Lines Matching defs:CAServer

38 type CAServer struct {  struct
39 URL string // server URL after it has been started
40 Roots *x509.CertPool // CA root certificates; initialized in NewCAServer
42 rootKey crypto.Signer
43 rootCert []byte // DER encoding
44 rootTemplate *x509.Certificate
46 server *httptest.Server
47 challengeTypes []string // supported challenge types
48 domainsWhitelist []string // only these domains are valid for issuing, unless empty
50 mu sync.Mutex
51 certCount int // number of issued certs
52 domainAddr map[string]string // domain name to addr:port resolution
53 authorizations map[string]*authorization // keyed by domain name
54 orders []*order // index is used as order ID
55 errors []error // encountered client errors
116 func (ca *CAServer) Close() {
120 func (ca *CAServer) serverURL(format string, arg ...interface{}) string {
124 func (ca *CAServer) addr(domain string) (string, error) {
134 func (ca *CAServer) httpErrorf(w http.ResponseWriter, code int, format string, a ...interface{}) {
142 func (ca *CAServer) Resolve(domain, addr string) {
177 func (ca *CAServer) handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
360 func (ca *CAServer) matchWhitelist(dnsNames []string) error {
379 func (ca *CAServer) storedOrder(i string) (*order, error) {
395 func (ca *CAServer) authz(identifier string) *authorization {
416 func (ca *CAServer) authorized(dnsNames []string) error {
432 func (ca *CAServer) leafCert(csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (der []byte, err error) {
451 func (ca *CAServer) validateChallenge(typ, identifier string) {
501 func (ca *CAServer) verifyALPNChallenge(domain string) error {