Lines Matching refs:Echo

1 Echo Usage: macmake  �n�
50 Echo �nError: Could not find either AddSizeResource or Fsize in the "{MPW}"Scripts: �n�
60 Echo `Date -t` 'Selecting uncommented drivers from drivers.list'
62 Echo `Date -t` 'Could not find drivers.list. Please specify required ' �n�
69 Echo `Date -t` "Found drivers"
72 Echo {Driver}'.f'
358 Echo -n "# Makefile for PGPLOT. �n�
408 Echo `Date -t` "Finding files in PG Standard routines"
414 Echo ' �'
417 Echo -n �t�t '{SYSDIR}'{files}.o
420 Echo -n �t�t '{SRCDIR}'{files}.o
423 Echo
424 Echo
427 Echo `Date -t` "Finding files in PG Non Standard routines"
433 Echo ' �'
436 Echo -n �t�t '{SYSDIR}'{files}.o
439 Echo -n �t�t '{SRCDIR}'{files}.o
442 Echo
443 Echo
446 Echo `Date -t` "Finding files in GR Routines"
452 Echo ' �'
455 Echo -n �t�t '{SYSDIR}'{files}.o
458 Echo -n �t�t '{SRCDIR}'{files}.o
461 Echo
462 Echo
465 Echo `Date -t` "Finding files in System Routines"
471 Echo ' �'
474 Echo -n �t�t '{SYSDIR}'{files}.o
477 Echo -n �t�t '{GENDIR}'{files}.o
480 Echo
481 Echo
484 Echo `Date -t` "Finding files in Driver Routines"
490 Echo ' �'
493 Echo -n �t�t '{SYSDIR}'{files}.o
496 Echo -n �t�t '{DRVDIR}'{files}.o
499 Echo
500 Echo
503 Echo `Date -t` "Finding files in Obsolete Routines"
509 Echo ' �'
512 Echo -n �t�t '{SYSDIR}'{files}.o
515 Echo -n �t�t '{SRCDIR}'{files}.o
518 Echo
519 Echo
526 Echo ' �'
527 Echo -n �t�t '{SYSDIR}'{files}.o
530 Echo
531 Echo
541 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing pgplot.lib target.'
544 Echo "# �n�
549 Echo 'all �� pgplot.lib grfont.dat demos'
550 Echo 'pgplot.lib �� {PG_ROUTINES} {PG_NON_STANDARD} {GR_ROUTINES} �'
552 Echo �t 'Lib -f -mf {PG_ROUTINES} �'
553 Echo �t�t '{PG_NON_STANDARD} �'
554 Echo �t�t '{GR_ROUTINES} �'
555 Echo �t�t '{DRIV_LIST} �'
556 Echo �t�t '{SYSTEM_ROUTINES} �'
557 Echo �t�t '{MAC_ROUTINES} �'
558 Echo �t�t 'grexec.f.o -o pgplot.lib'
561 Echo `Date -t` 'Determining object file dependencies.'
564 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing PG_ROUTINES dependencies'
570 Set dir `Echo -n {SRCDIR}{�2}`
572 Set dir `Echo -n {DEMDIR}{�2}`
574 Set dir `Echo -n {FNTDIR}{�2}`
576 Set dir `Echo -n {DRVDIR}{�2}`
578 Set dir `Echo -n {GENDIR}{�2}`
580 Set dir `Echo -n {SYSDIR}{�2}`
583 Echo -n {file}.o � {file}; �
584 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""; �
585 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""
586 Echo �n�t '{FCOMPL} ' {file} ' {FFLAGC}'
590 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing PG_NON_STANDARD dependencies'
596 Set dir `Echo -n {SRCDIR}{�2}`
598 Set dir `Echo -n {DEMDIR}{�2}`
600 Set dir `Echo -n {FNTDIR}{�2}`
602 Set dir `Echo -n {DRVDIR}{�2}`
604 Set dir `Echo -n {GENDIR}{�2}`
606 Set dir `Echo -n {SYSDIR}{�2}`
609 Echo -n {file}.o � {file}; �
610 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""; �
611 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""
612 Echo �n�t '{FCOMPL} ' {file} ' {FFLAGC}'
616 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing GR_ROUTINES dependencies'
622 Set dir `Echo -n {SRCDIR}{�2}`
624 Set dir `Echo -n {DEMDIR}{�2}`
626 Set dir `Echo -n {FNTDIR}{�2}`
628 Set dir `Echo -n {DRVDIR}{�2}`
630 Set dir `Echo -n {GENDIR}{�2}`
632 Set dir `Echo -n {SYSDIR}{�2}`
635 Echo -n {file}.o � {file}; �
636 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""; �
637 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""
638 Echo �n�t '{FCOMPL} ' {file} ' {FFLAGC}'
642 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing SYSTEM_ROUTINES dependencies'
648 Set dir `Echo -n {SRCDIR}{�2}`
650 Set dir `Echo -n {DEMDIR}{�2}`
652 Set dir `Echo -n {FNTDIR}{�2}`
654 Set dir `Echo -n {DRVDIR}{�2}`
656 Set dir `Echo -n {GENDIR}{�2}`
658 Set dir `Echo -n {SYSDIR}{�2}`
661 Echo -n {file}.o � {file}; �
662 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""; �
663 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""
664 Echo �n�t '{FCOMPL} ' {file} ' {FFLAGC}'
668 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing driv_list dependencies'
674 Set dir `Echo -n {SRCDIR}{�2}`
676 Set dir `Echo -n {DEMDIR}{�2}`
678 Set dir `Echo -n {FNTDIR}{�2}`
680 Set dir `Echo -n {DRVDIR}{�2}`
682 Set dir `Echo -n {GENDIR}{�2}`
684 Set dir `Echo -n {SYSDIR}{�2}`
687 Echo -n {file}.o � {file}; �
688 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""; �
689 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""
690 Echo �n�t '{FCOMPL} ' {file} ' {FFLAGC}'
692 Echo grexec.f.o � grexec.f �n�
704 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing MAC_ROUTINES dependencies'
709 Set dir `Echo -n {SYSDIR}{�2}`
711 Echo -n {file}.o � {file}; �
712 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""; �
713 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""
714 Echo �n�t '{FCOMPL} ' {file} ' {FFLAGC}'
717 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing OBSOLETE_ROUTINES dependencies'
721 Echo 'pgplotold.lib �� {OBSOLETE_ROUTINES}'
722 Echo �t Lib -f -mf ' {OBSOLETE_ROUTINES} -o pgplotold.lib'
729 Set dir `Echo -n {SRCDIR}{�2}`
731 Set dir `Echo -n {DEMDIR}{�2}`
733 Set dir `Echo -n {FNTDIR}{�2}`
735 Set dir `Echo -n {DRVDIR}{�2}`
737 Set dir `Echo -n {GENDIR}{�2}`
739 Set dir `Echo -n {SYSDIR}{�2}`
742 Echo -n {file}.o � {file}; �
743 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""; �
744 search -sf -i -q /include�''/ "{dir}" > Dev:Null && Echo -n ""
745 Echo �n�t '{FCOMPL} ' {file} ' {FFLAGC}'
754 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing Demos target'
757 Echo -n 'demos �� '
759 Echo -n '{DEMDIR}'"{file} "
761 Echo 'pgplot.lib'
762 Echo �t 'Echo `Date -t` Creating demonstration programs.'
764 Echo '{DEMDIR}'{file} � '{DEMDIR}'{file}.f.o pgplot.lib
765 Echo �t '{FLINK}' '{DEMDIR}'{file} '{DEMDIR}'{file}.f.o pgplot.lib
766 Echo �t AddResourceFile '{DEMDIR}'{file}
768 Echo �t '{SizRes}' '{DEMDIR}'{file} 1024
770 Echo �t '{SizRes}' '{DEMDIR}'{file} 512
774 Echo '{DEMDIR}'{file}.f.o � '{DEMDIR}'{file}.f
775 Echo �t '{FCOMPL} {DEMDIR}'{file}.f ' {FFLAGD}'
789 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing grfont.dat target.'
791 Echo grfont.dat �� '{FNTDIR}grfont.txt {SYSDIR}pgpack.f' �n�
799 �t 'Echo `Date -t` Executing pgpack, which takes a while and the ball does not spin. �n�'�n�
804 �t 'Echo `Date -t` Finished creating grfont.dat.' �n�
808 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing pgplot.doc target.'
810 Echo pgplot.doc �� {SYSDIR}create_doc.f �n�
816 �t 'Echo `Date -t` Executing create_doc, which takes a long time and the ball does not spin.'
817 Echo -n �t create_doc '{SRCDIR}'
819 Echo ' �'
820 Echo -n �t�t {files}
822 Echo
823 Echo �t 'Echo `Date -t` Finished creating pgplot.html and pgplot.doc.'
826 Echo `Date -t` 'Writing clean target.'
828 Echo clean �� �n�
837 Echo `Date -t` 'Finished.'