Lines Matching refs:LOGFILE

23         echo "$(date) cf-execd is not running after service restart" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
27 echo "$(date) cf-serverd is not running after service restart" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
31 echo "$(date) cf-monitord is not running after service restart" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
36 echo "$(date) No cf- processes running after service restart" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
49 LOGFILE="/var/cfengine/watchdog.log"
50 echo "$(date) Initiating watchdog $$" >> ${LOGFILE}
56 …Aborting execution of watchdog $$, existing watchdog process $(cat $PIDFILE) running" >> ${LOGFILE}
98 …CHIVE_DIR} has less than 500MB free space, initiating watchdog archive cleanup" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
116 …{ARCHIVE_DIR} still has less than 500MB free space after cleaning up archives." | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
117 echo "$(date) Aborting watchdog $$" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
126 echo "$(date) ${TMPDIR} has less than 500MB free space" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
127 echo "$(date) Aborting watchdog $$" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
138 echo "$(date) Found cf-execd not running" >> ${LOGFILE}
145 echo "$(date) Found ${_COUNT_CF_EXECD_PROCS} cf-execd processes running" >> ${LOGFILE}
161 …ho "$(date) Found ${count} occurrences of cf-execd terminating unresponsive cf-agent" >> ${LOGFILE}
193 echo "$(date) Found ${count} cf-agent processes running longer than 300s" >> ${LOGFILE}
205 echo "$(date) Found ${count} concurrently running agents" >> ${LOGFILE}
216 echo "$(date) cf-check observed critical integrity issues" >> ${LOGFILE}
224 …ound ${PATHOLOGY_COUNT} symptoms, threshold (${PATHOLOGY_THRESHOLD}) breached." | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
242 echo "$(date) Initiating apoptosis" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
280 echo "$(date) Initiating anastasis" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
285 echo "Attempt $((1 + ${try})) of 10 in 10 seconds ..." >> ${LOGFILE}
288 … echo "$(date) Failed to bring all services online after 10 retries, giving up" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
305 …date) Collected artifacts stored in ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%s).tar.gz" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
307 … ${PATHOLOGY_COUNT} symptoms, threshold (${PATHOLOGY_THRESHOLD}) not breached." | tee -a ${LOGFILE}
309 …eshold (${PATHOLOGY_THRESHOLD}) not breached, no remediation or collection performed" >> ${LOGFILE}
311 echo "$(date) DONE watchdog $$" >> ${LOGFILE}