Lines Matching defs:documentation

30 …"documentation":"<p>Accepts the invitation to be a member account and be monitored by the Security…  string
47 …"documentation":"<p>This method is deprecated. Instead, use <code>AcceptAdministratorInvitation</c… string
65 …"documentation":"<p>Disables the standards specified by the provided <code>StandardsSubscriptionAr… string
81 …"documentation":"<p>Enables the standards specified by the provided <code>StandardsArn</code>. To … string
97 …"documentation":"<p>Imports security findings generated from an integrated product into Security H… string
113 …"documentation":"<p>Used by Security Hub customers to update information about their investigation… string
130 …"documentation":"<p>Creates a custom action target in Security Hub.</p> <p>You can use custom acti… string
147 …"documentation":"<p>Creates a custom insight in Security Hub. An insight is a consolidation of fin… string
164 …"documentation":"<p>Creates a member association in Security Hub between the specified accounts an… string
180 …"documentation":"<p>Declines invitations to become a member account.</p> <p>This operation is only… string
196 …"documentation":"<p>Deletes a custom action target from Security Hub.</p> <p>Deleting a custom act… string
213 "documentation":"<p>Deletes the insight specified by the <code>InsightArn</code>.</p>" string
230 …"documentation":"<p>Deletes invitations received by the Amazon Web Services account to become a me… string
247 …"documentation":"<p>Deletes the specified member accounts from Security Hub.</p> <p>Can be used to… string
263 …"documentation":"<p>Returns a list of the custom action targets in Security Hub in your account.</… string
280 …"documentation":"<p>Returns details about the Hub resource in your account, including the <code>Hu… string
296 …"documentation":"<p>Returns information about the Organizations configuration for Security Hub. Ca… string
312 …"documentation":"<p>Returns information about product integrations in Security Hub.</p> <p>You can… string
327 …"documentation":"<p>Returns a list of the available standards in Security Hub.</p> <p>For each sta… string
343 …"documentation":"<p>Returns a list of security standards controls.</p> <p>For each control, the re… string
360 …"documentation":"<p>Disables the integration of the specified product with Security Hub. After the… string
376 …"documentation":"<p>Disables a Security Hub administrator account. Can only be called by the organ… string
392 …"documentation":"<p>Disables Security Hub in your account only in the current Region. To disable S… string
409 …"documentation":"<p>Disassociates the current Security Hub member account from the associated admi… string
426 …"documentation":"<p>This method is deprecated. Instead, use <code>DisassociateFromAdministratorAcc… string
445 …"documentation":"<p>Disassociates the specified member accounts from the associated administrator … string
462 …"documentation":"<p>Enables the integration of a partner product with Security Hub. Integrated pro… string
478 …"documentation":"<p>Designates the Security Hub administrator account for an organization. Can onl… string
495 …"documentation":"<p>Enables Security Hub for your account in the current Region or the Region you … string
512 …"documentation":"<p>Provides the details for the Security Hub administrator account for the curren… string
528 "documentation":"<p>Returns a list of the standards that are currently enabled.</p>" string
544 "documentation":"<p>Returns a list of findings that match the specified criteria.</p>" string
561 …"documentation":"<p>Lists the results of the Security Hub insight specified by the insight ARN.</p… string
578 "documentation":"<p>Lists and describes insights for the specified insight ARNs.</p>" string
594 …"documentation":"<p>Returns the count of all Security Hub membership invitations that were sent to… string
611 …"documentation":"<p>This method is deprecated. Instead, use <code>GetAdministratorAccount</code>.<… string
630 …"documentation":"<p>Returns the details for the Security Hub member accounts for the specified acc… string
647 …"documentation":"<p>Invites other Amazon Web Services accounts to become member accounts for the S… string
662 …"documentation":"<p>Lists all findings-generating solutions (products) that you are subscribed to … string
678 …"documentation":"<p>Lists all Security Hub membership invitations that were sent to the current Am… string
694 …"documentation":"<p>Lists details about all member accounts for the current Security Hub administr… string
710 …"documentation":"<p>Lists the Security Hub administrator accounts. Can only be called by the organ… string
725 "documentation":"<p>Returns a list of tags associated with a resource.</p>" string
740 "documentation":"<p>Adds one or more tags to a resource.</p>" string
755 "documentation":"<p>Removes one or more tags from a resource.</p>" string
772 …"documentation":"<p>Updates the name and description of a custom action target in Security Hub.</p… string
789 …"documentation":"<p> <code>UpdateFindings</code> is deprecated. Instead of <code>UpdateFindings</c… string
806 … "documentation":"<p>Updates the Security Hub insight identified by the specified insight ARN.</p>" string
822 …"documentation":"<p>Used to update the configuration related to Organizations. Can only be called … string
839 "documentation":"<p>Updates configuration options for Security Hub.</p>" string
855 …"documentation":"<p>Used to control whether an individual security standard control is enabled or … string
868 …"documentation":"<p>The account ID of the Security Hub administrator account that sent the invitat… string
872 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the invitation sent from the Security Hub administrator acco… string
890 …"documentation":"<p>The account ID of the Security Hub administrator account that sent the invitat… string
894 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the invitation sent from the Security Hub administrator acco… string
909 …"documentation":"<p>You don't have permission to perform the action specified in the request.</p>", string
919 "documentation":"<p>The ID of an Amazon Web Services account.</p>" string
923 "documentation":"<p>The email of an Amazon Web Services account.</p>" string
926 "documentation":"<p>The details of an Amazon Web Services account.</p>" string
942 …"documentation":"<p>The type of action that was detected. The possible action types are:</p> <ul> … string
946 …"documentation":"<p>Included if <code>ActionType</code> is <code>NETWORK_CONNECTION</code>. Provid… string
950 …"documentation":"<p>Included if <code>ActionType</code> is <code>AWS_API_CALL</code>. Provides det… string
954 …"documentation":"<p>Included if <code>ActionType</code> is <code>DNS_REQUEST</code>. Provides deta… string
958 …"documentation":"<p>Included if <code>ActionType</code> is <code>PORT_PROBE</code>. Provides detai… string
961 …"documentation":"<p>Provides details about one of the following actions that affects or that was t… string
968 "documentation":"<p>The IP address.</p>" string
971 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the IP address where the scanned port is located.</… string
978 "documentation":"<p>The number of the port.</p>" string
982 "documentation":"<p>The port name of the local connection.</p>" string
985 …"documentation":"<p>For <code>NetworkConnectionAction</code> and <code>PortProbeDetails</code>, <c… string
992 "documentation":"<p>The IP address.</p>" string
996 …"documentation":"<p>The internet service provider (ISP) organization associated with the remote IP… string
1000 "documentation":"<p>The country where the remote IP address is located.</p>" string
1004 "documentation":"<p>The city where the remote IP address is located.</p>" string
1008 "documentation":"<p>The coordinates of the location of the remote IP address.</p>" string
1011 …"documentation":"<p>For <code>AwsApiAction</code>, <code>NetworkConnectionAction</code>, and <code… string
1018 "documentation":"<p>The number of the port.</p>" string
1022 "documentation":"<p>The port name of the remote connection.</p>" string
1025 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the remote port that was involved in an attempted n… string
1037 "documentation":"<p>The ARN for the target action.</p>" string
1041 "documentation":"<p>The name of the action target.</p>" string
1045 "documentation":"<p>The description of the target action.</p>" string
1048 "documentation":"<p>An <code>ActionTarget</code> object.</p>" string
1059 "documentation":"<p>The metric to adjust.</p>" string
1063 "documentation":"<p>The reason for the adjustment.</p>" string
1066 "documentation":"<p>An adjustment to the CVSS metric.</p>" string
1077 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the Security Hub administrator a… string
1081 …"documentation":"<p>The current status of the Security Hub administrator account. Indicates whethe… string
1084 …"documentation":"<p>Represents a Security Hub administrator account designated by an organization … string
1111 "documentation":"<p>The name of the Availability Zone.</p>" string
1115 … "documentation":"<p>The ID of the subnet. You can specify one subnet per Availability Zone.</p>" string
1118 "documentation":"<p>Information about an Availability Zone.</p>" string
1129 "documentation":"<p>The name of the API method that was issued.</p>" string
1133 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the Amazon Web Services service that the API method belongs to.</p… string
1137 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the API call originated from a remote IP address (<code>remo… string
1141 …"documentation":"<p>Provided if <code>CallerType</code> is <code>remoteIp</code>. Provides informa… string
1145 …"documentation":"<p>Provided if <code>CallerType</code> is <code>domain</code>. Provides informati… string
1149 "documentation":"<p>Identifies the resources that were affected by the API call.</p>" string
1153 …"documentation":"<p>An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the API call was first obse… string
1157 …"documentation":"<p>An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the API call was most recen… string
1160 …"documentation":"<p>Provided if <code>ActionType</code> is <code>AWS_API_CALL</code>. It provides … string
1167 "documentation":"<p>The name of the DNS domain that issued the API call.</p>" string
1170 …"documentation":"<p>Provided if <code>CallerType</code> is <code>domain</code>. It provides inform… string
1177 …"documentation":"<p>A single-line format of the access logs of data, as specified by selected <cod… string
1181 … "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs log group that receives the access logs.</p>" string
1184 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about settings for logging access for the stage.</p>" string
1191 … "documentation":"<p>The percentage of traffic that is diverted to a canary deployment.</p>" string
1195 "documentation":"<p>The deployment identifier for the canary deployment.</p>" string
1199 …"documentation":"<p>Stage variables that are overridden in the canary release deployment. The vari… string
1203 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the canary deployment uses the stage cache.</p>" string
1206 … "documentation":"<p>Contains information about settings for canary deployment in the stage.</p>" string
1213 …"documentation":"<p>A list of endpoint types for the REST API.</p> <p>For an edge-optimized API, t… string
1216 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about the endpoints for the API.</p>" string
1223 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether CloudWatch metrics are enabled for the method. </p>" string
1227 …"documentation":"<p>The logging level for this method. The logging level affects the log entries t… string
1231 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled for the method. Data trace log… string
1235 "documentation":"<p>The throttling burst limit for the method.</p>" string
1239 "documentation":"<p>The throttling rate limit for the method.</p>" string
1243 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether responses are cached and returned for requests. For response… string
1247 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the time to live (TTL), in seconds, for cached responses. The higher… string
1251 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the cached responses are encrypted. </p>" string
1255 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether authorization is required for a cache invalidation request.<… string
1259 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates how to handle unauthorized requests for cache invalidation.</p> <p>V… string
1263 …"documentation":"<p>The HTTP method. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to apply method set… string
1267 …"documentation":"<p>The resource path for this method. Forward slashes (/) are encoded as ~1 . The… string
1270 "documentation":"<p>Defines settings for a method for the stage.</p>" string
1281 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the REST API.</p>" string
1285 "documentation":"<p>The name of the REST API.</p>" string
1289 "documentation":"<p>A description of the REST API.</p>" string
1293 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the API was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> for… string
1297 "documentation":"<p>The version identifier for the REST API.</p>" string
1301 "documentation":"<p>The list of binary media types supported by the REST API.</p>" string
1305 …"documentation":"<p>The minimum size in bytes of a payload before compression is enabled.</p> <p>I… string
1309 …"documentation":"<p>The source of the API key for metering requests according to a usage plan.</p>… string
1313 "documentation":"<p>The endpoint configuration of the REST API.</p>" string
1316 … "documentation":"<p>Contains information about a REST API in version 1 of Amazon API Gateway.</p>" string
1323 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the deployment that the stage points to.</p>" string
1327 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the client certificate for the stage.</p>" string
1331 "documentation":"<p>The name of the stage.</p>" string
1335 "documentation":"<p>A description of the stage.</p>" string
1339 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage.</p>" string
1343 "documentation":"<p>If a cache cluster is enabled, the size of the cache cluster.</p>" string
1347 "documentation":"<p>If a cache cluster is enabled, the status of the cache cluster.</p>" string
1351 "documentation":"<p>Defines the method settings for the stage.</p>" string
1355 …"documentation":"<p>A map that defines the stage variables for the stage.</p> <p>Variable names ca… string
1359 … "documentation":"<p>The version of the API documentation that is associated with the stage.</p>" string
1363 "documentation":"<p>Settings for logging access for the stage.</p>" string
1367 "documentation":"<p>Information about settings for canary deployment in the stage.</p>" string
1371 … "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether active tracing with X-Ray is enabled for the stage.</p>" string
1375 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the stage was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> f… string
1379 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the stage was most recently updated.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date… string
1383 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the web ACL associated with the stage.</p>" string
1386 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about a version 1 Amazon API Gateway stage.</p>" string
1393 …"documentation":"<p>The URI of the API. </p> <p>Uses the format <code> <i>&lt;api-id&gt;</i>.execu… string
1397 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the API.</p>" string
1401 … "documentation":"<p>An API key selection expression. Supported only for WebSocket APIs. </p>" string
1405 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the API was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> for… string
1409 "documentation":"<p>A description of the API.</p>" string
1413 "documentation":"<p>The version identifier for the API.</p>" string
1417 "documentation":"<p>The name of the API.</p>" string
1421 …"documentation":"<p>The API protocol for the API.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>WEBSOCKET</code> | <c… string
1425 …"documentation":"<p>The route selection expression for the API.</p> <p>For HTTP APIs, must be <cod… string
1429 …"documentation":"<p>A cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration. Supported only for HTTP … string
1432 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about a version 2 API in Amazon API Gateway.</p>" string
1439 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether detailed metrics are enabled.</p>" string
1443 …"documentation":"<p>The logging level. The logging level affects the log entries that are pushed t… string
1447 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled. Data trace logging affects th… string
1451 "documentation":"<p>The throttling burst limit.</p>" string
1455 "documentation":"<p>The throttling rate limit.</p>" string
1458 "documentation":"<p>Contains route settings for a stage.</p>" string
1465 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of a client certificate for a stage. Supported only for WebSock… string
1469 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the stage was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> f… string
1473 "documentation":"<p>The description of the stage.</p>" string
1477 "documentation":"<p>Default route settings for the stage.</p>" string
1481 … "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the deployment that the stage is associated with. </p>" string
1485 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the stage was most recently updated.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date… string
1489 "documentation":"<p>The route settings for the stage.</p>" string
1493 "documentation":"<p>The name of the stage.</p>" string
1497 …"documentation":"<p>A map that defines the stage variables for the stage.</p> <p>Variable names ca… string
1501 "documentation":"<p>Information about settings for logging access for the stage.</p>" string
1505 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether updates to an API automatically trigger a new deployment.</p… string
1509 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the last deployment of a stage. Supported only if the stage has … string
1513 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the stage is managed by API Gateway.</p>" string
1516 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about a version 2 stage for Amazon API Gateway.</p>" string
1523 "documentation":"<p>The name of the launch configuration.</p>" string
1527 "documentation":"<p>The list of load balancers associated with the group.</p>" string
1531 "documentation":"<p>The service to use for the health checks.</p>" string
1535 …"documentation":"<p>The amount of time, in seconds, that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits before it c… string
1539 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the auto scaling group was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-… string
1542 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about an auto scaling group.</p>" string
1549 …"documentation":"<p>The device name that is exposed to the EC2 instance. For example, <code>/dev/s… string
1553 …"documentation":"<p>Parameters that are used to automatically set up Amazon EBS volumes when an in… string
1557 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to suppress the device that is included in the block device mapping of… string
1561 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the virtual device (for example, <code>ephemeral0</code>).</p> <p>… string
1564 "documentation":"<p>A block device for the instance.</p>" string
1571 "documentation":"<p>Whether to delete the volume when the instance is terminated.</p>" string
1575 "documentation":"<p>Whether to encrypt the volume.</p>" string
1579 …"documentation":"<p>The number of input/output (I/O) operations per second (IOPS) to provision for… string
1583 …"documentation":"<p>The snapshot ID of the volume to use.</p> <p>You must specify either <code>Vol… string
1587 …"documentation":"<p>The volume size, in GiBs. The following are the supported volumes sizes for ea… string
1591 "documentation":"<p>The volume type.</p>" string
1594 …"documentation":"<p>Parameters that are used to automatically set up EBS volumes when an instance … string
1605 …"documentation":"<p>For Auto Scaling groups that run in a VPC, specifies whether to assign a publi… string
1609 "documentation":"<p>Specifies the block devices for the instance.</p>" string
1613 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of a ClassicLink-enabled VPC that EC2-Classic instances are lin… string
1617 …"documentation":"<p>The identifiers of one or more security groups for the VPC that is specified i… string
1621 …"documentation":"<p>The creation date and time for the launch configuration.</p> <p>Uses the <code… string
1625 "documentation":"<p>Whether the launch configuration is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O.</p>" string
1629 …"documentation":"<p>The name or the ARN of the instance profile associated with the IAM role for t… string
1633 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is used to launch EC2 in… string
1637 "documentation":"<p>Indicates the type of monitoring for instances in the group.</p>" string
1641 "documentation":"<p>The instance type for the instances.</p>" string
1645 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the kernel associated with the AMI.</p>" string
1649 "documentation":"<p>The name of the key pair.</p>" string
1653 "documentation":"<p>The name of the launch configuration.</p>" string
1657 …"documentation":"<p>The tenancy of the instance. An instance with <code>dedicated</code> tenancy r… string
1661 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the RAM disk associated with the AMI.</p>" string
1665 … "documentation":"<p>The security groups to assign to the instances in the Auto Scaling group.</p>" string
1669 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum hourly price to be paid for any Spot Instance that is launched to … string
1673 …"documentation":"<p>The user data to make available to the launched EC2 instances. Must be base64-… string
1676 "documentation":"<p>Details about a launch configuration.</p>" string
1683 …"documentation":"<p>If set to <code>true</code>, then instances in the group launch with detailed … string
1686 "documentation":"<p>Information about the type of monitoring for instances in the group.</p>" string
1693 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the private certificate authority (CA) that will be used to issue t… string
1697 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the certificate was requested.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time<… string
1701 …"documentation":"<p>The fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as, that is secur… string
1705 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about the initial validation of each domain name that occ… string
1709 …"documentation":"<p>Contains a list of Extended Key Usage X.509 v3 extension objects. Each object … string
1713 …"documentation":"<p>For a failed certificate request, the reason for the failure.</p> <p>Valid val… string
1717 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the certificate was imported. Provided if the certificate type … string
1721 …"documentation":"<p>The list of ARNs for the Amazon Web Services resources that use the certificat… string
1725 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the certificate was issued. Provided if the certificate type is… string
1729 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the certificate authority that issued and signed the certificate.<… string
1733 …"documentation":"<p>The algorithm that was used to generate the public-private key pair.</p> <p>Va… string
1737 "documentation":"<p>A list of key usage X.509 v3 extension objects.</p>" string
1741 …"documentation":"<p>The time after which the certificate becomes invalid.</p> <p>Uses the <code>da… string
1745 …"documentation":"<p>The time before which the certificate is not valid.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date… string
1749 …"documentation":"<p>Provides a value that specifies whether to add the certificate to a transparen… string
1753 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the certificate is eligible for renewal.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>EL… string
1757 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the status of the Certificate Manager managed renewal for th… string
1761 "documentation":"<p>The serial number of the certificate.</p>" string
1765 "documentation":"<p>The algorithm that was used to sign the certificate.</p>" string
1769 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the certificate.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>PENDING_VALIDATION</… string
1773 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the entity that is associated with the public key contained in the… string
1777 …"documentation":"<p>One or more domain names (subject alternative names) included in the certifica… string
1781 …"documentation":"<p>The source of the certificate. For certificates that Certificate Manager provi… string
1784 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about an Certificate Manager certificate.</p>" string
1791 "documentation":"<p>A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the certificate.</p>" string
1795 … "documentation":"<p>The CNAME record that is added to the DNS database for domain validation.</p>" string
1799 …"documentation":"<p>The domain name that Certificate Manager uses to send domain validation emails… string
1803 …"documentation":"<p>A list of email addresses that Certificate Manager uses to send domain validat… string
1807 "documentation":"<p>The method used to validate the domain name.</p>" string
1811 "documentation":"<p>The validation status of the domain name.</p>" string
1814 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about one of the following:</p> <ul> <li> <p>The initial … string
1825 …"documentation":"<p>The name of an extension value. Indicates the purpose for which the certificat… string
1829 …"documentation":"<p>An object identifier (OID) for the extension value.</p> <p>The format is numbe… string
1832 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about an extended key usage X.509 v3 extension object.</p… string
1843 "documentation":"<p>The key usage extension name.</p>" string
1846 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about a key usage X.509 v3 extension object.</p>" string
1857 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to add the certificate to a transparency log.</p> <p>Valid values: <co… string
1860 "documentation":"<p>Contains other options for the certificate.</p>" string
1867 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the validation of each domain name in the certificate, as it… string
1871 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the Certificate Manager managed renewal of the certificate.</p> … string
1875 …"documentation":"<p>The reason that a renewal request was unsuccessful.</p> <p>Valid values: <code… string
1879 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the renewal summary was last updated.</p> <p>Uses the <code>dat… string
1882 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about the Certificate Manager managed renewal for an <cod… string
1889 "documentation":"<p>The name of the resource.</p>" string
1893 "documentation":"<p>The type of resource.</p>" string
1897 "documentation":"<p>The value of the resource.</p>" string
1900 …"documentation":"<p>Provides details about the CNAME record that is added to the DNS database for … string
1907 …"documentation":"<p>The protocol that viewers can use to access the files in an origin. You can sp… string
1910 "documentation":"<p>Information about a cache behavior for the distribution.</p>" string
1917 "documentation":"<p>The cache behaviors for the distribution.</p>" string
1920 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about caching for the distribution.</p>" string
1931 …"documentation":"<p>The protocol that viewers can use to access the files in an origin. You can sp… string
1934 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about the default cache configuration for the distributio… string
1941 … "documentation":"<p>Provides information about the cache configuration for the distribution.</p>" string
1945 "documentation":"<p>The default cache behavior for the configuration.</p>" string
1949 …"documentation":"<p>The object that CloudFront sends in response to requests from the origin (for … string
1953 "documentation":"<p>The domain name corresponding to the distribution.</p>" string
1957 "documentation":"<p>The entity tag is a hash of the object.</p>" string
1961 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when that the distribution was last modified.</p> <p>Uses the <code>… string
1965 …"documentation":"<p>A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the distribut… string
1969 …"documentation":"<p>A complex type that contains information about origins for this distribution.<… string
1973 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about the origin groups in the distribution.</p>" string
1977 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the TLS/SSL configuration that the distribution use… string
1981 "documentation":"<p>Indicates the current status of the distribution.</p>" string
1985 …"documentation":"<p>A unique identifier that specifies the WAF web ACL, if any, to associate with … string
1988 "documentation":"<p>A distribution configuration.</p>" string
1995 "documentation":"<p>The S3 bucket to store the access logs in.</p>" string
1999 … "documentation":"<p>With this field, you can enable or disable the selected distribution.</p>" string
2003 … "documentation":"<p>Specifies whether you want CloudFront to include cookies in access logs.</p>" string
2007 …"documentation":"<p>An optional string that you want CloudFront to use as a prefix to the access l… string
2010 …"documentation":"<p>A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the distribut… string
2017 "documentation":"<p>Provides the criteria for an origin group to fail over.</p>" string
2020 "documentation":"<p>Information about an origin group for the distribution.</p>" string
2027 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the status codes that cause an origin group to fail over.</p… string
2030 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about when an origin group fails over.</p>" string
2037 …"documentation":"<p>The list of status code values that can cause a failover to the next origin.</… string
2041 "documentation":"<p>The number of status codes that can cause a failover.</p>" string
2044 "documentation":"<p>The status codes that cause an origin group to fail over.</p>" string
2055 "documentation":"<p>The list of origin groups.</p>" string
2058 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about origin groups that are associated with the distribu… string
2069 …"documentation":"<p>Amazon S3 origins: The DNS name of the S3 bucket from which you want CloudFron… string
2073 "documentation":"<p>A unique identifier for the origin or origin group.</p>" string
2077 …"documentation":"<p>An optional element that causes CloudFront to request your content from a dire… string
2081 …"documentation":"<p>An origin that is an S3 bucket that is not configured with static website host… string
2084 …"documentation":"<p>A complex type that describes the S3 bucket, HTTP server (for example, a web s… string
2095 … "documentation":"<p>The CloudFront origin access identity to associate with the origin.</p>" string
2098 …"documentation":"<p>Information about an origin that is an S3 bucket that is not configured with s… string
2105 …"documentation":"<p>A complex type that contains origins or origin groups for this distribution.</… string
2108 …"documentation":"<p>A complex type that contains information about origins and origin groups for t… string
2115 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the ACM certificate. Used if the certificate is stored in ACM. If y… string
2119 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the certificate. Note that in CloudFront, this attribute is … string
2123 …"documentation":"<p>The source of the certificate identified by <code>Certificate</code>. Note tha… string
2127 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the distribution uses the CloudFront domain name. If set to <code>fals… string
2131 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the IAM certificate. Used if the certificate is stored in IA… string
2135 …"documentation":"<p>The security policy that CloudFront uses for HTTPS connections with viewers. I… string
2139 "documentation":"<p>The viewers that the distribution accepts HTTPS connections from.</p>" string
2142 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the TLS/SSL configuration that the distribution use… string
2149 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the log group that CloudTrail logs are delivered to.</p>" string
2153 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the role that the CloudWatch Events endpoint assumes when it writes… string
2157 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the trail has custom event selectors.</p>" string
2161 "documentation":"<p>The Region where the trail was created.</p>" string
2165 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the trail publishes events from global services such as IAM … string
2169 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the trail applies only to the current Region or to all Regio… string
2173 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the trail is created for all accounts in an organization in Organizati… string
2177 "documentation":"<p>The KMS key ID to use to encrypt the logs.</p>" string
2181 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether CloudTrail log file validation is enabled.</p>" string
2185 "documentation":"<p>The name of the trail.</p>" string
2189 "documentation":"<p>The name of the S3 bucket where the log files are published.</p>" string
2193 …"documentation":"<p>The S3 key prefix. The key prefix is added after the name of the S3 bucket whe… string
2197 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the SNS topic that is used for notifications of log file delivery.<… string
2201 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the SNS topic that is used for notifications of log file delivery.… string
2205 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the trail.</p>" string
2208 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about a CloudTrail trail.</p>" string
2215 "documentation":"<p>An identifier for the artifact definition.</p>" string
2219 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether to disable encryption on the artifact. Only valid when <code… string
2223 …"documentation":"<p>Only used when <code>Type</code> is <code>S3</code>. The name of the S3 bucket… string
2227 …"documentation":"<p>Only used when Type is S3. The name of the artifact. Used with <code>NamepaceT… string
2231 …"documentation":"<p>Only used when <code>Type</code> is <code>S3</code>. The value to use for the … string
2235 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the name specified in the buildspec file overrides the artifact name.<… string
2239 …"documentation":"<p>Only used when <code>Type</code> is <code>S3</code>. The type of output artifa… string
2243 …"documentation":"<p>Only used when <code>Type</code> is <code>S3</code>. The path to the artifact.… string
2247 "documentation":"<p>The type of build artifact.</p>" string
2250 "documentation":"<p>Information about the build artifacts for the CodeBuild project.</p>" string
2261 …"documentation":"<p>The KMS key used to encrypt the build output artifacts.</p> <p>You can specify… string
2265 "documentation":"<p>Information about the build artifacts for the CodeBuild project.</p>" string
2269 "documentation":"<p>Information about the build environment for this build project.</p>" string
2273 "documentation":"<p>The name of the build project.</p>" string
2277 … "documentation":"<p>Information about the build input source code for this build project.</p>" string
2281 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the IAM role that enables CodeBuild to interact with dependent Amaz… string
2285 "documentation":"<p>Information about logs for the build project.</p>" string
2289 "documentation":"<p>Information about the VPC configuration that CodeBuild accesses.</p>" string
2292 "documentation":"<p>Information about an CodeBuild project.</p>" string
2299 "documentation":"<p>The certificate to use with this build project.</p>" string
2303 …"documentation":"<p>A set of environment variables to make available to builds for the build proje… string
2307 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to allow the Docker daemon to run inside a Docker container. Set to <c… string
2311 …"documentation":"<p>The type of credentials CodeBuild uses to pull images in your build.</p> <p>Va… string
2315 "documentation":"<p>The credentials for access to a private registry.</p>" string
2319 …"documentation":"<p>The type of build environment to use for related builds.</p> <p>The environmen… string
2322 "documentation":"<p>Information about the build environment for this build project.</p>" string
2329 "documentation":"<p>The name of the environment variable.</p>" string
2333 "documentation":"<p>The type of environment variable.</p>" string
2337 "documentation":"<p>The value of the environment variable.</p>" string
2340 …"documentation":"<p>Information about an environment variable that is available to builds for the … string
2351 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN or name of credentials created using Secrets Manager.</p> <note> <p>Th… string
2355 …"documentation":"<p>The service that created the credentials to access a private Docker registry.<… string
2358 "documentation":"<p>The credentials for access to a private registry.</p>" string
2365 "documentation":"<p>The group name of the logs in CloudWatch Logs.</p>" string
2369 … "documentation":"<p>The current status of the logs in CloudWatch Logs for a build project.</p>" string
2373 "documentation":"<p>The prefix of the stream name of the CloudWatch Logs.</p>" string
2376 "documentation":"<p>Information about CloudWatch Logs for the build project.</p>" string
2383 "documentation":"<p>Information about CloudWatch Logs for the build project.</p>" string
2387 "documentation":"<p>Information about logs built to an S3 bucket for a build project.</p>" string
2390 "documentation":"<p>Information about logs for the build project.</p>" string
2397 "documentation":"<p>Whether to disable encryption of the S3 build log output.</p>" string
2401 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the S3 bucket and the path prefix for S3 logs.</p>" string
2405 "documentation":"<p>The current status of the S3 build logs.</p>" string
2408 "documentation":"<p>Information about logs built to an S3 bucket for a build project.</p>" string
2415 …"documentation":"<p>The type of repository that contains the source code to be built. Valid values… string
2419 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the location of the source code to be built.</p> <p>Valid va… string
2423 "documentation":"<p>Information about the Git clone depth for the build project.</p>" string
2427 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to ignore SSL warnings while connecting to the project source code.</p… string
2430 "documentation":"<p>Information about the build input source code for this build project.</p>" string
2437 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the VPC.</p>" string
2441 "documentation":"<p>A list of one or more subnet IDs in your VPC.</p>" string
2445 "documentation":"<p>A list of one or more security group IDs in your VPC.</p>" string
2448 "documentation":"<p>Information about the VPC configuration that CodeBuild accesses.</p>" string
2455 "documentation":"<p>The allowed origins for CORS requests.</p>" string
2459 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the CORS request includes credentials.</p>" string
2463 "documentation":"<p>The exposed headers for CORS requests.</p>" string
2467 …"documentation":"<p>The number of seconds for which the browser caches preflight request results.<… string
2471 "documentation":"<p>The allowed methods for CORS requests.</p>" string
2475 "documentation":"<p>The allowed headers for CORS requests.</p>" string
2478 …"documentation":"<p>Contains the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration for the API. C… string
2485 "documentation":"<p>The name of the attribute.</p>" string
2489 "documentation":"<p>The type of the attribute.</p>" string
2492 "documentation":"<p>Contains a definition of an attribute for the table.</p>" string
2503 …"documentation":"<p>The method used to charge for read and write throughput and to manage capacity… string
2507 …"documentation":"<p>If the billing mode is <code>PAY_PER_REQUEST</code>, indicates when the billin… string
2510 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the billing for read/write capacity on the table.</… string
2517 "documentation":"<p>A list of attribute definitions for the table.</p>" string
2521 … "documentation":"<p>Information about the billing for read/write capacity on the table.</p>" string
2525 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the table was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> f… string
2529 "documentation":"<p>List of global secondary indexes for the table.</p>" string
2533 "documentation":"<p>The version of global tables being used.</p>" string
2537 "documentation":"<p>The number of items in the table.</p>" string
2541 "documentation":"<p>The primary key structure for the table.</p>" string
2545 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the latest stream for the table.</p>" string
2549 … "documentation":"<p>The label of the latest stream. The label is not a unique identifier.</p>" string
2553 "documentation":"<p>The list of local secondary indexes for the table.</p>" string
2557 "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioned throughput for the table.</p>" string
2561 "documentation":"<p>The list of replicas of this table.</p>" string
2565 "documentation":"<p>Information about the restore for the table.</p>" string
2569 "documentation":"<p>Information about the server-side encryption for the table.</p>" string
2573 "documentation":"<p>The current DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table.</p>" string
2577 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the table.</p>" string
2581 "documentation":"<p>The name of the table.</p>" string
2585 "documentation":"<p>The total size of the table in bytes.</p>" string
2589 "documentation":"<p>The current status of the table.</p>" string
2592 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about a DynamoDB table.</p>" string
2599 "documentation":"<p>Whether the index is currently backfilling.</p>" string
2603 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the index.</p>" string
2607 "documentation":"<p>The name of the index.</p>" string
2611 "documentation":"<p>The total size in bytes of the index.</p>" string
2615 "documentation":"<p>The current status of the index.</p>" string
2619 "documentation":"<p>The number of items in the index.</p>" string
2623 "documentation":"<p>The key schema for the index.</p>" string
2627 "documentation":"<p>Attributes that are copied from the table into an index.</p>" string
2631 … "documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioned throughput settings for the indexes.</p>" string
2634 "documentation":"<p>Information abut a global secondary index for the table.</p>" string
2645 "documentation":"<p>The name of the key schema attribute.</p>" string
2649 "documentation":"<p>The type of key used for the key schema attribute.</p>" string
2652 …"documentation":"<p>A component of the key schema for the DynamoDB table, a global secondary index… string
2663 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the index.</p>" string
2667 "documentation":"<p>The name of the index.</p>" string
2671 "documentation":"<p>The complete key schema for the index.</p>" string
2675 …"documentation":"<p>Attributes that are copied from the table into the index. These are in additio… string
2678 "documentation":"<p>Information about a local secondary index for a DynamoDB table.</p>" string
2689 …"documentation":"<p>The nonkey attributes that are projected into the index. For each attribute, p… string
2693 "documentation":"<p>The types of attributes that are projected into the index.</p>" string
2696 …"documentation":"<p>For global and local secondary indexes, identifies the attributes that are cop… string
2703 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the provisioned throughput was last decreased.</p> <p>Uses the … string
2707 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the provisioned throughput was last increased.</p> <p>Uses the … string
2711 …"documentation":"<p>The number of times during the current UTC calendar day that the provisioned t… string
2715 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before Dyn… string
2719 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a <co… string
2722 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the provisioned throughput for the table or for a global sec… string
2729 "documentation":"<p>The read capacity units for the replica.</p>" string
2732 "documentation":"<p>Replica-specific configuration for the provisioned throughput.</p>" string
2739 "documentation":"<p>List of global secondary indexes for the replica.</p>" string
2743 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the KMS key that will be used for KMS encryption for the rep… string
2747 "documentation":"<p>Replica-specific configuration for the provisioned throughput.</p>" string
2751 "documentation":"<p>The name of the Region where the replica is located.</p>" string
2755 "documentation":"<p>The current status of the replica.</p>" string
2759 "documentation":"<p>Detailed information about the replica status.</p>" string
2762 "documentation":"<p>Information about a replica of a DynamoDB table.</p>" string
2769 "documentation":"<p>The name of the index.</p>" string
2773 …"documentation":"<p>Replica-specific configuration for the provisioned throughput for the index.</… string
2776 … "documentation":"<p>Information about a global secondary index for a DynamoDB table replica.</p>" string
2791 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the source backup from which the table was restored.</p>" string
2795 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the source table for the backup.</p>" string
2799 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates the point in time that the table was restored to.</p> <p>Uses the <c… string
2803 "documentation":"<p>Whether a restore is currently in progress.</p>" string
2806 "documentation":"<p>Information about the restore for the table.</p>" string
2813 …"documentation":"<p>If the key is inaccessible, the date and time when DynamoDB detected that the … string
2817 "documentation":"<p>The status of the server-side encryption.</p>" string
2821 "documentation":"<p>The type of server-side encryption.</p>" string
2825 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the KMS key that is used for the KMS encryption.</p>" string
2828 "documentation":"<p>Information about the server-side encryption for the table.</p>" string
2835 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether DynamoDB Streams is enabled on the table.</p>" string
2839 "documentation":"<p>Determines the information that is written to the table.</p>" string
2842 "documentation":"<p>The current DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table.</p>" string
2849 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the EC2 instance.</p>" string
2853 "documentation":"<p>A public IP address that is associated with the EC2 instance.</p>" string
2857 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier that Amazon Web Services assigns to represent the allocation of… string
2861 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier that represents the association of the Elastic IP address with … string
2865 …"documentation":"<p>The domain in which to allocate the address.</p> <p>If the address is for use … string
2869 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of an IP address pool. This parameter allows Amazon EC2 to sele… string
2873 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the location from which the Elastic IP address is advertised.</p>" string
2877 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the network interface.</p>" string
2881 … "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the network interface.</p>" string
2885 … "documentation":"<p>The private IP address that is associated with the Elastic IP address.</p>" string
2888 "documentation":"<p>Information about an Elastic IP address.</p>" string
2895 "documentation":"<p>The instance type of the instance. </p>" string
2899 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID of the instance.</p>" string
2903 "documentation":"<p>The IPv4 addresses associated with the instance.</p>" string
2907 "documentation":"<p>The IPv6 addresses associated with the instance.</p>" string
2911 "documentation":"<p>The key name associated with the instance.</p>" string
2915 "documentation":"<p>The IAM profile ARN of the instance.</p>" string
2919 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the VPC that the instance was launched in.</p>" string
2923 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the subnet that the instance was launched in.</p>" string
2927 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the instance was launched.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</cod… string
2931 …"documentation":"<p>The identifiers of the network interfaces for the EC2 instance. The details fo… string
2934 "documentation":"<p>The details of an EC2 instance.</p>" string
2941 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the network interface. The details are in a corresponding <c… string
2944 "documentation":"<p>Identifies a network interface for the EC2 instance.</p>" string
2955 … "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the association between the network ACL and the subnet.</p>" string
2959 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the network ACL.</p>" string
2963 … "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the subnet that is associated with the network ACL.</p>" string
2966 "documentation":"<p>An association between the network ACL and a subnet.</p>" string
2977 "documentation":"<p>Whether this is the default network ACL for the VPC.</p>" string
2981 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the network ACL.</p>" string
2985 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the network ACL.</… string
2989 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the VPC for the network ACL.</p>" string
2993 "documentation":"<p>Associations between the network ACL and subnets.</p>" string
2997 "documentation":"<p>The set of rules in the network ACL.</p>" string
3000 "documentation":"<p>Contains details about an EC2 network access control list (ACL).</p>" string
3007 "documentation":"<p>The IPV4 network range for which to deny or allow access.</p>" string
3011 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the rule is an egress rule. An egress rule is a rule that applies to t… string
3015 …"documentation":"<p>The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type and code for which to deny o… string
3019 "documentation":"<p>The IPV6 network range for which to deny or allow access.</p>" string
3023 … "documentation":"<p>For TCP or UDP protocols, the range of ports that the rule applies to.</p>" string
3027 …"documentation":"<p>The protocol that the rule applies to. To deny or allow access to all protocol… string
3031 "documentation":"<p>Whether the rule is used to allow access or deny access.</p>" string
3035 … "documentation":"<p>The rule number. The rules are processed in order by their number.</p>" string
3038 …"documentation":"<p>A rule for the network ACL. Each rule allows or denies access based on the IP … string
3049 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the attachment initiated.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code… string
3053 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the network interface attachment</p>" string
3057 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is termin… string
3061 … "documentation":"<p>The device index of the network interface attachment on the instance.</p>" string
3065 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the instance.</p>" string
3069 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the instance.</p>" string
3073 …"documentation":"<p>The attachment state.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>attaching</code> | <code>atta… string
3076 "documentation":"<p>Information about the network interface attachment.</p>" string
3083 "documentation":"<p>The network interface attachment.</p>" string
3087 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the network interface.</p>" string
3091 "documentation":"<p>Security groups for the network interface.</p>" string
3095 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether traffic to or from the instance is validated.</p>" string
3099 "documentation":"<p>The IPv6 addresses associated with the network interface.</p>" string
3103 "documentation":"<p>The private IPv4 addresses associated with the network interface.</p>" string
3107 "documentation":"<p>The public DNS name of the network interface.</p>" string
3111 … "documentation":"<p>The address of the Elastic IP address bound to the network interface.</p>" string
3114 "documentation":"<p>Details about the network interface</p>" string
3121 "documentation":"<p>The IPV6 address.</p>" string
3124 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about an IPV6 address that is associated with the network… string
3135 "documentation":"<p>The IP address.</p>" string
3139 "documentation":"<p>The private DNS name for the IP address.</p>" string
3142 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about a private IPv4 address that is with the network int… string
3153 "documentation":"<p>The name of the security group.</p>" string
3157 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the security group.</p>" string
3160 "documentation":"<p>A security group associated with the network interface.</p>" string
3171 "documentation":"<p>The name of the security group.</p>" string
3175 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the security group.</p>" string
3179 … "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the security group.</p>" string
3183 "documentation":"<p>[VPC only] The ID of the VPC for the security group.</p>" string
3187 "documentation":"<p>The inbound rules associated with the security group.</p>" string
3191 "documentation":"<p>[VPC only] The outbound rules associated with the security group.</p>" string
3194 "documentation":"<p>Details about an EC2 security group.</p>" string
3201 …"documentation":"<p>The IP protocol name (<code>tcp</code>, <code>udp</code>, <code>icmp</code>, <… string
3205 …"documentation":"<p>The start of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 t… string
3209 …"documentation":"<p>The end of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 cod… string
3213 "documentation":"<p>The security group and Amazon Web Services account ID pairs.</p>" string
3217 "documentation":"<p>The IPv4 ranges.</p>" string
3221 "documentation":"<p>The IPv6 ranges.</p>" string
3225 …"documentation":"<p>[VPC only] The prefix list IDs for an Amazon Web Services service. With outbou… string
3228 "documentation":"<p>An IP permission for an EC2 security group.</p>" string
3239 …"documentation":"<p>The IPv4 CIDR range. You can specify either a CIDR range or a source security … string
3242 "documentation":"<p>A range of IPv4 addresses.</p>" string
3253 …"documentation":"<p>The IPv6 CIDR range. You can specify either a CIDR range or a source security … string
3256 "documentation":"<p>A range of IPv6 addresses.</p>" string
3267 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the prefix.</p>" string
3270 "documentation":"<p>A prefix list ID.</p>" string
3281 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the security group.</p>" string
3285 "documentation":"<p>The name of the security group.</p>" string
3289 "documentation":"<p>The status of a VPC peering connection, if applicable.</p>" string
3293 …"documentation":"<p>The ID of an Amazon Web Services account.</p> <p>For a referenced security gro… string
3297 … "documentation":"<p>The ID of the VPC for the referenced security group, if applicable.</p>" string
3301 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the VPC peering connection, if applicable.</p>" string
3304 "documentation":"<p>A relationship between a security group and a user.</p>" string
3315 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to assign an IPV6 address to a network interface that is created in th… string
3319 "documentation":"<p>The Availability Zone for the subnet.</p>" string
3323 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the Availability Zone for the subnet.</p>" string
3327 …"documentation":"<p>The number of available IPV4 addresses in the subnet. Does not include address… string
3331 "documentation":"<p>The IPV4 CIDR block that is assigned to the subnet.</p>" string
3335 … "documentation":"<p>Whether this subnet is the default subnet for the Availability Zone.</p>" string
3339 "documentation":"<p>Whether instances in this subnet receive a public IP address.</p>" string
3343 … "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the subnet.</p>" string
3347 "documentation":"<p>The current state of the subnet.</p>" string
3351 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the subnet.</p>" string
3355 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the subnet.</p>" string
3359 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the VPC that contains the subnet.</p>" string
3363 "documentation":"<p>The IPV6 CIDR blocks that are associated with the subnet.</p>" string
3366 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about a subnet in Amazon EC2.</p>" string
3373 "documentation":"<p>The datetime when the attachment initiated.</p>" string
3377 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the EBS volume is deleted when the EC2 instance is terminated.</p>" string
3381 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the EC2 instance.</p>" string
3385 "documentation":"<p>The attachment state of the volume.</p>" string
3388 "documentation":"<p>An attachment to an Amazon EC2 volume.</p>" string
3399 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the volume was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> … string
3403 "documentation":"<p>Whether the volume is encrypted.</p>" string
3407 "documentation":"<p>The size of the volume, in GiBs.</p>" string
3411 "documentation":"<p>The snapshot from which the volume was created.</p>" string
3415 "documentation":"<p>The volume state.</p>" string
3419 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the KMS key that was used to protect the volume encryption key for … string
3423 "documentation":"<p>The volume attachments.</p>" string
3426 "documentation":"<p>Details about an EC2 volume.</p>" string
3433 "documentation":"<p>Information about the IPv4 CIDR blocks associated with the VPC.</p>" string
3437 "documentation":"<p>Information about the IPv6 CIDR blocks associated with the VPC.</p>" string
3441 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the set of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) option… string
3445 "documentation":"<p>The current state of the VPC.</p>" string
3448 "documentation":"<p>Details about an EC2 VPC.</p>" string
3455 …"documentation":"<p>Whether requests from other Amazon Web Services accounts to create an endpoint… string
3459 "documentation":"<p>The Availability Zones where the service is available.</p>" string
3463 "documentation":"<p>The DNS names for the service.</p>" string
3467 "documentation":"<p>Whether the service manages its VPC endpoints.</p>" string
3471 "documentation":"<p>The ARNs of the Gateway Load Balancers for the service.</p>" string
3475 "documentation":"<p>The ARNs of the Network Load Balancers for the service.</p>" string
3479 "documentation":"<p>The private DNS name for the service.</p>" string
3483 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the service.</p>" string
3487 "documentation":"<p>The name of the service.</p>" string
3491 "documentation":"<p>The current state of the service.</p>" string
3495 "documentation":"<p>The types for the service.</p>" string
3498 …"documentation":"<p>Contains details about the service configuration for a VPC endpoint service.</… string
3505 "documentation":"<p>The type of service.</p>" string
3508 "documentation":"<p>The service type information for a VPC endpoint service.</p>" string
3519 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the VPN connection.</p>" string
3523 "documentation":"<p>The current state of the VPN connection.</p>" string
3527 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the customer gateway that is at your end of the VPN connecti… string
3531 …"documentation":"<p>The configuration information for the VPN connection's customer gateway, in th… string
3535 "documentation":"<p>The type of VPN connection.</p>" string
3539 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the virtual private gateway that is at the Amazon Web Servic… string
3543 …"documentation":"<p>The category of the VPN connection. <code>VPN</code> indicates an Amazon Web S… string
3547 "documentation":"<p>Information about the VPN tunnel.</p>" string
3551 "documentation":"<p>The VPN connection options.</p>" string
3555 "documentation":"<p>The static routes that are associated with the VPN connection.</p>" string
3559 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the transit gateway that is associated with the VPN connecti… string
3562 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon EC2 VPN connection.</p>" string
3569 "documentation":"<p>Whether the VPN connection uses static routes only.</p>" string
3573 "documentation":"<p>The VPN tunnel options.</p>" string
3576 "documentation":"<p>VPN connection options.</p>" string
3583 …"documentation":"<p>The number of seconds after which a Dead Peer Detection (DPD) timeout occurs.<… string
3587 …"documentation":"<p>The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) versions that are permitted for the VPN tunnel… string
3591 "documentation":"<p>The external IP address of the VPN tunnel.</p>" string
3595 …"documentation":"<p>The permitted Diffie-Hellman group numbers for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE … string
3599 …"documentation":"<p>The permitted encryption algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotia… string
3603 …"documentation":"<p>The permitted integrity algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiat… string
3607 "documentation":"<p>The lifetime for phase 1 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds.</p>" string
3611 …"documentation":"<p>The permitted Diffie-Hellman group numbers for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE … string
3615 …"documentation":"<p>The permitted encryption algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotia… string
3619 …"documentation":"<p>The permitted integrity algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiat… string
3623 "documentation":"<p>The lifetime for phase 2 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds.</p>" string
3627 …"documentation":"<p>The preshared key to establish initial authentication between the virtual priv… string
3631 …"documentation":"<p>The percentage of the rekey window, which is determined by <code>RekeyMarginTi… string
3635 …"documentation":"<p>The margin time, in seconds, before the phase 2 lifetime expires, during which… string
3639 "documentation":"<p>The number of packets in an IKE replay window.</p>" string
3643 "documentation":"<p>The range of inside IPv4 addresses for the tunnel.</p>" string
3646 "documentation":"<p>The VPN tunnel options.</p>" string
3657 …"documentation":"<p>The CIDR block associated with the local subnet of the customer data center.</… string
3661 "documentation":"<p>The current state of the static route.</p>" string
3664 "documentation":"<p>A static routes associated with the VPN connection.</p>" string
3675 "documentation":"<p>The number of accepted routes.</p>" string
3679 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the VPN tunnel endpoint certificate.</p>" string
3683 …"documentation":"<p>The date and time of the last change in status.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-tim… string
3687 …"documentation":"<p>The Internet-routable IP address of the virtual private gateway's outside inte… string
3691 "documentation":"<p>The status of the VPN tunnel.</p>" string
3695 "documentation":"<p>If an error occurs, a description of the error.</p>" string
3698 "documentation":"<p>Information about the VPN tunnel.</p>" string
3709 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account identifier that is associated with the registr… string
3713 "documentation":"<p>The name of the repository that the image belongs to.</p>" string
3717 "documentation":"<p>The architecture of the image.</p>" string
3721 "documentation":"<p>The sha256 digest of the image manifest.</p>" string
3725 "documentation":"<p>The list of tags that are associated with the image.</p>" string
3729 …"documentation":"<p>The date and time when the image was pushed to the repository.</p> <p>Uses the… string
3732 "documentation":"<p>Information about an Amazon ECR image.</p>" string
3739 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the repository.</p>" string
3743 "documentation":"<p>The image scanning configuration for a repository.</p>" string
3747 "documentation":"<p>The tag mutability setting for the repository.</p>" string
3751 "documentation":"<p>Information about the lifecycle policy for the repository.</p>" string
3755 "documentation":"<p>The name of the repository.</p>" string
3759 "documentation":"<p>The text of the repository policy.</p>" string
3762 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about an Amazon Elastic Container Registry repository.</p… string
3769 "documentation":"<p>Whether to scan images after they are pushed to a repository.</p>" string
3772 "documentation":"<p>The image scanning configuration for a repository.</p>" string
3779 "documentation":"<p>The text of the lifecycle policy.</p>" string
3783 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account identifier that is associated with the registr… string
3786 "documentation":"<p>Information about the lifecycle policy for the repository.</p>" string
3793 "documentation":"<p>The name of the setting.</p>" string
3797 "documentation":"<p>The value of the setting.</p>" string
3800 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether to enable CloudWatch Container Insights for the ECS cluster.… string
3811 "documentation":"<p>Contains the run command configuration for the cluster.</p>" string
3814 "documentation":"<p>The run command configuration for the cluster.</p>" string
3821 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the data between the loc… string
3825 …"documentation":"<p>The log configuration for the results of the run command actions. Required if … string
3829 … "documentation":"<p>The log setting to use for redirecting logs for run command results.</p>" string
3832 "documentation":"<p>Contains the run command configuration for the cluster.</p>" string
3839 "documentation":"<p>Whether to enable encryption on the CloudWatch logs.</p>" string
3843 "documentation":"<p>The name of the CloudWatch log group to send the logs to.</p>" string
3847 "documentation":"<p>The name of the S3 bucket to send logs to.</p>" string
3851 "documentation":"<p>Whether to encrypt the logs that are sent to the S3 bucket.</p>" string
3855 "documentation":"<p>Identifies the folder in the S3 bucket to send the logs to.</p>" string
3858 "documentation":"<p>The log configuration for the results of the run command actions.</p>" string
3865 … "documentation":"<p>The minimum number of tasks to run on the specified capacity provider.</p>" string
3869 "documentation":"<p>The name of the capacity provider.</p>" string
3873 …"documentation":"<p>The relative percentage of the total number of tasks launched that should use … string
3876 …"documentation":"<p>The default capacity provider strategy for the cluster. The default capacity p… string
3887 …"documentation":"<p>The short name of one or more capacity providers to associate with the cluster… string
3891 …"documentation":"<p>The setting to use to create the cluster. Specifically used to configure wheth… string
3895 "documentation":"<p>The run command configuration for the cluster.</p>" string
3899 …"documentation":"<p>The default capacity provider strategy for the cluster. The default capacity p… string
3902 "documentation":"<p>provides details about an ECS cluster.</p>" string
3909 …"documentation":"<p>The minimum number of tasks to run on the capacity provider. Only one strategy… string
3913 "documentation":"<p>The short name of the capacity provider.</p>" string
3917 …"documentation":"<p>The relative percentage of the total number of tasks that should use the capac… string
3920 … "documentation":"<p>Strategy item for the capacity provider strategy that the service uses.</p>" string
3931 … "documentation":"<p>Whether to enable the deployment circuit breaker logic for the service.</p>" string
3935 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to roll back the service if a service deployment fails. If rollback is… string
3938 …"documentation":"<p>Determines whether a service deployment fails if a service cannot reach a stea… string
3945 …"documentation":"<p>Determines whether a service deployment fails if a service cannot reach a stea… string
3949 …"documentation":"<p>For a service that uses the rolling update (<code>ECS</code>) deployment type,… string
3953 …"documentation":"<p>For a service that uses the rolling update (<code>ECS</code>) deployment type,… string
3956 "documentation":"<p>Optional deployment parameters for the service.</p>" string
3963 …"documentation":"<p>The rolling update (<code>ECS</code>) deployment type replaces the current run… string
3966 … "documentation":"<p>Information about the deployment controller type that the service uses.</p>" string
3973 "documentation":"<p>The capacity provider strategy that the service uses.</p>" string
3977 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the cluster that hosts the service.</p>" string
3981 …"documentation":"<p>Deployment parameters for the service. Includes the number of tasks that run a… string
3985 "documentation":"<p>Contains the deployment controller type that the service uses.</p>" string
3989 …"documentation":"<p>The number of instantiations of the task definition to run on the service.</p>" string
3993 … "documentation":"<p>Whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the tasks in the service.</p>" string
3997 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the execute command functionality is enabled for the service.</p>" string
4001 …"documentation":"<p>After a task starts, the amount of time in seconds that the Amazon ECS service… string
4005 …"documentation":"<p>The launch type that the service uses.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>EC2</code> |… string
4009 "documentation":"<p>Information about the load balancers that the service uses.</p>" string
4013 "documentation":"<p>The name of the service.</p>" string
4017 …"documentation":"<p>For tasks that use the <code>awsvpc</code> networking mode, the VPC subnet and… string
4021 "documentation":"<p>The placement constraints for the tasks in the service.</p>" string
4025 "documentation":"<p>Information about how tasks for the service are placed.</p>" string
4029 …"documentation":"<p>The platform version on which to run the service. Only specified for tasks tha… string
4033 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the task o… string
4037 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the IAM role that is associated with the service. The role allows t… string
4041 …"documentation":"<p>The scheduling strategy to use for the service.</p> <p>The <code>REPLICA</code… string
4045 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the service.</p>" string
4049 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the service.</p> <p>The name can contain up to 255 characters. It … string
4053 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the service discovery registries to assign to the service.</… string
4057 "documentation":"<p>The task definition to use for tasks in the service.</p>" string
4060 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about a service within an ECS cluster.</p>" string
4067 "documentation":"<p>The name of the container to associate with the load balancer.</p>" string
4071 …"documentation":"<p>The port on the container to associate with the load balancer. This port must … string
4075 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the load balancer to associate with the Amazon ECS service or task… string
4079 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the Elastic Load Balancing target group or groups associated with a… string
4082 "documentation":"<p>Information about a load balancer that the service uses.</p>" string
4093 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. The… string
4097 …"documentation":"<p>The IDs of the security groups associated with the task or service.</p> <p>You… string
4101 …"documentation":"<p>The IDs of the subnets associated with the task or service.</p> <p>You can pro… string
4104 …"documentation":"<p>For tasks that use the <code>awsvpc</code> networking mode, the VPC subnet and… string
4111 "documentation":"<p>The VPC subnet and security group configuration.</p>" string
4114 …"documentation":"<p>For tasks that use the <code>awsvpc</code> networking mode, the VPC subnet and… string
4121 …"documentation":"<p>A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint. You cannot spe… string
4125 …"documentation":"<p>The type of constraint. Use <code>distinctInstance</code> to run each task in … string
4128 "documentation":"<p>A placement constraint for the tasks in the service.</p>" string
4139 …"documentation":"<p>The field to apply the placement strategy against.</p> <p>For the <code>spread… string
4143 …"documentation":"<p>The type of placement strategy.</p> <p>The <code>random</code> placement strat… string
4146 …"documentation":"<p>A placement strategy that determines how to place the tasks for the service.</… string
4157 …"documentation":"<p>The container name value to use for the service discovery service.</p> <p>If t… string
4161 …"documentation":"<p>The port value to use for the service discovery service.</p> <p>If the task de… string
4165 …"documentation":"<p>The port value to use for a service discovery service that specifies an SRV re… string
4169 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the service registry.</p>" string
4172 … "documentation":"<p>Information about a service discovery registry to assign to the service.</p>" string
4183 …"documentation":"<p>The dependency condition of the dependent container. Indicates the required st… string
4187 "documentation":"<p>The name of the dependent container.</p>" string
4190 "documentation":"<p>A dependency that is defined for container startup and shutdown.</p>" string
4201 "documentation":"<p>The command that is passed to the container.</p>" string
4205 "documentation":"<p>The number of CPU units reserved for the container.</p>" string
4209 … "documentation":"<p>The dependencies that are defined for container startup and shutdown.</p>" string
4213 "documentation":"<p>Whether to disable networking within the container.</p>" string
4217 "documentation":"<p>A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container.</p>" string
4221 "documentation":"<p>A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container.</p>" string
4225 "documentation":"<p>A key-value map of labels to add to the container.</p>" string
4229 …"documentation":"<p>A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-leve… string
4233 "documentation":"<p>The entry point that is passed to the container.</p>" string
4237 "documentation":"<p>The environment variables to pass to a container.</p>" string
4241 …"documentation":"<p>A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.</… string
4245 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the container is essential. All tasks must have at least one essential… string
4249 …"documentation":"<p>A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the <b>/etc/hosts</b>… string
4253 …"documentation":"<p>The FireLens configuration for the container. Specifies and configures a log r… string
4257 …"documentation":"<p>The container health check command and associated configuration parameters for… string
4261 "documentation":"<p>The hostname to use for the container.</p>" string
4265 "documentation":"<p>The image used to start the container.</p>" string
4269 …"documentation":"<p>If set to true, then containerized applications can be deployed that require <… string
4273 …"documentation":"<p>A list of links for the container in the form <code> <i>container_name</i>:<i>… string
4277 …"documentation":"<p>Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Linux … string
4281 "documentation":"<p>The log configuration specification for the container.</p>" string
4285 …"documentation":"<p>The amount (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. If the container at… string
4289 "documentation":"<p>The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container.</p>" string
4293 "documentation":"<p>The mount points for the data volumes in the container.</p>" string
4297 "documentation":"<p>The name of the container.</p>" string
4301 "documentation":"<p>The list of port mappings for the container.</p>" string
4305 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the container is given elevated privileges on the host container insta… string
4309 "documentation":"<p>Whether to allocate a TTY to the container.</p>" string
4313 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the container is given read-only access to its root file system.</p>" string
4317 "documentation":"<p>The private repository authentication credentials to use.</p>" string
4321 …"documentation":"<p>The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. The only supported… string
4325 "documentation":"<p>The secrets to pass to the container.</p>" string
4329 …"documentation":"<p>The number of seconds to wait before giving up on resolving dependencies for a… string
4333 …"documentation":"<p>The number of seconds to wait before the container is stopped if it doesn't sh… string
4337 "documentation":"<p>A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.</p>" string
4341 "documentation":"<p>A list of ulimits to set in the container. </p>" string
4345 …"documentation":"<p>The user to use inside the container.</p> <p>The value can use one of the foll… string
4349 "documentation":"<p>Data volumes to mount from another container.</p>" string
4353 … "documentation":"<p>The working directory in which to run commands inside the container.</p>" string
4356 "documentation":"<p>A container definition that describes a container in the task.</p>" string
4363 "documentation":"<p>The name of the environment variable.</p>" string
4367 "documentation":"<p>The value of the environment variable.</p>" string
4370 "documentation":"<p>An environment variable to pass to the container.</p>" string
4377 "documentation":"<p>The type of environment file.</p>" string
4381 … "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the S3 object that contains the environment variable file.</p>" string
4384 "documentation":"<p>A file that contain environment variables to pass to a container.</p>" string
4399 "documentation":"<p>The hostname to use in the <b>/etc/hosts</b> entry.</p>" string
4403 "documentation":"<p>The IP address to use in the <b>/etc/hosts</b> entry.</p>" string
4406 …"documentation":"<p>A hostname and IP address mapping to append to the <b>/etc/hosts</b> file on t… string
4417 …"documentation":"<p>The options to use to configure the log router.</p> <p>The valid option keys a… string
4421 "documentation":"<p>The log router to use. </p>" string
4424 …"documentation":"<p>The FireLens configuration for the container. The configuration specifies and … string
4431 … "documentation":"<p>The command that the container runs to determine whether it is healthy.</p>" string
4435 …"documentation":"<p>The time period in seconds between each health check execution. The default va… string
4439 …"documentation":"<p>The number of times to retry a failed health check before the container is con… string
4443 …"documentation":"<p>The optional grace period in seconds that allows containers time to bootstrap … string
4447 …"documentation":"<p>The time period in seconds to wait for a health check to succeed before it is … string
4450 …"documentation":"<p>The container health check command and associated configuration parameters for… string
4457 …"documentation":"<p>The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to the default configu… string
4461 …"documentation":"<p>The Linux capabilities for the container that are dropped from the default con… string
4464 …"documentation":"<p>The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped from the… string
4471 …"documentation":"<p>The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped from the… string
4475 "documentation":"<p>The host devices to expose to the container.</p>" string
4479 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to run an <code>init</code> process inside the container that forwards… string
4483 … "documentation":"<p>The total amount of swap memory (in MiB) that a container can use.</p>" string
4487 "documentation":"<p>The value for the size (in MiB) of the <b>/dev/shm</b> volume.</p>" string
4491 …"documentation":"<p>Configures the container's memory swappiness behavior. Determines how aggressi… string
4495 … "documentation":"<p>The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount.</p>" string
4498 …"documentation":"<p>&gt;Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Li… string
4505 "documentation":"<p>The path inside the container at which to expose the host device.</p>" string
4509 "documentation":"<p>The path for the device on the host container instance.</p>" string
4513 …"documentation":"<p>The explicit permissions to provide to the container for the device. By defaul… string
4516 "documentation":"<p>A host device to expose to the container.</p>" string
4527 "documentation":"<p>The absolute file path where the tmpfs volume is to be mounted.</p>" string
4531 "documentation":"<p>The list of tmpfs volume mount options.</p>" string
4535 "documentation":"<p>The maximum size (in MiB) of the tmpfs volume.</p>" string
4538 … "documentation":"<p>The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of a tmpfs mount.</p>" string
4553 "documentation":"<p>The log driver to use for the container.</p>" string
4557 …"documentation":"<p>The configuration options to send to the log driver. Requires version 1.19 of … string
4561 "documentation":"<p>The secrets to pass to the log configuration.</p>" string
4564 "documentation":"<p>The log configuration specification for the container.</p>" string
4571 "documentation":"<p>The name of the secret.</p>" string
4575 …"documentation":"<p>The secret to expose to the container.</p> <p>The value is either the full ARN… string
4578 "documentation":"<p>A secret to pass to the log configuration.</p>" string
4589 "documentation":"<p>The path on the container to mount the host volume at.</p>" string
4593 "documentation":"<p>Whether the container has read-only access to the volume.</p>" string
4597 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the volume to mount. Must match the name of a volume listed in <co… string
4600 "documentation":"<p>A mount point for the data volumes in the container.</p>" string
4611 …"documentation":"<p>The port number on the container that is bound to the user-specified or automa… string
4615 … "documentation":"<p>The port number on the container instance to reserve for the container.</p>" string
4619 … "documentation":"<p>The protocol used for the port mapping. The default is <code>tcp</code>.</p>" string
4622 "documentation":"<p>A port mapping for the container.</p>" string
4633 … "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the secret that contains the private repository credentials.</p>" string
4636 "documentation":"<p>The private repository authentication credentials to use.</p>" string
4643 "documentation":"<p>The type of resource to assign to a container.</p>" string
4647 …"documentation":"<p>The value for the specified resource type.</p> <p>For <code>GPU</code>, the va… string
4650 "documentation":"<p>A resource to assign to a container.</p>" string
4661 "documentation":"<p>The name of the secret.</p>" string
4665 …"documentation":"<p>The secret to expose to the container. The value is either the full ARN of the… string
4668 "documentation":"<p>A secret to pass to the container.</p>" string
4679 "documentation":"<p>The namespaced kernel parameter for which to set a value.</p>" string
4683 "documentation":"<p>The value of the parameter.</p>" string
4686 "documentation":"<p>A namespaced kernel parameter to set in the container.</p>" string
4697 "documentation":"<p>The hard limit for the ulimit type.</p>" string
4701 "documentation":"<p>The type of the ulimit.</p>" string
4705 "documentation":"<p>The soft limit for the ulimit type.</p>" string
4708 "documentation":"<p>A ulimit to set in the container.</p>" string
4719 "documentation":"<p>Whether the container has read-only access to the volume.</p>" string
4723 …"documentation":"<p>The name of another container within the same task definition from which to mo… string
4726 "documentation":"<p>A data volume to mount from another container.</p>" string
4737 …"documentation":"<p>The container definitions that describe the containers that make up the task.<… string
4741 "documentation":"<p>The number of CPU units used by the task.</p>" string
4745 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the task execution role that grants the container agent permission … string
4749 "documentation":"<p>The name of a family that this task definition is registered to.</p>" string
4753 … "documentation":"<p>The Elastic Inference accelerators to use for the containers in the task.</p>" string
4757 "documentation":"<p>The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task.</p>" string
4761 "documentation":"<p>The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task.</p>" string
4765 "documentation":"<p>The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task.</p>" string
4769 "documentation":"<p>The process namespace to use for the containers in the task.</p>" string
4773 "documentation":"<p>The placement constraint objects to use for tasks.</p>" string
4777 "documentation":"<p>The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.</p>" string
4781 … "documentation":"<p>The task launch types that the task definition was validated against.</p>" string
4785 …"documentation":"<p>The short name or ARN of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permi… string
4789 "documentation":"<p>The data volume definitions for the task.</p>" string
4792 …"documentation":"<p>details about a task definition. A task definition describes the container and… string
4799 "documentation":"<p>The Elastic Inference accelerator device name.</p>" string
4803 "documentation":"<p>The Elastic Inference accelerator type to use.</p>" string
4806 … "documentation":"<p>An Elastic Inference accelerator to use for the containers in the task.</p>" string
4817 "documentation":"<p>A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint.</p>" string
4821 "documentation":"<p>The type of constraint.</p>" string
4824 "documentation":"<p>A placement constraint object to use for tasks.</p>" string
4835 "documentation":"<p>The name of the container that will serve as the App Mesh proxy.</p>" string
4839 …"documentation":"<p>The set of network configuration parameters to provide to the Container Networ… string
4843 "documentation":"<p>The proxy type.</p>" string
4846 "documentation":"<p>The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.</p>" string
4853 "documentation":"<p>The name of the property.</p>" string
4857 "documentation":"<p>The value of the property.</p>" string
4860 …"documentation":"<p>A network configuration parameter to provide to the Container Network Interfac… string
4871 "documentation":"<p>Information about a Docker volume.</p>" string
4875 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the Amazon Elastic File System file system that is used for … string
4879 "documentation":"<p>Information about a bind mount host volume.</p>" string
4883 "documentation":"<p>The name of the data volume.</p>" string
4886 "documentation":"<p>A data volume to mount from another container.</p>" string
4893 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to create the Docker volume automatically if it does not already exist… string
4897 "documentation":"<p>The Docker volume driver to use.</p>" string
4901 "documentation":"<p>A map of Docker driver-specific options that are passed through.</p>" string
4905 "documentation":"<p>Custom metadata to add to the Docker volume.</p>" string
4909 …"documentation":"<p>The scope for the Docker volume that determines its lifecycle. Docker volumes … string
4912 "documentation":"<p>Information about a Docker volume.</p>" string
4919 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon EFS access point identifier to use.</p>" string
4923 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to use the Amazon ECS task IAM role defined in a task definition when … string
4926 "documentation":"<p/>" string
4933 … "documentation":"<p>The authorization configuration details for the Amazon EFS file system.</p>" string
4937 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon EFS file system identifier to use.</p>" string
4941 …"documentation":"<p>The directory within the Amazon EFS file system to mount as the root directory… string
4945 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to enable encryption for Amazon EFS data in transit between the Amazon… string
4949 …"documentation":"<p>The port to use when sending encrypted data between the Amazon ECS host and th… string
4952 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the Amazon Elastic File System file system that is used for … string
4959 …"documentation":"<p>The path on the host container instance that is presented to the container.</p… string
4962 "documentation":"<p>Information about a bind mount host volume.</p>" string
4973 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the cluster.</p>" string
4977 "documentation":"<p>The certificate authority data for the cluster.</p>" string
4981 "documentation":"<p>The status of the cluster.</p>" string
4985 "documentation":"<p>The endpoint for the Amazon EKS API server.</p>" string
4989 "documentation":"<p>The name of the cluster.</p>" string
4993 "documentation":"<p>The VPC configuration used by the cluster control plane.</p>" string
4997 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the IAM role that provides permissions for the Amazon EKS control p… string
5001 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon EKS server version for the cluster.</p>" string
5005 "documentation":"<p>The logging configuration for the cluster.</p>" string
5008 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about an Amazon EKS cluster.</p>" string
5015 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the logging types that are listed in <code>Types</code> are enabled.</… string
5019 "documentation":"<p>A list of logging types.</p>" string
5022 "documentation":"<p>Details for a cluster logging configuration.</p>" string
5033 "documentation":"<p>Cluster logging configurations.</p>" string
5036 "documentation":"<p>The logging configuration for an Amazon EKS cluster.</p>" string
5043 …"documentation":"<p>The security groups that are associated with the cross-account elastic network… string
5047 "documentation":"<p>The subnets that are associated with the cluster.</p>" string
5050 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the VPC configuration used by the cluster control plane.</p>" string
5057 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the application that is associated with the environment.</p>" string
5061 "documentation":"<p>The URL to the CNAME for this environment.</p>" string
5065 "documentation":"<p>The creation date for this environment.</p>" string
5069 "documentation":"<p>The date when this environment was last modified.</p>" string
5073 "documentation":"<p>A description of the environment.</p>" string
5077 …"documentation":"<p>For load-balanced, autoscaling environments, the URL to the load balancer. For… string
5081 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the environment.</p>" string
5085 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the environment.</p>" string
5089 "documentation":"<p>Links to other environments in the same group.</p>" string
5093 "documentation":"<p>The name of the environment.</p>" string
5097 "documentation":"<p>The configuration setting for the environment.</p>" string
5101 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the platform version for the environment.</p>" string
5105 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the solution stack that is deployed with the environment.</p>" string
5109 "documentation":"<p>The current operational status of the environment.</p>" string
5113 "documentation":"<p>The tier of the environment.</p>" string
5117 "documentation":"<p>The application version of the environment.</p>" string
5120 "documentation":"<p>Contains details about an Elastic Beanstalk environment.</p>" string
5127 "documentation":"<p>The name of the linked environment.</p>" string
5131 "documentation":"<p>The name of the environment link.</p>" string
5134 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about a link to another environment that is in the same g… string
5145 … "documentation":"<p>The type of resource that the configuration option is associated with.</p>" string
5149 "documentation":"<p>The name of the option.</p>" string
5153 "documentation":"<p>The name of the resource.</p>" string
5157 "documentation":"<p>The value of the configuration setting.</p>" string
5160 "documentation":"<p>A configuration option setting for the environment.</p>" string
5171 "documentation":"<p>The name of the environment tier.</p>" string
5175 "documentation":"<p>The type of environment tier.</p>" string
5179 "documentation":"<p>The version of the environment tier.</p>" string
5182 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about the tier of the environment.</p>" string
5189 …"documentation":"<p>IAM policy document specifying the access policies for the new Elasticsearch d… string
5193 "documentation":"<p>Additional options for the domain endpoint.</p>" string
5197 "documentation":"<p>Unique identifier for an Elasticsearch domain.</p>" string
5201 …"documentation":"<p>Name of an Elasticsearch domain.</p> <p>Domain names are unique across all dom… string
5205 …"documentation":"<p>Domain-specific endpoint used to submit index, search, and data upload request… string
5209 …"documentation":"<p>The key-value pair that exists if the Elasticsearch domain uses VPC endpoints.… string
5213 "documentation":"<p>OpenSearch version.</p>" string
5217 "documentation":"<p>Information about an OpenSearch cluster configuration.</p>" string
5221 "documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration for encryption at rest.</p>" string
5225 … "documentation":"<p>Configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the Elasticsearch domain.</p>" string
5229 "documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption.</p>" string
5233 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the status of a domain relative to the latest service softwa… string
5237 …"documentation":"<p>Information that OpenSearch derives based on <code>VPCOptions</code> for the d… string
5240 "documentation":"<p>Information about an Elasticsearch domain.</p>" string
5247 … "documentation":"<p>Whether to require that all traffic to the domain arrive over HTTPS.</p>" string
5251 …"documentation":"<p>The TLS security policy to apply to the HTTPS endpoint of the OpenSearch domai… string
5254 …"documentation":"<p>Additional options for the domain endpoint, such as whether to require HTTPS f… string
5261 …"documentation":"<p>The number of instances to use for the master node. If this attribute is speci… string
5265 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to use a dedicated master node for the Elasticsearch domain. A dedicat… string
5269 …"documentation":"<p>The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated master nod… string
5273 "documentation":"<p>The number of data nodes to use in the Elasticsearch domain.</p>" string
5277 …"documentation":"<p>The instance type for your data nodes. For example, <code>m3.medium.elasticsea… string
5281 …"documentation":"<p>Configuration options for zone awareness. Provided if <code>ZoneAwarenessEnabl… string
5285 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to enable zone awareness for the Elasticsearch domain. When zone aware… string
5288 "documentation":"<p>details about the configuration of an OpenSearch cluster.</p>" string
5295 …"documentation":"<p>he number of Availability Zones that the domain uses. Valid values are 2 and 3… string
5298 "documentation":"<p>Configuration options for zone awareness.</p>" string
5305 "documentation":"<p>Whether encryption at rest is enabled.</p>" string
5309 … "documentation":"<p>The KMS key ID. Takes the form 1a2a3a4-1a2a-3a4a-5a6a-1a2a3a4a5a6a.</p>" string
5312 "documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration for encryption at rest.</p>" string
5319 "documentation":"<p>Configures the OpenSearch index logs publishing.</p>" string
5323 "documentation":"<p>Configures the OpenSearch search slow log publishing.</p>" string
5327 … "documentation":"<p>configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the Elasticsearch domain.</p>" string
5334 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs group to publish the logs to.</p>" string
5338 "documentation":"<p>Whether the log publishing is enabled.</p>" string
5341 "documentation":"<p>The log configuration.</p>" string
5348 "documentation":"<p>Whether node-to-node encryption is enabled.</p>" string
5351 "documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption.</p>" string
5358 …"documentation":"<p>The epoch time when the deployment window closes for required updates. After t… string
5362 "documentation":"<p>Whether a request to update the domain can be canceled.</p>" string
5366 …"documentation":"<p>The version of the service software that is currently installed on the domain.… string
5370 "documentation":"<p>A more detailed description of the service software status.</p>" string
5374 "documentation":"<p>The most recent version of the service software.</p>" string
5378 "documentation":"<p>Whether a service software update is available for the domain.</p>" string
5382 "documentation":"<p>The status of the service software update.</p>" string
5385 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the state of the domain relative to the latest service softw… string
5392 "documentation":"<p>The list of Availability Zones associated with the VPC subnets.</p>" string
5396 …"documentation":"<p>The list of security group IDs associated with the VPC endpoints for the domai… string
5400 … "documentation":"<p>A list of subnet IDs associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain.</p>" string
5404 "documentation":"<p>ID for the VPC.</p>" string
5407 …"documentation":"<p>Information that OpenSearch derives based on <code>VPCOptions</code> for the d… string
5418 "documentation":"<p>The name of the application cookie used for stickiness.</p>" string
5422 …"documentation":"<p>The mnemonic name for the policy being created. The name must be unique within… string
5425 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about a stickiness policy that was created using <code>Cr… string
5436 …"documentation":"<p>The amount of time, in seconds, after which the cookie is considered stale. If… string
5440 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the policy. The name must be unique within the set of policies for… string
5443 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about a stickiness policy that was created using <code>Cr… string
5450 …"documentation":"<p>The interval in minutes for publishing the access logs.</p> <p>You can publish… string
5454 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether access logs are enabled for the load balancer.</p>" string
5458 "documentation":"<p>The name of the S3 bucket where the access logs are stored.</p>" string
5462 …"documentation":"<p>The logical hierarchy that was created for the S3 bucket.</p> <p>If a prefix i… string
5465 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about the access log configuration for the load balancer.… string
5472 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the access log configuration for the load balancer.</p> <p>I… string
5476 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the connection draining configuration for the load balancer.… string
5480 …"documentation":"<p>Connection settings for the load balancer.</p> <p>If an idle timeout is config… string
5484 …"documentation":"<p>Cross-zone load balancing settings for the load balancer.</p> <p>If cross-zone… string
5487 "documentation":"<p>Contains attributes for the load balancer.</p>" string
5494 "documentation":"<p>The port on which the EC2 instance is listening.</p>" string
5498 "documentation":"<p>The names of the policies that are enabled for the EC2 instance.</p>" string
5501 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the configuration of an EC2 instance for the load b… string
5512 … "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether connection draining is enabled for the load balancer.</p>" string
5516 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum time, in seconds, to keep the existing connections open before der… string
5519 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about the connection draining configuration for the load … string
5526 …"documentation":"<p>The time, in seconds, that the connection can be idle (no data is sent over th… string
5529 "documentation":"<p>Contains connection settings for the load balancer.</p>" string
5536 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether cross-zone load balancing is enabled for the load balancer.<… string
5539 "documentation":"<p>Contains cross-zone load balancing settings for the load balancer.</p>" string
5546 "documentation":"<p>The list of Availability Zones for the load balancer.</p>" string
5550 "documentation":"<p>Information about the configuration of the EC2 instances.</p>" string
5554 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone for the load balancer.</p>" string
5558 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone for the load balancer.</p>" string
5562 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the load balancer was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time<… string
5566 "documentation":"<p>The DNS name of the load balancer.</p>" string
5570 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the health checks that are conducted on the load balancer.</… string
5574 "documentation":"<p>List of EC2 instances for the load balancer.</p>" string
5578 "documentation":"<p>The policies that are enabled for the load balancer listeners.</p>" string
5582 "documentation":"<p>The attributes for a load balancer.</p>" string
5586 "documentation":"<p>The name of the load balancer.</p>" string
5590 "documentation":"<p>The policies for a load balancer.</p>" string
5594 …"documentation":"<p>The type of load balancer. Only provided if the load balancer is in a VPC.</p>… string
5598 …"documentation":"<p>The security groups for the load balancer. Only provided if the load balancer … string
5602 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the security group for the load balancer. This is the securi… string
5606 "documentation":"<p>The list of subnet identifiers for the load balancer.</p>" string
5610 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the VPC for the load balancer.</p>" string
5613 "documentation":"<p>Contains details about a Classic Load Balancer.</p>" string
5620 …"documentation":"<p>The number of consecutive health check successes required before the instance … string
5624 …"documentation":"<p>The approximate interval, in seconds, between health checks of an individual i… string
5628 …"documentation":"<p>The instance that is being checked. The target specifies the protocol and port… string
5632 …"documentation":"<p>The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health… string
5636 …"documentation":"<p>The number of consecutive health check failures that must occur before the ins… string
5639 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about the health checks that are conducted on the load ba… string
5646 "documentation":"<p>The instance identifier.</p>" string
5649 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about an EC2 instance for a load balancer.</p>" string
5660 "documentation":"<p>The port on which the instance is listening.</p>" string
5664 …"documentation":"<p>The protocol to use to route traffic to instances.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>… string
5668 …"documentation":"<p>The port on which the load balancer is listening.</p> <p>On EC2-VPC, you can s… string
5672 …"documentation":"<p>The load balancer transport protocol to use for routing.</p> <p>Valid values: … string
5676 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the server certificate.</p>" string
5679 "documentation":"<p>Information about a load balancer listener.</p>" string
5686 "documentation":"<p>Information about the listener.</p>" string
5690 "documentation":"<p>The policies enabled for the listener.</p>" string
5693 "documentation":"<p>Lists the policies that are enabled for a load balancer listener.</p>" string
5704 …"documentation":"<p>The stickiness policies that are created using <code>CreateAppCookieStickiness… string
5708 …"documentation":"<p>The stickiness policies that are created using <code>CreateLBCookieStickinessP… string
5712 "documentation":"<p>The policies other than the stickiness policies.</p>" string
5715 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about the policies for a load balancer.</p>" string
5722 "documentation":"<p>The name of the security group.</p>" string
5726 "documentation":"<p>The owner of the security group.</p>" string
5729 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about the security group for the load balancer.</p>" string
5736 "documentation":"<p>The name of the load balancer attribute.</p>" string
5740 "documentation":"<p>The value of the load balancer attribute.</p>" string
5743 "documentation":"<p>A load balancer attribute.</p>" string
5754 "documentation":"<p>The Availability Zones for the load balancer.</p>" string
5758 …"documentation":"<p>The ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone associated with the load balancer.</… string
5762 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the load balancer was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time<… string
5766 "documentation":"<p>The public DNS name of the load balancer.</p>" string
5770 …"documentation":"<p>The type of IP addresses used by the subnets for your load balancer. The possi… string
5774 … "documentation":"<p>The nodes of an Internet-facing load balancer have public IP addresses.</p>" string
5778 "documentation":"<p>The IDs of the security groups for the load balancer.</p>" string
5782 "documentation":"<p>The state of the load balancer.</p>" string
5786 "documentation":"<p>The type of load balancer.</p>" string
5790 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the VPC for the load balancer.</p>" string
5794 "documentation":"<p>Attributes of the load balancer.</p>" string
5797 "documentation":"<p>Information about a load balancer.</p>" string
5804 …"documentation":"<p>The user associated with the IAM access key related to a finding.</p> <p>The <… string
5810 "documentation":"<p>The status of the IAM access key related to a finding.</p>" string
5814 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the IAM access key was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time… string
5818 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the principal associated with an access key.</p>" string
5822 "documentation":"<p>The type of principal associated with an access key.</p>" string
5826 "documentation":"<p>The name of the principal.</p>" string
5830 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account for the key.</p>" string
5834 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the access key.</p>" string
5838 "documentation":"<p>Information about the session that the key was used for.</p>" string
5841 "documentation":"<p>IAM access key details related to a finding.</p>" string
5848 "documentation":"<p>Attributes of the session that the key was used for.</p>" string
5852 "documentation":"<p>Information about the entity that created the session.</p>" string
5855 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about the session that the key was used for.</p>" string
5862 … "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the session used multi-factor authentication (MFA).</p>" string
5866 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the session was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code>… string
5869 "documentation":"<p>Attributes of the session that the key was used for.</p>" string
5876 … "documentation":"<p>The type of principal (user, role, or group) that created the session.</p>" string
5880 …"documentation":"<p>The principal ID of the principal (user, role, or group) that created the sess… string
5884 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the session.</p>" string
5888 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that created the session.</p… string
5892 "documentation":"<p>The name of the principal that created the session.</p>" string
5895 "documentation":"<p>Information about the entity that created the session.</p>" string
5909 "documentation":"<p>The name of the policy.</p>" string
5913 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the policy.</p>" string
5916 "documentation":"<p>A managed policy that is attached to an IAM principal.</p>" string
5927 … "documentation":"<p>A list of the managed policies that are attached to the IAM group.</p>" string
5931 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the IAM group was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</cod… string
5935 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the IAM group.</p>" string
5939 "documentation":"<p>The name of the IAM group.</p>" string
5943 "documentation":"<p>The list of inline policies that are embedded in the group.</p>" string
5947 "documentation":"<p>The path to the group.</p>" string
5950 "documentation":"<p>Contains details about an IAM group.</p>" string
5957 "documentation":"<p>The name of the policy.</p>" string
5960 "documentation":"<p>A managed policy that is attached to the IAM group.</p>" string
5971 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the instance profile.</p>" string
5975 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the instance profile was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-ti… string
5979 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the instance profile.</p>" string
5983 "documentation":"<p>The name of the instance profile.</p>" string
5987 "documentation":"<p>The path to the instance profile.</p>" string
5991 "documentation":"<p>The roles associated with the instance profile.</p>" string
5994 "documentation":"<p>Information about an instance profile.</p>" string
6005 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the role.</p>" string
6009 "documentation":"<p>The policy that grants an entity permission to assume the role.</p>" string
6013 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the role was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> fo… string
6017 "documentation":"<p>The path to the role.</p>" string
6021 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the role.</p>" string
6025 "documentation":"<p>The name of the role.</p>" string
6028 "documentation":"<p>Information about a role associated with an instance profile.</p>" string
6039 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the policy used to set the permissions boundary.</p>" string
6043 "documentation":"<p>The usage type for the permissions boundary.</p>" string
6046 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the policy used to set the permissions boundary for an IAM p… string
6053 … "documentation":"<p>The number of users, groups, and roles that the policy is attached to.</p>" string
6057 …"documentation":"<p>When the policy was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> format spe… string
6061 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the default version of the policy.</p>" string
6065 "documentation":"<p>A description of the policy.</p>" string
6069 "documentation":"<p>Whether the policy can be attached to a user, group, or role.</p>" string
6073 "documentation":"<p>The path to the policy.</p>" string
6077 …"documentation":"<p>The number of users and roles that use the policy to set the permissions bound… string
6081 "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier of the policy.</p>" string
6085 "documentation":"<p>The name of the policy.</p>" string
6089 "documentation":"<p>List of versions of the policy.</p>" string
6093 …"documentation":"<p>When the policy was most recently updated.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</co… string
6096 "documentation":"<p>Represents an IAM permissions policy.</p>" string
6103 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the policy version.</p>" string
6107 "documentation":"<p>Whether the version is the default version.</p>" string
6111 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the version was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code>… string
6114 "documentation":"<p>A version of an IAM policy.</p>" string
6131 "documentation":"<p>The trust policy that grants permission to assume the role.</p>" string
6135 "documentation":"<p>The list of the managed policies that are attached to the role.</p>" string
6139 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the role was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> fo… string
6143 "documentation":"<p>The list of instance profiles that contain this role.</p>" string
6148 "documentation":"<p>The stable and unique string identifying the role.</p>" string
6152 "documentation":"<p>The friendly name that identifies the role.</p>" string
6156 "documentation":"<p>The list of inline policies that are embedded in the role.</p>" string
6160 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specifi… string
6164 "documentation":"<p>The path to the role.</p>" string
6167 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about an IAM role, including all of the role's policies.<… string
6174 "documentation":"<p>The name of the policy.</p>" string
6177 "documentation":"<p>An inline policy that is embedded in the role.</p>" string
6188 "documentation":"<p>A list of the managed policies that are attached to the user.</p>" string
6192 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the user was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> fo… string
6196 "documentation":"<p>A list of IAM groups that the user belongs to.</p>" string
6200 "documentation":"<p>The path to the user.</p>" string
6204 "documentation":"<p>The permissions boundary for the user.</p>" string
6208 "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier for the user.</p>" string
6212 "documentation":"<p>The name of the user.</p>" string
6216 "documentation":"<p>The list of inline policies that are embedded in the user.</p>" string
6219 "documentation":"<p>Information about an IAM user.</p>" string
6226 "documentation":"<p>The name of the policy.</p>" string
6229 "documentation":"<p>Information about an inline policy that is embedded in the user.</p>" string
6240 …"documentation":"<p>The twelve-digit account ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the K… string
6244 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the KMS key was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code>… string
6248 "documentation":"<p>The globally unique identifier for the KMS key.</p>" string
6252 …"documentation":"<p>The manager of the KMS key. KMS keys in your Amazon Web Services account are e… string
6256 "documentation":"<p>The state of the KMS key.</p>" string
6260 …"documentation":"<p>The source of the KMS key material.</p> <p>When this value is <code>AWS_KMS</c… string
6264 "documentation":"<p>A description of the key.</p>" string
6268 "documentation":"<p>Whether the key has key rotation enabled.</p>" string
6271 "documentation":"<p>Contains metadata about an KMS key.</p>" string
6278 …"documentation":"<p>An Amazon S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as your function. T… string
6282 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon S3 key of the deployment package.</p>" string
6286 …"documentation":"<p>For versioned objects, the version of the deployment package object to use.</p… string
6290 …"documentation":"<p>The base64-encoded contents of the deployment package. Amazon Web Services SDK… string
6293 …"documentation":"<p>The code for the Lambda function. You can specify either an object in Amazon S… string
6300 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of an SQS queue or SNS topic.</p>" string
6303 "documentation":"<p>The dead-letter queue for failed asynchronous invocations.</p>" string
6310 "documentation":"<p>An <code>AwsLambdaFunctionCode</code> object.</p>" string
6314 "documentation":"<p>The SHA256 hash of the function's deployment package.</p>" string
6318 "documentation":"<p>The function's dead letter queue.</p>" string
6322 "documentation":"<p>The function's environment variables.</p>" string
6326 "documentation":"<p>The name of the function.</p>" string
6330 "documentation":"<p>The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your function.</p>" string
6334 …"documentation":"<p>The KMS key that is used to encrypt the function's environment variables. This… string
6338 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the function was last updated.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time<… string
6342 "documentation":"<p>The function's layers.</p>" string
6346 "documentation":"<p>For Lambda@Edge functions, the ARN of the master function.</p>" string
6350 "documentation":"<p>The memory that is allocated to the function.</p>" string
6354 "documentation":"<p>The latest updated revision of the function or alias.</p>" string
6358 "documentation":"<p>The function's execution role.</p>" string
6362 "documentation":"<p>The runtime environment for the Lambda function.</p>" string
6366 …"documentation":"<p>The amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it.</p… string
6370 "documentation":"<p>The function's X-Ray tracing configuration.</p>" string
6374 "documentation":"<p>The function's networking configuration.</p>" string
6378 "documentation":"<p>The version of the Lambda function.</p>" string
6381 "documentation":"<p>Details about a function's configuration.</p>" string
6388 "documentation":"<p>Environment variable key-value pairs.</p>" string
6392 "documentation":"<p>An <code>AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError</code> object.</p>" string
6395 "documentation":"<p>A function's environment variable settings.</p>" string
6402 "documentation":"<p>The error code.</p>" string
6406 "documentation":"<p>The error message.</p>" string
6409 "documentation":"<p>Error messages for environment variables that could not be applied.</p>" string
6416 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the function layer.</p>" string
6420 "documentation":"<p>The size of the layer archive in bytes.</p>" string
6423 "documentation":"<p>An Lambda layer.</p>" string
6434 "documentation":"<p>The tracing mode.</p>" string
6437 "documentation":"<p>The function's X-Ray tracing configuration.</p>" string
6444 "documentation":"<p>A list of VPC security groups IDs.</p>" string
6448 "documentation":"<p>A list of VPC subnet IDs.</p>" string
6452 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the VPC.</p>" string
6455 …"documentation":"<p>The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to a Lambda function.</p… string
6462 "documentation":"<p>The version number.</p>" string
6466 …"documentation":"<p>The layer's compatible runtimes. Maximum number of five items.</p> <p>Valid va… string
6470 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the version was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code>… string
6473 "documentation":"<p>Details about a Lambda layer version.</p>" string
6481 "documentation":"<p>The number of data nodes to use in the OpenSearch domain.</p>" string
6485 "documentation":"<p>Whether UltraWarm is enabled.</p>" string
6489 "documentation":"<p>The number of UltraWarm instances.</p>" string
6493 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to use a dedicated master node for the OpenSearch domain. A dedicated … string
6497 …"documentation":"<p>Configuration options for zone awareness. Provided if <code>ZoneAwarenessEnabl… string
6501 …"documentation":"<p>The number of instances to use for the master node. If this attribute is speci… string
6505 "documentation":"<p>The instance type for your data nodes. </p>" string
6509 "documentation":"<p>The type of UltraWarm instance.</p>" string
6513 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to enable zone awareness for the OpenSearch domain. When zone awarenes… string
6517 …"documentation":"<p>The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated master nod… string
6520 "documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration of an OpenSearch cluster.</p>" string
6527 …"documentation":"<p>The number of Availability Zones that the domain uses. Valid values are 2 and … string
6530 "documentation":"<p>Configuration options for zone awareness.</p>" string
6537 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the OpenSearch Service domain.</p>" string
6541 …"documentation":"<p>IAM policy document that specifies the access policies for the OpenSearch Serv… string
6545 "documentation":"<p>The name of the endpoint.</p>" string
6549 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the domain.</p>" string
6553 "documentation":"<p>The domain endpoint.</p>" string
6557 "documentation":"<p>The version of the domain engine.</p>" string
6561 "documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration for encryption at rest.</p>" string
6565 "documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption.</p>" string
6569 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the status of a domain relative to the latest service softwa… string
6573 "documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration of an OpenSearch cluster.</p>" string
6577 "documentation":"<p>Additional options for the domain endpoint.</p>" string
6581 …"documentation":"<p>Information that OpenSearch Service derives based on <code>VPCOptions</code> f… string
6585 … "documentation":"<p>Configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the OpenSearch domain.</p>" string
6589 …"documentation":"<p>The domain endpoints. Used if the OpenSearch domain resides in a VPC.</p> <p>T… string
6592 "documentation":"<p>Information about an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.</p>" string
6599 … "documentation":"<p>The ARN for the security certificate. The certificate is managed in ACM.</p>" string
6603 "documentation":"<p>Whether to enable a custom endpoint for the domain.</p>" string
6607 … "documentation":"<p>Whether to require that all traffic to the domain arrive over HTTPS.</p>" string
6611 "documentation":"<p>The fully qualified URL for the custom endpoint.</p>" string
6615 …"documentation":"<p>The TLS security policy to apply to the HTTPS endpoint of the OpenSearch domai… string
6618 "documentation":"<p>Information about additional options for the domain endpoint.</p>" string
6625 "documentation":"<p>Whether encryption at rest is enabled.</p>" string
6629 "documentation":"<p>The KMS key ID.</p>" string
6632 …"documentation":"<p>Details about the configuration for encryption at rest for the OpenSearch doma… string
6639 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs group to publish the logs to.</p>" string
6643 "documentation":"<p>Whether the log publishing is enabled.</p>" string
6646 "documentation":"<p>Configuration details for a log publishing option.</p>" string
6653 "documentation":"<p>Configures the OpenSearch index logs publishing.</p>" string
6657 "documentation":"<p>Configures the OpenSearch search slow log publishing.</p>" string
6661 "documentation":"<p>Configures the OpenSearch audit logs publishing.</p>" string
6664 "documentation":"<p>Configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the OpenSearch domain.</p>" string
6671 "documentation":"<p>Whether node-to-node encryption is enabled.</p>" string
6674 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption.</p>" string
6681 …"documentation":"<p>The epoch time when the deployment window closes for required updates. After t… string
6685 "documentation":"<p>Whether a request to update the domain can be canceled.</p>" string
6689 …"documentation":"<p>The version of the service software that is currently installed on the domain.… string
6693 "documentation":"<p>A more detailed description of the service software status.</p>" string
6697 "documentation":"<p>The most recent version of the service software.</p>" string
6701 "documentation":"<p>Whether a service software update is available for the domain.</p>" string
6705 "documentation":"<p>The status of the service software update.</p>" string
6709 "documentation":"<p>Whether the service software update is optional.</p>" string
6712 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the state of the domain relative to the latest serv… string
6719 …"documentation":"<p>The list of security group IDs that are associated with the VPC endpoints for … string
6723 …"documentation":"<p>A list of subnet IDs that are associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain… string
6726 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information that OpenSearch Service derives based on the <code>VPCOpt… string
6733 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the IAM role.</p>" string
6737 … "documentation":"<p>The status of the association between the IAM role and the DB cluster.</p>" string
6740 "documentation":"<p>An IAM role that is associated with the Amazon RDS DB cluster.</p>" string
6751 …"documentation":"<p>For all database engines except Aurora, specifies the allocated storage size i… string
6755 …"documentation":"<p>A list of Availability Zones (AZs) where instances in the DB cluster can be cr… string
6759 "documentation":"<p>The number of days for which automated backups are retained.</p>" string
6763 "documentation":"<p>The name of the database.</p>" string
6767 "documentation":"<p>The current status of this DB cluster.</p>" string
6771 … "documentation":"<p>The connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB cluster.</p>" string
6775 "documentation":"<p>The reader endpoint for the DB cluster.</p>" string
6779 "documentation":"<p>A list of custom endpoints for the DB cluster.</p>" string
6783 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the DB cluster has instances in multiple Availability Zones.</p>" string
6787 "documentation":"<p>The name of the database engine to use for this DB cluster.</p>" string
6791 "documentation":"<p>The version number of the database engine to use.</p>" string
6795 …"documentation":"<p>The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections… string
6799 "documentation":"<p>The name of the master user for the DB cluster.</p>" string
6803 …"documentation":"<p>The range of time each day when automated backups are created, if automated ba… string
6807 …"documentation":"<p>The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal … string
6811 …"documentation":"<p>The identifiers of the read replicas that are associated with this DB cluster.… string
6815 "documentation":"<p>A list of VPC security groups that the DB cluster belongs to.</p>" string
6819 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the identifier that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted… string
6823 "documentation":"<p>Whether the DB cluster is encrypted.</p>" string
6827 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the KMS master key that is used to encrypt the database instances i… string
6831 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the DB cluster. The identifier must be unique within each Am… string
6835 "documentation":"<p>A list of the IAM roles that are associated with the DB cluster.</p>" string
6839 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the DB cluster was created, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)… string
6843 …"documentation":"<p>A list of log types that this DB cluster is configured to export to CloudWatch… string
6847 "documentation":"<p>The database engine mode of the DB cluster.</p>" string
6851 "documentation":"<p>Whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled.</p>" string
6855 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the HTTP endpoint for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster is enabled.</p>" string
6859 "documentation":"<p>The status of the database activity stream.</p>" string
6863 …"documentation":"<p>Whether tags are copied from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster.</p… string
6867 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the DB cluster is a clone of a DB cluster owned by a different Amazon … string
6871 …"documentation":"<p>The Active Directory domain membership records that are associated with the DB… string
6875 "documentation":"<p>The name of the DB cluster parameter group for the DB cluster.</p>" string
6879 …"documentation":"<p>The subnet group that is associated with the DB cluster, including the name, d… string
6883 "documentation":"<p>The list of option group memberships for this DB cluster.</p>" string
6887 …"documentation":"<p>The DB cluster identifier that the user assigned to the cluster. This identifi… string
6891 "documentation":"<p>The list of instances that make up the DB cluster.</p>" string
6895 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled.</p>" string
6898 "documentation":"<p>Information about an Amazon RDS DB cluster.</p>" string
6905 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the cluster member is the primary instance for the DB cluster.</p>" string
6909 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the order in which an Aurora replica is promoted to the primary inst… string
6913 "documentation":"<p>The instance identifier for this member of the DB cluster.</p>" string
6917 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the DB cluster parameter group for this member of the DB cluster… string
6920 "documentation":"<p>Information about an instance in the DB cluster.</p>" string
6931 "documentation":"<p>The name of the DB cluster option group.</p>" string
6935 "documentation":"<p>The status of the DB cluster option group.</p>" string
6938 "documentation":"<p>Information about an option group membership for a DB cluster.</p>" string
6949 …"documentation":"<p>A list of Availability Zones where instances in the DB cluster can be created.… string
6953 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the snapshot was taken.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> … string
6957 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the database engine that you want to use for this DB instance.</p>" string
6961 "documentation":"<p>Specifies the allocated storage size in gibibytes (GiB).</p>" string
6965 "documentation":"<p>The status of this DB cluster snapshot.</p>" string
6969 …"documentation":"<p>The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections… string
6973 "documentation":"<p>The VPC ID that is associated with the DB cluster snapshot.</p>" string
6977 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the DB cluster was created, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)… string
6981 "documentation":"<p>The name of the master user for the DB cluster.</p>" string
6985 "documentation":"<p>The version of the database engine to use.</p>" string
6989 "documentation":"<p>The license model information for this DB cluster snapshot.</p>" string
6993 "documentation":"<p>The type of DB cluster snapshot.</p>" string
6997 … "documentation":"<p>Specifies the percentage of the estimated data that has been transferred.</p>" string
7001 "documentation":"<p>Whether the DB cluster is encrypted.</p>" string
7005 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the KMS master key that is used to encrypt the database instances i… string
7009 "documentation":"<p>The DB cluster identifier.</p>" string
7013 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the DB cluster snapshot.</p>" string
7017 "documentation":"<p>Whether mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled.</p>" string
7020 "documentation":"<p>Information about an Amazon RDS DB cluster snapshot.</p>" string
7027 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the Active Directory domain.</p>" string
7031 … "documentation":"<p>The status of the Active Directory Domain membership for the DB instance.</p>" string
7035 "documentation":"<p>The fully qualified domain name of the Active Directory domain.</p>" string
7039 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service… string
7042 …"documentation":"<p>Information about an Active Directory domain membership record associated with… string
7053 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the IAM role that is associated with the DB instance.</p>" string
7057 "documentation":"<p>The name of the feature associated with the IAM role.</p>" string
7061 …"documentation":"<p>Describes the state of the association between the IAM role and the DB instanc… string
7064 "documentation":"<p>An IAM role associated with the DB instance.</p>" string
7075 "documentation":"<p>The IAM roles associated with the DB instance.</p>" string
7079 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the CA certificate for this DB instance.</p>" string
7083 …"documentation":"<p>If the DB instance is a member of a DB cluster, contains the name of the DB cl… string
7087 …"documentation":"<p>Contains a user-supplied database identifier. This identifier is the unique ke… string
7091 …"documentation":"<p>Contains the name of the compute and memory capacity class of the DB instance.… string
7095 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the port that the DB instance listens on. If the DB instance is part… string
7099 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services Region-unique, immutable identifier for the DB instanc… string
7103 …"documentation":"<p>The meaning of this parameter differs according to the database engine you use… string
7107 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the DB instance has deletion protection enabled.</p> <p>When… string
7111 "documentation":"<p>Specifies the connection endpoint.</p>" string
7115 … "documentation":"<p>Provides the name of the database engine to use for this DB instance.</p>" string
7119 "documentation":"<p>Indicates the database engine version.</p>" string
7123 …"documentation":"<p>True if mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled, and otherwise… string
7127 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the DB instance was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</c… string
7131 …"documentation":"<p>If <code>StorageEncrypted</code> is true, the KMS key identifier for the encry… string
7135 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the accessibility options for the DB instance.</p> <p>A value of tru… string
7139 "documentation":"<p>Specifies whether the DB instance is encrypted.</p>" string
7143 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN from the key store with which the instance is associated for TDE encry… string
7147 "documentation":"<p>A list of VPC security groups that the DB instance belongs to.</p>" string
7151 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the DB instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment.</p>" string
7155 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs log stream that receives the enhanced monitorin… string
7159 "documentation":"<p>The current status of the DB instance.</p>" string
7163 "documentation":"<p>The master user name of the DB instance.</p>" string
7167 …"documentation":"<p>The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to initially allocate for the DB instance… string
7171 …"documentation":"<p>The range of time each day when automated backups are created, if automated ba… string
7175 "documentation":"<p>The number of days for which to retain automated backups.</p>" string
7179 "documentation":"<p>A list of the DB security groups to assign to the DB instance.</p>" string
7183 "documentation":"<p>A list of the DB parameter groups to assign to the DB instance.</p>" string
7187 "documentation":"<p>The Availability Zone where the DB instance will be created.</p>" string
7191 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the subnet group that is associated with the DB instance.</p… string
7195 …"documentation":"<p>The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal … string
7199 "documentation":"<p>Changes to the DB instance that are currently pending.</p>" string
7203 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-ti… string
7207 … "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether minor version patches are applied automatically.</p>" string
7211 …"documentation":"<p>If this DB instance is a read replica, contains the identifier of the source D… string
7215 …"documentation":"<p>List of identifiers of the read replicas associated with this DB instance.</p>" string
7219 …"documentation":"<p>List of identifiers of Aurora DB clusters to which the RDS DB instance is repl… string
7223 "documentation":"<p>License model information for this DB instance.</p>" string
7227 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) for this DB instanc… string
7231 "documentation":"<p>The list of option group memberships for this DB instance.</p>" string
7235 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the character set that this DB instance is associated with.</p>" string
7239 …"documentation":"<p>For a DB instance with multi-Availability Zone support, the name of the second… string
7243 …"documentation":"<p>The status of a read replica. If the instance isn't a read replica, this is em… string
7247 "documentation":"<p>The storage type for the DB instance.</p>" string
7251 …"documentation":"<p>The Active Directory domain membership records associated with the DB instance… string
7255 "documentation":"<p>Whether to copy resource tags to snapshots of the DB instance.</p>" string
7259 …"documentation":"<p>The interval, in seconds, between points when enhanced monitoring metrics are … string
7263 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN for the IAM role that permits Amazon RDS to send enhanced monitoring m… string
7267 …"documentation":"<p>The order in which to promote an Aurora replica to the primary instance after … string
7271 "documentation":"<p>The time zone of the DB instance.</p>" string
7275 … "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether Performance Insights is enabled for the DB instance.</p>" string
7279 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the KMS key used to encrypt the Performance Insights data.</… string
7283 "documentation":"<p>The number of days to retain Performance Insights data.</p>" string
7287 …"documentation":"<p>A list of log types that this DB instance is configured to export to CloudWatc… string
7291 …"documentation":"<p>The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance… string
7296 …"documentation":"<p>The upper limit to which Amazon RDS can automatically scale the storage of the… string
7299 "documentation":"<p>Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB instance.</p>" string
7306 "documentation":"<p>Specifies the DNS address of the DB instance.</p>" string
7310 "documentation":"<p>Specifies the port that the database engine is listening on.</p>" string
7314 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the ID that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted zone.</… string
7317 "documentation":"<p>Specifies the connection endpoint.</p>" string
7324 "documentation":"<p>The name of the VPC security group.</p>" string
7328 "documentation":"<p>The status of the VPC security group.</p>" string
7331 "documentation":"<p>A VPC security groups that the DB instance belongs to.</p>" string
7342 "documentation":"<p>The name of the option group.</p>" string
7346 "documentation":"<p>The status of the option group membership.</p>" string
7349 "documentation":"<p>An option group membership.</p>" string
7360 "documentation":"<p>The name of the parameter group.</p>" string
7364 "documentation":"<p>The status of parameter updates.</p>" string
7367 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about a parameter group for a DB instance.</p>" string
7378 "documentation":"<p>The new DB instance class for the DB instance.</p>" string
7382 "documentation":"<p>The new value of the allocated storage for the DB instance.</p>" string
7386 "documentation":"<p>The new master user password for the DB instance.</p>" string
7390 "documentation":"<p>The new port for the DB instance.</p>" string
7394 "documentation":"<p>The new backup retention period for the DB instance.</p>" string
7398 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates that a single Availability Zone DB instance is changing to a multipl… string
7402 "documentation":"<p>The new engine version for the DB instance.</p>" string
7406 "documentation":"<p>The new license model value for the DB instance.</p>" string
7410 "documentation":"<p>The new provisioned IOPS value for the DB instance.</p>" string
7414 "documentation":"<p>The new DB instance identifier for the DB instance.</p>" string
7418 "documentation":"<p>The new storage type for the DB instance.</p>" string
7422 "documentation":"<p>The new CA certificate identifier for the DB instance.</p>" string
7426 "documentation":"<p>The name of the new subnet group for the DB instance.</p>" string
7430 "documentation":"<p>A list of log types that are being enabled or disabled.</p>" string
7434 "documentation":"<p>Processor features that are being updated.</p>" string
7437 "documentation":"<p>Changes to a DB instance that are currently pending.</p>" string
7444 "documentation":"<p>The name of the processor feature.</p>" string
7448 "documentation":"<p>The value of the processor feature.</p>" string
7451 "documentation":"<p>A processor feature.</p>" string
7462 …"documentation":"<p>The name or ARN of the DB snapshot that is used to restore the DB instance.</p… string
7466 "documentation":"<p>A name for the DB instance.</p>" string
7470 "documentation":"<p>When the snapshot was taken in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</p>" string
7474 "documentation":"<p>The name of the database engine to use for this DB instance.</p>" string
7478 …"documentation":"<p>The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to be initially allocated for the databas… string
7482 "documentation":"<p>The status of this DB snapshot.</p>" string
7486 …"documentation":"<p>The port that the database engine was listening on at the time of the snapshot… string
7490 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the name of the Availability Zone in which the DB instance was locat… string
7494 "documentation":"<p>The VPC ID associated with the DB snapshot.</p>" string
7498 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the DB instance, f… string
7502 "documentation":"<p>The master user name for the DB snapshot.</p>" string
7506 "documentation":"<p>The version of the database engine.</p>" string
7510 "documentation":"<p>License model information for the restored DB instance.</p>" string
7514 "documentation":"<p>The type of the DB snapshot.</p>" string
7518 …"documentation":"<p>The provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) value of the DB instance at t… string
7522 "documentation":"<p>The option group name for the DB snapshot.</p>" string
7526 "documentation":"<p>The percentage of the estimated data that has been transferred.</p>" string
7530 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services Region that the DB snapshot was created in or copied f… string
7534 "documentation":"<p>The DB snapshot ARN that the DB snapshot was copied from.</p>" string
7538 "documentation":"<p>The storage type associated with the DB snapshot.</p>" string
7542 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN from the key store with which to associate the instance for TDE encryp… string
7546 "documentation":"<p>Whether the DB snapshot is encrypted.</p>" string
7550 …"documentation":"<p>If <code>Encrypted</code> is <code>true</code>, the KMS key identifier for the… string
7554 "documentation":"<p>The time zone of the DB snapshot.</p>" string
7558 "documentation":"<p>Whether mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled.</p>" string
7562 …"documentation":"<p>The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance… string
7566 "documentation":"<p>The identifier for the source DB instance.</p>" string
7569 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about an Amazon RDS DB cluster snapshot.</p>" string
7576 …"documentation":"<p>The type of status. For a read replica, the status type is read replication.</… string
7580 "documentation":"<p>Whether the read replica instance is operating normally.</p>" string
7584 "documentation":"<p>The status of the read replica instance.</p>" string
7588 …"documentation":"<p>If the read replica is currently in an error state, provides the error details… string
7591 "documentation":"<p>Information about the status of a read replica.</p>" string
7602 "documentation":"<p>The name of the subnet group.</p>" string
7606 "documentation":"<p>The description of the subnet group.</p>" string
7610 "documentation":"<p>The VPC ID of the subnet group.</p>" string
7614 "documentation":"<p>The status of the subnet group.</p>" string
7618 "documentation":"<p>A list of subnets in the subnet group.</p>" string
7622 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the subnet group.</p>" string
7625 "documentation":"<p>Information about the subnet group for the database instance.</p>" string
7632 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of a subnet in the subnet group.</p>" string
7636 … "documentation":"<p>Information about the Availability Zone for a subnet in the subnet group.</p>" string
7640 "documentation":"<p>The status of a subnet in the subnet group.</p>" string
7643 "documentation":"<p>Information about a subnet in a subnet group.</p>" string
7650 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the Availability Zone for a subnet in the subnet group.</p>" string
7653 "documentation":"<p>An Availability Zone for a subnet in a subnet group.</p>" string
7664 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the account that is associated with the event notification s… string
7668 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the event notification subscription.</p>" string
7672 "documentation":"<p>Whether the event notification subscription is enabled.</p>" string
7676 … "documentation":"<p>The list of event categories for the event notification subscription.</p>" string
7680 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the event notification subscription.</p>" string
7684 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the SNS topic to post the event notifications to.</p>" string
7688 … "documentation":"<p>A list of source identifiers for the event notification subscription.</p>" string
7692 "documentation":"<p>The source type for the event notification subscription.</p>" string
7696 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the event notification subscription.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>… string
7700 …"documentation":"<p>The datetime when the event notification subscription was created.</p> <p>Uses… string
7703 …"documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon RDS event notification subscription. The subscription … string
7710 "documentation":"<p>A list of log types that are being enabled.</p>" string
7714 "documentation":"<p>A list of log types that are being disabled.</p>" string
7717 "documentation":"<p>Identifies the log types to enable and disable.</p>" string
7724 … "documentation":"<p>The role of the node. A node might be a leader node or a compute node.</p>" string
7728 "documentation":"<p>The private IP address of the node.</p>" string
7732 "documentation":"<p>The public IP address of the node.</p>" string
7735 "documentation":"<p>A node in an Amazon Redshift cluster.</p>" string
7746 "documentation":"<p>The list of parameter statuses.</p>" string
7750 "documentation":"<p>The status of updates to the parameters.</p>" string
7754 "documentation":"<p>The name of the parameter group.</p>" string
7757 …"documentation":"<p>A cluster parameter group that is associated with an Amazon Redshift cluster.<… string
7768 "documentation":"<p>The name of the parameter.</p>" string
7772 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the parameter. Indicates whether the parameter is in sync with t… string
7776 …"documentation":"<p>The error that prevented the parameter from being applied to the database.</p>" string
7779 …"documentation":"<p>The status of a parameter in a cluster parameter group for an Amazon Redshift … string
7790 "documentation":"<p>The name of the cluster security group.</p>" string
7794 "documentation":"<p>The status of the cluster security group.</p>" string
7797 "documentation":"<p>A security group that is associated with the cluster.</p>" string
7808 …"documentation":"<p>The destination Region that snapshots are automatically copied to when cross-R… string
7812 …"documentation":"<p>The number of days that manual snapshots are retained in the destination regio… string
7816 …"documentation":"<p>The number of days to retain automated snapshots in the destination Region aft… string
7820 "documentation":"<p>The name of the snapshot copy grant.</p>" string
7823 "documentation":"<p>Information about a cross-Region snapshot copy.</p>" string
7830 …"documentation":"<p>The end of the time window for which maintenance was deferred.</p> <p>Uses the… string
7834 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the maintenance window.</p>" string
7838 …"documentation":"<p>The start of the time window for which maintenance was deferred.</p> <p>Uses t… string
7841 …"documentation":"<p>A time windows during which maintenance was deferred for an Amazon Redshift cl… string
7852 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether major version upgrades are applied automatically to the clus… string
7856 "documentation":"<p>The number of days that automatic cluster snapshots are retained.</p>" string
7860 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the Availability Zone in which the cluster is located.</p>" string
7864 …"documentation":"<p>The availability status of the cluster for queries. Possible values are the fo… string
7868 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the cluster was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code>… string
7872 "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier of the cluster.</p>" string
7876 "documentation":"<p>The nodes in the cluster.</p>" string
7880 …"documentation":"<p>The list of cluster parameter groups that are associated with this cluster.</p… string
7884 "documentation":"<p>The public key for the cluster.</p>" string
7888 "documentation":"<p>The specific revision number of the database in the cluster.</p>" string
7892 … "documentation":"<p>A list of cluster security groups that are associated with the cluster.</p>" string
7896 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the destination Region and retention period for the cross-Re… string
7900 …"documentation":"<p>The current status of the cluster.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>available</code>… string
7904 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the subnet group that is associated with the cluster. This paramet… string
7908 … "documentation":"<p>The version ID of the Amazon Redshift engine that runs on the cluster.</p>" string
7912 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the initial database that was created when the cluster was created… string
7916 "documentation":"<p>List of time windows during which maintenance was deferred.</p>" string
7920 "documentation":"<p>Information about the status of the Elastic IP (EIP) address.</p>" string
7924 …"documentation":"<p>The number of nodes that you can use the elastic resize method to resize the c… string
7928 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the data in the cluster is encrypted at rest.</p>" string
7932 "documentation":"<p>The connection endpoint.</p>" string
7936 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled.</p>" string
7940 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the next snapshot is expected to be taken. The cluster must hav… string
7944 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the next expected snapshot.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>OnTrack</… string
7948 …"documentation":"<p>Information about whether the Amazon Redshift cluster finished applying any ch… string
7952 …"documentation":"<p>A list of IAM roles that the cluster can use to access other Amazon Web Servic… string
7956 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the KMS encryption key that is used to encrypt data in the c… string
7960 "documentation":"<p>The name of the maintenance track for the cluster.</p>" string
7964 …"documentation":"<p>The default number of days to retain a manual snapshot.</p> <p>If the value is… string
7968 …"documentation":"<p>The master user name for the cluster. This name is used to connect to the data… string
7972 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates the start of the next maintenance window.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date… string
7976 "documentation":"<p>The node type for the nodes in the cluster.</p>" string
7980 "documentation":"<p>The number of compute nodes in the cluster.</p>" string
7984 "documentation":"<p>A list of cluster operations that are waiting to start.</p>" string
7988 "documentation":"<p>A list of changes to the cluster that are currently pending.</p>" string
7992 …"documentation":"<p>The weekly time range, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), during which syste… string
7996 "documentation":"<p>Whether the cluster can be accessed from a public network.</p>" string
8000 "documentation":"<p>Information about the resize operation for the cluster.</p>" string
8004 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the status of a cluster restore action. Only applies to a cl… string
8008 "documentation":"<p>A unique identifier for the cluster snapshot schedule.</p>" string
8012 …"documentation":"<p>The current state of the cluster snapshot schedule.</p> <p>Valid values: <code… string
8016 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the VPC that the cluster is in, if the cluster is in a VPC.<… string
8020 …"documentation":"<p>The list of VPC security groups that the cluster belongs to, if the cluster is… string
8023 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon Redshift cluster.</p>" string
8030 "documentation":"<p>The elastic IP address for the cluster.</p>" string
8034 "documentation":"<p>The status of the elastic IP address.</p>" string
8037 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the elastic IP (EIP) address for an Amazon Redshift cluster.</p>" string
8044 "documentation":"<p>The DNS address of the cluster.</p>" string
8048 "documentation":"<p>The port that the database engine listens on.</p>" string
8051 "documentation":"<p>The connection endpoint for an Amazon Redshift cluster.</p>" string
8058 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the HSM client certificate that the Amazon Redshift cluster uses t… string
8062 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the HSM configuration that contains the information that the Amazo… string
8066 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the Amazon Redshift cluster has finished applying any HSM se… string
8069 …"documentation":"<p>Information about whether an Amazon Redshift cluster finished applying any har… string
8076 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the IAM role's association with the cluster.</p> <p>Valid values… string
8080 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the IAM role.</p>" string
8083 …"documentation":"<p>An IAM role that the cluster can use to access other Amazon Web Services servi… string
8094 …"documentation":"<p>The pending or in-progress change to the automated snapshot retention period.<… string
8098 … "documentation":"<p>The pending or in-progress change to the identifier for the cluster.</p>" string
8102 "documentation":"<p>The pending or in-progress change to the cluster type.</p>" string
8106 "documentation":"<p>The pending or in-progress change to the service version.</p>" string
8110 "documentation":"<p>The encryption type for a cluster.</p>" string
8114 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled.</p>" string
8118 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the maintenance track that the cluster changes to during the next … string
8122 …"documentation":"<p>The pending or in-progress change to the master user password for the cluster.… string
8126 "documentation":"<p>The pending or in-progress change to the cluster's node type.</p>" string
8130 … "documentation":"<p>The pending or in-progress change to the number of nodes in the cluster.</p>" string
8134 …"documentation":"<p>The pending or in-progress change to whether the cluster can be connected to f… string
8137 "documentation":"<p>Changes to the Amazon Redshift cluster that are currently pending.</p>" string
8144 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the resize operation can be canceled.</p>" string
8148 …"documentation":"<p>The type of resize operation.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>ClassicResize</code> … string
8151 "documentation":"<p>Information about the resize operation for the cluster.</p>" string
8158 …"documentation":"<p>The number of megabytes per second being transferred from the backup storage. … string
8162 …"documentation":"<p>The amount of time an in-progress restore has been running, or the amount of t… string
8166 …"documentation":"<p>The estimate of the time remaining before the restore is complete. Returns 0 f… string
8170 …"documentation":"<p>The number of megabytes that were transferred from snapshot storage.</p> <p>Th… string
8174 …"documentation":"<p>The size of the set of snapshot data that was used to restore the cluster.</p>… string
8178 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the restore action.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>starting</code> |… string
8181 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the status of a cluster restore action. It only applies if t… string
8188 "documentation":"<p>The status of the VPC security group.</p>" string
8192 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the VPC security group.</p>" string
8195 …"documentation":"<p>A VPC security group that the cluster belongs to, if the cluster is in a VPC.<… string
8206 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether to reject calls to update an S3 bucket if the calls include … string
8210 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether to reject calls to update the access policy for an S3 bucket… string
8214 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether Amazon S3 ignores public ACLs that are associated with an S3… string
8218 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether to restrict access to an access point or S3 bucket that has … string
8221 …"documentation":"<p>provides information about the Amazon S3 Public Access Block configuration for… string
8228 "documentation":"<p>The lifecycle rules.</p>" string
8231 "documentation":"<p>The lifecycle configuration for the objects in the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8238 …"documentation":"<p>The number of days after which Amazon S3 cancels an incomplete multipart uploa… string
8241 …"documentation":"<p>Information about what Amazon S3 does when a multipart upload is incomplete.</… string
8248 …"documentation":"<p>How Amazon S3 responds when a multipart upload is incomplete. Specifically, pr… string
8252 …"documentation":"<p>The date when objects are moved or deleted.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</c… string
8256 …"documentation":"<p>The length in days of the lifetime for objects that are subject to the rule.</… string
8260 …"documentation":"<p>Whether Amazon S3 removes a delete marker that has no noncurrent versions. If … string
8264 "documentation":"<p>Identifies the objects that a rule applies to.</p>" string
8268 "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier of the rule.</p>" string
8272 …"documentation":"<p>The number of days that an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform t… string
8276 …"documentation":"<p>Transition rules that describe when noncurrent objects transition to a specifi… string
8280 … "documentation":"<p>A prefix that identifies one or more objects that the rule applies to.</p>" string
8284 …"documentation":"<p>The current status of the rule. Indicates whether the rule is currently being … string
8288 …"documentation":"<p>Transition rules that indicate when objects transition to a specified storage … string
8291 "documentation":"<p>Configuration for a lifecycle rule.</p>" string
8298 "documentation":"<p>The configuration for the filter.</p>" string
8301 "documentation":"<p>Identifies the objects that a rule applies to.</p>" string
8308 "documentation":"<p>The values to use for the filter.</p>" string
8312 "documentation":"<p>A prefix filter.</p>" string
8316 "documentation":"<p>A tag filter.</p>" string
8320 … "documentation":"<p>Whether to use <code>AND</code> or <code>OR</code> to join the operands.</p>" string
8323 "documentation":"<p>The configuration for the filter.</p>" string
8330 "documentation":"<p>Prefix text for matching objects.</p>" string
8334 "documentation":"<p>A tag that is assigned to matching objects.</p>" string
8338 "documentation":"<p>The type of filter value.</p>" string
8341 "documentation":"<p>A value to use for the filter.</p>" string
8352 "documentation":"<p>The tag key.</p>" string
8356 "documentation":"<p>The tag value.</p>" string
8359 "documentation":"<p>A tag that is assigned to matching objects.</p>" string
8366 "documentation":"<p>The tag key.</p>" string
8370 "documentation":"<p>The tag value</p>" string
8373 "documentation":"<p>A tag filter.</p>" string
8384 …"documentation":"<p>The number of days that an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform t… string
8388 …"documentation":"<p>The class of storage to change the object to after the object is noncurrent fo… string
8391 …"documentation":"<p>A transition rule that describes when noncurrent objects transition to a speci… string
8402 …"documentation":"<p>A date on which to transition objects to the specified storage class. If you p… string
8406 …"documentation":"<p>The number of days after which to transition the object to the specified stora… string
8410 "documentation":"<p>The storage class to transition the object to.</p>" string
8413 "documentation":"<p>A rule for when objects transition to specific storage classes.</p>" string
8424 "documentation":"<p>The canonical user ID of the owner of the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8428 "documentation":"<p>The display name of the owner of the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8432 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the account that owns the S3 buc… string
8436 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the S3 bucket was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</cod… string
8440 "documentation":"<p>The encryption rules that are applied to the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8444 "documentation":"<p>The lifecycle configuration for objects in the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8448 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the Amazon S3 Public Access Block configuration for… string
8452 "documentation":"<p>The access control list for the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8456 "documentation":"<p>The logging configuration for the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8460 "documentation":"<p>The website configuration parameters for the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8464 "documentation":"<p>The notification configuration for the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8467 "documentation":"<p>The details of an Amazon S3 bucket.</p>" string
8474 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the S3 bucket where log files for the S3 bucket are stored.</p>" string
8478 "documentation":"<p>The prefix added to log files for the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8481 "documentation":"<p>Information about logging for the S3 bucket</p>" string
8488 "documentation":"<p>Configurations for S3 bucket notifications.</p>" string
8491 "documentation":"<p>The notification configuration for the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8498 "documentation":"<p>The list of events that trigger a notification.</p>" string
8502 … "documentation":"<p>The filters that determine which S3 buckets generate notifications.</p>" string
8506 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the Lambda function, Amazon SQS queue, or Amazon SNS topic that gen… string
8510 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates the type of notification. Notifications can be generated using Lambd… string
8513 "documentation":"<p>Details for an S3 bucket notification configuration.</p>" string
8528 "documentation":"<p>Details for an Amazon S3 filter.</p>" string
8531 …"documentation":"<p>Filtering information for the notifications. The filtering is based on Amazon … string
8538 "documentation":"<p>The filter rules for the filter.</p>" string
8541 "documentation":"<p>Details for an Amazon S3 filter.</p>" string
8548 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the filter is based on the prefix or suffix of the Amazon S3… string
8552 "documentation":"<p>The filter value.</p>" string
8555 "documentation":"<p>Details for a filter rule.</p>" string
8573 … "documentation":"<p>Server-side encryption algorithm to use for the default encryption.</p>" string
8577 "documentation":"<p>KMS key ID to use for the default encryption.</p>" string
8580 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bu… string
8587 "documentation":"<p>The encryption rules that are applied to the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8590 "documentation":"<p>The encryption configuration for the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8597 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bu… string
8600 "documentation":"<p>An encryption rule to apply to the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8611 "documentation":"<p>The name of the error document for the website.</p>" string
8615 "documentation":"<p>The name of the index document for the website.</p>" string
8619 "documentation":"<p>The redirect behavior for requests to the website.</p>" string
8623 "documentation":"<p>The rules for applying redirects for requests to the website.</p>" string
8626 "documentation":"<p>Website parameters for the S3 bucket.</p>" string
8633 "documentation":"<p>The name of the host to redirect requests to.</p>" string
8637 …"documentation":"<p>The protocol to use when redirecting requests. By default, uses the same proto… string
8640 "documentation":"<p>The redirect behavior for requests to the website.</p>" string
8647 …"documentation":"<p>Provides the condition that must be met in order to apply the routing rule.</p… string
8651 …"documentation":"<p>Provides the rules to redirect the request if the condition in <code>Condition… string
8654 "documentation":"<p>A rule for redirecting requests to the website.</p>" string
8661 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates to redirect the request if the HTTP error code matches this value.</… string
8665 … "documentation":"<p>Indicates to redirect the request if the key prefix matches this value.</p>" string
8668 "documentation":"<p>The condition that must be met in order to apply the routing rule.</p>" string
8675 "documentation":"<p>The host name to use in the redirect request.</p>" string
8679 "documentation":"<p>The HTTP redirect code to use in the response.</p>" string
8683 …"documentation":"<p>The protocol to use to redirect the request. By default, uses the protocol fro… string
8687 …"documentation":"<p>The object key prefix to use in the redirect request.</p> <p>Cannot be provide… string
8691 …"documentation":"<p>The specific object key to use in the redirect request.</p> <p>Cannot be provi… string
8694 …"documentation":"<p>The rules to redirect the request if the condition in <code>Condition</code> i… string
8705 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the object was last modified.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</… string
8709 …"documentation":"<p>The opaque identifier assigned by a web server to a specific version of a reso… string
8713 "documentation":"<p>The version of the object.</p>" string
8717 "documentation":"<p>A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data.</p>" string
8721 …"documentation":"<p>If the object is stored using server-side encryption, the value of the server-… string
8725 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the KMS symmetric customer managed key that was used for the… string
8728 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon S3 object.</p>" string
8735 "documentation":"<p>Defines the rotation schedule for the secret.</p>" string
8739 … "documentation":"<p>Whether the rotation occurred within the specified rotation frequency.</p>" string
8743 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN, Key ID, or alias of the KMS key used to encrypt the <code>SecretStrin… string
8747 "documentation":"<p>Whether rotation is enabled.</p>" string
8751 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the Lambda function that rotates the secret.</p>" string
8755 "documentation":"<p>Whether the secret is deleted.</p>" string
8759 "documentation":"<p>The name of the secret.</p>" string
8763 "documentation":"<p>The user-provided description of the secret.</p>" string
8766 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Secrets Manager secret.</p>" string
8773 … "documentation":"<p>The number of days after the previous rotation to rotate the secret.</p>" string
8776 "documentation":"<p>Defines the rotation schedule for the secret.</p>" string
8795 "documentation":"<p>The schema version that a finding is formatted for.</p>" string
8799 "documentation":"<p>The security findings provider-specific identifier for a finding.</p>" string
8803 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that gene… string
8807 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the product that generated the finding.</p> <p>Security Hub popula… string
8811 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the company for the product that generated the finding.</p> <p>Sec… string
8815 …"documentation":"<p>The Region from which the finding was generated.</p> <p>Security Hub populates… string
8819 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier for the solution-specific component (a discrete unit of logic) … string
8823 … "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account ID that a finding is generated in.</p>" string
8827 …"documentation":"<p>One or more finding types in the format of <code>namespace/category/classifier… string
8831 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the security-findings provider first observed the potential sec… string
8835 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the security-findings provider most recently observed the poten… string
8839 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the security-findings provider created the potential security i… string
8843 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the security-findings provider last updated the finding record.… string
8847 "documentation":"<p>A finding's severity.</p>" string
8851 …"documentation":"<p>A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding… string
8855 …"documentation":"<p>The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding.… string
8859 …"documentation":"<p>A finding's title.</p> <note> <p>In this release, <code>Title</code> is a requ… string
8863 …"documentation":"<p>A finding's description.</p> <note> <p>In this release, <code>Description</cod… string
8867 "documentation":"<p>A data type that describes the remediation options for a finding.</p>" string
8871 …"documentation":"<p>A URL that links to a page about the current finding in the security-findings … string
8875 …"documentation":"<p>A data type where security-findings providers can include additional solution-… string
8879 …"documentation":"<p>A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custo… string
8883 "documentation":"<p>A list of malware related to a finding.</p>" string
8887 "documentation":"<p>The details of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
8891 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about a network path that is relevant to a finding. Each … string
8895 "documentation":"<p>The details of process-related information about a finding.</p>" string
8899 "documentation":"<p>Threat intelligence details related to a finding.</p>" string
8903 …"documentation":"<p>A set of resource data types that describe the resources that the finding refe… string
8907 …"documentation":"<p>This data type is exclusive to findings that are generated as the result of a … string
8911 "documentation":"<p>Indicates the veracity of a finding. </p>" string
8915 "documentation":"<p>The workflow state of a finding. </p>" string
8919 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the status of the investigation into a finding.</p>" string
8923 "documentation":"<p>The record state of a finding.</p>" string
8927 "documentation":"<p>A list of related findings.</p>" string
8931 "documentation":"<p>A user-defined note added to a finding.</p>" string
8935 "documentation":"<p>Provides a list of vulnerabilities associated with the findings.</p>" string
8939 …"documentation":"<p>Provides an overview of the patch compliance status for an instance against a … string
8943 …"documentation":"<p>Provides details about an action that affects or that was taken on a resource.… string
8947 …"documentation":"<p>In a <code>BatchImportFindings</code> request, finding providers use <code>Fin… string
8950 …"documentation":"<p>Provides consistent format for the contents of the Security Hub-aggregated fin… string
8957 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a third-party compa… string
8961 … "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account ID that a finding is generated in.</p>" string
8965 "documentation":"<p>The security findings provider-specific identifier for a finding.</p>" string
8969 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier for the solution-specific component (a discrete unit of logic) … string
8973 "documentation":"<p>The Region from which the finding was generated.</p>" string
8977 …"documentation":"<p>A finding type in the format of <code>namespace/category/classifier</code> tha… string
8981 …"documentation":"<p>An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provi… string
8985 …"documentation":"<p>An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provi… string
8989 …"documentation":"<p>An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provi… string
8993 …"documentation":"<p>An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provi… string
8997 …"documentation":"<p>The native severity as defined by the security-findings provider's solution th… string
9003 "documentation":"<p>The normalized severity of a finding.</p>", string
9009 "documentation":"<p>The label of a finding's severity.</p>" string
9013 …"documentation":"<p>A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding… string
9017 …"documentation":"<p>The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding.… string
9021 "documentation":"<p>A finding's title.</p>" string
9025 "documentation":"<p>A finding's description.</p>" string
9029 … "documentation":"<p>The recommendation of what to do about the issue described in a finding.</p>" string
9033 …"documentation":"<p>A URL that links to a page about the current finding in the security-findings … string
9037 …"documentation":"<p>A data type where security-findings providers can include additional solution-… string
9041 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the solution (product) that generates findings.</p> <p>Note that t… string
9045 …"documentation":"<p>The name of the findings provider (company) that owns the solution (product) t… string
9049 …"documentation":"<p>A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custo… string
9053 "documentation":"<p>The name of the malware that was observed.</p>" string
9057 "documentation":"<p>The type of the malware that was observed.</p>" string
9061 "documentation":"<p>The filesystem path of the malware that was observed.</p>" string
9065 "documentation":"<p>The state of the malware that was observed.</p>" string
9069 … "documentation":"<p>Indicates the direction of network traffic associated with a finding.</p>" string
9073 "documentation":"<p>The protocol of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
9077 … "documentation":"<p>The source IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
9081 … "documentation":"<p>The source IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
9085 "documentation":"<p>The source port of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
9089 "documentation":"<p>The source domain of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
9093 …"documentation":"<p>The source media access control (MAC) address of network-related information a… string
9097 …"documentation":"<p>The destination IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding.</… string
9101 …"documentation":"<p>The destination IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding.</… string
9105 … "documentation":"<p>The destination port of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
9109 … "documentation":"<p>The destination domain of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
9113 "documentation":"<p>The name of the process.</p>" string
9117 "documentation":"<p>The path to the process executable.</p>" string
9121 "documentation":"<p>The process ID.</p>" string
9125 "documentation":"<p>The parent process ID.</p>" string
9129 "documentation":"<p>The date/time that the process was launched.</p>" string
9133 "documentation":"<p>The date/time that the process was terminated.</p>" string
9137 "documentation":"<p>The type of a threat intelligence indicator.</p>" string
9141 "documentation":"<p>The value of a threat intelligence indicator.</p>" string
9145 "documentation":"<p>The category of a threat intelligence indicator.</p>" string
9149 … "documentation":"<p>The date/time of the last observation of a threat intelligence indicator.</p>" string
9153 "documentation":"<p>The source of the threat intelligence.</p>" string
9157 … "documentation":"<p>The URL for more details from the source of the threat intelligence.</p>" string
9161 "documentation":"<p>Specifies the type of the resource that details are provided for.</p>" string
9165 "documentation":"<p>The canonical identifier for the given resource type.</p>" string
9169 …"documentation":"<p>The canonical Amazon Web Services partition name that the Region is assigned t… string
9173 …"documentation":"<p>The canonical Amazon Web Services external Region name where this resource is … string
9177 …"documentation":"<p>A list of Amazon Web Services tags associated with a resource at the time the … string
9181 "documentation":"<p>The instance type of the instance.</p>" string
9185 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID of the instance.</p>" string
9189 "documentation":"<p>The IPv4 addresses associated with the instance.</p>" string
9193 "documentation":"<p>The IPv6 addresses associated with the instance.</p>" string
9197 "documentation":"<p>The key name associated with the instance.</p>" string
9201 "documentation":"<p>The IAM profile ARN of the instance.</p>" string
9205 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the VPC that the instance was launched in.</p>" string
9209 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the subnet that the instance was launched in.</p>" string
9213 "documentation":"<p>The date and time the instance was launched.</p>" string
9217 "documentation":"<p>The canonical user ID of the owner of the S3 bucket.</p>" string
9221 "documentation":"<p>The display name of the owner of the S3 bucket.</p>" string
9225 … "documentation":"<p>The user associated with the IAM access key related to a finding.</p>", string
9231 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the principal that is associated with an IAM access key.</p>" string
9235 "documentation":"<p>The status of the IAM access key related to a finding.</p>" string
9239 … "documentation":"<p>The creation date/time of the IAM access key related to a finding.</p>" string
9243 "documentation":"<p>The name of an IAM user.</p>" string
9247 "documentation":"<p>The name of the container related to a finding.</p>" string
9251 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the image related to a finding.</p>" string
9255 "documentation":"<p>The name of the image related to a finding.</p>" string
9259 "documentation":"<p>The date/time that the container was started.</p>" string
9263 …"documentation":"<p>The details of a resource that doesn't have a specific subfield for the resour… string
9267 …"documentation":"<p>Exclusive to findings that are generated as the result of a check run against … string
9271 "documentation":"<p>The veracity of a finding.</p>" string
9275 …"documentation":"<p>The workflow state of a finding.</p> <p>Note that this field is deprecated. To… string
9279 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the investigation into a finding. Allowed values are the followi… string
9283 "documentation":"<p>The updated record state for the finding.</p>" string
9287 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the solution that generated a related finding.</p>" string
9291 "documentation":"<p>The solution-generated identifier for a related finding.</p>" string
9295 "documentation":"<p>The text of a note.</p>" string
9299 "documentation":"<p>The timestamp of when the note was updated.</p>" string
9303 "documentation":"<p>The principal that created a note.</p>" string
9307 "documentation":"<p>A keyword for a finding.</p>", string
9313 …"documentation":"<p>The finding provider value for the finding confidence. Confidence is defined a… string
9317 …"documentation":"<p>The finding provider value for the level of importance assigned to the resourc… string
9321 …"documentation":"<p>The finding identifier of a related finding that is identified by the finding … string
9325 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the solution that generated a related finding that is identified by… string
9329 "documentation":"<p>The finding provider value for the severity label.</p>" string
9333 "documentation":"<p>The finding provider's original value for the severity.</p>" string
9337 …"documentation":"<p>One or more finding types that the finding provider assigned to the finding. U… string
9340 …"documentation":"<p>A collection of attributes that are applied to all active Security Hub-aggrega… string
9351 … "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the finding that was specified by the finding provider.</p>" string
9355 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that gene… string
9358 … "documentation":"<p>Identifies a finding to update using <code>BatchUpdateFindings</code>.</p>" string
9373 …"documentation":"<p>The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed key for Amazon SNS or a customer mana… string
9377 …"documentation":"<p>Subscription is an embedded property that describes the subscription endpoints… string
9381 "documentation":"<p>The name of the topic.</p>" string
9385 "documentation":"<p>The subscription's owner.</p>" string
9388 "documentation":"<p>A wrapper type for the topic's ARN.</p>" string
9395 "documentation":"<p>The subscription's endpoint (format depends on the protocol).</p>" string
9399 "documentation":"<p>The subscription's protocol.</p>" string
9402 "documentation":"<p>A wrapper type for the attributes of an Amazon SNS subscription.</p>" string
9413 …"documentation":"<p>The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to e… string
9417 …"documentation":"<p>The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed key for Amazon SQS or a custom KMS ke… string
9421 "documentation":"<p>The name of the new queue.</p>" string
9425 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the dead-letter queue to which Amazon SQS moves messages after the … string
9428 "documentation":"<p>Data about a queue.</p>" string
9435 …"documentation":"<p>The current patch compliance status.</p> <p>The possible status values are:</p… string
9439 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of <code>C… string
9443 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of <code>H… string
9447 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of <code>M… string
9451 "documentation":"<p>The type of execution that was used determine compliance.</p>" string
9455 …"documentation":"<p>For the patch items that are noncompliant, the number of items that have a sev… string
9459 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of <code>I… string
9463 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of <cod… string
9467 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of <code>U… string
9471 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of <cod… string
9475 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of <cod… string
9479 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of <code>L… string
9483 …"documentation":"<p>The type of resource for which the compliance was determined. For <code>AwsSsm… string
9487 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the patch baseline. The patch baseline lists the patches tha… string
9491 "documentation":"<p>The highest severity for the patches.</p>" string
9495 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of <cod… string
9499 …"documentation":"<p>For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity of <cod… string
9503 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the patch group for which compliance was determined. A patch… string
9506 "documentation":"<p>Provides the details about the compliance status for a patch.</p>" string
9513 "documentation":"<p>The compliance status details for the patch.</p>" string
9516 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about the compliance for a patch.</p>" string
9523 "documentation":"<p>Information about the status of a patch.</p>" string
9526 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the state of a patch on an instance based on the pa… string
9533 "documentation":"<p>The name of the metrics for the rate-based rule.</p>" string
9537 "documentation":"<p>The name of the rate-based rule.</p>" string
9541 …"documentation":"<p>The field that WAF uses to determine whether requests are likely arriving from… string
9545 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum number of requests that have an identical value for the field spec… string
9549 "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier for the rate-based rule.</p>" string
9553 "documentation":"<p>The predicates to include in the rate-based rule.</p>" string
9556 …"documentation":"<p>Details about a rate-based rule for global resources. A rate-based rule provid… string
9563 "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier for the predicate.</p>" string
9567 …"documentation":"<p>If set to <code>true</code>, then the rule actions are performed on requests t… string
9571 "documentation":"<p>The type of predicate.</p>" string
9574 …"documentation":"<p>A match predicate. A predicate might look for characteristics such as specific… string
9585 "documentation":"<p>The name of the metrics for the rate-based rule.</p>" string
9589 "documentation":"<p>The name of the rate-based rule.</p>" string
9593 …"documentation":"<p>The field that WAF uses to determine whether requests are likely arriving from… string
9597 …"documentation":"<p>The maximum number of requests that have an identical value for the field spec… string
9601 "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier for the rate-based rule.</p>" string
9605 "documentation":"<p>The predicates to include in the rate-based rule.</p>" string
9608 …"documentation":"<p>contains details about a rate-based rule for Regional resources. A rate-based … string
9615 "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier for the predicate.</p>" string
9619 …"documentation":"<p>If set to <code>true</code>, then the rule actions are performed on requests t… string
9623 "documentation":"<p>The type of predicate.</p>" string
9626 …"documentation":"<p>Details for a match predicate. A predicate might look for characteristics such… string
9637 …"documentation":"<p>A friendly name or description of the WebACL. You can't change the name of a W… string
9641 … "documentation":"<p>The action to perform if none of the rules contained in the WebACL match.</p>" string
9645 …"documentation":"<p>An array that contains the action for each rule in a WebACL, the priority of t… string
9649 "documentation":"<p>A unique identifier for a WebACL.</p>" string
9652 "documentation":"<p>Details about an WAF WebACL.</p>" string
9659 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the action that CloudFront or WAF takes when a web request matches t… string
9663 "documentation":"<p>Rules to exclude from a rule group.</p>" string
9667 …"documentation":"<p>Use the <code>OverrideAction</code> to test your RuleGroup.</p> <p>Any rule in… string
9671 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies the order in which the rules in a WebACL are evaluated. Rules with a… string
9675 "documentation":"<p>The identifier for a rule.</p>" string
9679 …"documentation":"<p>The rule type.</p> <p>Valid values: <code>REGULAR</code> | <code>RATE_BASED</c… string
9682 "documentation":"<p>Details for a rule in an WAF WebACL.</p>" string
9693 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the KMS key that is used for encryption. Provided if <code>T… string
9697 …"documentation":"<p>The current status of the encryption configuration. When <code>Status</code> i… string
9701 …"documentation":"<p>The type of encryption. <code>KMS</code> indicates that the encryption uses KM… string
9704 "documentation":"<p>Information about the encryption configuration for X-Ray.</p>" string
9712 "documentation":"<p>The ARNs of the standards subscriptions to disable.</p>" string
9721 "documentation":"<p>The details of the standards subscriptions that were disabled.</p>" string
9731 "documentation":"<p>The list of standards checks to enable.</p>" string
9740 "documentation":"<p>The details of the standards subscriptions that were enabled.</p>" string
9750 …"documentation":"<p>A list of findings to import. To successfully import a finding, it must follow… string
9769 "documentation":"<p>The number of findings that failed to import.</p>" string
9773 "documentation":"<p>The number of findings that were successfully imported.</p>" string
9777 "documentation":"<p>The list of findings that failed to import.</p>" string
9787 …"documentation":"<p>The list of findings to update. <code>BatchUpdateFindings</code> can be used t… string
9792 "documentation":"<p>Used to update the finding severity.</p>" string
9796 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates the veracity of a finding.</p> <p>The available values for <code>Ver… string
9800 …"documentation":"<p>The updated value for the finding confidence. Confidence is defined as the lik… string
9804 …"documentation":"<p>The updated value for the level of importance assigned to the resources associ… string
9808 …"documentation":"<p>One or more finding types in the format of namespace/category/classifier that … string
9812 …"documentation":"<p>A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custo… string
9816 …"documentation":"<p>Used to update the workflow status of a finding.</p> <p>The workflow status in… string
9820 "documentation":"<p>A list of findings that are related to the updated findings.</p>" string
9833 "documentation":"<p>The list of findings that were updated successfully.</p>" string
9837 "documentation":"<p>The list of findings that were not updated.</p>" string
9851 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the finding that was not updated.</p>" string
9855 "documentation":"<p>The code associated with the error.</p>" string
9859 "documentation":"<p>The message associated with the error.</p>" string
9862 …"documentation":"<p>A finding from a <code>BatchUpdateFindings</code> request that Security Hub wa… string
9878 …"documentation":"<p>The column number of the column that contains the data. For a Microsoft Excel … string
9882 "documentation":"<p>The row number of the row that contains the data.</p>" string
9886 "documentation":"<p>The name of the column that contains the data.</p>" string
9890 …"documentation":"<p>For a Microsoft Excel workbook, provides the location of the cell, as an absol… string
9893 …"documentation":"<p>An occurrence of sensitive data detected in a Microsoft Excel workbook, comma-… string
9904 "documentation":"<p>The association ID for the IPv4 CIDR block.</p>" string
9908 "documentation":"<p>The IPv4 CIDR block.</p>" string
9912 "documentation":"<p>Information about the state of the IPv4 CIDR block.</p>" string
9915 "documentation":"<p>An IPv4 CIDR block association.</p>" string
9926 "documentation":"<p>The name of the city.</p>" string
9929 "documentation":"<p>Information about a city.</p>" string
9936 "documentation":"<p>The type of content that the finding applies to.</p>" string
9940 "documentation":"<p>The total size in bytes of the affected data.</p>" string
9944 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates whether there are additional occurrences of sensitive data that are … string
9948 "documentation":"<p>The current status of the sensitive data detection.</p>" string
9952 …"documentation":"<p>Provides details about sensitive data that was identified based on built-in co… string
9956 …"documentation":"<p>Provides details about sensitive data that was identified based on customer-de… string
9959 "documentation":"<p>Details about the sensitive data that was detected on the resource.</p>" string
9966 … "documentation":"<p>The code that represents the status of the sensitive data detection.</p>" string
9970 …"documentation":"<p>A longer description of the current status of the sensitive data detection.</p… string
9973 …"documentation":"<p>Provides details about the current status of the sensitive data detection.</p>" string
9980 …"documentation":"<p>The result of a standards check.</p> <p>The valid values for <code>Status</cod… string
9984 …"documentation":"<p>For a control, the industry or regulatory framework requirements that are rela… string
9988 …"documentation":"<p>For findings generated from controls, a list of reasons behind the value of <c… string
9991 …"documentation":"<p>Contains finding details that are specific to control-based findings. Only ret… string
10007 "documentation":"<p>The name of the container related to a finding.</p>" string
10011 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the image related to a finding.</p>" string
10015 "documentation":"<p>The name of the image related to a finding.</p>" string
10019 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the container started.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> f… string
10022 "documentation":"<p>Container details related to a finding.</p>" string
10036 "documentation":"<p>The 2-letter ISO 3166 country code for the country.</p>" string
10040 "documentation":"<p>The name of the country.</p>" string
10043 "documentation":"<p>Information about a country.</p>" string
10055 … "documentation":"<p>The name of the custom action target. Can contain up to 20 characters.</p>" string
10059 "documentation":"<p>The description for the custom action target.</p>" string
10063 …"documentation":"<p>The ID for the custom action target. Can contain up to 20 alphanumeric charact… string
10073 "documentation":"<p>The ARN for the custom action target.</p>" string
10087 "documentation":"<p>The name of the custom insight to create.</p>" string
10091 …"documentation":"<p>One or more attributes used to filter the findings included in the insight. Th… string
10095 …"documentation":"<p>The attribute used to group the findings for the insight. The grouping attribu… string
10105 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the insight created.</p>" string
10115 …"documentation":"<p>The list of accounts to associate with the Security Hub administrator account.… string
10124 …"documentation":"<p>The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that were not processed. For each acc… string
10138 … "documentation":"<p>The total number of occurrences of sensitive data that were detected.</p>" string
10142 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the custom identifier that was used to detect the sensitive data.</… string
10146 … "documentation":"<p>he name of the custom identifier that detected the sensitive data.</p>" string
10150 "documentation":"<p>Details about the sensitive data that was detected.</p>" string
10153 "documentation":"<p>The list of detected instances of sensitive data.</p>" string
10164 "documentation":"<p>The list of detected instances of sensitive data.</p>" string
10168 "documentation":"<p>The total number of occurrences of sensitive data.</p>" string
10171 …"documentation":"<p>Contains an instance of sensitive data that was detected by a customer-defined… string
10178 "documentation":"<p>The version of CVSS for the CVSS score.</p>" string
10182 "documentation":"<p>The base CVSS score.</p>" string
10186 "documentation":"<p>The base scoring vector for the CVSS score.</p>" string
10190 "documentation":"<p>The origin of the original CVSS score and vector.</p>" string
10194 "documentation":"<p>Adjustments to the CVSS metrics.</p>" string
10197 "documentation":"<p>CVSS scores from the advisory related to the vulnerability.</p>" string
10208 "documentation":"<p>The path to the folder or file that contains the sensitive data.</p>" string
10212 … "documentation":"<p>The details about the sensitive data that was detected on the resource.</p>" string
10215 … "documentation":"<p>Provides details about sensitive data that was detected on a resource.</p>" string
10222 "documentation":"<p>A start date for the date filter.</p>" string
10226 "documentation":"<p>An end date for the date filter.</p>" string
10230 "documentation":"<p>A date range for the date filter.</p>" string
10233 "documentation":"<p>A date filter for querying findings.</p>" string
10244 "documentation":"<p>A date range value for the date filter.</p>" string
10248 "documentation":"<p>A date range unit for the date filter.</p>" string
10251 "documentation":"<p>A date range for the date filter.</p>" string
10263 …"documentation":"<p>The list of account IDs for the accounts from which to decline the invitations… string
10272 …"documentation":"<p>The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that were not processed. For each acc… string
10282 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the custom action target to delete.</p>", string
10294 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the custom action target that was deleted.</p>" string
10304 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the insight to delete.</p>", string
10316 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the insight that was deleted.</p>" string
10326 "documentation":"<p>The list of the account IDs that sent the invitations to delete.</p>" string
10335 …"documentation":"<p>The list of Amazon Web Services accounts for which the invitations were not de… string
10345 "documentation":"<p>The list of account IDs for the member accounts to delete.</p>" string
10354 …"documentation":"<p>The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that were not deleted. For each accou… string
10363 …"documentation":"<p>A list of custom action target ARNs for the custom action targets to retrieve.… string
10367 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Des… string
10371 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of results to return.</p>" string
10381 …"documentation":"<p>A list of <code>ActionTarget</code> objects. Each object includes the <code>Ac… string
10385 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
10394 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the Hub resource to retrieve.</p>", string
10405 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the Hub resource that was retrieved.</p>" string
10409 "documentation":"<p>The date and time when Security Hub was enabled in the account.</p>" string
10413 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to automatically enable new controls when they are added to standards … string
10427 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to automatically enable Security Hub for new accounts in the organizat… string
10431 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the maximum number of allowed member accounts are already associated w… string
10440 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Des… string
10446 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of results to return.</p>", string
10452 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the integration to return.</p>", string
10464 "documentation":"<p>A list of products, including details for each product.</p>" string
10468 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
10478 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of a resource that represents your subscription to a supported standar… string
10484 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Des… string
10490 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of security standard controls to return.</p>", string
10501 "documentation":"<p>A list of security standards controls.</p>" string
10505 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
10514 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Des… string
10520 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of standards to return.</p>", string
10531 "documentation":"<p>A list of available standards.</p>" string
10535 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
10545 … "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the integrated product to disable the integration for.</p>", string
10562 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the Security Hub administrator a… string
10607 …"documentation":"<p>The account IDs of the member accounts to disassociate from the administrator … string
10621 "documentation":"<p>The DNS domain that is associated with the DNS request.</p>" string
10625 "documentation":"<p>The protocol that was used for the DNS request.</p>" string
10629 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the DNS request was blocked.</p>" string
10632 …"documentation":"<p>Provided if <code>ActionType</code> is <code>DNS_REQUEST</code>. It provides d… string
10641 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the product to enable the integration for.</p>" string
10650 … "documentation":"<p>The ARN of your subscription to the product to enable integrations for.</p>" string
10660 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the account to designate as the … string
10674 "documentation":"<p>The tags to add to the hub resource when you enable Security Hub.</p>" string
10678 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to enable the security standards that Security Hub has designated as a… string
10697 …"documentation":"<p>A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding… string
10701 …"documentation":"<p>The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding.… string
10705 "documentation":"<p>A list of findings that are related to the current finding.</p>" string
10709 "documentation":"<p>The severity of a finding.</p>" string
10713 …"documentation":"<p>One or more finding types in the format of <code>namespace/category/classifier… string
10716 …"documentation":"<p>In a <code>BatchImportFindings</code> request, finding providers use <code>Fin… string
10723 … "documentation":"<p>The severity label assigned to the finding by the finding provider.</p>" string
10727 "documentation":"<p>The finding provider's original value for the severity.</p>" string
10730 "documentation":"<p>The severity assigned to the finding by the finding provider.</p>" string
10737 "documentation":"<p>The longitude of the location.</p>" string
10741 "documentation":"<p>The latitude of the location.</p>" string
10744 "documentation":"<p>Provides the latitude and longitude coordinates of a location.</p>" string
10762 …"documentation":"<p>The list of the standards subscription ARNs for the standards to retrieve.</p>" string
10766 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Get… string
10770 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of results to return in the response.</p>" string
10779 …"documentation":"<p>The list of <code>StandardsSubscriptions</code> objects that include informati… string
10783 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
10792 …"documentation":"<p>The finding attributes used to define a condition to filter the returned findi… string
10796 … "documentation":"<p>The finding attributes used to sort the list of returned findings.</p>" string
10800 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Get… string
10804 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of findings to return.</p>" string
10814 "documentation":"<p>The findings that matched the filters specified in the request.</p>" string
10818 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
10828 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the insight for which to return results.</p>", string
10840 "documentation":"<p>The insight results returned by the operation.</p>" string
10849 …"documentation":"<p>The ARNs of the insights to describe. If you do not provide any insight ARNs, … string
10853 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Get… string
10857 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return in the response.</p>" string
10867 "documentation":"<p>The insights returned by the operation.</p>" string
10871 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
10885 …"documentation":"<p>The number of all membership invitations sent to this Security Hub member acco… string
10899 …"documentation":"<p>A list of details about the Security Hub administrator account for the current… string
10909 …"documentation":"<p>The list of account IDs for the Security Hub member accounts to return the det… string
10918 "documentation":"<p>The list of details about the Security Hub member accounts.</p>" string
10922 …"documentation":"<p>The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that could not be processed. For each… string
10931 …"documentation":"<p>The ICMP code for which to deny or allow access. To deny or allow all codes, u… string
10935 …"documentation":"<p>The ICMP type for which to deny or allow access. To deny or allow all types, u… string
10938 "documentation":"<p>An Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type and code.</p>" string
10950 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the finding that could not be updated.</p>" string
10954 …"documentation":"<p>The code of the error returned by the <code>BatchImportFindings</code> operati… string
10958 …"documentation":"<p>The message of the error returned by the <code>BatchImportFindings</code> oper… string
10961 …"documentation":"<p>The list of the findings that cannot be imported. For each finding, the list p… string
10978 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of a Security Hub insight.</p>" string
10982 "documentation":"<p>The name of a Security Hub insight.</p>" string
10986 …"documentation":"<p>One or more attributes used to filter the findings included in the insight. Th… string
10990 …"documentation":"<p>The grouping attribute for the insight's findings. Indicates how to group the … string
10993 "documentation":"<p>Contains information about a Security Hub insight.</p>" string
11008 …"documentation":"<p>The value of the attribute that the findings are grouped by for the insight wh… string
11012 …"documentation":"<p>The number of findings returned for each <code>GroupByAttributeValue</code>.</… string
11015 …"documentation":"<p>The insight result values returned by the <code>GetInsightResults</code> opera… string
11031 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the insight whose results are returned by the <code>GetInsightResul… string
11035 …"documentation":"<p>The attribute that the findings are grouped by for the insight whose results a… string
11039 …"documentation":"<p>The list of insight result values returned by the <code>GetInsightResults</cod… string
11042 …"documentation":"<p>The insight results returned by the <code>GetInsightResults</code> operation.<… string
11067 "documentation":"<p>Internal server error.</p>", string
11077 …"documentation":"<p>There is an issue with the account used to make the request. Either Security H… string
11087 …"documentation":"<p>The request was rejected because you supplied an invalid or out-of-range value… string
11096 …"documentation":"<p>The account ID of the Security Hub administrator account that the invitation w… string
11100 "documentation":"<p>The ID of the invitation sent to the member account.</p>" string
11104 "documentation":"<p>The timestamp of when the invitation was sent.</p>" string
11108 …"documentation":"<p>The current status of the association between the member and administrator acc… string
11111 "documentation":"<p>Details about an invitation.</p>" string
11123 …"documentation":"<p>The list of account IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts to invite to Secur… string
11132 …"documentation":"<p>The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that could not be processed. For each… string
11141 "documentation":"<p>A finding's CIDR value.</p>" string
11144 "documentation":"<p>The IP filter for querying findings.</p>" string
11155 "documentation":"<p>The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider</p>" string
11159 "documentation":"<p>The name of the organization that registered the ASN.</p>" string
11163 "documentation":"<p>The ISP information for the internet provider.</p>" string
11167 "documentation":"<p>The name of the internet provider.</p>" string
11170 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about an internet provider.</p>" string
11177 "documentation":"<p>The association ID for the IPv6 CIDR block.</p>" string
11181 "documentation":"<p>The IPv6 CIDR block.</p>" string
11185 "documentation":"<p>Information about the state of the CIDR block.</p>" string
11188 "documentation":"<p>An IPV6 CIDR block association.</p>" string
11199 "documentation":"<p>A value for the keyword.</p>" string
11202 "documentation":"<p>A keyword filter for querying findings.</p>" string
11214 …"documentation":"<p>The request was rejected because it attempted to create resources beyond the c… string
11223 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Lis… string
11229 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return in the response.</p>", string
11240 …"documentation":"<p>The list of ARNs for the resources that represent your subscriptions to produc… string
11244 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
11253 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return in the response. </p>", string
11259 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Lis… string
11270 "documentation":"<p>The details of the invitations returned by the operation.</p>" string
11274 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
11283 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies which member accounts to include in the response based on their rela… string
11289 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return in the response. </p>", string
11295 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Lis… string
11306 "documentation":"<p>Member details returned by the operation.</p>" string
11310 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
11319 "documentation":"<p>The maximum number of items to return in the response.</p>", string
11325 …"documentation":"<p>The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the <code>Lis… string
11336 "documentation":"<p>The list of Security Hub administrator accounts.</p>" string
11340 "documentation":"<p>The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.</p>" string
11350 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the resource to retrieve tags for.</p>", string
11361 "documentation":"<p>The tags associated with a resource.</p>" string
11370 …"documentation":"<p>The state code. The initial state of the load balancer is provisioning.</p> <p… string
11374 "documentation":"<p>A description of the state.</p>" string
11377 "documentation":"<p>Information about the state of the load balancer.</p>" string
11386 "documentation":"<p>The name of the malware that was observed.</p>" string
11390 "documentation":"<p>The type of the malware that was observed.</p>" string
11394 "documentation":"<p>The file system path of the malware that was observed.</p>" string
11398 "documentation":"<p>The state of the malware that was observed.</p>" string
11401 "documentation":"<p>A list of malware related to a finding.</p>" string
11440 …"documentation":"<p>The key of the map filter. For example, for <code>ResourceTags</code>, <code>K… string
11444 …"documentation":"<p>The value for the key in the map filter. Filter values are case sensitive. For… string
11448 …"documentation":"<p>The condition to apply to the key value when querying for findings with a map … string
11451 …"documentation":"<p>A map filter for querying findings. Each map filter provides the field to chec… string
11474 "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member account.</p>" string
11478 "documentation":"<p>The email address of the member account.</p>" string
11482 …"documentation":"<p>This is replaced by <code>AdministratorID</code>.</p> <p>The Amazon Web Servic… string
11488 …"documentation":"<p>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Security Hub administrator account a… string
11492 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the relationship between the member account and its administrato… string
11496 …"documentation":"<p>A timestamp for the date and time when the invitation was sent to the member a… string
11500 … "documentation":"<p>The timestamp for the date and time when the member account was updated.</p>" string
11503 "documentation":"<p>The details about a member account.</p>" string
11514 "documentation":"<p>The direction of network traffic associated with a finding.</p>" string
11518 "documentation":"<p>The protocol of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11522 "documentation":"<p>The range of open ports that is present on the network.</p>" string
11526 … "documentation":"<p>The source IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11530 … "documentation":"<p>The source IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11534 "documentation":"<p>The source port of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11538 "documentation":"<p>The source domain of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11542 …"documentation":"<p>The source media access control (MAC) address of network-related information a… string
11546 …"documentation":"<p>The destination IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding.</… string
11550 …"documentation":"<p>The destination IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding.</… string
11554 … "documentation":"<p>The destination port of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11558 … "documentation":"<p>The destination domain of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11561 "documentation":"<p>The details of network-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11568 …"documentation":"<p>The direction of the network connection request (<code>IN</code> or <code>OUT<… string
11572 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the remote IP address that issued the network connection req… string
11576 "documentation":"<p>Information about the port on the remote IP address.</p>" string
11580 "documentation":"<p>Information about the port on the EC2 instance.</p>" string
11584 "documentation":"<p>The protocol used to make the network connection request.</p>" string
11588 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the network connection attempt was blocked.</p>" string
11591 …"documentation":"<p>Provided if <code>ActionType</code> is <code>NETWORK_CONNECTION</code>. It pro… string
11605 "documentation":"<p>The protocol used for the component.</p>" string
11609 "documentation":"<p>Information about the destination of the component.</p>" string
11613 "documentation":"<p>Information about the origin of the component.</p>" string
11616 …"documentation":"<p>Details about a network path component that occurs before or after the current… string
11623 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of a component in the network path.</p>" string
11627 "documentation":"<p>The type of component.</p>" string
11631 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the component that comes after the current component in the … string
11635 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the component that comes before the current node in the netw… string
11638 "documentation":"<p>Information about a network path component.</p>" string
11645 "documentation":"<p>The IP addresses of the destination.</p>" string
11649 "documentation":"<p>A list of port ranges for the destination.</p>" string
11652 …"documentation":"<p>Information about the destination of the next component in the network path.</… string
11677 "documentation":"<p>The text of a note.</p>" string
11681 "documentation":"<p>The principal that created a note.</p>" string
11685 …"documentation":"<p>The timestamp of when the note was updated.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</c… string
11688 "documentation":"<p>A user-defined note added to a finding.</p>" string
11699 "documentation":"<p>The updated note text.</p>" string
11703 "documentation":"<p>The principal that updated the note.</p>" string
11706 "documentation":"<p>The updated note.</p>" string
11713 …"documentation":"<p>The greater-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying… string
11717 …"documentation":"<p>The less-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying fo… string
11721 …"documentation":"<p>The equal-to condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findi… string
11724 "documentation":"<p>A number filter for querying findings.</p>" string
11735 …"documentation":"<p>Occurrences of sensitive data detected in a non-binary text file or a Microsof… string
11739 "documentation":"<p>Occurrences of sensitive data detected in a binary text file.</p>" string
11743 …"documentation":"<p>Occurrences of sensitive data in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file.… string
11747 …"documentation":"<p>Occurrences of sensitive data in an Apache Avro object container or an Apache … string
11751 …"documentation":"<p>Occurrences of sensitive data detected in Microsoft Excel workbooks, comma-sep… string
11754 "documentation":"<p>The detected occurrences of sensitive data.</p>" string
11761 "documentation":"<p>The page number of the page that contains the sensitive data.</p>" string
11765 …"documentation":"<p>An occurrence of sensitive data detected in a non-binary text file or a Micros… string
11769 "documentation":"<p>An occurrence of sensitive data detected in a binary text file.</p>" string
11772 …"documentation":"<p>An occurrence of sensitive data in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) fil… string
11792 …"documentation":"<p>The identifier of the compliance standard that was used to determine the patch… string
11796 …"documentation":"<p>The number of patches from the compliance standard that were installed success… string
11800 …"documentation":"<p>The number of patches that are part of the compliance standard but are not ins… string
11804 …"documentation":"<p>The number of patches from the compliance standard that failed to install.</p>" string
11808 …"documentation":"<p>The number of installed patches that are not part of the compliance standard.<… string
11812 …"documentation":"<p>The number of patches that are installed but are also on a list of patches tha… string
11816 …"documentation":"<p>The number of patches that were applied, but that require the instance to be r… string
11820 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the operation started.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code> f… string
11824 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the operation completed.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code>… string
11828 "documentation":"<p>The reboot option specified for the instance.</p>" string
11832 …"documentation":"<p>The type of patch operation performed. For Patch Manager, the values are <code… string
11835 …"documentation":"<p>Provides an overview of the patch compliance status for an instance against a … string
11842 "documentation":"<p>Information about the ports affected by the port probe.</p>" string
11846 "documentation":"<p>Indicates whether the port probe was blocked.</p>" string
11849 …"documentation":"<p>Provided if <code>ActionType</code> is <code>PORT_PROBE</code>. It provides de… string
11856 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about the port that was scanned.</p>" string
11860 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the IP address where the scanned port is located.</… string
11864 … "documentation":"<p>Provides information about the remote IP address that performed the scan.</p>" string
11867 …"documentation":"<p>A port scan that was part of the port probe. For each scan, PortProbeDetails p… string
11878 "documentation":"<p>The first port in the port range.</p>" string
11882 "documentation":"<p>The last port in the port range.</p>" string
11885 "documentation":"<p>A range of ports.</p>" string
11892 "documentation":"<p>The first port in the port range.</p>" string
11896 "documentation":"<p>The last port in the port range.</p>" string
11899 "documentation":"<p>A range of ports.</p>" string
11910 "documentation":"<p>The name of the process.</p>" string
11914 "documentation":"<p>The path to the process executable.</p>" string
11918 "documentation":"<p>The process ID.</p>" string
11922 "documentation":"<p>The parent process ID.</p>" string
11926 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the process was launched.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</code… string
11930 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the process was terminated.</p> <p>Uses the <code>date-time</co… string
11933 "documentation":"<p>The details of process-related information about a finding.</p>" string
11941 "documentation":"<p>The ARN assigned to the product.</p>" string
11945 "documentation":"<p>The name of the product.</p>" string
11949 "documentation":"<p>The name of the company that provides the product.</p>" string
11953 "documentation":"<p>A description of the product.</p>" string
11957 "documentation":"<p>The categories assigned to the product.</p>" string
11961 …"documentation":"<p>The types of integration that the product supports. Available values are the f… string
11965 …"documentation":"<p>For integrations with Amazon Web Services services, the Amazon Web Services Co… string
11969 …"documentation":"<p>The URL to the service or product documentation about the integration with Sec… string
11973 "documentation":"<p>The resource policy associated with the product.</p>" string
11976 "documentation":"<p>Contains details about a product.</p>" string
11991 …"documentation":"<p>The number of lines (for a line range) or characters (for an offset range) fro… string
11995 …"documentation":"<p>The number of lines (for a line range) or characters (for an offset range) fro… string
11999 …"documentation":"<p>In the line where the sensitive data starts, the column within the line where … string
12002 "documentation":"<p>Identifies where the sensitive data begins and ends.</p>" string
12018 …"documentation":"<p>Describes the recommended steps to take to remediate an issue identified in a … string
12022 …"documentation":"<p>A URL to a page or site that contains information about how to remediate a fin… string
12025 … "documentation":"<p>A recommendation on how to remediate the issue identified in a finding.</p>" string
12032 …"documentation":"<p>The path, as a JSONPath expression, to the field in the record that contains t… string
12036 … "documentation":"<p>The record index, starting from 0, for the record that contains the data.</p>" string
12039 …"documentation":"<p>An occurrence of sensitive data in an Apache Avro object container or an Apach… string
12061 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the product that generated a related finding.</p>" string
12065 "documentation":"<p>The product-generated identifier for a related finding.</p>" string
12068 "documentation":"<p>Details about a related finding.</p>" string
12083 …"documentation":"<p>A recommendation on the steps to take to remediate the issue identified by a f… string
12086 "documentation":"<p>Details about the remediation steps for a finding.</p>" string
12097 …"documentation":"<p>The type of the resource that details are provided for. If possible, set <code… string
12101 "documentation":"<p>The canonical identifier for the given resource type.</p>" string
12105 …"documentation":"<p>The canonical Amazon Web Services partition name that the Region is assigned t… string
12109 …"documentation":"<p>The canonical Amazon Web Services external Region name where this resource is … string
12113 …"documentation":"<p>Identifies the role of the resource in the finding. A resource is either the a… string
12117 …"documentation":"<p>A list of Amazon Web Services tags associated with a resource at the time the … string
12121 …"documentation":"<p>Contains information about sensitive data that was detected on the resource.</… string
12125 "documentation":"<p>Additional details about the resource related to a finding.</p>" string
12128 "documentation":"<p>A resource related to a finding.</p>" string
12140 …"documentation":"<p>The resource specified in the request conflicts with an existing resource.</p>… string
12149 "documentation":"<p>Details for an autoscaling group.</p>" string
12153 "documentation":"<p>Details for an CodeBuild project.</p>" string
12157 "documentation":"<p>Details about a CloudFront distribution.</p>" string
12161 "documentation":"<p>Details about an EC2 instance related to a finding.</p>" string
12165 "documentation":"<p>Details for an EC2 network interface.</p>" string
12169 "documentation":"<p>Details for an EC2 security group.</p>" string
12173 "documentation":"<p>Details for an EC2 volume.</p>" string
12177 "documentation":"<p>Details for an EC2 VPC.</p>" string
12181 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Elastic IP address.</p>" string
12185 "documentation":"<p>Details about a subnet in Amazon EC2.</p>" string
12189 "documentation":"<p>Details about an EC2 network access control list (ACL).</p>" string
12193 "documentation":"<p>Details about a load balancer.</p>" string
12197 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Elastic Beanstalk environment.</p>" string
12201 "documentation":"<p>Details for an Elasticsearch domain.</p>" string
12205 "documentation":"<p>Details about an S3 bucket related to a finding.</p>" string
12209 …"documentation":"<p>Details about the Amazon S3 Public Access Block configuration for an account.<… string
12213 "documentation":"<p>Details about an S3 object related to a finding.</p>" string
12217 "documentation":"<p>Details about a Secrets Manager secret.</p>" string
12221 "documentation":"<p>Details about an IAM access key related to a finding.</p>" string
12225 "documentation":"<p>Details about an IAM user.</p>" string
12229 "documentation":"<p>Details about an IAM permissions policy.</p>" string
12233 … "documentation":"<p>Provides information about a version 2 stage for Amazon API Gateway.</p>" string
12237 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about a version 2 API in Amazon API Gateway.</p>" string
12241 "documentation":"<p>Details about a DynamoDB table.</p>" string
12245 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about a version 1 Amazon API Gateway stage.</p>" string
12249 … "documentation":"<p>Provides information about a REST API in version 1 of Amazon API Gateway.</p>" string
12253 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about a CloudTrail trail.</p>" string
12257 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the state of a patch on an instance based on the pa… string
12261 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about an Certificate Manager certificate.</p>" string
12265 "documentation":"<p>Contains details about an Amazon Redshift cluster.</p>" string
12269 "documentation":"<p>Contains details about a Classic Load Balancer.</p>" string
12273 "documentation":"<p>Contains details about an IAM group.</p>" string
12277 "documentation":"<p>Details about an IAM role.</p>" string
12281 "documentation":"<p>Details about an KMS key.</p>" string
12285 "documentation":"<p>Details about a Lambda function.</p>" string
12289 "documentation":"<p>Details for a Lambda layer version.</p>" string
12293 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon RDS database instance.</p>" string
12297 "documentation":"<p>Details about an SNS topic.</p>" string
12301 "documentation":"<p>Details about an SQS queue.</p>" string
12305 "documentation":"<p>Details for an WAF WebACL.</p>" string
12309 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon RDS database snapshot.</p>" string
12313 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon RDS database cluster snapshot.</p>" string
12317 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon RDS database cluster.</p>" string
12321 "documentation":"<p>Details about an ECS cluster.</p>" string
12325 …"documentation":"<p>Details about a task definition. A task definition describes the container and… string
12329 "documentation":"<p>Details about a container resource related to a finding.</p>" string
12333 …"documentation":"<p>Details about a resource that are not available in a type-specific details obj… string
12337 "documentation":"<p>Details about an RDS event notification subscription.</p>" string
12341 "documentation":"<p>Details about a service within an ECS cluster.</p>" string
12345 "documentation":"<p>Provides details about a launch configuration.</p>" string
12349 "documentation":"<p>Details about an EC2 VPN connection.</p>" string
12353 "documentation":"<p>Information about an Amazon ECR image.</p>" string
12357 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.</p>" string
12361 … "documentation":"<p>Details about the service configuration for a VPC endpoint service.</p>" string
12365 "documentation":"<p>Information about the encryption configuration for X-Ray.</p>" string
12369 "documentation":"<p>Details about a rate-based rule for global resources.</p>" string
12373 "documentation":"<p>Details about a rate-based rule for Regional resources.</p>" string
12377 … "documentation":"<p>Information about an Amazon Elastic Container Registry repository.</p>" string
12381 "documentation":"<p>Details about an Amazon EKS cluster.</p>" string
12384 …"documentation":"<p>Additional details about a resource related to a finding.</p> <p>To provide th… string
12396 … "documentation":"<p>The request was rejected because we can't find the specified resource.</p>", string
12405 … "documentation":"<p>An Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that was not processed.</p>" string
12409 "documentation":"<p>The reason that the account was not processed.</p>" string
12412 "documentation":"<p>Details about the account that was not processed.</p>" string
12427 … "documentation":"<p>The total number of occurrences of sensitive data that were detected.</p>" string
12431 …"documentation":"<p>The type of sensitive data that was detected. For example, the type might indi… string
12435 "documentation":"<p>Details about the sensitive data that was detected.</p>" string
12438 "documentation":"<p>The list of detected instances of sensitive data.</p>" string
12449 …"documentation":"<p>The category of sensitive data that was detected. For example, the category ca… string
12453 "documentation":"<p>The list of detected instances of sensitive data.</p>" string
12457 "documentation":"<p>The total number of occurrences of sensitive data.</p>" string
12460 …"documentation":"<p>Contains a detected instance of sensitive data that are based on built-in iden… string
12471 …"documentation":"<p>Deprecated. This attribute is being deprecated. Instead of providing <code>Pro… string
12475 …"documentation":"<p>The severity value of the finding. The allowed values are the following.</p> <… string
12479 …"documentation":"<p>Deprecated. The normalized severity of a finding. This attribute is being depr… string
12483 … "documentation":"<p>The native severity from the finding product that generated the finding.</p>" string
12486 …"documentation":"<p>The severity of the finding.</p> <p>The finding provider can provide the initi… string
12512 …"documentation":"<p>The normalized severity for the finding. This attribute is to be deprecated in… string
12516 …"documentation":"<p>The native severity as defined by the Amazon Web Services service or integrate… string
12520 …"documentation":"<p>The severity value of the finding. The allowed values are the following.</p> <… string
12523 "documentation":"<p>Updates to the severity information for a finding.</p>" string
12531 "documentation":"<p>The name of the software package.</p>" string
12535 "documentation":"<p>The version of the software package.</p>" string
12539 "documentation":"<p>The epoch of the software package.</p>" string
12543 "documentation":"<p>The release of the software package.</p>" string
12547 "documentation":"<p>The architecture used for the software package.</p>" string
12551 "documentation":"<p>The source of the package.</p>" string
12555 "documentation":"<p>The file system path to the package manager inventory file.</p>" string
12558 "documentation":"<p>Information about a software package.</p>" string
12573 "documentation":"<p>The finding attribute used to sort findings.</p>" string
12577 "documentation":"<p>The order used to sort findings.</p>" string
12580 "documentation":"<p>A collection of finding attributes used to sort findings.</p>" string
12594 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of a standard.</p>" string
12598 "documentation":"<p>The name of the standard.</p>" string
12602 "documentation":"<p>A description of the standard.</p>" string
12606 …"documentation":"<p>Whether the standard is enabled by default. When Security Hub is enabled from … string
12609 "documentation":"<p>Provides information about a specific standard.</p>" string
12620 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the security standard control.</p>" string
12624 …"documentation":"<p>The current status of the security standard control. Indicates whether the con… string
12628 … "documentation":"<p>The reason provided for the most recent change in status for the control.</p>" string
12632 …"documentation":"<p>The date and time that the status of the security standard control was most re… string
12636 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the security standard control.</p>" string
12640 "documentation":"<p>The title of the security standard control.</p>" string
12644 …"documentation":"<p>The longer description of the security standard control. Provides information … string
12648 …"documentation":"<p>A link to remediation information for the control in the Security Hub user doc… string
12652 …"documentation":"<p>The severity of findings generated from this security standard control.</p> <p… string
12656 "documentation":"<p>The list of requirements that are related to this control.</p>" string
12659 "documentation":"<p>Details for an individual security standard control.</p>" string
12691 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of a resource that represents your subscription to a supported standar… string
12695 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of a standard.</p>" string
12699 "documentation":"<p>A key-value pair of input for the standard.</p>" string
12703 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the standard subscription.</p> <p>The status values are as follo… string
12706 "documentation":"<p>A resource that represents your subscription to a supported standard.</p>" string
12720 …"documentation":"<p>The ARN of the standard that you want to enable. To view the list of available… string
12724 "documentation":"<p>A key-value pair of input for the standard.</p>" string
12727 "documentation":"<p>The standard that you want to enable.</p>" string
12745 …"documentation":"<p>A code that represents a reason for the control status. For the list of status… string
12749 "documentation":"<p>The corresponding description for the status reason code.</p>" string
12752 …"documentation":"<p>Provides additional context for the value of <code>Compliance.Status</code>.</… string
12763 …"documentation":"<p>The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the pr… string
12767 …"documentation":"<p>The condition to apply to a string value when querying for findings. To search… string
12770 "documentation":"<p>A string filter for querying findings.</p>" string
12817 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the resource to apply the tags to.</p>", string
12823 …"documentation":"<p>The tags to add to the resource. You can add up to 50 tags at a time. The tag … string
12841 "documentation":"<p>The type of threat intelligence indicator.</p>" string
12845 "documentation":"<p>The value of a threat intelligence indicator.</p>" string
12849 "documentation":"<p>The category of a threat intelligence indicator.</p>" string
12853 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the most recent instance of a threat intelligence indicator was… string
12857 "documentation":"<p>The source of the threat intelligence indicator.</p>" string
12861 …"documentation":"<p>The URL to the page or site where you can get more information about the threa… string
12864 "documentation":"<p>Details about the threat intelligence related to a finding.</p>" string
12914 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the resource to remove the tags from.</p>", string
12920 …"documentation":"<p>The tag keys associated with the tags to remove from the resource. You can rem… string
12937 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the custom action target to update.</p>", string
12943 "documentation":"<p>The updated name of the custom action target.</p>" string
12947 "documentation":"<p>The updated description for the custom action target.</p>" string
12962 …"documentation":"<p>A collection of attributes that specify which findings you want to update.</p>" string
12966 "documentation":"<p>The updated note for the finding.</p>" string
12970 "documentation":"<p>The updated record state for the finding.</p>" string
12985 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the insight that you want to update.</p>", string
12991 "documentation":"<p>The updated name for the insight.</p>" string
12995 "documentation":"<p>The updated filters that define this insight.</p>" string
12999 … "documentation":"<p>The updated <code>GroupBy</code> attribute that defines this insight.</p>" string
13014 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to automatically enable Security Hub for new accounts in the organizat… string
13028 …"documentation":"<p>Whether to automatically enable new controls when they are added to standards … string
13043 "documentation":"<p>The ARN of the security standard control to enable or disable.</p>", string
13049 "documentation":"<p>The updated status of the security standard control.</p>" string
13053 …"documentation":"<p>A description of the reason why you are disabling a security standard control.… string
13077 "documentation":"<p>The identifier of the vulnerability.</p>" string
13081 "documentation":"<p>List of software packages that have the vulnerability.</p>" string
13085 "documentation":"<p>CVSS scores from the advisory related to the vulnerability.</p>" string
13089 "documentation":"<p>List of vulnerabilities that are related to this vulnerability.</p>" string
13093 … "documentation":"<p>Information about the vendor that generates the vulnerability report.</p>" string
13097 …"documentation":"<p>A list of URLs that provide additional information about the vulnerability.</p… string
13100 "documentation":"<p>A vulnerability associated with a finding.</p>" string
13112 "documentation":"<p>The name of the vendor.</p>" string
13116 "documentation":"<p>The URL of the vulnerability advisory.</p>" string
13120 "documentation":"<p>The severity that the vendor assigned to the vulnerability.</p>" string
13124 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the vulnerability advisory was created.</p> <p>Uses the <code>d… string
13128 …"documentation":"<p>Indicates when the vulnerability advisory was last updated.</p> <p>Uses the <c… string
13131 "documentation":"<p>A vendor that generates a vulnerability report.</p>" string
13138 …"documentation":"<p>Specifies how you want WAF to respond to requests that match the settings in a… string
13141 …"documentation":"<p>Details about the action that CloudFront or WAF takes when a web request match… string
13148 … "documentation":"<p>The unique identifier for the rule to exclude from the rule group.</p>" string
13151 "documentation":"<p>Details about a rule to exclude from a rule group.</p>" string
13162 …"documentation":"<p> <code>COUNT</code> overrides the action specified by the individual rule with… string
13165 "documentation":"<p>Details about an override action for a rule.</p>" string
13172 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the investigation into the finding. The workflow status is speci… string
13175 …"documentation":"<p>Provides information about the status of the investigation into a finding.</p>" string
13203 …"documentation":"<p>The status of the investigation into the finding. The workflow status is speci… string
13206 "documentation":"<p>Used to update information about the investigation into the finding.</p>" string
13209 …"documentation":"<p>Security Hub provides you with a comprehensive view of the security state of y… string