Lines Matching refs:xs

28   @id?	 -> %xs:ID
29 @itemIDRef? -> %xs:string # %IDReferenceType
39 @count? -> %xs:nonNegativeInteger
40 @offset? -> %xs:nonNegativeInteger default (0)
41 @setID? -> %xs:string # %IDType
45 @id? -> %xs:ID
55 @id? -> %xs:ID
56 @itemIDRef? -> %xs:string # %IDReferenceType
59 @remaining? -> %xs:integer
60 @nextOffset? -> %xs:nonNegativeInteger default (0)
61 @setID? -> %xs:string # %IDType
64 @id? -> %xs:ID
65 @itemIDRef? -> %xs:string # %IDReferenceType
66 @timeStamp? -> %xs:dateTime
78 @id? -> %xs:ID
79 @itemID? -> %xs:string # %IDType
80 @objectType? -> %xs:NCName
84 @id? -> %xs:ID
94 @id? -> %xs:ID
95 @timeStamp? -> %xs:dateTime
104 @id? -> %xs:ID
105 @itemID? -> %xs:string # %IDType
106 @notChangedSince? -> %xs:dateTime
107 @objectType? -> %xs:NCName
108 @predefined? -> %xs:string
111 @id? -> %xs:ID
119 @id? -> %xs:ID
134 @id? -> %xs:ID
135 @itemID? -> %xs:string # %IDType
136 @notChangedSince? -> %xs:dateTime
137 @objectType? -> %xs:NCName
138 @overrideAllowed? -> %xs:boolean default (0)
142 @id? -> %xs:ID
149 cb:SecurityMechID* -> %xs:anyURI
153 @notOnOrAfter? -> %xs:dateTime
155 cb:Endpoint? -> %xs:anyURI
156 @id? -> %xs:ID
162 @subscriptionID? -> %xs:string # %IDType
163 @ItemIDRef -> %xs:string # %IDReferenceType
170 @starts? -> %xs:dateTime
171 @expires? -> %xs:dateTime
172 @id? -> %xs:ID
173 @subscriptionID -> %xs:string # %IDType
182 @id? -> %xs:ID
183 @timeStamp? -> %xs:dateTime
191 @id? -> %xs:ID
197 @id? -> %xs:ID
198 @subscriptionID -> %xs:string # %IDType
199 @expires? -> %xs:dateTime
200 @endReason? -> %xs:anyURI
205 @id -> %xs:string # %IDType
206 @modificationTime -> %xs:dateTime
211 @ACC -> %xs:anyURI
212 @ACCTime -> %xs:dateTime
213 @modifier -> %xs:string #%md:entityIDType
220 @script -> %xs:anyURI
226 @refreshOnOrAfter -> %xs:dateTime
227 @destroyOnOrAfter -> %xs:dateTime
228 %DSTLocalizedString: base(xs:string)
231 %DSTString: base(xs:string)
234 %DSTInteger: base(xs:integer)
237 %DSTURI: base(xs:anyURI)
240 %DSTDate: base(xs:date)
243 %DSTMonthDay: base(xs:gMonthDay)
257 @format -> %xs:anyURI
260 %charDataType: base(xs:string) ;
262 %SelectType: base(xs:string) # the string is a restricted XPATH
277 @sortWeight -> %xs:number
284 @group -> %xs:string
291 @id? -> %xs:ID
296 @success? -> %xs:boolean default (1)
302 @id? -> %xs:ID
306 %ItemSelectionType: base(xs:string) # the string is a restricted XPATH
313 @code -> %xs:string
314 @ref? -> %xs:string # gl:IDReferenceType
315 @comment? -> %xs:string