Lines Matching refs:degrees

222   local S, res, degrees, deg, len, CEpi, d_j, F_j, graded_res, j;
227 degrees := ObjectDegreesOfComplex( res );
228 len := Length( degrees );
237 j := res!.degrees[2];
252 for j in [ res!.degrees[j+2] .. res!.degrees[len] ] do
331 local S, degrees, mon, i, result;
335 degrees := DegreesOfGenerators( M );
337 degrees := List( degrees, HomalgElementToInteger );
341 for i in Set( degrees ) do
345 mon := List( degrees, i -> mon.(String(d - i)) );
562 function( module, degrees, S )
569 # if not Length( degrees ) = 0 then
571 # if not IsHomalgElement( degrees[ 1 ] ) and not Set( degrees ) = [ 0 ] then
575 # if not IsInt( degrees[ 1 ] ) then
577 # if not Length( weights ) = Length( degrees[ 1 ] ) then
578 # Error(" number of generators of DegreeGroup does not match length of degrees.…
585 # degrees[ i ] := degrees[ i ] * weights[ i ];
589 # degrees := Flat( degrees );
597 if not Length( degrees ) = 0 then
601 if IsInt( degrees[ 1 ] ) then
603 if Set( degrees ) = [ 0 ] then
605degrees := ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( degrees ), TheZeroElement( degree_group ) );
609 degrees := List( degrees, HomalgElementToInteger );
611 degrees := List( degrees, i -> i * weights[ 1 ] );
619 elif IsList( degrees[ 1 ] ) then
621 if Length( degrees[ 1 ] ) = Length( weights ) then
623 degrees := List( degrees, i -> HomalgModuleElement( i, degree_group ) );
631 elif not IsHomalgElement( degrees[ 1 ] ) then
633 Error( "wrong input degrees" );
641 if IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( i ), S ) and degrees = DegreesOfGenerators( i ) then
652 if not ( Length( degrees ) = NrGenerators( module ) ) then
653 Error( "The number of degrees ", Length( degrees ),
669 …setofdegrees := CreateSetOfDegreesOfGenerators( degrees, PositionOfTheDefaultPresentation( module …
797 function( mat, degrees, S )
800 if Length( degrees ) <> NrColumns( mat ) then
801 Error( "the number of degrees must coincide with the number of columns\n" );
810 return GradedModule( M, degrees, S );
819 function( mat, degrees )
821 return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( mat, degrees, HomalgRing( mat ) );
924 function( mat, degrees, S )
927 if Length( degrees ) <> NrRows( mat ) then
928 Error( "the number of degrees must coincide with the number of rows\n" );
937 return GradedModule( M, degrees, S );
946 function( mat, degrees )
948 return RightPresentationWithDegrees( mat, degrees, HomalgRing( mat ) );
1025 function( S, degrees )
1027 …return GradedModule( HomalgFreeLeftModule( Length( degrees ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ), degr…
1036 function( degrees, S )
1038 …return GradedModule( HomalgFreeLeftModule( Length( degrees ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ), degr…
1047 function( S, degrees )
1049 return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, Length( degrees ), S ), degrees );
1090 function( S, degrees )
1092 …eturn GradedModule( HomalgFreeRightModule( Length( degrees ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ), degr…
1101 function( degrees, S )
1103 …eturn GradedModule( HomalgFreeRightModule( Length( degrees ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ), degr…
1112 function( S, degrees )
1114 return RightPresentationWithDegrees( HomalgZeroMatrix( Length( degrees ), 0, S ), degrees );
1188 function( gen, rel, degrees, S )
1193 return GradedModule( module, degrees, S );
1596 local rel, degrees, weights;
1602 degrees := DegreesOfGenerators( M );
1612 degrees := List( degrees, i -> HomalgElementToInteger( i ) * weights );
1615 return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( rel, degrees );
1617 return RightPresentationWithDegrees( rel, degrees );
1679 Print( "\n(graded, degrees of generators: ");