Lines Matching refs:Cmd

81 local cp = Cmd.Checkpoint
85 {"FIodt", "O", "Import ODT file...", nil, Cmd.ImportODTFile},
86 {"FIhtml", "H", "Import HTML file...", nil, Cmd.ImportHTMLFile},
87 {"FItxt", "T", "Import text file...", nil, Cmd.ImportTextFile},
92 {"FEodt", "O", "Export to ODT...", nil, Cmd.ExportODTFile},
93 {"FEhtml", "H", "Export to HTML...", nil, Cmd.ExportHTMLFile},
94 {"FEmd", "M", "Export to Markdown...", nil, Cmd.ExportMarkdownFile},
95 {"FEtxt", "T", "Export to plain text...", nil, Cmd.ExportTextFile},
96 {"FEtex", "L", "Export to LaTeX...", nil, Cmd.ExportLatexFile},
97 {"FEtr", "F", "Export to Troff...", nil, Cmd.ExportTroffFile},
103 {"FSautosave", "A", "Autosave...", nil, Cmd.ConfigureAutosave},
104 {"FSscrapbook", "S", "Scrapbook...", nil, Cmd.ConfigureScrapbook},
105 {"FSHTMLExport", "H", "HTML export...", nil, Cmd.ConfigureHTMLExport},
106 {"FSPageCount", "P", "Page count...", nil, Cmd.ConfigurePageCount},
107 {"FSSmartquotes", "Q", "Smart quotes...", nil, Cmd.ConfigureSmartQuotes},
108 {"FSSpellchecker", "K", "Spellchecker...", nil, Cmd.ConfigureSpellchecker},
113 {"FSlookandfeel","L", "Change look and feel...", nil, Cmd.ConfigureLookAndFeel},
114 {"FSDictionary", "D", "Load new system dictionary...", nil, Cmd.ConfigureSystemDictionary},
116 {"FSDebug", "X", "Debugging options...", nil, Cmd.ConfigureDebug},
121 {"FN", "N", "New document set", nil, Cmd.CreateBlankDocumentSet},
122 {"FO", "O", "Load document set...", nil, Cmd.LoadDocumentSet},
123 {"FS", "S", "Save document set", "^S", Cmd.SaveCurrentDocument},
124 {"FA", "A", "Save document set as...", nil, Cmd.SaveCurrentDocumentAs},
126 {"FB", "B", "Add new blank document", nil, Cmd.AddBlankDocument},
129 {"Fdocman", "D", "Manage documents...", nil, Cmd.ManageDocumentsUI},
134 {"Fabout", "Z", "About WordGrinder...", nil, Cmd.AboutWordGrinder},
135 {"FQ", "X", "Exit", "^Q", Cmd.TerminateProgram}
140 {"EScut", "T", "Cut to scrapbook", nil, { cp, Cmd.CutToScrapbook }},
141 {"EScopy", "C", "Copy to scrapbook", nil, Cmd.CopyToScrapbook},
142 {"ESpaste", "P", "Paste to scrapbook", nil, { cp, Cmd.PasteToScrapbook }},
147 {"ECfind", "F", "Find next misspelt word", "^L", Cmd.FindNextMisspeltWord },
148 {"ECadd", "A", "Add current word to dictionary", "^M", { cp, Cmd.AddToUserDictionary }},
153 {"ET", "T", "Cut", "^X", { cp, Cmd.Cut }},
154 {"EC", "C", "Copy", "^C", Cmd.Copy},
155 {"EP", "P", "Paste", "^V", { cp, Cmd.Paste }},
156 {"ED", "D", "Delete", nil, { cp, Cmd.Delete }},
158 {"Eundo", "U", "Undo", "^Z", Cmd.Undo},
159 {"Eredo", "E", "Redo", "^Y", Cmd.Redo},
161 {"EF", "F", "Find and replace...", "^F", Cmd.Find},
162 {"EN", "N", "Find next", "^K", Cmd.FindNext},
163 {"ER", "R", "Replace then find", "^R", { cp, Cmd.ReplaceThenFind }},
164 {"Esq", "Q", "Smartquotify selection", nil, Cmd.Smartquotify},
165 {"Eusq", "W", "Unsmartquotify selection", nil, Cmd.Unsmartquotify},
167 {"EG", "G", "Go to...", "^G", Cmd.Goto},
174 {"SM1", "H", "Hide margin", nil, function() Cmd.SetViewMode(1) end},
175 {"SM2", "S", "Show paragraph styles", nil, function() Cmd.SetViewMode(2) end},
176 {"SM3", "N", "Show paragraph numbers", nil, function() Cmd.SetViewMode(3) end},
177 {"SM4", "W", "Show paragraph word counts", nil, function() Cmd.SetViewMode(4) end},
182 …{"SI", "I", "Set italic", "^I", { cp, function() Cmd.SetStyle("i") end …
183 …{"SU", "U", "Set underline", "^U", { cp, function() Cmd.SetStyle("u") end …
184 …{"SB", "B", "Set bold", "^B", { cp, function() Cmd.SetStyle("b") end …
185 …{"SO", "O", "Set plain", "^O", { cp, function() Cmd.SetStyle("o") end …
189 {"SS", "S", "Toggle status bar", nil, Cmd.ToggleStatusBar},
194 …{"ZU", nil, "Cursor up", "UP", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoPrev…
195 …{"ZR", nil, "Cursor right", "RIGHT", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoNext…
196 …{"ZD", nil, "Cursor down", "DOWN", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoNext…
197 …{"ZL", nil, "Cursor left", "LEFT", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoPrev…
198 …{"ZSU", nil, "Selection up", "SUP", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoPreviousLine }…
199 {"ZSR", nil, "Selection right", "SRIGHT", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoNextCharW }},
200 {"ZSD", nil, "Selection down", "SDOWN", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoNextLine }},
201 …{"ZSL", nil, "Selection left", "SLEFT", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoPreviousCharW …
202 {"ZSW", nil, "Select word", "^W", Cmd.SelectWord },
203 …{"ZWL", nil, "Goto previous word", "^LEFT", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoPrev…
204 …{"ZWR", nil, "Goto next word", "^RIGHT", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoNext…
205 …{"ZNP", nil, "Goto next paragraph", "^DOWN", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoNext…
206 …{"ZPP", nil, "Goto previous paragraph", "^UP", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoPrev…
207 …{"ZSWL", nil, "Select to previous word", "S^LEFT", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoPreviousWordW …
208 {"ZSWR", nil, "Select to next word", "S^RIGHT", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoNextWordW }},
209 …{"ZSNP", nil, "Select to next paragraph", "S^DOWN", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoNextParagraphW…
210 …{"ZSPP", nil, "Select to previous paragraph", "S^UP", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoPreviousParagr…
211 …{"ZH", nil, "Goto beginning of line", "HOME", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoBegi…
212 …{"ZE", nil, "Goto end of line", "END", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoEndO…
213 …{"ZSH", nil, "Select to beginning of line", "SHOME", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoBeginningOfLin…
214 {"ZSE", nil, "Select to end of line", "SEND", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoEndOfLine }},
215 …{"ZBD", nil, "Goto beginning of document", "^PGUP", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoBegi…
216 …{"ZED", nil, "Goto end of document", "^PGDN", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoEndO…
217 …{"ZSBD", nil, "Select to beginning of document", "S^PGUP", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoBeginningOfDoc…
218 …{"ZSED", nil, "Select to end of document", "S^PGDN", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoEndOfDocument …
219 …{"ZPGUP", nil, "Page up", "PGUP", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoPrev…
220 …{"ZPGDN", nil, "Page down", "PGDN", { Cmd.MoveWhileSelected, Cmd.GotoNext…
221 …{"ZSPGUP", nil, "Selection page up", "SPGUP", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoPreviousPage }…
222 {"ZSPGDN", nil, "Selection page down", "SPGDN", { Cmd.SetMark, Cmd.GotoNextPage }},
223 …{"ZDPC", nil, "Delete previous character", "BACKSPACE", { cp, Cmd.DeleteSelectionOrPreviousCh…
224 …{"ZDNC", nil, "Delete next character", "DELETE", { cp, Cmd.DeleteSelectionOrNextChar }…
225 …{"ZDW", nil, "Delete word", "^E", { cp, Cmd.TypeWhileSelected, Cmd.Dele…
226 {"ZM", nil, "Toggle mark", "^@", Cmd.ToggleMark},
246 Cmd.ActivateMenu(ff)
538 Cmd.ChangeParagraphStyle(
571 Cmd.ChangeDocument(