Lines Matching refs:help

88         help="Use ALM for generating force constants")
91 help="Distance of displacements")
94 help="Same as ANIME tag")
97 help="Same behavior as BAND tag")
101 help="Treat band crossings")
105 help="Band paths are sampled with similar interval.")
108 help="Show labels at band segments")
111 help="Band structure output file-format")
114 help=("Number of points calculated on a band segment in "
118 help=("Band indices to be included to calcualte thermal "
123 help="Read unit cell")
127 help="Phonopy configuration file")
131 help=("Thermal properties are not calculated below this "
135 help="Out of cutoff radius, force constants are set zero.")
139 help="Create supercells with displacements")
143 help="Pair shortest vectors in supercell are stored in dense format.")
146 help="Same behavior as DIM tag")
149 type=int, help="Decimals of values of decimals")
152 help="Calculate (P)DOS")
156 help="Output eigenvectors")
161 help=("Exclude born effective charge and dielectric tensor in "
166 help="Create FORCE_SETS")
170 help="Frequency unit conversion factor")
174 help=("Create FORCE_CONSTANTS from vaspurn.xml. "
179 help=("Options for force constants calculator as comma separated "
184 help="Decimals of values of force constants")
187 help="Force constants input/output file-format")
191 help="Enforce space group symmetry to force constants")
196 default=None, help="Symmetrize force constants")
200 help="Fits total DOS to a Debye model")
204 help=("Squared scale factor multiplied as fc2 * factor^2. Therefore "
209 help="Calculate full supercell force constants matrix")
213 help=("Create FORCE_SETS. disp.yaml in the current directory and "
219 help="Maximum frequency used for DOS or moment calculation")
222 help="Minimum frequency used for DOS or moment calculation")
225 help="Frequency pitch used for DOS or moment calculation")
229 help="Set mesh as Gamma center")
233 help="Calculate group velocities at q-points")
236 help="Delta-q distance used for group velocity calculation")
239 help="Use hdf5 for force constants")
242 help="hdf5 compression filter (default: gzip)")
245 help="Use hiPhive for generating force constants")
249 help="A q-point where characters of irreps are calculated")
252 help="Include force constants in phonopy.yaml")
255 help="Include force sets in phonopy.yaml")
261 help=("Include born effective charge and dielectric tensor in "
266 help="Include displacements in phonopy.yaml")
270 help="Include all output file data in phonopy.yaml")
279 help="Legend of plots is shown in thermal displacements")
283 help="Legacy style band structure pl")
287 help=("Show irreps of little co-group (or point-group of "
291 help="Log level")
294 help="Same as MASS tag")
297 help="Same as MAGMOM tag")
300 help="Mesh output file-format")
303 help="Same as MODULATION tag")
306 help="Same behavior as MP tag")
309 help="Calculate moment of phonon states distribution")
312 type=int, help="Order of moment of phonon states distribution")
316 help="Non-analytical term correction")
319 help="Non-analytical term correction method: Gonze (default) or Wang")
324 default=None, help="Do not symmetrize force constants")
327 help="Set displacements parallel to axes")
330 help="Symmetry is not imposed for mesh sampling.")
334 help="Non-analytical term correction")
337 help="Symmetry is not imposed.")
340 help="Do not write mesh.yaml or mesh.hdf5")
344 help="Plot data")
348 help="Same as PRIMITIVE_AXES tag")
352 help="Same as PROJECTION_DIRECTION tag")
355 help="Same as PDOS tag")
359 help="Set plus minus displacements")
363 help=("Use imaginary frequency as real for thermal property "
370 help="Output projected thermal properties")
373 help="Calculate at specified q-points")
376 help="Q-points output file-format")
379 help=("Direction of q-vector perturbation used for NAC at "
384 help="Print out smallest information")
387 help="Random seed by a 32 bit unsigned integer")
391 help="Number of supercells with random displacements")
395 help="Read FORCE_CONSTANTS")
398 help="Force constants input file-format")
402 help="Read QPOITNS")
406 help="Save plot data in pdf")
410 help="Save parameters that can run phonopy in phonopy_params.yaml.")
414 help="Show IR-Reps along with characters")
417 help="Smearing width for DOS")
421 help="Check crystal symmetry")
425 help="Output thermal properties")
429 help="Output thermal displacements")
434 help="Output thermal displacement matrices")
440 help="Write cif with aniso_U for which temperature is specified")
443 metavar='TEMPERATURE', help="A temperature point")
446 help="Maximum calculated temperature")
449 help="Minimum calculated temperature")
452 help="Symmetry tolerance to search")
456 help="Set displacements of all trigonal axes ")
459 help="Calculated temperature step")
462 help="Detailed information is shown.")
465 help="Assume Wien2k structs with displacements are P1")
469 help="Write FORCE_CONSTANTS")
472 help="Force constants output file-format")
476 help=("Write dynamical matrices. This has to be used "
481 help="Project PDOS x, y, z directions in Cartesian coordinates")
484 "filename", nargs='*', help="phonopy.yaml like file")
487 "filename", nargs='*', help="Phonopy configure file")