Lines Matching defs:title

63     title="Bareos REST API",
457 client_id: int = Path(..., title="The ID of client to get", ge=1),
493 client_name: str = Path(..., title="The client (name) to enable"),
518 client_name: str = Path(..., title="The client (name) to disable"),
541 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
561 clients_name: str = Path(..., title="Client name to look for"),
562 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
581 clientDef: clientResource = Body(..., title="The client to create"),
601 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
621 filesets_name: str = Path(..., title="fileset name to look for"),
622 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
644 jobControl: jobControl = Body(..., title="Job control information", embed=True),
679 job_id: int = Path(..., title="The ID of job to rerun", ge=1),
706 job_range: jobRange = Body(..., title="Job range to rerun"),
747 ..., title="Restore Job control information", embed=True
785 job_id: int = Path(..., title="The ID of job to cancel", ge=1),
813 job_name: str = Path(..., title="The job (name) to enable"),
838 job_name: str = Path(..., title="The job (name) to disable"),
883 job_id: int = Path(..., title="The ID of job to get", ge=1),
913 limit: Optional[int] = Query(None, title="Result items limit", gt=1),
914 offset: Optional[int] = Query(None, title="Result items offset", gt=0),
915 jobQuery: Optional[jobQuery] = Body(None, title="Query parameter"),
931 job_id: int = Path(..., title="The ID of job to delete", ge=1),
975 job_id: int = Path(..., title="The ID of job to get the logs", ge=1),
1004 job_id: int = Path(..., title="The ID of job to get the files", ge=1),
1038 jobDef: jobDefs = Body(..., title="Jobdef resource"),
1059 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1079 jobdefs_name: str = Path(..., title="JobDef name to look for"),
1080 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1104 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1121 jobs_name: str = Path(..., title="Client name to look for"),
1122 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1141 jobDef: jobResource = Body(..., title="Job resource"),
1166 limit: Optional[int] = Query(None, title="Result items limit", gt=0),
1167 offset: Optional[int] = Query(None, title="Result items offset", gt=0),
1168 myQuery: Optional[volumeQuery] = Body(None, title="Query parameter"),
1249 volume_id: int = Path(..., title="Volume ID to look for", gt=0, example=1),
1250 volumeQuery: Optional[volumeQuery] = Body(None, title="Query parameter"),
1276 volumeLabel: volumeLabelDef = Body(..., title="Volume label properties"),
1300 volume_name: str = Path(..., title="Volume Name to update", example="Full-1742"),
1301 volumeProps: volumeProperties = Body(..., title="Volume properties"),
1338 moveParams: volumeMove = Body(..., title="Volume move parameters"),
1365 exportParams: volumeExport = Body(..., title="Volume Export parameters"),
1392 importParams: volumeImport = Body(..., title="Volume import parameters"),
1420 ..., title="Old Volume Name to relabel", example="Full-1742"
1422 volumeRelabel: volumeRelabelDef = Body(..., title="New label properties"),
1452 volume_name: str = Path(..., title="Volume Name to delete", example="Full-1742"),
1480 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1497 pools_name: str = Path(..., title="Client name to look for"),
1498 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1517 poolDef: poolResource = Body(..., title="pool resource"),
1568 pool_id: int = Path(..., title="The ID of pool to get", ge=1),
1603 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1625 schedules_name: str = Path(..., title="Client name to look for"),
1626 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1647 scheduleDef: scheduleResource = Body(..., title="Name for new schedule"),
1668 schedule_name: str = Path(..., title="The schedule (name) to enable"),
1693 schedule_name: str = Path(..., title="The schedule (name) to disable"),
1719 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1739 storages_name: str = Path(..., title="Client name to look for"),
1740 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1759 storageDef: storageResource = Body(..., title="storage resource"),
1783 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1800 users_name: str = Path(..., title="Client name to look for"),
1801 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1820 userDef: userResource = Body(..., title="user resource"),
1842 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1862 profiles_name: str = Path(..., title="Client name to look for"),
1863 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1882 profileDef: profileResource = Body(..., title="profile resource"),
1904 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1924 consoles_name: str = Path(..., title="Console name to look for"),
1925 verbose: Optional[bareosBool] = Query("yes", title="Verbose output"),
1944 consoleDef: consoleResource = Body(..., title="console resource"),