Lines Matching refs:cmd

2 cubit.cmd('brick x 2 y 1 z 2')
3 cubit.cmd('#{Domain = Id("volume")}')
4 cubit.cmd('#{dx = 1/16}')
5 cubit.cmd('#{meshSize = dx}')
6 cubit.cmd('move vol {Domain} x 1 y 0.5 z 1')
7 cubit.cmd('create vertex 0 0 {1-dx} on curve 9')
8 cubit.cmd('#{v00 = Id("vertex")}')
9 cubit.cmd('create vertex 0 0 {1+dx} on curve 9')
10 cubit.cmd('#{v01 = Id("vertex")}')
11 cubit.cmd('create vertex {2*dx} 0 {1-dx} on surface 3')
12 cubit.cmd('#{v02 = Id("vertex")}')
13 cubit.cmd('create vertex {2*dx} 0 {1+dx} on surface 3')
14 cubit.cmd('#{v03 = Id("vertex")}')
15 cubit.cmd('create curve vertex {v00} vertex {v02} on surface 3')
16 cubit.cmd('#{c00 = Id("curve")}')
17 cubit.cmd('create curve vertex {v02} vertex {v03} on surface 3')
18 cubit.cmd('#{c01 = Id("curve")}')
19 cubit.cmd('create curve vertex {v03} vertex {v01} on surface 3 ')
20 cubit.cmd('#{c02 = Id("curve")}')
21 cubit.cmd('imprint curve {c00} {c01} {c02} with surface 3')
22 cubit.cmd('#{patchLC = Id("surface")}')
23 cubit.cmd('surface {patchLC} copy move x {1-dx} y 0 z 0')
24 cubit.cmd('surface {patchLC} copy move x {1-dx} y 0 z {1-dx}')
25 cubit.cmd('surface {patchLC} copy move x {1-dx} y 0 z {-1+dx}')
26 cubit.cmd('surface {patchLC} copy move x {2-2*dx} y 0 z 0')
27 cubit.cmd('imprint body all')
28 cubit.cmd('delete body 2 3 4 5')
29 cubit.cmd('## Unimportant sides and top.')
30 cubit.cmd('sideset 1 add surface 1')
31 cubit.cmd('sideset 2 add surface 2')
32 cubit.cmd('sideset 3 add surface 4')
33 cubit.cmd('sideset 4 add surface 6')
34 cubit.cmd('sideset 5 add surface 5')
35 cubit.cmd('## Bottom with 5 patches cut out.')
36 cubit.cmd('sideset 6 add surface 13')
37 cubit.cmd('## left center, right center, center front, center back, center center')
38 cubit.cmd('sideset 7 add surface 8')
39 cubit.cmd('sideset 8 add surface 14')
40 cubit.cmd('sideset 9 add surface 15')
41 cubit.cmd('sideset 10 add surface 16')
42 cubit.cmd('sideset 11 add surface 17')
43 cubit.cmd('volume all size {meshSize}')
44 cubit.cmd('mesh volume all')
45 cubit.cmd('brick x 2 y 1 z 2')
46 cubit.cmd('#{Domain = Id("volume")}')
47 cubit.cmd('#{dx = 1/8}')
48 cubit.cmd('#{meshSize = dx}')
49 cubit.cmd('move vol {Domain} x 1 y 0.5 z 1')
50 cubit.cmd('create vertex 0 0 {1-dx} on curve 9')
51 cubit.cmd('#{v00 = Id("vertex")}')
52 cubit.cmd('create vertex 0 0 {1+dx} on curve 9')
53 cubit.cmd('#{v01 = Id("vertex")}')
54 cubit.cmd('create vertex {2*dx} 0 {1-dx} on surface 3')
55 cubit.cmd('#{v02 = Id("vertex")}')
56 cubit.cmd('create vertex {2*dx} 0 {1+dx} on surface 3')
57 cubit.cmd('#{v03 = Id("vertex")}')
58 cubit.cmd('create curve vertex {v00} vertex {v02} on surface 3')
59 cubit.cmd('#{c00 = Id("curve")}')
60 cubit.cmd('create curve vertex {v02} vertex {v03} on surface 3')
61 cubit.cmd('#{c01 = Id("curve")}')
62 cubit.cmd('create curve vertex {v03} vertex {v01} on surface 3 ')
63 cubit.cmd('#{c02 = Id("curve")}')
64 cubit.cmd('imprint curve {c00} {c01} {c02} with surface 3')
65 cubit.cmd('#{patchLC = Id("surface")}')
66 cubit.cmd('surface {patchLC} copy move x {1-dx} y 0 z 0')
67 cubit.cmd('surface {patchLC} copy move x {1-dx} y 0 z {1-dx}')
68 cubit.cmd('surface {patchLC} copy move x {1-dx} y 0 z {-1+dx}')
69 cubit.cmd('surface {patchLC} copy move x {2-2*dx} y 0 z 0')
70 cubit.cmd('imprint body all')
71 cubit.cmd('delete body 2 3 4 5')
72 cubit.cmd('## Unimportant sides and top.')
73 cubit.cmd('sideset 1 add surface 1')
74 cubit.cmd('sideset 2 add surface 2')
75 cubit.cmd('sideset 3 add surface 4')
76 cubit.cmd('sideset 4 add surface 6')
77 cubit.cmd('sideset 5 add surface 5')
78 cubit.cmd('## Bottom with 5 patches cut out.')
79 cubit.cmd('sideset 6 add surface 13')
80 cubit.cmd('## left center, right center, center front, center back, center center')
81 cubit.cmd('sideset 7 add surface 8')
82 cubit.cmd('sideset 8 add surface 14')
83 cubit.cmd('sideset 9 add surface 15')
84 cubit.cmd('sideset 10 add surface 16')
85 cubit.cmd('sideset 11 add surface 17')
86 cubit.cmd('volume all size {meshSize}')
87 cubit.cmd('mesh volume all')