Lines Matching refs:messages

25 $messages['phpupgraderequired'] = "PHP 版本需要更新";
26 $messages['nophpldap'] = "您需要安裝 PHP LDAP 才能使用此工具";
27 $messages['nophpmhash'] = "您需要安裝 PHP mhash 才能使用 Samba 模式";
28 $messages['nokeyphrase'] = "Token encryption requires a random string in keyphrase setting";
29 $messages['ldaperror'] = "無法連接至 LDAP 伺服器";
30 $messages['loginrequired'] = "請輸入帳號";
31 $messages['oldpasswordrequired'] = "請輸入原密碼";
32 $messages['newpasswordrequired'] = "請輸入新密碼";
33 $messages['confirmpasswordrequired'] = "請確認您的新密碼";
34 $messages['passwordchanged'] = "您的密碼已修改完成";
35 $messages['sshkeychanged'] = "您的 SSH 金鑰已修改完成";
36 $messages['nomatch'] = "密碼不符";
37 $messages['badcredentials'] = "帳號或密碼不正確";
38 $messages['passworderror'] = "密碼被 LDAP 伺服器拒絶";
39 $messages['sshkeyerror'] = "SSH 金鑰被 LDAP 伺服器拒絶";
40 $messages['title'] = "自助密碼服務";
41 $messages['login'] = "帳號";
42 $messages['oldpassword'] = "舊密碼";
43 $messages['newpassword'] = "新密碼";
44 $messages['confirmpassword'] = "確認密碼";
45 $messages['submit'] = "送出";
46 $messages['getuser'] = "讀取帳號";
47 $messages['tooshort'] = "您的密碼太短";
48 $messages['toobig'] = "您的密碼太長";
49 $messages['minlower'] = "您的密碼沒有包含足夠的小寫字母";
50 $messages['minupper'] = "您的密碼沒有包含足夠的大寫字母";
51 $messages['mindigit'] = "您的密碼沒有包含足夠的數字";
52 $messages['minspecial'] = "您的密碼沒有包含足夠的特殊字元";
53 $messages['sameasold'] = "您的新密碼與舊密碼相同";
54 $messages['policy'] = "您的密碼必須符合以下條件:";
55 $messages['policyminlength'] = "最小長度:";
56 $messages['policymaxlength'] = "最大長度:";
57 $messages['policyminlower'] = "最少小寫字母:";
58 $messages['policyminupper'] = "最少大寫字母:";
59 $messages['policymindigit'] = "最少數字:";
60 $messages['policyminspecial'] = "最少特殊字元:";
61 $messages['forbiddenchars'] = "您的密碼包含無效字元";
62 $messages['policyforbiddenchars'] = "無效字元:";
63 $messages['policynoreuse'] = "您的新密碼無法與舊密碼相同";
64 $messages['questions']['birthday'] = "您的出生日期?";
65 $messages['questions']['color'] = "您最喜歡什麼顏色?";
66 $messages['password'] = "密碼";
67 $messages['question'] = "問題";
68 $messages['answer'] = "答案";
69 $messages['setquestionshelp'] = "初始化或修改您的密碼以重新設定問題/答案。然後您可以在<a href=\"?action=resetbyquestions\">這裡…
70 $messages['answerrequired'] = "請提供答案";
71 $messages['questionrequired'] = "請選擇問題";
72 $messages['passwordrequired'] = "請輸入您的密碼";
73 $messages['sshkeyrequired'] = "需要 SSH 金鑰";
74 $messages['answermoderror'] = "您的答案沒有被記錄";
75 $messages['answerchanged'] = "您的答案已被記錄";
76 $messages['answernomatch'] = "您的答案不正確";
77 $messages['resetbyquestionshelp'] = "選擇回答其中一個問題以重新設定您的密碼。請確認您已<a href=\"?action=setquestions\">設定答案…
78 $messages['changehelp'] = "輸入您的舊密碼並設定新密碼.";
79 $messages['changehelpreset'] = "忘記密碼?";
80 $messages['changehelpquestions'] = "<a href=\"?action=resetbyquestions\">回答問題重新設定密碼</a>";
81 $messages['changehelptoken'] = "<a href=\"?action=sendtoken\">通過郵件發送密碼重新設定連結</a>";
82 $messages['changehelpsms'] = "<a href=\"?action=sendsms\">通過簡訊重新設定密碼</a>";
83 $messages['changehelpsshkey'] = "<a href=\"?action=changesshkey\">更改 SSH 金鑰</a>";
84 $messages['changesshkeyhelp'] = "輸入您的密碼和新的 SSH 金鑰。";
85 $messages['resetmessage'] = "{login} 您好,\n\n點選以下連結重新設定您的密碼:\n{url}\n\n若您沒有請求修改密碼,請忽略該郵件。";
86 $messages['resetsubject'] = "重新設定您的密碼";
87 $messages['sendtokenhelp'] = "輸入您的帳號和信箱重新設定您的密碼。收到郵件後,點選連結完成重新設定密碼。";
88 $messages['sendtokenhelpnomail'] = "輸入您的帳號重新設定您的密碼。收到郵件後,點選連結完成重新設定密碼。";
89 $messages['mail'] = "信箱";
90 $messages['mailrequired'] = "請輸入您的信箱";
91 $messages['mailnomatch'] = "信箱與帳號信箱不符";
92 $messages['tokensent'] = "重新設定密碼郵件已發出";
93 $messages['tokennotsent'] = "重新設定密碼郵件發送錯誤";
94 $messages['tokenrequired'] = "請提供金鑰";
95 $messages['tokennotvalid'] = "金鑰無效";
96 $messages['resetbytokenhelp'] = "您可以通過郵件中的連結重新設定您的密碼。<a href=\"?action=sendtoken\">點選這裡</a>讀取新連結。";
97 $messages['resetbysmshelp'] = "您可以通過簡訊中的金鑰重新設定您的密碼。<a href=\"?action=sendsms\">點選這裡</a>讀取新金鑰。";
98 $messages['changemessage'] = "{login} 您好,\n\n您的密碼已修改。\n\n若您沒有修改密碼,請立即聯繫您的管理員。";
99 $messages['changesubject'] = "您的密碼已修改";
100 $messages['changesshkeymessage'] = "{login},您好:\n\n您的 SSH 金鑰已變更。\n\n若您沒有啟動這項變更,請立即與您的管理員聯絡。";
101 $messages['changesshkeysubject'] = "您的 SSH 金鑰已更改";
102 $messages['badcaptcha'] = "驗證碼輸入錯誤,請重試。";
103 $messages['captcharequired'] = "The captcha is required.";
104 $messages['captcha'] = "Captcha";
105 $messages['notcomplex'] = "您的密碼沒有包含足夠的字元類型";
106 $messages['policycomplex'] = "最少字元類型:";
107 $messages['sms'] = "簡訊號碼";
108 $messages['smsresetmessage'] = "您的密碼重新設定金鑰:";
109 $messages['sendsmshelp'] = "輸入您的帳號讀取密碼重新設定簡訊。然後輸入簡訊中的金鑰。";
110 $messages['smssent'] = "金鑰簡訊已發送";
111 $messages['smsnotsent'] = "簡訊發送錯誤";
112 $messages['smsnonumber'] = "未發現手機號碼";
113 $messages['userfullname'] = "帳號全名";
114 $messages['username'] = "帳號";
115 $messages['smscrypttokensrequired'] = "未設定 crypt_tokens 無法使用簡訊重新設定";
116 $messages['smsuserfound'] = "請確認帳號訊息是否正確,點選以發送簡訊";
117 $messages['smstoken'] = "簡訊金鑰";
118 $messages['sshkey'] = "SSH 金鑰";
119 $messages['nophpmbstring'] = "您需要安裝 PHP mbstring";
120 $messages['menuquestions'] = "問題";
121 $messages['menutoken'] = "郵件";
122 $messages['menusms'] = "簡訊";
123 $messages['menusshkey'] = "SSH 金鑰";
124 $messages['nophpxml'] = "您需要安裝 PHP XML 才能使用此工具";
125 $messages['tokenattempts'] = "金鑰錯誤,請再試一次";
126 $messages['emptychangeform'] = "修改您的密碼";
127 $messages['emptysshkeychangeform'] = "更改 SSH 金鑰";
128 $messages['emptysendtokenform'] = "郵件發送密碼重新設定連結";
129 $messages['emptyresetbyquestionsform'] = "重新設定您的密碼";
130 $messages['emptysetquestionsform'] = "設定您的密碼重新設定問題";
131 $messages['emptysendsmsform'] = "取得重新設定碼";
132 $messages['sameaslogin'] = "您的新密碼與您的帳號相同";
133 $messages['policydifflogin'] = "您的新密碼不可以與您的帳號相同";
134 $messages['pwned'] = "Your new password has already been published on leaks, you should consider ch…
135 $messages['policypwned'] = "Your new password may not be published on any previous public password …
136 $messages['throttle'] = "Too fast! Please try again later (if ever you are human)";
137 $messages['policydiffminchars'] = "Minimum number of new unique characters:";
138 $messages['diffminchars'] = "Your new password is too similar to your old password";
139 $messages['specialatends'] = "Your new password has its only special character at the beginning or …
140 $messages['policyspecialatends'] = "Your new password may not have its only special character at th…
141 $messages['checkdatabeforesubmit'] = "Please check your information before submitting the form";
142 $messages['forbiddenwords'] = "Your passwords contains forbidden words or strings";
143 $messages['policyforbiddenwords'] = "Your password must not contain:";
144 $messages['forbiddenldapfields'] = "Your password contains values from your LDAP entry";
145 $messages['policyforbiddenldapfields'] = "Your password may not contain values from the following L…
146 $messages['ldap_cn'] = "common name";
147 $messages['ldap_givenName'] = "given name";
148 $messages['ldap_sn'] = "surname";
149 $messages['ldap_mail'] = "mail address";
150 $messages["questionspopulatehint"] = "Enter only your login to retrieve the questions you've regist…
151 $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low";
152 $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently";
153 $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords";