Lines Matching +refs:y +refs:end

10 % 10 operators where x,y,z are all the same class
12 % 'second', % z = y
13 'min', % z = min(x,y)
14 'max', % z = max(x,y)
15 'plus', % z = x + y
16 'minus', % z = x - y
17 'rminus', % z = y - z
18 'times', % z = x * y
19 % 'div', % z = x / y
20 % 'rdiv', % z = y / x
21 % 6 comparison operators where x,y,z are all the same class
22 'iseq', % z = (x == y)
23 'isne', % z = (x != y)
24 % 'isgt', % z = (x > y)
25 % 'islt', % z = (x < y)
26 % 'isge', % z = (x >= y)
27 % 'isle', % z = (x <= y)
28 % 3 boolean operators where x,y,z are all the same class
29 'or', % z = x || y
30 'and', % z = x && y
31 'xor' % z = x != y
33 % 6 comparison operators where x,y are all the same class, z is logical
34 'eq', % z = (x == y)
35 'ne', % z = (x != y)
36 % 'gt', % z = (x > y)
37 % 'lt', % z = (x < y)
38 % 'ge', % z = (x >= y)
39 % 'le', % z = (x <= y)
60 end
75 A.values (end) = last ;
86 % 8 operators where x,y,z are all the same class
87 if (isequal (op, 'first')) z = identity ; end
88 if (isequal (op, 'second')) z = identity ; end
89 if (isequal (op, 'min')) z = true ; end % and
90 if (isequal (op, 'max')) z = false ; end % or
91 if (isequal (op, 'plus')) z = false ; end % or
92 if (isequal (op, 'minus')) z = false ; end % xor
93 if (isequal (op, 'rminus')) z = false ; end % xor
94 if (isequal (op, 'times')) z = true ; end % and
95 if (isequal (op, 'div')) z = identity ; end % first
96 if (isequal (op, 'rdiv')) z = identity ; end % second
97 % 6 comparison operators where x,y,z are all the same class
98 if (isequal (op, 'iseq')) z = true ; end % eq
99 if (isequal (op, 'isne')) z = false ; end % xor
100 if (isequal (op, 'isgt')) z = identity ; end % gt
101 if (isequal (op, 'islt')) z = identity ; end % lt
102 if (isequal (op, 'isge')) z = identity ; end % ge
103 if (isequal (op, 'isle')) z = identity ; end % le
104 % 3 boolean operators where x,y,z are all the same class
105 if (isequal (op, 'or')) z = false ; end
106 if (isequal (op, 'and')) z = true ; end
107 if (isequal (op, 'xor')) z = false ; end
109 % 6 comparison operators where x,y are all the same class, z is logical
110 if (isequal (op, 'eq')) z = true ; end
111 if (isequal (op, 'ne')) z = false ; end % xor
112 if (isequal (op, 'gt')) z = identity ; end
113 if (isequal (op, 'lt')) z = identity ; end
114 if (isequal (op, 'ge')) z = identity ; end
115 if (isequal (op, 'le')) z = identity ; end
119 y = X (i) ; variable
121 % 8 operators where x,y,z are all the same class
122 if (isequal (op, 'first')) z = x ; end
123 if (isequal (op, 'second')) z = y ; end
124 if (isequal (op, 'min')) z = min(x,y) ; end
125 if (isequal (op, 'max')) z = max(x,y) ; end
126 if (isequal (op, 'plus')) z = or (x,y) ; end
127 if (isequal (op, 'minus')) z = xor(x,y) ; end
128 if (isequal (op, 'rminus')) z = xor(x,y) ; end
129 if (isequal (op, 'times')) z = x * y ; end
130 … if (isequal (op, 'div')) z = x ; end % boolean division == first
131 … if (isequal (op, 'rdiv')) z = y ; end % boolean division == second
132 % 6 comparison operators where x,y,z are all the same class
133 if (isequal (op, 'iseq')) z = (x == y) ; end
134 if (isequal (op, 'isne')) z = (x ~= y) ; end
135 if (isequal (op, 'isgt')) z = (x > y) ; end
136 if (isequal (op, 'islt')) z = (x < y) ; end
137 if (isequal (op, 'isge')) z = (x >= y) ; end
138 if (isequal (op, 'isle')) z = (x <= y) ; end
139 % 3 boolean operators where x,y,z are all the same class
140 if (isequal (op, 'or')) z = x || y ; end
141 if (isequal (op, 'and')) z = x && y ; end
142 if (isequal (op, 'xor')) z = xor(x,y) ; end
144 % 6 comparison operators where x,y are all the same class, z is logical
145 if (isequal (op, 'eq')) z = (x == y) ; end
146 if (isequal (op, 'ne')) z = (x ~= y) ; end
147 if (isequal (op, 'gt')) z = (x > y) ; end
148 if (isequal (op, 'lt')) z = (x < y) ; end
149 if (isequal (op, 'ge')) z = (x >= y) ; end
150 if (isequal (op, 'le')) z = (x <= y) ; end
152 end
157 end
158 end
159 end
160 end
171 A.values (end) = last ;
176 end
177 end
178 end
179 end
182 end