Lines Matching defs:comment

26           "comment" : "",  string
34 "comment" : "", string
42 "comment" : "", string
50 "comment" : "", string
58 "comment" : "", string
66 "comment" : "", string
74 "comment" : "", string
82 "comment" : "Legacy:missing NULL", string
92 "comment" : "long form encoding of length of sequence", string
100 "comment" : "long form encoding of length of sequence", string
108 "comment" : "length of sequence contains leading 0", string
116 "comment" : "length of sequence contains leading 0", string
124 "comment" : "wrong length of sequence", string
132 "comment" : "wrong length of sequence", string
140 "comment" : "wrong length of sequence", string
148 "comment" : "wrong length of sequence", string
156 "comment" : "uint32 overflow in length of sequence", string
164 "comment" : "uint32 overflow in length of sequence", string
172 "comment" : "uint64 overflow in length of sequence", string
180 "comment" : "uint64 overflow in length of sequence", string
188 "comment" : "length of sequence = 2**31 - 1", string
196 "comment" : "length of sequence = 2**31 - 1", string
204 "comment" : "length of sequence = 2**32 - 1", string
212 "comment" : "length of sequence = 2**32 - 1", string
220 "comment" : "length of sequence = 2**40 - 1", string
228 "comment" : "length of sequence = 2**40 - 1", string
236 "comment" : "length of sequence = 2**64 - 1", string
244 "comment" : "length of sequence = 2**64 - 1", string
252 "comment" : "incorrect length of sequence", string
260 "comment" : "incorrect length of sequence", string
268 "comment" : "indefinite length without termination", string
276 "comment" : "indefinite length without termination", string
284 "comment" : "indefinite length without termination", string
292 "comment" : "indefinite length without termination", string
300 "comment" : "indefinite length without termination", string
308 "comment" : "removing sequence", string
316 "comment" : "removing sequence", string
324 "comment" : "lonely sequence tag", string
332 "comment" : "lonely sequence tag", string
340 "comment" : "appending 0's to sequence", string
348 "comment" : "appending 0's to sequence", string
356 "comment" : "prepending 0's to sequence", string
364 "comment" : "prepending 0's to sequence", string
372 "comment" : "appending unused 0's to sequence", string
380 "comment" : "appending unused 0's to sequence", string
388 "comment" : "appending null value to sequence", string
396 "comment" : "appending null value to sequence", string
404 "comment" : "including garbage", string
412 "comment" : "including garbage", string
420 "comment" : "including garbage", string
428 "comment" : "including garbage", string
436 "comment" : "including garbage", string
444 "comment" : "including garbage", string
452 "comment" : "including garbage", string
460 "comment" : "including garbage", string
468 "comment" : "including garbage", string
476 "comment" : "including garbage", string
484 "comment" : "including garbage", string
492 "comment" : "including garbage", string
500 "comment" : "including garbage", string
508 "comment" : "including garbage", string
516 "comment" : "including garbage", string
524 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
532 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
540 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
548 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
556 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
564 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
572 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
580 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
588 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
596 "comment" : "including undefined tags", string
604 "comment" : "truncated length of sequence", string
612 "comment" : "truncated length of sequence", string
620 "comment" : "using composition with indefinite length", string
628 "comment" : "using composition with indefinite length", string
636 "comment" : "using composition with indefinite length", string
644 "comment" : "using composition with indefinite length", string
652 "comment" : "using composition with indefinite length", string
660 "comment" : "using composition with wrong tag", string
668 "comment" : "using composition with wrong tag", string
676 "comment" : "using composition with wrong tag", string
684 "comment" : "using composition with wrong tag", string
692 "comment" : "using composition with wrong tag", string
700 "comment" : "Replacing sequence with NULL", string
708 "comment" : "Replacing sequence with NULL", string
716 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
724 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
732 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
740 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
748 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
756 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
764 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
772 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
780 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
788 "comment" : "changing tag value of sequence", string
796 "comment" : "dropping value of sequence", string
804 "comment" : "dropping value of sequence", string
812 "comment" : "using composition for sequence", string
820 "comment" : "using composition for sequence", string
828 "comment" : "truncated sequence", string
836 "comment" : "truncated sequence", string
844 "comment" : "truncated sequence", string
852 "comment" : "truncated sequence", string
860 "comment" : "indefinite length", string
868 "comment" : "indefinite length", string
876 "comment" : "indefinite length with truncated delimiter", string
884 "comment" : "indefinite length with truncated delimiter", string
892 "comment" : "indefinite length with additional element", string
900 "comment" : "indefinite length with additional element", string
908 "comment" : "indefinite length with truncated element", string
916 "comment" : "indefinite length with truncated element", string
924 "comment" : "indefinite length with garbage", string
932 "comment" : "indefinite length with garbage", string
940 "comment" : "indefinite length with nonempty EOC", string
948 "comment" : "indefinite length with nonempty EOC", string
956 "comment" : "prepend empty sequence", string
964 "comment" : "prepend empty sequence", string
972 "comment" : "append empty sequence", string
980 "comment" : "append empty sequence", string
988 "comment" : "append garbage with high tag number", string
996 "comment" : "append garbage with high tag number", string
1004 "comment" : "sequence of sequence", string
1012 "comment" : "sequence of sequence", string
1020 "comment" : "truncated sequence: removed last 1 elements", string
1028 "comment" : "repeating element in sequence", string
1036 "comment" : "long form encoding of length of oid", string
1044 "comment" : "length of oid contains leading 0", string
1052 "comment" : "wrong length of oid", string
1060 "comment" : "wrong length of oid", string
1068 "comment" : "uint32 overflow in length of oid", string
1076 "comment" : "uint64 overflow in length of oid", string
1084 "comment" : "length of oid = 2**31 - 1", string
1092 "comment" : "length of oid = 2**32 - 1", string
1100 "comment" : "length of oid = 2**40 - 1", string
1108 "comment" : "length of oid = 2**64 - 1", string
1116 "comment" : "incorrect length of oid", string
1124 "comment" : "removing oid", string
1132 "comment" : "lonely oid tag", string
1140 "comment" : "appending 0's to oid", string
1148 "comment" : "prepending 0's to oid", string
1156 "comment" : "appending unused 0's to oid", string
1164 "comment" : "appending null value to oid", string
1172 "comment" : "truncated length of oid", string
1180 "comment" : "Replacing oid with NULL", string
1188 "comment" : "changing tag value of oid", string
1196 "comment" : "changing tag value of oid", string
1204 "comment" : "changing tag value of oid", string
1212 "comment" : "changing tag value of oid", string
1220 "comment" : "changing tag value of oid", string
1228 "comment" : "dropping value of oid", string
1236 "comment" : "using composition for oid", string
1244 "comment" : "modify first byte of oid", string
1252 "comment" : "modify last byte of oid", string
1260 "comment" : "truncated oid", string
1268 "comment" : "truncated oid", string
1276 "comment" : "wrong oid", string
1284 "comment" : "wrong oid", string
1292 "comment" : "longer oid", string
1300 "comment" : "oid with modified node", string
1308 "comment" : "oid with modified node", string
1316 "comment" : "large integer in oid", string
1324 "comment" : "oid with invalid node", string
1332 "comment" : "oid with invalid node", string
1340 "comment" : "long form encoding of length of null", string
1348 "comment" : "length of null contains leading 0", string
1356 "comment" : "wrong length of null", string
1364 "comment" : "uint32 overflow in length of null", string
1372 "comment" : "uint64 overflow in length of null", string
1380 "comment" : "length of null = 2**31 - 1", string
1388 "comment" : "length of null = 2**32 - 1", string
1396 "comment" : "length of null = 2**40 - 1", string
1404 "comment" : "length of null = 2**64 - 1", string
1412 "comment" : "incorrect length of null", string
1420 "comment" : "appending 0's to null", string
1428 "comment" : "appending null value to null", string
1436 "comment" : "truncated length of null", string
1444 "comment" : "changing tag value of null", string
1452 "comment" : "changing tag value of null", string
1460 "comment" : "changing tag value of null", string
1468 "comment" : "changing tag value of null", string
1476 "comment" : "changing tag value of null", string
1484 "comment" : "composed null", string
1492 "comment" : "incorrect null", string
1500 "comment" : "long form encoding of length of digest", string
1508 "comment" : "length of digest contains leading 0", string
1516 "comment" : "wrong length of digest", string
1524 "comment" : "wrong length of digest", string
1532 "comment" : "uint32 overflow in length of digest", string
1540 "comment" : "uint64 overflow in length of digest", string
1548 "comment" : "length of digest = 2**31 - 1", string
1556 "comment" : "length of digest = 2**32 - 1", string
1564 "comment" : "length of digest = 2**40 - 1", string
1572 "comment" : "length of digest = 2**64 - 1", string
1580 "comment" : "incorrect length of digest", string
1588 "comment" : "lonely octet string tag", string
1596 "comment" : "appending 0's to digest", string
1604 "comment" : "prepending 0's to digest", string
1612 "comment" : "appending null value to digest", string
1620 "comment" : "truncated length of digest", string
1628 "comment" : "Replacing digest with NULL", string
1636 "comment" : "changing tag value of digest", string
1644 "comment" : "changing tag value of digest", string
1652 "comment" : "changing tag value of digest", string
1660 "comment" : "changing tag value of digest", string
1668 "comment" : "changing tag value of digest", string
1676 "comment" : "dropping value of digest", string
1684 "comment" : "using composition for digest", string
1692 "comment" : "modify first byte of digest", string
1700 "comment" : "modify last byte of digest", string
1708 "comment" : "truncated digest", string
1716 "comment" : "truncated digest", string
1724 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1732 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1740 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1748 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1756 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1764 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1772 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1780 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1788 "comment" : "wrong hash in padding", string
1796 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: MD5", string
1804 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA-1", string
1812 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA-224", string
1820 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA-256", string
1828 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA-384", string
1836 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA-512", string
1844 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA3-224", string
1852 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA3-256", string
1860 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA3-384", string
1868 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA3-512", string
1876 "comment" : "wrong hash in signature: SHA-512/224", string
1884 "comment" : "message not hashed", string
1892 "comment" : "message not hashed", string
1900 "comment" : "using PKCS#1 encryption padding: 0002ff...00<hash>", string
1908 "comment" : "using PKCS#1 encryption padding: 0002ff...00<message>", string
1916 "comment" : "invalid PKCS#1 signature padding: 0001ff...ee00", string
1924 "comment" : "PKCS#1 padding too short: 000001ff...", string
1932 "comment" : "empty padding: 000001ff...ff", string
1940 "comment" : "CVE-2017-11185: signature=n", string
1948 "comment" : "the signature is 2 bytes too long", string
1956 "comment" : "the signature is empty", string
1964 "comment" : "the signature has value 0", string
1972 "comment" : "the signature has value 1", string
1980 "comment" : "the signature has value 2", string
1988 "comment" : "the signature has value n-1", string
1996 "comment" : "the signature has value n+1", string
2004 "comment" : "the signature has value -1", string
2012 "comment" : "RSASSA-PSS signature", string
2020 "comment" : "RSASSA-PSS signature", string
2028 "comment" : "RSASSA-PSS signature", string