Lines Matching refs:FGlyph

38   FGlyph := TButtonGlyph.Create;
39 FGlyph.IsDesigning := csDesigning in ComponentState;
40 FGlyph.ShowMode := gsmAlways;
41 FGlyph.SetTransparentMode(gtmTransparent);
42 FGlyph.OnChange := @GlyphChanged;
70 FreeAndNil(FGlyph);
195 FGlyph.Glyph := Value;
216 FGlyph.ExternalImageIndex := aImageIndex;
221 if FGlyph.ExternalImages <> nil then
223 FGlyph.ExternalImages.UnRegisterChanges(FImageChangeLink);
224 FGlyph.ExternalImages.RemoveFreeNotification(Self);
226 FGlyph.ExternalImages := aImages;
227 if FGlyph.ExternalImages <> nil then
229 FGlyph.ExternalImages.FreeNotification(Self);
230 FGlyph.ExternalImages.RegisterChanges(FImageChangeLink);
238 FGlyph.ExternalImageWidth := aImageWidth;
444 Result := FGlyph;
486 Result := FGlyph.Glyph;
513 Returns: The number stored in TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).NumGlyphs
582 if FGlyph = nil then exit;
789 if FGlyph = nil then exit;
887 if (Operation = opRemove) and (FGlyph<>nil) and (AComponent = FGlyph.ExternalImages) then
1019 FGlyph.SetTransparentMode(MODE[AValue]);
1060 Buttons.LoadGlyphFromResourceName(FGlyph, Instance, AName);
1065 Buttons.LoadGlyphFromLazarusResource(FGlyph, AName);
1074 FGlyph.GetImageIndexAndEffect(Low(TButtonState), Font.PixelsPerInch,
1082 Result := FGlyph.ExternalImageIndex;
1087 Result := FGlyph.ExternalImages;
1092 Result := FGlyph.ExternalImageWidth;
1129 if FGlyph.TransparentMode = gtmGlyph then
1130 Result := FGlyph.FOriginal.Transparent
1132 Result := FGlyph.TransparentMode = gtmTransparent;
1139 if Assigned(FGlyph) then
1140 Result := FGlyph.Draw(ACanvas, AClient, AOffset, AState, ATransparent, BiDiFlags,