Lines Matching refs:junked

122 	- junked some of (my) old metapost stuff
274 - junked complicated loose column handling.
488 - junked rhythmic grouping, \grouping and all associated bits.
603 - Lookup cleanups; junked Lookup::paper_l_
630 - junked most of Spring_spacer
675 - junked old Staff_side
706 - junked Tie::same_pitch_b_
727 - junked flower DLL classes
734 - data struct simplification: junked Dynamic_req,
760 - junked Graphical_element::absgolute_offset
763 - junked Span_bar::extra_x_off
896 - junked Text_def, changed \property textstyle -> \property textStyle
1007 - some performance cleanups: junked PointerList instance, plugged some leaks.
1011 * junked Score_element::junk_links, Score_element::unlink
1012 * junked Directed_graph_node as superclass of
1027 - junked poor man's dynamics.
1046 - junked cautionary_b_ from Musical_pitch
1061 - junked various Pointer_list instances. Executable now is smaller.
1062 - junked various cruft
1177 - junked most static casts
1185 - junked Span_score_bar, Score_bar, Staff_bracket, Piano_brace. Folded functionality into Span_bar
1187 - lookup cleanups (time_signature, text, stem, junked extender, filledbox, simple_bar)
1188 - junked obsolete TeX stuff.
1247 - junked Scarlatti clef
1253 - volta-spanner: junked dot_p_; not so handy after all: kerning??
1328 - junked Bar_column_engraver
1329 - junked Text_item and some old files.
1342 - junked dur2real; beamAutoEndx now as rational string: "1/2"
1346 - junked #args symtable def.
1347 - junked Text_item.
1349 - junked symtables reads
1351 - junked Symtable from init/table*
1513 - junked Assoc, Assoc_iter
1514 - junked Graphical_element::{width,height}
1515 - junked Plet_swallow_engraver, Plet_engraver
1519 - junked old Beam_engraver and old Tie_engraver.
1539 - junked abbrev stuff from parser.
1574 - junked find-quarts
1575 - junked various plet goryness.
1655 - junked extra repeat braces
1780 - junked MY_RTTI stuff, simpler VIRTUAL_COPY_CONS
1844 - junked musical info from key-item
1891 - junked MODULE stuff from lily/GNUmakefile (again)