Lines Matching refs:msgid

6 msgid ""
20 msgid "ansible"
24 msgid ":strong:`Define and run a single task 'playbook' against a set of hosts`"
32 msgid "Synopsis"
40 msgid "Description"
44 msgid "is an extra-simple tool/framework/API for doing 'remote things'. this command allows you to …
52 msgid "Common Options"
61 msgid "ask for vault password"
66 msgid "privilege escalation method to use (default=sudo), use `ansible-doc -t become -l` to list va…
71 msgid "run operations as this user (default=root)"
76 msgid "outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else"
81 msgid "Since this tool does not use playbooks, use this as a substitute playbook directory.This set…
86 msgid "use this file to authenticate the connection"
91 msgid "specify extra arguments to pass to scp only (e.g. -l)"
96 msgid "specify extra arguments to pass to sftp only (e.g. -f, -l)"
101 msgid "specify common arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh (e.g. ProxyCommand)"
106 msgid "specify extra arguments to pass to ssh only (e.g. -R)"
111 msgid "perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it"
115 msgid "set task timeout limit in seconds, must be positive integer."
124 msgid "the vault identity to use"
134 msgid "vault password file"
142 msgid "show program's version number, config file location, configured module search path, module l…
146 msgid "run asynchronously, failing after X seconds (default=N/A)"
151 msgid "don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur"
156 msgid "when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great …
161 msgid "ask for privilege escalation password"
167 msgid "prepend colon-separated path(s) to module library (default=~/.ansible/plugins/modules:/usr/l…
171 msgid "set the poll interval if using -B (default=15)"
176 msgid "override the connection timeout in seconds (default=10)"
180 msgid "The action's options in space separated k=v format: -a 'opt1=val1 opt2=val2'"
185 msgid "run operations with become (does not imply password prompting)"
190 msgid "connection type to use (default=smart)"
197 msgid "set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if filename prepend with @"
202 msgid "specify number of parallel processes to use (default=5)"
210 msgid "show this help message and exit"
217 msgid "specify inventory host path or comma separated host list. --inventory-file is deprecated"
222 msgid "ask for connection password"
227 msgid "further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern"
231 msgid "Name of the action to execute (default=command)"
235 msgid "condense output"
239 msgid "log output to this directory"
244 msgid "connect as this user (default=None)"
252 msgid "verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)"
260 msgid "Environment"
268 msgid "The following environment variables may be specified."
276 msgid ":envvar:`ANSIBLE_CONFIG` -- Override the default ansible config file"
284 msgid "Many more are available for most options in ansible.cfg"
292 msgid "Files"
300 msgid ":file:`/usr/local/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg` -- Config file, used if present"
308 msgid ":file:`~/.ansible.cfg` -- User config file, overrides the default config if present"
316 msgid "Author"
324 msgid "Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan."
332 msgid "See the `AUTHORS` file for a complete list of contributors."
340 msgid "License"
348 msgid "Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3+ License."
356 msgid "See also"
364 msgid ":manpage:`ansible(1)`, :manpage:`ansible-config(1)`, :manpage:`ansible-console(1)`, :manp…
368 msgid "ansible-config"
372 msgid ":strong:`View ansible configuration.`"
376 msgid "Config command line class"
381 msgid "Actions"
385 msgid "list"
389 msgid "list all current configs reading lib/ and shows env and config file setting name…
394 msgid "path to configuration file, defaults to first file found in precedence."
398 msgid "dump"
402 msgid "Shows the current settings, merges ansible.cfg if specified"
406 msgid "Only show configurations that have changed from the default"
410 msgid "view"
414 msgid "Displays the current config file"
418 msgid "ansible-console"
422 msgid ":strong:`REPL console for executing Ansible tasks.`"
426 msgid "A REPL that allows for running ad-hoc tasks against a chosen inventory from a nice shell wit…
430 msgid "It supports several commands, and you can modify its configuration at runtime:"
434 msgid "`cd [pattern]`: change host/group (you can use host patterns eg.: app*.dc*:!app01*)"
438 msgid "`list`: list available hosts in the current path"
442 msgid "`list groups`: list groups included in the current path"
446 msgid "`become`: toggle the become flag"
450 msgid "`!`: forces shell module instead of the ansible module (!yum update -y)"
454 msgid "`verbosity [num]`: set the verbosity level"
458 msgid "`forks [num]`: set the number of forks"
462 msgid "`become_user [user]`: set the become_user"
466 msgid "`remote_user [user]`: set the remote_user"
470 msgid "`become_method [method]`: set the privilege escalation method"
474 msgid "`check [bool]`: toggle check mode"
478 msgid "`diff [bool]`: toggle diff mode"
482 msgid "`timeout [integer]`: set the timeout of tasks in seconds (0 to disable)"
486 msgid "`help [command/module]`: display documentation for the command or module"
490 msgid "`exit`: exit ansible-console"
494 msgid "one-step-at-a-time: confirm each task before running"
498 msgid "ansible-doc"
502 msgid ":strong:`plugin documentation tool`"
506 msgid "displays information on modules installed in Ansible libraries. It displays a terse listing …
510 msgid "**For internal testing only** Dump json metadata for all plugins."
514 msgid "Show plugin names and their source files without summaries (implies --list). A supplied argu…
518 msgid "Select the entry point for role(s)."
522 msgid "Change output into json format."
526 msgid "List available plugins. A supplied argument will be used for filtering, can be a namespace o…
530 msgid "The path to the directory containing your roles."
534 msgid "Show playbook snippet for specified plugin(s)"
538 msgid "Choose which plugin type (defaults to \"module\"). Available plugin types are : ('become', '…
542 msgid "ansible-galaxy"
546 msgid ":strong:`Perform various Role and Collection related operations.`"
550 msgid "command to manage Ansible roles in shared repositories, the default of which is Ansible Gala…
554 msgid "collection"
558 msgid "Perform the action on an Ansible Galaxy collection. Must be combined with a further action l…
562 msgid "collection download"
566 msgid "Clear the existing server response cache."
570 msgid "Do not use the server response cache."
574 msgid "Include pre-release versions. Semantic versioning pre-releases are ignored by default"
585 msgid "The Ansible Galaxy API key which can be found at"
596 msgid "Ignore SSL certificate validation errors."
600 msgid "Don't download collection(s) listed as dependencies."
604 msgid "The directory to download the collections to."
608 msgid "A file containing a list of collections to be downloaded."
619 msgid "The Galaxy API server URL"
623 msgid "collection init"
627 msgid "Creates the skeleton framework of a role or collection that complies with the Galaxy metadat…
631 msgid "The path to a collection skeleton that the new collection should be based upon."
635 msgid "The path in which the skeleton collection will be created. The default is the current workin…
641 msgid "Force overwriting an existing role or collection"
645 msgid "collection build"
649 msgid "Build an Ansible Galaxy collection artifact that can be stored in a central repository like …
653 msgid "The path in which the collection is built to. The default is the current working directory."
657 msgid "collection publish"
661 msgid "Publish a collection into Ansible Galaxy. Requires the path to the collection tarball to pub…
665 msgid "The time to wait for the collection import process to finish."
669 msgid "Don't wait for import validation results."
673 msgid "collection install"
677 msgid "Force overwriting an existing collection and its dependencies."
681 msgid "Upgrade installed collection artifacts. This will also update dependencies unless --no-deps …
685 msgid "Ignore errors during installation and continue with the next specified collection. This will…
689 msgid "Don't download collections listed as dependencies."
693 msgid "The path to the directory containing your collections."
697 msgid "A file containing a list of collections to be installed."
701 msgid "collection list"
705 msgid "List installed collections or roles"
709 msgid "Format to display the list of collections in."
713 msgid "One or more directories to search for collections in addition to the default COLLECTIONS_PAT…
717 msgid "collection verify"
721 msgid "Validate collection integrity locally without contacting server for canonical manifest hash."
725 msgid "Ignore errors during verification and continue with the next specified collection."
729 msgid "A file containing a list of collections to be verified."
733 msgid "role"
737 msgid "Perform the action on an Ansible Galaxy role. Must be combined with a further action like de…
741 msgid "role init"
745 msgid "The path in which the skeleton role will be created. The default is the current working dire…
749 msgid "Don't query the galaxy API when creating roles"
753 msgid "The path to a role skeleton that the new role should be based upon."
757 msgid "Initialize using an alternate role type. Valid types include: 'container', 'apb' and 'networ…
761 msgid "role remove"
765 msgid "removes the list of roles passed as arguments from the local system."
771 msgid "The path to the directory containing your roles. The default is the first writable one confi…
775 msgid "role delete"
779 msgid "Delete a role from Ansible Galaxy."
783 msgid "role list"
787 msgid "role search"
791 msgid "searches for roles on the Ansible Galaxy server"
795 msgid "GitHub username"
799 msgid "list of galaxy tags to filter by"
803 msgid "list of OS platforms to filter by"
807 msgid "role import"
811 msgid "used to import a role into Ansible Galaxy"
815 msgid "The name of a branch to import. Defaults to the repository's default branch (usually master)"
819 msgid "Don't wait for import results."
823 msgid "The name the role should have, if different than the repo name"
827 msgid "Check the status of the most recent import request for given github_user/github_repo."
831 msgid "role setup"
835 msgid "Setup an integration from Github or Travis for Ansible Galaxy roles"
839 msgid "List all of your integrations."
843 msgid "Remove the integration matching the provided ID value. Use --list to see ID values."
847 msgid "role info"
851 msgid "prints out detailed information about an installed role as well as info available from the g…
855 msgid "role install"
859 msgid "Force overwriting an existing role and its dependencies."
863 msgid "Use tar instead of the scm archive option when packaging the role."
867 msgid "Ignore errors and continue with the next specified role."
871 msgid "Don't download roles listed as dependencies."
875 msgid "A file containing a list of roles to be installed."
879 msgid "ansible-inventory"
883 msgid ":strong:`None`"
887 msgid "used to display or dump the configured inventory as Ansible sees it"
891 msgid "When doing an --list, represent in a way that is optimized for export,not as an accurate rep…
895 msgid "create inventory graph, if supplying pattern it must be a valid group name"
899 msgid "Output specific host info, works as inventory script"
903 msgid "Output all hosts info, works as inventory script"
908 msgid "==SUPPRESS=="
912 msgid "When doing --list, send the inventory to a file instead of to the screen"
916 msgid "Use TOML format instead of default JSON, ignored for --graph"
920 msgid "Add vars to graph display, ignored unless used with --graph"
924 msgid "Use YAML format instead of default JSON, ignored for --graph"
928 msgid "ansible-playbook"
932 msgid ":strong:`Runs Ansible playbooks, executing the defined tasks on the targeted hosts.`"
936 msgid "the tool to run *Ansible playbooks*, which are a configuration and multinode deployment syst…
940 msgid "clear the fact cache for every host in inventory"
944 msgid "run handlers even if a task fails"
948 msgid "list all available tags"
952 msgid "list all tasks that would be executed"
956 msgid "only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values"
960 msgid "start the playbook at the task matching this name"
964 msgid "only run plays and tasks tagged with these values"
968 msgid "ansible-pull"
972 msgid ":strong:`pulls playbooks from a VCS repo and executes them for the local host`"
976 msgid "Used to pull a remote copy of ansible on each managed node, each set to run via cron and upd…
980 msgid "The setup playbook can be tuned to change the cron frequency, logging locations, and paramet…
984 msgid "adds the hostkey for the repo url if not already added"
988 msgid "modified files in the working repository will be discarded"
992 msgid "Do a full clone, instead of a shallow one."
996 msgid "purge checkout after playbook run"
1000 msgid "submodules will track the latest changes. This is equivalent to specifying the --remote flag…
1004 msgid "verify GPG signature of checked out commit, if it fails abort running the playbook. This nee…
1008 msgid "branch/tag/commit to checkout. Defaults to behavior of repository module."
1012 msgid "URL of the playbook repository"
1016 msgid "absolute path of repository checkout directory (relative paths are not supported)"
1020 msgid "run the playbook even if the repository could not be updated"
1024 msgid "Repository module name, which ansible will use to check out the repo. Choices are ('git', 's…
1028 msgid "only run the playbook if the repository has been updated"
1032 msgid "sleep for random interval (between 0 and n number of seconds) before starting. This is a use…
1036 msgid "ansible-vault"
1040 msgid ":strong:`encryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files`"
1044 msgid "can encrypt any structured data file used by Ansible. This can include *group_vars/* or *hos…
1048 msgid "Because Ansible tasks, handlers, and other objects are data, these can also be encrypted wit…
1052 msgid "create"
1056 msgid "create and open a file in an editor that will be encrypted with the provided vault secret wh…
1062 msgid "the vault id used to encrypt (required if more than one vault-id is provided)"
1066 msgid "decrypt"
1070 msgid "decrypt the supplied file using the provided vault secret"
1075 msgid "output file name for encrypt or decrypt; use - for stdout"
1079 msgid "edit"
1083 msgid "open and decrypt an existing vaulted file in an editor, that will be encrypted again when cl…
1087 msgid "open, decrypt and view an existing vaulted file using a pager using the supplied vault secre…
1091 msgid "encrypt"
1095 msgid "encrypt the supplied file using the provided vault secret"
1099 msgid "encrypt_string"
1103 msgid "encrypt the supplied string using the provided vault secret"
1107 msgid "Do not hide input when prompted for the string to encrypt"
1111 msgid "Specify the variable name for stdin"
1115 msgid "Specify the variable name"
1119 msgid "Prompt for the string to encrypt"
1123 msgid "rekey"
1127 msgid "re-encrypt a vaulted file with a new secret, the previous secret is required"
1131 msgid "the new vault identity to use for rekey"
1135 msgid "new vault password file for rekey"
1138 #~ msgid "a REPL that allows for running ad-hoc tasks against a chosen inventory (based on dominis'…
1141 #~ msgid "module arguments"
1144 #~ msgid "directory to checkout repository to"