069 "documentation":"<p>Information about the organization node.</p>" string
4119 "documentation":"<p>The values that the administrator has allowed for the parameter.</p>" string
4123 …"documentation":"<p>A regular expression that represents the patterns that allow for <code>String<… string
4127 …"documentation":"<p>A string that explains a constraint when the constraint is violated. For examp… string
4131 …"documentation":"<p>An integer value that determines the largest number of characters you want to … string
4135 …"documentation":"<p>An integer value that determines the smallest number of characters you want to… string
4139 …"documentation":"<p>A numeric value that determines the largest numeric value you want to allow fo… string
4143 …"documentation":"<p>A numeric value that determines the smallest numeric value you want to allow f… string
4146 "documentation":"<p>The constraints that the administrator has put on the parameter.</p>" string
4174 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
4178 "documentation":"<p>The ARN assigned to the portfolio.</p>" string
4182 "documentation":"<p>The name to use for display purposes.</p>" string
4186 "documentation":"<p>The description of the portfolio.</p>" string
4190 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
4194 "documentation":"<p>The name of the portfolio provider.</p>" string
4197 "documentation":"<p>Information about a portfolio.</p>" string
4214 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the recipient entity that received the portfolio share. The … string
4218 "documentation":"<p>The type of the portfolio share.</p>" string
4222 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the shared portfolio is imported by the recipient account. I… string
4226 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether TagOptions sharing is enabled or disabled for the portfolio … string
4229 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolio share.</p>" string
4248 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the principal (IAM user, role, or group).</p>" string
4252 "documentation":"<p>The principal type. The supported value is <code>IAM</code>.</p>" string
4255 "documentation":"<p>Information about a principal.</p>" string
4294 "documentation":"<p>The value of the product view aggregation.</p>" string
4298 "documentation":"<p>An approximate count of the products that match the value.</p>" string
4301 …"documentation":"<p>A single product view aggregation value/count pair, containing metadata about … string
4317 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about the product view.</p>" string
4321 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the product.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>AVAILABLE</code> - The prod… string
4325 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the product.</p>" string
4329 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
4332 "documentation":"<p>Information about a product view.</p>" string
4387 "documentation":"<p>The product view identifier.</p>" string
4391 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
4395 "documentation":"<p>The name of the product.</p>" string
4399 …"documentation":"<p>The owner of the product. Contact the product administrator for the significan… string
4403 "documentation":"<p>Short description of the product.</p>" string
4407 …"documentation":"<p>The product type. Contact the product administrator for the significance of th… string
4411 …"documentation":"<p>The distributor of the product. Contact the product administrator for the sign… string
4415 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the product has a default path. If the product does not have… string
4419 "documentation":"<p>The email contact information to obtain support for this Product.</p>" string
4423 "documentation":"<p>The description of the support for this Product.</p>" string
4427 "documentation":"<p>The URL information to obtain support for this Product.</p>" string
4430 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about a product view.</p>" string
4461 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
4465 … "documentation":"<p>The product identifier. You must provide the name or ID, but not both.</p>" string
4469 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the product. You must provide the name or ID, but not both.</p>" string
4473 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact. You must provide the name or ID, … string
4477 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioning artifact. You must provide the name or ID, but no… string
4481 …"documentation":"<p>The path identifier of the product. This value is optional if the product has … string
4485 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the path. You must provide the name or ID, but not both.</p>" string
4489 …"documentation":"<p>A user-friendly name for the provisioned product. This value must be unique fo… string
4493 …"documentation":"<p>Parameters specified by the administrator that are required for provisioning t… string
4497 …"documentation":"<p>An object that contains information about the provisioning preferences for a s… string
4501 "documentation":"<p>One or more tags.</p>" string
4505 …"documentation":"<p>Passed to CloudFormation. The SNS topic ARNs to which to publish stack-related… string
4509 … "documentation":"<p>An idempotency token that uniquely identifies the provisioning request.</p>", string
4519 "documentation":"<p>Information about the result of provisioning the product.</p>" string
4528 "documentation":"<p>The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4532 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4536 …"documentation":"<p>The type of provisioned product. The supported values are <code>CFN_STACK</cod… string
4540 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4544 …"documentation":"<p>The current status of the provisioned product.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>AVAILAB… string
4548 "documentation":"<p>The current status message of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4552 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
4556 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
4560 …"documentation":"<p>The record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned produc… string
4564 …"documentation":"<p>The record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned produc… string
4568 …"documentation":"<p>The record identifier of the last successful request performed on this provisi… string
4572 "documentation":"<p>One or more tags.</p>" string
4576 …"documentation":"<p>The assigned identifier for the resource, such as an EC2 instance ID or an S3 … string
4580 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
4584 "documentation":"<p>The name of the product.</p>" string
4588 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4592 "documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4596 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM user.</p>" string
4600 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the IAM user in the session. This ARN might contain a session ID.</… string
4603 "documentation":"<p>Information about a provisioned product.</p>" string
4614 "documentation":"<p>The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4618 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4622 …"documentation":"<p>The type of provisioned product. The supported values are <code>CFN_STACK</cod… string
4626 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4630 …"documentation":"<p>The current status of the provisioned product.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>AVAILAB… string
4634 "documentation":"<p>The current status message of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4638 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
4642 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple reques… string
4646 …"documentation":"<p>The record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned produc… string
4650 …"documentation":"<p>The record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned produc… string
4654 …"documentation":"<p>The record identifier of the last successful request performed on this provisi… string
4658 … "documentation":"<p>The product identifier. For example, <code>prod-abcdzk7xy33qa</code>.</p>" string
4662 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact. For example, <code>pa-4abcdjnxjj6… string
4666 … "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the launch role associated with the provisioned product.</p>" string
4669 "documentation":"<p>Information about a provisioned product.</p>" string
4698 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
4702 …"documentation":"<p>The path identifier of the product. This value is optional if the product has … string
4706 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
4710 "documentation":"<p>The name of the plan.</p>" string
4714 "documentation":"<p>The plan identifier.</p>" string
4718 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
4722 "documentation":"<p>The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4726 "documentation":"<p>The plan type.</p>" string
4730 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4734 "documentation":"<p>The status.</p>" string
4738 "documentation":"<p>The time when the plan was last updated.</p>" string
4742 …"documentation":"<p>Passed to CloudFormation. The SNS topic ARNs to which to publish stack-related… string
4746 …"documentation":"<p>Parameters specified by the administrator that are required for provisioning t… string
4750 "documentation":"<p>One or more tags.</p>" string
4754 "documentation":"<p>The status message.</p>" string
4757 "documentation":"<p>Information about a plan.</p>" string
4776 "documentation":"<p>The name of the plan.</p>" string
4780 "documentation":"<p>The plan identifier.</p>" string
4784 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
4788 "documentation":"<p>The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.</p>" string
4792 "documentation":"<p>The plan type.</p>" string
4796 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4799 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about a plan.</p>" string
4842 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4846 "documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4850 "documentation":"<p>The description of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4854 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
4858 …"documentation":"<p>Information set by the administrator to provide guidance to end users about wh… string
4861 …"documentation":"<p>Information about a provisioning artifact. A provisioning artifact is also kno… string
4874 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4878 "documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4882 "documentation":"<p>The description of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
4886 …"documentation":"<p>The type of provisioning artifact.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>CLOUD_FORMATION_TEM… string
4890 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
4894 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the product version is active.</p>" string
4898 …"documentation":"<p>Information set by the administrator to provide guidance to end users about wh… string
4901 …"documentation":"<p>Information about a provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for a prod… string
4932 "documentation":"<p>The provisioning artifact output key.</p>" string
4936 "documentation":"<p>Description of the provisioning artifact output key.</p>" string
4939 "documentation":"<p>Provisioning artifact output.</p>" string
4957 "documentation":"<p>The parameter key.</p>" string
4961 "documentation":"<p>The default value.</p>" string
4965 "documentation":"<p>The parameter type.</p>" string
4969 …"documentation":"<p>If this value is true, the value for this parameter is obfuscated from view wh… string
4973 "documentation":"<p>The description of the parameter.</p>" string
4977 "documentation":"<p>Constraints that the administrator has put on a parameter.</p>" string
4980 "documentation":"<p>Information about a parameter used to provision a product.</p>" string
4991 …"documentation":"<p>One or more AWS accounts where stack instances are deployed from the stack set… string
4995 …"documentation":"<p>One or more AWS Regions where stack instances are deployed from the stack set.… string
4998 …"documentation":"<p>The user-defined preferences that will be applied during product provisioning,… string
5006 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioning artifact (for example, v1 v2beta). No spaces are … string
5010 …"documentation":"<p>The description of the provisioning artifact, including how it differs from th… string
5014 …"documentation":"<p>Specify the template source with one of the following options, but not both. K… string
5018 …"documentation":"<p>The type of provisioning artifact.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>CLOUD_FORMATION_TEM… string
5022 …"documentation":"<p>If set to true, AWS Service Catalog stops validating the specified provisionin… string
5025 …"documentation":"<p>Information about a provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for a prod… string
5041 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
5045 "documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
5049 "documentation":"<p>The description of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
5053 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
5057 …"documentation":"<p>The metadata for the provisioning artifact. This is used with AWS Marketplace … string
5060 …"documentation":"<p>Summary information about a provisioning artifact (also known as a version) fo… string
5075 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about a product view.</p>" string
5079 …"documentation":"<p>Information about a provisioning artifact. A provisioning artifact is also kno… string
5082 …"documentation":"<p>An object that contains summary information about a product view and a provisi… string
5097 "documentation":"<p>The parameter key.</p>" string
5101 "documentation":"<p>The parameter value.</p>" string
5104 "documentation":"<p>Information about a parameter used to provision a product.</p>" string
5115 …"documentation":"<p>One or more AWS accounts where the provisioned product will be available.</p> … string
5119 …"documentation":"<p>One or more AWS Regions where the provisioned product will be available.</p> <… string
5123 …"documentation":"<p>The number of accounts, per region, for which this operation can fail before A… string
5127 …"documentation":"<p>The percentage of accounts, per region, for which this stack operation can fai… string
5131 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum number of accounts in which to perform this operation at one time.… string
5135 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum percentage of accounts in which to perform this operation at one t… string
5138 …"documentation":"<p>The user-defined preferences that will be applied when updating a provisioned … string
5145 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the record.</p>" string
5149 "documentation":"<p>The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.</p>" string
5153 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the provisioned product.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>CREATED</code> … string
5157 "documentation":"<p>The UTC time stamp of the creation time.</p>" string
5161 "documentation":"<p>The time when the record was last updated.</p>" string
5165 …"documentation":"<p>The type of provisioned product. The supported values are <code>CFN_STACK</cod… string
5169 …"documentation":"<p>The record type.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>PROVISION_PRODUCT</code> </p> </li> <… string
5173 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product.</p>" string
5177 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
5181 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
5185 "documentation":"<p>The path identifier.</p>" string
5189 "documentation":"<p>The errors that occurred.</p>" string
5193 "documentation":"<p>One or more tags.</p>" string
5197 … "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the launch role associated with the provisioned product.</p>" string
5200 "documentation":"<p>Information about a request operation.</p>" string
5211 "documentation":"<p>The numeric value of the error.</p>" string
5215 "documentation":"<p>The description of the error.</p>" string
5218 "documentation":"<p>The error code and description resulting from an operation.</p>" string
5229 "documentation":"<p>The output key.</p>" string
5233 "documentation":"<p>The output value.</p>" string
5237 "documentation":"<p>The description of the output.</p>" string
5240 …"documentation":"<p>The output for the product created as the result of a request. For example, th… string
5261 "documentation":"<p>The key for this tag.</p>" string
5265 "documentation":"<p>The value for this tag.</p>" string
5268 "documentation":"<p>Information about a tag, which is a key-value pair.</p>" string
5295 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
5299 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
5303 …"documentation":"<p>The type of shared portfolios to reject. The default is to reject imported por… string
5349 "documentation":"<p>The change action.</p>" string
5353 … "documentation":"<p>The ID of the resource, as defined in the CloudFormation template.</p>" string
5357 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the resource, if it was already created.</p>" string
5361 "documentation":"<p>The type of resource.</p>" string
5365 …"documentation":"<p>If the change type is <code>Modify</code>, indicates whether the existing reso… string
5369 "documentation":"<p>The change scope.</p>" string
5373 "documentation":"<p>Information about the resource changes.</p>" string
5376 …"documentation":"<p>Information about a resource change that will occur when a plan is executed.</… string
5383 "documentation":"<p>Information about the resource attribute to be modified.</p>" string
5387 …"documentation":"<p>For static evaluations, the value of the resource attribute will change and th… string
5391 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the entity that caused the change.</p>" string
5394 "documentation":"<p>Information about a change to a resource attribute.</p>" string
5409 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the resource.</p>" string
5413 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the resource.</p>" string
5417 "documentation":"<p>The name of the resource.</p>" string
5421 "documentation":"<p>The description of the resource.</p>" string
5425 "documentation":"<p>The creation time of the resource.</p>" string
5428 "documentation":"<p>Information about a resource.</p>" string
5444 …"documentation":"<p>A resource that is currently in use. Ensure that the resource is not in use an… string
5451 "documentation":"<p>The specified resource was not found.</p>", string
5459 "documentation":"<p>The attribute to be changed.</p>" string
5463 …"documentation":"<p>If the attribute is <code>Properties</code>, the value is the name of the prop… string
5467 …"documentation":"<p>If the attribute is <code>Properties</code>, indicates whether a change to thi… string
5470 "documentation":"<p>Information about a change to a resource attribute.</p>" string
5485 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
5489 …"documentation":"<p>The access level to use to obtain results. The default is <code>User</code>.</… string
5493 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
5497 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
5506 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioned products.</p>" string
5510 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
5525 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
5529 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
5533 …"documentation":"<p>The search filters. If no search filters are specified, the output includes al… string
5537 … "documentation":"<p>The sort field. If no value is specified, the results are not sorted.</p>" string
5541 … "documentation":"<p>The sort order. If no value is specified, the results are not sorted.</p>" string
5545 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
5549 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
5553 "documentation":"<p>Access level of the source of the product.</p>" string
5562 "documentation":"<p>Information about the product views.</p>" string
5566 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
5575 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
5579 …"documentation":"<p>The search filters. If no search filters are specified, the output includes al… string
5583 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
5587 … "documentation":"<p>The sort field. If no value is specified, the results are not sorted.</p>" string
5591 … "documentation":"<p>The sort order. If no value is specified, the results are not sorted.</p>" string
5595 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
5604 "documentation":"<p>Information about the product views.</p>" string
5608 "documentation":"<p>The product view aggregations.</p>" string
5612 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
5621 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
5625 …"documentation":"<p>The access level to use to obtain results. The default is <code>User</code>.</… string
5629 …"documentation":"<p>The search filters.</p> <p>When the key is <code>SearchQuery</code>, the searc… string
5633 …"documentation":"<p>The sort field. If no value is specified, the results are not sorted. The vali… string
5637 … "documentation":"<p>The sort order. If no value is specified, the results are not sorted.</p>" string
5641 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return with this call.</p>" string
5645 …"documentation":"<p>The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of resul… string
5654 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioned products.</p>" string
5658 "documentation":"<p>The number of provisioned products found.</p>" string
5662 …"documentation":"<p>The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no add… string
5681 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier. For example, <code>act-fs7abcd89wxyz</code… string
5685 … "documentation":"<p>The product identifier. For example, <code>prod-abcdzk7xy33qa</code>.</p>" string
5689 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact. For example, <code>pa-4abcdjnxjj6… string
5692 …"documentation":"<p>A self-service action association consisting of the Action ID, the Product ID,… string
5749 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about the self-service action.</p>" string
5753 "documentation":"<p>A map that defines the self-service action.</p>" string
5756 … "documentation":"<p>An object containing detailed information about the self-service action.</p>" string
5773 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier.</p>" string
5777 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action name.</p>" string
5781 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action description.</p>" string
5785 …"documentation":"<p>The self-service action definition type. For example, <code>SSM_AUTOMATION</co… string
5788 "documentation":"<p>Detailed information about the self-service action.</p>" string
5795 "documentation":"<p>List of accounts for whom the operation succeeded.</p>" string
5799 "documentation":"<p>List of errors.</p>" string
5802 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolio share operation.</p>" string
5809 "documentation":"<p>List of accounts impacted by the error.</p>" string
5813 "documentation":"<p>Information about the error.</p>" string
5817 "documentation":"<p>Error type that happened when processing the operation.</p>" string
5820 "documentation":"<p>Errors that occurred during the portfolio share operation.</p>" string
5858 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the AWS account that the stack instance is associated with.</p>" string
5862 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the AWS region that the stack instance is associated with.</p>" string
5866 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the stack instance, in terms of its synchronization with its ass… string
5869 …"documentation":"<p>An AWS CloudFormation stack, in a specific account and region, that's part of … string
5956 "documentation":"<p>The tag key.</p>" string
5960 "documentation":"<p>The value for this key.</p>" string
5963 …"documentation":"<p>Information about a tag. A tag is a key-value pair. Tags are propagated to the… string
5981 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption key.</p>" string
5985 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption value.</p>" string
5989 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption active state.</p>" string
5993 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption identifier.</p>" string
5997 … "documentation":"<p>The AWS account Id of the owner account that created the TagOption.</p>" string
6000 "documentation":"<p>Information about a TagOption.</p>" string
6021 …"documentation":"<p>An operation requiring TagOptions failed because the TagOptions migration proc… string
6033 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption key.</p>" string
6037 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption value.</p>" string
6040 "documentation":"<p>Summary information about a TagOption.</p>" string
6069 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioned product. You cannot specify both <code>Provisioned… string
6073 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product. You cannot specify both <code>Provi… string
6077 …"documentation":"<p>An idempotency token that uniquely identifies the termination request. This to… string
6082 …"documentation":"<p>If set to true, AWS Service Catalog stops managing the specified provisioned p… string
6086 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6090 …"documentation":"<p>When this boolean parameter is set to true, the <code>TerminateProvisionedProd… string
6099 "documentation":"<p>Information about the result of this request.</p>" string
6110 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6114 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the constraint.</p>" string
6118 "documentation":"<p>The updated description of the constraint.</p>" string
6122 …"documentation":"<p>The constraint parameters, in JSON format. The syntax depends on the constrain… string
6131 "documentation":"<p>Information about the constraint.</p>" string
6135 "documentation":"<p>The constraint parameters.</p>" string
6139 "documentation":"<p>The status of the current request.</p>" string
6149 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6153 "documentation":"<p>The portfolio identifier.</p>" string
6157 "documentation":"<p>The name to use for display purposes.</p>" string
6161 "documentation":"<p>The updated description of the portfolio.</p>" string
6165 "documentation":"<p>The updated name of the portfolio provider.</p>" string
6169 "documentation":"<p>The tags to add.</p>" string
6173 "documentation":"<p>The tags to remove.</p>" string
6182 "documentation":"<p>Information about the portfolio.</p>" string
6186 "documentation":"<p>Information about the tags associated with the portfolio.</p>" string
6196 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6200 …"documentation":"<p>The unique identifier of the portfolio for which the share will be updated.</p… string
6204 …"documentation":"<p>The AWS Account Id of the recipient account. This field is required when updat… string
6209 …"documentation":"<p>A flag to enable or disable TagOptions sharing for the portfolio share. If thi… string
6218 …"documentation":"<p>The token that tracks the status of the <code>UpdatePortfolioShare</code> oper… string
6222 …"documentation":"<p>The status of <code>UpdatePortfolioShare</code> operation. You can also obtain… string
6232 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6236 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
6240 "documentation":"<p>The updated product name.</p>" string
6244 "documentation":"<p>The updated owner of the product.</p>" string
6248 "documentation":"<p>The updated description of the product.</p>" string
6252 "documentation":"<p>The updated distributor of the product.</p>" string
6256 "documentation":"<p>The updated support description for the product.</p>" string
6260 "documentation":"<p>The updated support email for the product.</p>" string
6264 "documentation":"<p>The updated support URL for the product.</p>" string
6268 "documentation":"<p>The tags to add to the product.</p>" string
6272 "documentation":"<p>The tags to remove from the product.</p>" string
6281 "documentation":"<p>Information about the product view.</p>" string
6285 "documentation":"<p>Information about the tags associated with the product.</p>" string
6295 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6299 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioned product. You cannot specify both <code>Provisioned… string
6303 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product. You must provide the name or ID, bu… string
6307 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the product. You must provide the name or ID, but not both.<… string
6311 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the product. You must provide the name or ID, but not both.</p>" string
6315 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
6319 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the provisioning artifact. You must provide the name or ID, but no… string
6323 …"documentation":"<p>The path identifier. This value is optional if the product has a default path,… string
6327 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the path. You must provide the name or ID, but not both.</p>" string
6331 "documentation":"<p>The new parameters.</p>" string
6335 …"documentation":"<p>An object that contains information about the provisioning preferences for a s… string
6339 …"documentation":"<p>One or more tags. Requires the product to have <code>RESOURCE_UPDATE</code> co… string
6343 …"documentation":"<p>The idempotency token that uniquely identifies the provisioning update request… string
6353 "documentation":"<p>Information about the result of the request.</p>" string
6367 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6371 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioned product.</p>" string
6375 …"documentation":"<p>A map that contains the provisioned product properties to be updated.</p> <p>T… string
6379 …"documentation":"<p>The idempotency token that uniquely identifies the provisioning product update… string
6389 "documentation":"<p>The provisioned product identifier.</p>" string
6393 "documentation":"<p>A map that contains the properties updated.</p>" string
6397 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the record.</p>" string
6401 "documentation":"<p>The status of the request.</p>" string
6414 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6418 "documentation":"<p>The product identifier.</p>" string
6422 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
6426 "documentation":"<p>The updated name of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
6430 "documentation":"<p>The updated description of the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
6434 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the product version is active.</p> <p>Inactive provisioning … string
6438 …"documentation":"<p>Information set by the administrator to provide guidance to end users about wh… string
6447 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioning artifact.</p>" string
6451 "documentation":"<p>The URL of the CloudFormation template in Amazon S3.</p>" string
6455 "documentation":"<p>The status of the current request.</p>" string
6464 "documentation":"<p>The parameter key.</p>" string
6468 "documentation":"<p>The parameter value.</p>" string
6472 …"documentation":"<p>If set to true, <code>Value</code> is ignored and the previous parameter value… string
6475 "documentation":"<p>The parameter key-value pair used to update a provisioned product.</p>" string
6486 …"documentation":"<p>One or more AWS accounts that will have access to the provisioned product.</p>… string
6490 …"documentation":"<p>One or more AWS Regions where the provisioned product will be available.</p> <… string
6494 …"documentation":"<p>The number of accounts, per region, for which this operation can fail before A… string
6498 …"documentation":"<p>The percentage of accounts, per region, for which this stack operation can fai… string
6502 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum number of accounts in which to perform this operation at one time.… string
6506 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum percentage of accounts in which to perform this operation at one t… string
6510 …"documentation":"<p>Determines what action AWS Service Catalog performs to a stack set or a stack … string
6513 …"documentation":"<p>The user-defined preferences that will be applied when updating a provisioned … string
6521 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action identifier.</p>" string
6525 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action name.</p>" string
6529 "documentation":"<p>A map that defines the self-service action.</p>" string
6533 "documentation":"<p>The self-service action description.</p>" string
6537 …"documentation":"<p>The language code.</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>en</code> - English (default)</p> <… string
6546 "documentation":"<p>Detailed information about the self-service action.</p>" string
6556 "documentation":"<p>The TagOption identifier.</p>" string
6560 "documentation":"<p>The updated value.</p>" string
6564 "documentation":"<p>The updated active state.</p>" string
6573 "documentation":"<p>Information about the TagOption.</p>" string
6583 "documentation":"<p>The usage instruction type for the value.</p>" string
6587 "documentation":"<p>The usage instruction value for this type.</p>" string
6590 "documentation":"<p>Additional information provided by the administrator.</p>" string
6601 …"documentation":"<fullname>AWS Service Catalog</fullname> <p> <a href=\"… string