Lines Matching refs:GetLineCount

225       function    GetLineCount: sw_integer;  in GetLineCount()  function
417 {a}function GetLineCount: sw_integer; virtual; in GetLineCount() function
516 {a}function GetLineCount: sw_integer; virtual; in GetLineCount() function
1416 function TFold.GetLineCount: sw_integer; in TFold.GetLineCount() function
1420 Inc(Count,P^.GetLineCount);
1425 GetLineCount:=Count;
1539 Count:=GetLineCount;
1559 Count:=GetLineCount;
1812 B.Y:=GetLineCount-1;
1813 if GetLineCount>0 then
1910 function TCustomCodeEditorCore.GetLineCount: sw_integer; in GetLineCount() function
1913 GetLineCount:=0;
2414 if (not Editor^.IsFlagSet(efSyntaxHighlight)) or (FromLine>=GetLineCount) then
2417 DoUpdateAttrs:=GetLineCount;
2419 LastSyntaxedLine:=GetLineCount;
2433 and (FromLine<GetLineCount) then
2496 if CurLineNr>=GetLineCount then
2519 if (CurLineNr<GetLineCount) and
2539 if CurLineNr=GetLineCount then
2555 until (Line>=GetLineCount) or (Line>ToLine);
2774 function TCustomCodeEditor.GetLineCount: sw_integer; in TCustomCodeEditor.GetLineCount() function
2777 GetLineCount:=0;
2888 B.Y:=GetLineCount-1;
2889 if GetLineCount>0 then
2958 OK:=GetLineCount<MaxLineCount;
3055 OK:=GetLineCount<MaxLineCount;
3228 for I:=0 to GetLineCount-1 do
3303 for I:=0 to GetLineCount-1 do
3316 SetLimit(MaxLineLength+1,EditorToViewLine(GetLineCount));
3366 if LineNo>=GetLineCount then
3382 Count:=GetLineCount;
3787 LineCount:=GetLineCount;
4053 Suffix:='('+IntToStr(F^.GetLineCount)+')';
4183 while (Y<GetLineCount) do
4197 while (Y<GetLineCount) and
4216 if (Y<GetLineCount) then
4222 if Y=GetLineCount then Y:=GetLineCount-1;
4236 if CurPos.Y<GetLineCount then
4253 Count:=GetLineCount;
4301 ScrollTo(Delta.X,Min(Delta.Y+Size.Y,GetLineCount-1));
4302 NL:=Min(CurPos.Y+(Size.Y{-1}),GetLineCount-1);
4306 SetCurPtr(CurPos.X,Min(GetLineCount-1,NL));
4318 s:=GetDisplayText(GetLineCount-1);
4322 SetCurPtr(i,GetLineCount-1);
4539 if (0<=EditorLine) and (EditorLine<GetLineCount) then
4587 Count:=GetLineCount;
4673 until (Y>=GetLineCount) or (JumpPos.X<>-1);
4714 if (LineOver<0) or (LineOver>GetLineCount) or ((GetFlags and efNoIndent)<>0) then
4739 if CurPos.Y<GetLineCount then S:=GetLineText(CurPos.Y) else S:='';
4742 if CurPos.Y<GetLineCount then
4754 if GetLineCount>0 then
4790 if CurPos.Y=GetLineCount-1 then
4912 if CurPos.Y<GetLineCount-1 then
5098 if GetLineCount>0 then
5302 Dec(OldPos.Y,Temp^.GetLineCount-1);
5476 if CurPos.Y<GetLineCount then
5995 Lines:=GetLineCount;
6190 Count:=GetLineCount;
6480 Y:=Max(0,Min(GetLineCount-1,Y));
6536 if (OldPos.Y<>CurPos.Y) and (0<=OldPos.Y) and (OldPos.Y<GetLineCount) then
6684 if (Enable=false) or (GetLineCount=0) then
6691 B.Y:=GetLineCount; B.X:=0;
6700 if GetLineCount=0 then
6705 if SelEnd.Y>GetLineCount-1 then
6706 if (SelEnd.Y<>GetLineCount) or (SelEnd.X<>0) then
6708 SelEnd.Y:=GetLineCount-1;
6774 while OK and (eofstream(Stream)=false) and (GetLineCount<MaxLineCount) do
6784 ChangedLine:=GetLineCount;
6793 if (GetLineCount=MaxLineCount) and not eofstream(stream) then
6815 while OK and (Line<=EndP.Y) and (Line<GetLineCount) do