Lines Matching refs:msgid

6 msgid ""
20 msgid "Ansible Core Porting Guides"
24 msgid "This section lists porting guides that can help you in updating playbooks, plugins and other…
28 msgid "Please note that this is not a complete list. If you believe any extra information would be …
32 msgid "Ansible 2.0 Porting Guide"
36 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 1.x and Ansible 2.0."
46 msgid "It is intended to assist in updating your playbooks, plugins and other parts of your Ansible…
50 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.0 <…
60 msgid "This document is part of a collection on porting. The complete list of porting guides can be…
69 msgid "Topics"
80 msgid "Playbook"
84 msgid "This section discusses any changes you may need to make to your playbooks."
88 msgid "To make an escaped string that will work on all versions you have two options::"
92 msgid "uses key=value escaping which has not changed. The other option is to check for the ansible…
96 msgid "trailing newline When a string with a trailing newline was specified in the playbook via yam…
100 msgid "Behavior of templating DOS-type text files changes with Ansible v2."
104 msgid "A bug in Ansible v1 causes DOS-type text files (using a carriage return and newline) to be t…
108 msgid "When specifying complex args as a variable, the variable must use the full jinja2 variable s…
112 msgid "porting task includes"
116 msgid "More dynamic. Corner-case formats that were not supposed to work now do not, as expected."
120 msgid "variables defined in the yaml dict format"
124 msgid "templating (variables in playbooks and template lookups) has improved with regard to keeping…
128 msgid "Empty variables and variables set to null in yaml are no longer converted to empty strings. …
132 msgid "Extras callbacks must be enabled in ansible.cfg. Copying is no longer necessary but you must…
136 msgid "dnf module has been rewritten. Some minor changes in behavior may be observed."
140 msgid "win_updates has been rewritten and works as expected now."
144 msgid "from 2.0.1 onwards, the implicit setup task from gather_facts now correctly inherits everyth…
155 msgid "Deprecated"
159 msgid "While all items listed here will show a deprecation warning message, they still work as they…
163 msgid "Bare variables in ``with_`` loops should instead use the ``\"{{ var }}\"`` syntax, which hel…
167 msgid "The ansible-galaxy text format requirements file. Users should use the YAML format for requi…
171 msgid "Undefined variables within a ``with_`` loop's list currently do not interrupt the loop, but …
175 msgid "Using dictionary variables to set all task parameters is unsafe and will be removed in a fut…
179 msgid "Host patterns should use a comma (,) or colon (:) instead of a semicolon (;) to separate hos…
183 msgid "Ranges specified in host patterns should use the [x:y] syntax, instead of [x-y]."
187 msgid "Playbooks using privilege escalation should always use \"become*\" options rather than the o…
191 msgid "The \"short form\" for vars_prompt is no longer supported. For example::"
195 msgid "Specifying variables at the top level of a task include statement is no longer supported. Fo…
199 msgid "Should now be::"
203 msgid "Setting any_errors_fatal on a task is no longer supported. This should be set at the play le…
207 msgid "Bare variables in the `environment` dictionary (for plays/tasks/etc.) are no longer supporte…
211 msgid "Tags (or any directive) should no longer be specified with other parameters in a task includ…
215 msgid "Should be::"
219 msgid "The first_available_file option on tasks has been deprecated. Users should use the with_firs…
225 msgid "Other caveats"
229 msgid "Here are some corner cases encountered when updating. These are mostly caused by the more st…
233 msgid "Bad variable composition::"
237 msgid "This worked 'by accident' as the errors were retemplated and ended up resolving the variable…
241 msgid "Misspelled directives::"
245 msgid "The task always ran without using privilege escalation (for that you need `become`) but was …
249 msgid "Duplicate directives::"
253 msgid "The first `when` was ignored and only the 2nd one was used as the play ran w/o warning it wa…
257 msgid "Conflating variables and directives::"
261 msgid "The `port` variable is reserved as a play/task directive for overriding the connection port,…
265 msgid "Bare operations on `with_`::"
269 msgid "An issue with the 'bare variable' features, which was supposed only template a single variab…
273 msgid "The bare feature itself is deprecated as an undefined variable is indistinguishable from a s…
277 msgid "Porting plugins"
281 msgid "In ansible-1.9.x, you would generally copy an existing plugin to create a new one. Simply im…
286 msgid "Lookup plugins"
290 msgid "lookup plugins ; import version"
297 msgid "Connection plugins"
304 msgid "connection plugins"
309 msgid "Action plugins"
314 msgid "action plugins"
320 msgid "Callback plugins"
324 msgid "Although Ansible 2.0 provides a new callback API the old one continues to work for most call…
328 msgid "Hybrid plugins"
332 msgid "In specific cases you may want a plugin that supports both ansible-1.9.x *and* ansible-2.0. …
336 msgid "Since the ansible-2.0 plugin system is more advanced, it is easier to adapt your plugin to p…
340 msgid "You may find the following tips useful:"
344 msgid "Check whether the ansible-2.0 class(es) are available and if they are missing (ansible-1.9.x…
348 msgid "When ansible-2.0 python modules are imported, and they fail (ansible-1.9.x), catch the ``Imp…
352 msgid "Use the existence of these methods as a qualifier to what version of Ansible you are running…
356 msgid "Document for each if-then-else case for which specific version each block is needed. This wi…
360 msgid "When doing plugin development, it is very useful to have the ``warning()`` method during dev…
364 msgid "It helps to look at other plugins in ansible-1.9.x and ansible-2.0 to understand how the API…
368 msgid "As a simple example we are going to make a hybrid ``fileglob`` lookup plugin."
372 msgid "In the above example we did not use the ``warning()`` method as we had no direct use for it …
376 msgid "callback plugins"
387 msgid "Porting custom scripts"
391 msgid "Custom scripts that used the ``ansible.runner.Runner`` API in 1.x have to be ported in 2.x. …
395 msgid "Ansible 2.10 Porting Guide"
399 msgid "Ansible Porting Guides are maintained in the ``devel`` branch only. Please go to `the devel …
406 msgid "This link takes you to a different version of the Ansible documentation. Use the version sel…
410 msgid "Ansible 2.3 Porting Guide"
414 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.2 and Ansible 2.3."
418 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.3 <…
422 msgid "Restructured async to work with action plugins"
426 msgid "In Ansible 2.2 (and possibly earlier) the `async:` keyword could not be used in conjunction …
433 msgid "**NEW** In Ansible 2.3:"
437 msgid "OpenBSD version facts"
441 msgid "The `ansible_distribution_release` and `ansible_distribution_version` facts on OpenBSD hosts…
445 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.2 (and earlier)"
449 msgid "Names Blocks"
453 msgid "Blocks can now have names, this allows you to avoid the ugly `# this block is for...` commen…
458 msgid "Use of multiple tags"
462 msgid "Specifying ``--tags`` (or ``--skip-tags``) multiple times on the command line currently lead…
466 msgid "In 2.4, the default will be to merge the tags. You can enable the old overwriting behavior v…
470 msgid "Here are some rare cases that might be encountered when updating. These are mostly caused by…
474 msgid "Made ``any_errors_fatal`` inheritable from play to task and all other objects in between."
485 msgid "Modules"
493 msgid "No major changes in this version."
503 msgid "Modules removed"
514 msgid "Deprecation notices"
518 msgid "The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.5. Please update your playbooks according…
522 msgid "ec2_vpc"
526 msgid "cl_bond"
530 msgid "cl_bridge"
534 msgid "cl_img_install"
538 msgid "cl_interface"
542 msgid "cl_interface_policy"
546 msgid "cl_license"
550 msgid "cl_ports"
554 msgid "nxos_mtu use :ref:`nxos_system <nxos_system_module>` instead"
558 msgid "These modules may no longer have documentation in the current release. Please see the `Ansi…
569 msgid "Noteworthy module changes"
573 msgid "AWS lambda"
577 msgid "Previously ignored changes that only affected one parameter. Existing deployments may have o…
581 msgid "Mount"
585 msgid "Mount: Some fixes so bind mounts are not mounted each time the playbook runs."
596 msgid "Plugins"
604 msgid "Networking"
608 msgid "There have been a number of changes to number of changes to how Networking Modules operate."
613 msgid "Playbooks should still use ``connection: local``."
617 msgid "The following changes apply to:"
621 msgid "dellos6"
625 msgid "dellos9"
629 msgid "dellos10"
633 msgid "eos"
637 msgid "ios"
641 msgid "iosxr"
645 msgid "junos"
649 msgid "sros"
653 msgid "vyos"
657 msgid "Deprecation of top-level connection arguments"
661 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.2:"
665 msgid "Will result in:"
669 msgid "delegate_to vs ProxyCommand"
673 msgid "The new connection framework for Network Modules in Ansible 2.3 that uses ``cli`` transport …
677 msgid "To use ``ProxyCommand`` configure the proxy settings in the Ansible inventory file to specif…
681 msgid "For details on how to do this see the :ref:`network proxy guide <network_delegate_to_vs_Prox…
685 msgid "Ansible 2.4 Porting Guide"
689 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.3 and Ansible 2.4."
693 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.4 <…
697 msgid "Python version"
701 msgid "Ansible will not support Python 2.4 or 2.5 on the target hosts anymore. Going forward, Pytho…
706 msgid "Inventory"
710 msgid "Inventory has been refactored to be implemented via plugins and now allows for multiple sour…
714 msgid "One exception is the ``inventory_dir``, which is now a host variable; previously it could on…
718 msgid "The ``inventory_file`` remains mostly unchanged, as it was always host specific."
722 msgid "Since there is no longer a single inventory, the 'implicit localhost' doesn't get either of …
726 msgid "A bug was fixed with the inventory path/directory, which was defaulting to the current worki…
730 msgid "Initial playbook relative group_vars and host_vars"
734 msgid "In Ansible versions prior to 2.4, the inventory system would maintain the context of the ini…
738 msgid "Due to some behavioral inconsistencies, this functionality will not be included in the new i…
742 msgid "Similar functionality can still be achieved by using vars_files, include_vars, or group_vars…
746 msgid "Specifying Inventory sources"
750 msgid "Use of ``--inventory-file`` on the command line is now deprecated. Use ``--inventory`` or ``…
754 msgid "Specifying ``--tags`` (or ``--skip-tags``) multiple times on the command line currently lead…
758 msgid "In 2.4, the default has change to merge the tags. You can enable the old overwriting behavio…
762 msgid "In 2.5, multiple ``--tags`` options will be merged with no way to go back to the old behavio…
768 msgid "Major changes in popular modules are detailed here"
772 msgid "The :ref:`win_shell <win_shell_module>` and :ref:`win_command <win_command_module>` modules …
781 msgid "The following modules no longer exist:"
785 msgid "None"
789 msgid "The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.8. Please update your playbooks according…
793 msgid "azure, use :ref:`azure_rm_virtualmachine <azure_rm_virtualmachine_module>`, which uses the n…
797 msgid "win_msi, use :ref:`win_package <win_package_module>` instead"
801 msgid "The :ref:`win_get_url <win_get_url_module>` module has the dictionary ``win_get_url`` in it…
805 msgid "The :ref:`win_unzip <win_unzip_module>` module no longer includes the dictionary ``win_unzip…
809 msgid "The :ref:`win_package <win_package_module>` module return values ``exit_code`` and ``restart…
813 msgid "A new way to configure and document plugins has been introduced. This does not require chan…
817 msgid "Vars plugin changes"
821 msgid "There have been many changes to the implementation of vars plugins, but both users and devel…
825 msgid "The most notable difference to users is that vars plugins now get invoked on demand instead …
829 msgid "This also creates a difference with group/host_vars when using them adjacent to playbooks. B…
833 msgid "In 2.4.1 we added a toggle to allow you to control this behaviour, 'top' will be the pre 2.4…
837 msgid "Inventory plugins"
841 msgid "Developers should start migrating from hardcoded inventory with dynamic inventory scripts to…
845 msgid "Both users and developers should look into the new plugins because they are intended to alle…
849 msgid "Users:"
853 msgid "Callbacks are now using the new configuration system. Users should not need to change anyth…
857 msgid "Developers:"
861 msgid "If your callback does not inherit from ``CallbackBase`` (directly or indirectly via another …
865 msgid "Any callbacks inheriting from other callbacks might need to also be updated to contain the s…
869 msgid "Template lookup plugin: Escaping Strings"
873 msgid "Prior to Ansible 2.4, backslashes in strings passed to the template lookup plugin would be e…
877 msgid "If you have a template lookup like this::"
881 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.3 (and earlier) :file:`template.j2` would look like this:"
885 msgid "**NEW** In Ansible 2.4 it should be changed to look like this:"
889 msgid "Tests"
893 msgid "Tests succeeded/failed"
897 msgid "Prior to Ansible version 2.4, a task return code of ``rc`` would override a return code of `…
901 msgid "As we can see from the example above, in Ansible 2.3 ``succeeded``/``failed`` only checked t…
905 msgid "There have been a number of changes to how Networking Modules operate."
909 msgid "Persistent Connection"
913 msgid "The configuration variables ``connection_retries`` and ``connect_interval`` which were added…
917 msgid "To control timeouts use ``command_timeout`` rather than the previous top level ``timeout`` v…
921 msgid "See :ref:`Ansible Network debug guide <network_debug_troubleshooting>` for more information."
925 msgid "Configuration"
929 msgid "The configuration system has had some major changes. Users should be unaffected except for t…
933 msgid "All relative paths defined are relative to the `ansible.cfg` file itself. Previously they va…
937 msgid "A new macro ``{{CWD}}`` is available for paths, which will make paths relative to the 'curre…
941 msgid "Developers that were working directly with the previous API should revisit their usage as so…
945 msgid "The new configuration has been designed to minimize the need for code changes in core for ne…
949 msgid "Ansible 2.5 Porting Guide"
953 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.4 and Ansible 2.5."
957 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.5 <…
961 msgid "Dynamic includes and attribute inheritance"
965 msgid "In Ansible version 2.4, the concept of dynamic includes (``include_tasks``), as opposed to s…
969 msgid "All attributes applied to a dynamic ``include_*`` would only apply to the include itself, wh…
973 msgid "This separation was only partially implemented in Ansible version 2.4. As of Ansible version…
977 msgid "To achieve an outcome similar to how Ansible worked prior to version 2.5, playbooks should u…
981 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.4:"
986 msgid "Included file:"
990 msgid "**NEW** In Ansible 2.5:"
994 msgid "Including task:"
998 msgid "The relevant change in those examples is, that in Ansible 2.5, the included file defines the…
1002 msgid "Fixed handling of keywords and inline variables"
1006 msgid "We made several fixes to how we handle keywords and 'inline variables', to avoid conflating …
1010 msgid "You will run into errors because Ansible reads name in this context as a keyword. Beginning …
1014 msgid "For a full list of keywords see :ref:`playbook_keywords`."
1018 msgid "Migrating from with_X to loop"
1022 msgid "In most cases, loops work best with the ``loop`` keyword instead of ``with_X`` style loops. …
1026 msgid "These examples show how to convert many common ``with_`` style loops to ``loop`` and filters…
1030 msgid "with_list"
1034 msgid "``with_list`` is directly replaced by ``loop``."
1038 msgid "with_items"
1042 msgid "``with_items`` is replaced by ``loop`` and the ``flatten`` filter."
1046 msgid "with_indexed_items"
1050 msgid "``with_indexed_items`` is replaced by ``loop``, the ``flatten`` filter and ``…
1054 msgid "with_flattened"
1058 msgid "``with_flattened`` is replaced by ``loop`` and the ``flatten`` filter."
1062 msgid "with_together"
1066 msgid "``with_together`` is replaced by ``loop`` and the ``zip`` filter."
1070 msgid "Another example with complex data"
1074 msgid "with_dict"
1078 msgid "``with_dict`` can be substituted by ``loop`` and either the ``dictsort`` or ``dict2items`` f…
1082 msgid "with_sequence"
1086 msgid "``with_sequence`` is replaced by ``loop`` and the ``range`` function, and potentially the ``…
1090 msgid "with_subelements"
1094 msgid "``with_subelements`` is replaced by ``loop`` and the ``subelements`` filter."
1098 msgid "with_nested/with_cartesian"
1102 msgid "``with_nested`` and ``with_cartesian`` are replaced by loop and the ``product`` filter."
1106 msgid "with_random_choice"
1110 msgid "``with_random_choice`` is replaced by just use of the ``random`` filter, without need of ``l…
1114 msgid "Jinja tests used as filters"
1118 msgid "Using Ansible-provided jinja tests as filters will be removed in Ansible 2.9."
1122 msgid "Prior to Ansible 2.5, jinja tests included within Ansible were most often used as filters. T…
1126 msgid "Jinja tests are used for comparisons, while filters are used for data manipulation and have …
1130 msgid "As of Ansible 2.5, using an Ansible provided jinja test with filter syntax, will display a d…
1134 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.4 (and earlier) the use of an Ansible included jinja test would likely …
1138 msgid "**NEW** In Ansible 2.5 it should be changed to look like this:"
1142 msgid "In addition to the deprecation warnings, many new tests have been introduced that are aliase…
1146 msgid "See :ref:`playbooks_tests` for more information."
1150 msgid "Additionally, a script was created to assist in the conversion for tests using filter syntax…
1154 msgid "Ansible fact namespacing"
1158 msgid "Ansible facts, which have historically been written to names like ``ansible_*`` in the main …
1162 msgid "A new configuration variable, ``inject_facts_as_vars``, has been added to ansible.cfg. Its d…
1166 msgid "Major changes in popular modules are detailed here."
1170 msgid "github_release"
1174 msgid "In Ansible versions 2.4 and older, after creating a GitHub release using the ``create_releas…
1178 msgid "nxos_mtu use :ref:`nxos_system <ansible_2_5:nxos_system_module>`'s ``system_mtu`` option or …
1182 msgid "cl_interface_policy use :ref:`nclu <ansible_2_5:nclu_module>` instead"
1186 msgid "cl_bridge use :ref:`nclu <ansible_2_5:nclu_module>` instead"
1190 msgid "cl_img_install use :ref:`nclu <ansible_2_5:nclu_module>` instead"
1194 msgid "cl_ports use :ref:`nclu <ansible_2_5:nclu_module>` instead"
1198 msgid "cl_license use :ref:`nclu <ansible_2_5:nclu_module>` instead"
1202 msgid "cl_interface use :ref:`nclu <ansible_2_5:nclu_module>` instead"
1206 msgid "cl_bond use :ref:`nclu <ansible_2_5:nclu_module>` instead"
1210 msgid "ec2_vpc use :ref:`ec2_vpc_net <ansible_2_5:ec2_vpc_net_module>` along with supporting module…
1214 msgid "ec2_ami_search use :ref:`ec2_ami_facts <ansible_2_5:ec2_ami_facts_module>` instead"
1218 msgid "docker use :ref:`docker_container <ansible_2_5:docker_container_module>` and :ref:`docker_im…
1222 msgid "These modules may no longer have documentation in the current release. Please see the `Ansi…
1226 msgid "The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.9. Please update your playbooks according…
1230 msgid "Apstra's ``aos_*`` modules are deprecated as they do not work with AOS 2.1 or higher. See ne…
1234 msgid "nxos_ip_interface use :ref:`nxos_l3_interface <ansible_2_5:nxos_l3_interface_module>` instea…
1238 msgid "nxos_portchannel use :ref:`nxos_linkagg <ansible_2_5:nxos_linkagg_module>` instead."
1242 msgid "nxos_switchport use :ref:`nxos_l2_interface <ansible_2_5:nxos_l2_interface_module>` instead."
1246 msgid "panos_security_policy use :ref:`panos_security_rule <ansible_2_5:panos_security_rule_module>…
1250 msgid "panos_nat_policy use :ref:`panos_nat_rule <ansible_2_5:panos_nat_rule_module>` instead."
1254 msgid "vsphere_guest use :ref:`vmware_guest <ansible_2_5:vmware_guest_module>` instead."
1258 msgid "The :ref:`stat <ansible_2_5:stat_module>` and :ref:`win_stat <ansible_2_5:win_stat_module>` …
1262 msgid "This option will be removed starting with Ansible version 2.9. The options ``get_checksum: T…
1266 msgid "``osx_say`` module was renamed into :ref:`say <ansible_2_5:say_module>`."
1270 msgid "Several modules which could deal with symlinks had the default value of their ``follow`` opt…
1274 msgid "The :ref:`file module <ansible_2_5:file_module>` changed from ``follow=False`` to ``follow=T…
1278 msgid "The :ref:`replace module <ansible_2_5:replace_module>` had its ``follow`` parameter removed …
1282 msgid "The :ref:`blockinfile module <ansible_2_5:blockinfile_module>` had its ``follow`` parameter …
1286 msgid "In Ansible-2.5.3, the :ref:`template module <ansible_2_5:template_module>` became more stric…
1290 msgid "As a developer, you can now use 'doc fragments' for common configuration options on plugin t…
1294 msgid "Inventory plugins have been fine tuned, and we have started to add some common features:"
1298 msgid "The ability to use a cache plugin to avoid costly API/DB queries is disabled by default. If …
1302 msgid "A new 'auto' plugin, enabled by default, that can automatically detect the correct plugin to…
1306 msgid "Shell"
1310 msgid "Shell plugins have been migrated to the new plugin configuration framework. It is now possib…
1314 msgid "For example, ``system_temps`` is a new setting that allows you to control what Ansible will …
1318 msgid "Another new setting is ``admin_users`` which allows you to specify a list of users to be con…
1322 msgid "For a full list, check the shell plugin you are using, the default shell plugin is ``sh``."
1326 msgid "Those that had to work around the global configuration limitations can now migrate to a per …
1330 msgid "Filter"
1334 msgid "The lookup plugin API now throws an error if a non-iterable value is returned from a plugin.…
1338 msgid "Lookup"
1342 msgid "A new option was added to lookup plugins globally named ``error`` which allows you to contro…
1350 msgid "No notable changes."
1354 msgid "Network"
1358 msgid "Expanding documentation"
1362 msgid "We're expanding the network documentation. There's new content and a :ref:`new Ansible Netwo…
1366 msgid "Top-level connection arguments will be removed in 2.9"
1370 msgid "Top-level connection arguments like ``username``, ``host``, and ``password`` are deprecated …
1374 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible < 2.4"
1378 msgid "The deprecation warnings reflect this schedule. The task above, run in Ansible 2.5, will res…
1382 msgid "We recommend using the new connection types ``network_cli`` and ``netconf`` (see below), usi…
1386 msgid "Adding persistent connection types ``network_cli`` and ``netconf``"
1390 msgid "Ansible 2.5 introduces two top-level persistent connection types, ``network_cli`` and ``netc…
1395 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.4"
1400 msgid "**NEW** In Ansible 2.5"
1404 msgid "Using a provider dictionary with either ``network_cli`` or ``netconf`` will result in a warn…
1408 msgid "Developers: Shared Module Utilities Moved"
1412 msgid "Beginning with Ansible 2.5, shared module utilities for network modules moved to ``ansible.m…
1416 msgid "Platform-independent utilities are found in ````"
1420 msgid "Platform-specific utilities are found in ``{{ platform }}``"
1424 msgid "If your module uses shared module utilities, you must update all references. For example, ch…
1428 msgid "See the module utilities developer guide see :ref:`developing_module_utilities` for more inf…
1432 msgid "Ansible 2.6 Porting Guide"
1436 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.5 and Ansible 2.6."
1440 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.6 <…
1444 msgid "The deprecated task option ``always_run`` has been removed, please use ``check_mode: no`` in…
1448 msgid "In the :ref:`nxos_igmp_interface module<nxos_igmp_interface_module>`, ``oif_prefix`` and ``o…
1452 msgid "Major changes in popular modules are detailed here:"
1457 msgid "The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.10. Please update your playbooks accordin…
1461 msgid "``k8s_raw`` use :ref:`k8s <k8s_module>` instead."
1465 msgid "``openshift_raw`` use :ref:`k8s <k8s_module>` instead."
1469 msgid "``openshift_scale`` use :ref:`k8s_scale <k8s_scale_module>` instead."
1473 msgid "The ``upgrade`` module option for ``win_chocolatey`` has been removed; use ``state: latest``…
1477 msgid "The ``reboot`` module option for ``win_feature`` has been removed; use the ``win_reboot`` ac…
1481 msgid "The ``win_iis_webapppool`` module no longer accepts a string for the ``attributes`` module o…
1485 msgid "The ``name`` module option for ``win_package`` has been removed; this is not used anywhere a…
1489 msgid "The ``win_regedit`` module no longer automatically corrects the hive path ``HCCC`` to ``HKCC…
1493 msgid "The :ref:`file_module` now emits a deprecation warning when ``src`` is specified with a stat…
1497 msgid "Would create a directory named ``/tmp/lib``. Instead of the above, simply spell out the ent…
1501 msgid "The ``k8s_raw`` and ``openshift_raw`` modules have been aliased to the new ``k8s`` module."
1505 msgid "The ``k8s`` module supports all Kubernetes resources including those from Custom Resource De…
1509 msgid "The ``k8s`` module will not accept resources where subkeys have been snake_cased. This was a…
1513 msgid "The ``k8s`` module may not accept resources where the ``api_version`` has been changed to ma…
1517 msgid "The ``k8s`` module can now process multi-document YAML files if they are passed with the ``s…
1521 msgid "The ``k8s`` module will not automatically change ``Project`` creation requests into ``Projec…
1525 msgid "The ``k8s`` module will not automatically remove secrets from the Ansible return values (and…
1529 msgid "The ``k8s_scale`` module now supports scalable OpenShift objects, such as ``DeploymentConfig…
1533 msgid "The ``lineinfile`` module was changed to show a warning when using an empty string as a rege…
1537 msgid "Openstack modules are no longer using ``shade`` library. Instead ``openstacksdk`` is used. S…
1541 msgid "``openshift`` use ``k8s`` instead."
1546 msgid "Noteworthy plugin changes"
1550 msgid "The ``k8s`` lookup plugin now supports all Kubernetes resources including those from Custom …
1554 msgid "The ``k8s`` lookup plugin may not accept resources where the ``api_version`` has been change…
1558 msgid "The ``k8s`` lookup plugin will no longer remove secrets from the Ansible return values (and …
1562 msgid "Dynamic inventory scripts"
1566 msgid "``contrib/inventory/`` has been renamed to ``contrib/inventory/openstack_invento…
1570 msgid "Ansible 2.7 Porting Guide"
1574 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.6 and Ansible 2.7."
1578 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.7 <…
1585 msgid "Command Line"
1589 msgid "If you specify ``--tags`` or ``--skip-tags`` multiple times on the command line, Ansible wil…
1593 msgid "If you have a shell script that depends on setting ``merge_multiple_cli_tags`` to ``False``,…
1597 msgid "Python Compatibility"
1601 msgid "Ansible has dropped compatibility with Python-2.6 on the controller (The host where :command…
1605 msgid "One thing that this does affect is the ability to use :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-pull` to ma…
1609 msgid "The decision to drop Python-2.6 support on the controller was made because many dependent li…
1613 msgid "Role Precedence Fix during Role Loading"
1617 msgid "Ansible 2.7 makes a small change to variable precedence when loading roles, resolving a bug,…
1621 msgid "Before Ansible 2.7, when loading a role, the variables defined in the role's ``vars/main.yml…
1625 msgid "In Ansible 2.7, role ``vars`` and ``defaults`` are now parsed before ``tasks/main.yml``. Thi…
1629 msgid "include_role and import_role variable exposure"
1633 msgid "In Ansible 2.7 a new module argument named ``public`` was added to the ``include_role`` modu…
1637 msgid "``import_role`` does not support the ``public`` argument, and will unconditionally expose th…
1641 msgid "There is an important difference in the way that ``include_role`` (dynamic) will expose the …
1645 msgid "include_tasks/import_tasks inline variables"
1649 msgid "As of Ansible 2.7, `include_tasks` and `import_tasks` can no longer accept inline variables.…
1653 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.6 (and earlier) the following was valid syntax for specifying variables…
1657 msgid "**NEW** In Ansible 2.7 the task should be changed to use the ``vars`` keyword:"
1661 msgid "vars_prompt with unknown algorithms"
1665 msgid "vars_prompt now throws an error if the hash algorithm specified in encrypt is not supported …
1669 msgid "Expedited Deprecation: Use of ``__file__`` in ``AnsibleModule``"
1673 msgid "The use of the ``__file__`` variable is deprecated in Ansible 2.7 and **will be eliminated i…
1677 msgid "We are deprecating the use of the ``__file__`` variable to refer to the file containing the …
1681 msgid "Before the introduction of AnsiBallZ in Ansible 2.1, using ``__file__`` worked in ``AnsibleM…
1685 msgid "Ansible 2.8 will no longer create a temporary file for ``AnsibleModule``; instead it will re…
1689 msgid "If you are the author of a third-party module which uses ``__file__`` with ``AnsibleModule``…
1693 msgid "Using a loop on a package module via squash_actions"
1697 msgid "The use of ``squash_actions`` to invoke a package module, such as \"yum\", to only invoke th…
1701 msgid "Instead of relying on implicit squashing, tasks should instead supply the list directly to t…
1705 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.6 (and earlier) the following task would invoke the \"yum\" module only…
1709 msgid "**NEW** In Ansible 2.7 it should be changed to look like this:"
1713 msgid "The :ref:`DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY` configuration option tells Ansible modules to use a speci…
1717 msgid "The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.11. Please update your playbooks accordin…
1721 msgid "``na_cdot_aggregate`` use :ref:`na_ontap_aggregate <ansible_2_7:na_ontap_aggregate_module>` …
1725 msgid "``na_cdot_license`` use :ref:`na_ontap_license <ansible_2_7:na_ontap_license_module>` instea…
1729 msgid "``na_cdot_lun`` use :ref:`na_ontap_lun <ansible_2_7:na_ontap_lun_module>` instead."
1733 msgid "``na_cdot_qtree`` use :ref:`na_ontap_qtree <ansible_2_7:na_ontap_qtree_module>` instead."
1737 msgid "``na_cdot_svm`` use :ref:`na_ontap_svm <ansible_2_7:na_ontap_svm_module>` instead."
1741 msgid "``na_cdot_user`` use :ref:`na_ontap_user <ansible_2_7:na_ontap_user_module>` instead."
1745 msgid "``na_cdot_user_role`` use :ref:`na_ontap_user_role <ansible_2_7:na_ontap_user_role_module>` …
1749 msgid "``na_cdot_volume`` use :ref:`na_ontap_volume <ansible_2_7:na_ontap_volume_module>` instead."
1753 msgid "``sf_account_manager`` use :ref:`na_elementsw_account<ansible_2_7:na_elementsw_account_modul…
1757 msgid "``sf_check_connections`` use :ref:`na_elementsw_check_connections<ansible_2_7:na_elementsw_c…
1761 msgid "``sf_snapshot_schedule_manager`` use :ref:`na_elementsw_snapshot_schedule<ansible_2_7:na_ele…
1765 msgid "``sf_volume_access_group_manager`` use :ref:`na_elementsw_access_group<ansible_2_7:na_elemen…
1769 msgid "``sf_volume_manager`` use :ref:`na_elementsw_volume<ansible_2_7:na_elementsw_volume_module>`…
1773 msgid "Check mode is now supported in the ``command`` and ``shell`` modules. However, only when ``c…
1777 msgid "The ``win_chocolatey`` module originally required the ``proxy_username`` and ``proxy_passwor…
1781 msgid "The ``win_uri`` module has removed the deprecated option ``use_basic_parsing``, since Ansibl…
1785 msgid "The ``win_scheduled_task`` module has removed the following deprecated options:"
1789 msgid "``executable``, use ``path`` in an actions entry instead"
1793 msgid "``argument``, use ``arguments`` in an actions entry instead"
1797 msgid "``store_password``, set ``logon_type: password`` instead"
1801 msgid "``days_of_week``, use ``monthlydow`` in a triggers entry instead"
1805 msgid "``frequency``, use ``type``, in a triggers entry instead"
1809 msgid "``time``, use ``start_boundary`` in a triggers entry instead"
1813 msgid "The ``interface_name`` module option for ``na_ontap_net_vlan`` has been removed and should b…
1817 msgid "The ``win_disk_image`` module has deprecated the return value ``mount_path``, use ``mount_pa…
1821 msgid "``include_role`` and ``include_tasks`` can now be used directly from ``ansible`` (adhoc) and…
1825 msgid "The ``pip`` module has added a dependency on ``setuptools`` to support version requirements,…
1829 msgid "Prior to Ansible 2.7.10, the ``replace`` module did the opposite of what was intended when u…
1833 msgid "The hash_password filter now throws an error if the hash algorithm specified is not supporte…
1837 msgid "Ansible 2.8 Porting Guide"
1841 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.7 and Ansible 2.8."
1845 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.8 <…
1849 msgid "Distribution Facts"
1853 msgid "The information returned for the ``ansible_distribution_*`` group of facts may have changed …
1857 msgid "The two facts used in playbooks most often, ``ansible_distribution`` and ``ansible_distribut…
1861 msgid "Imports as handlers"
1865 msgid "Beginning in version 2.8, a task cannot notify ``import_tasks`` or a static ``include`` that…
1869 msgid "The goal of a static import is to act as a pre-processor, where the import is replaced by th…
1873 msgid "To achieve the results of notifying a single name but running multiple handlers, utilize ``i…
1877 msgid "Jinja Undefined values"
1881 msgid "Beginning in version 2.8, attempting to access an attribute of an Undefined value in Jinja w…
1885 msgid "In Ansible 2.8::"
1889 msgid "In Ansible 2.7 and older::"
1893 msgid "or::"
1897 msgid "Module option conversion to string"
1901 msgid "Beginning in version 2.8, Ansible will warn if a module expects a string, but a non-string v…
1905 msgid "This behavior can be changed to be an error or to be ignored by setting the ``ANSIBLE_STRING…
1909 msgid "Command line facts"
1913 msgid "``cmdline`` facts returned in system will be deprecated in favor of ``proc_cmdline``. This c…
1917 msgid "Bare variables in conditionals"
1921 msgid "In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, top-level variables sometimes treated boolean strings as if they…
1925 msgid "based on a variable you define **as a string** (with quotation marks around it):"
1929 msgid "In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, the two conditions above evaluated as ``True`` and ``False`` res…
1933 msgid "In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, both conditions evaluated as ``False`` if ``teardown: 'false'``"
1937 msgid "In Ansible 2.8 and later, you have the option of disabling conditional bare variables, so ``…
1941 msgid "Ultimately, ``when: 'string'`` will always evaluate as ``True`` and ``when: not 'string'`` w…
1945 msgid "In 2.10 the default setting for ``conditional_bare_variables`` will change to ``false``. In …
1949 msgid "Updating your playbooks"
1953 msgid "To prepare your playbooks for the new behavior, you must update your conditional statements …
1957 msgid "Alternatively, you can re-define your variables as boolean values (without quotation marks) …
1961 msgid "For dictionaries and lists, use the ``length`` filter to evaluate the presence of a dictiona…
1965 msgid "Do not use the ``bool`` filter with lists or dictionaries. If you use ``bool`` with a list o…
1969 msgid "Double-interpolation"
1973 msgid "The ``conditional_bare_variables`` setting also affects variables set based on other variabl…
1977 msgid "In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, ``when: double_interpolated`` evaluated to the value of ``bare_v…
1981 msgid "In Ansible 2.8 and later, with bare variables disabled, Ansible evaluates ``double_interpola…
1985 msgid "To double-interpolate variable values, use curly braces:"
1989 msgid "Nested variables"
1993 msgid "The ``conditional_bare_variables`` setting does not affect nested variables. Any string valu…
1997 msgid "Gathering Facts"
2001 msgid "In Ansible 2.8 the implicit \"Gathering Facts\" task in a play was changed to obey play tags…
2005 msgid "The behavior change affects the following example play."
2009 msgid "In Ansible 2.8, if you supply ``--tags nginx``, the implicit \"Gathering Facts\" task will b…
2013 msgid "If no play level tags are set, the \"Gathering Facts\" task will be given a tag of ``always`…
2017 msgid "You can achieve similar results to the pre-2.8 behavior, by using an explicit ``gather_facts…
2021 msgid "Python Interpreter Discovery"
2025 msgid "In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, Ansible defaulted to :command:`/usr/bin/python` as the setting f…
2029 msgid "Starting in Ansible 2.8, Ansible searches for the correct path and executable name for Pytho…
2033 msgid "It's risky to rely on a Python interpreter set from the fallback list, because the interpret…
2037 msgid "You can still set ``ansible_python_interpreter`` to a specific path at any variable level (a…
2041 msgid "New value"
2045 msgid "Behavior"
2049 msgid "auto |br| (future default)"
2053 msgid "If a Python interpreter is discovered, Ansible uses the discovered Python, even if :command:…
2057 msgid "**auto_legacy** |br| (Ansible 2.8 default)"
2061 msgid "If a Python interpreter is discovered, and :command:`/usr/bin/python` is absent, Ansible use…
2065 msgid "If a Python interpreter is discovered, and :command:`/usr/bin/python` is present, Ansible us…
2069 msgid "auto_legacy_silent"
2073 msgid "Behaves like ``auto_legacy`` but suppresses the deprecation and fallback-list warnings."
2077 msgid "auto_silent"
2081 msgid "Behaves like ``auto`` but suppresses the fallback-list warning."
2085 msgid "In Ansible 2.12, Ansible will switch the default from :literal:`auto_legacy` to :literal:`au…
2089 msgid "If you installed Python and dependencies (``boto``, and so on) to :command:`/usr/bin/python`…
2093 msgid "Move existing dependencies over to the default Python for each platform/distribution/version…
2097 msgid "Use ``auto_legacy``. This setting lets Ansible find and use the workaround Python on hosts t…
2101 msgid "Retry File Creation default"
2105 msgid "In Ansible 2.8, ``retry_files_enabled`` now defaults to ``False`` instead of ``True``. The …
2109 msgid "Become Prompting"
2113 msgid "Beginning in version 2.8, by default Ansible will use the word ``BECOME`` to prompt you for …
2117 msgid "By default in Ansible 2.8::"
2121 msgid "If you want the prompt to display the specific ``become_method`` you're using, instead of th…
2125 msgid "By default in Ansible 2.7, or with ``AGNOSTIC_BECOME_PROMPT=False`` in Ansible 2.8::"
2129 msgid "Setting the async directory using ``ANSIBLE_ASYNC_DIR`` as an task/play environment key is d…
2133 msgid "Plugin writers who need a ``FactCache`` object should be aware of two deprecations:"
2137 msgid "The ``FactCache`` class has moved from ``ansible.plugins.cache.FactCache`` to ``ansible.vars…
2141 msgid "The ``FactCache.update()`` method has been converted to follow the dict API. It now takes a…
2145 msgid "Supporting file-backed caching via self.cache is deprecated and will be removed in Ansible 2…
2149 msgid "Importing cache plugins directly is deprecated and will be removed in Ansible 2.12. Use the …
2153 msgid "The exec wrapper that runs PowerShell modules has been changed to set ``$ErrorActionPreferen…
2157 msgid "Version 2.8.14 of Ansible changed the default mode of file-based tasks to ``0o600 & ~umask``…
2161 msgid "If you changed any tasks to specify less restrictive permissions while using 2.8.14, those c…
2166 msgid "To avoid the issue raised in CVE-2020-1736, specify a ``mode`` parameter in all file-based t…
2170 msgid "``dnf`` and ``yum`` - As of version 2.8.15, the ``dnf`` module (and ``yum`` action when it u…
2174 msgid "ec2_remote_facts"
2178 msgid "azure"
2182 msgid "cs_nic"
2186 msgid "netscaler"
2190 msgid "win_msi"
2194 msgid "The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.12. Please update your playbooks accordin…
2198 msgid "``foreman`` use `foreman-ansible-modules <…
2202 msgid "``katello`` use `foreman-ansible-modules <…
2206 msgid "``github_hooks`` use :ref:`github_webhook <ansible_2_8:github_webhook_module>` and :ref:`git…
2210 msgid "``digital_ocean`` use :ref:`digital_ocean_droplet <ansible_2_8:digital_ocean_droplet_module>…
2214 msgid "``gce`` use :ref:`gcp_compute_instance <ansible_2_8:gcp_compute_instance_module>` instead."
2218 msgid "``gcspanner`` use :ref:`gcp_spanner_instance <ansible_2_8:gcp_spanner_instance_module>` and …
2222 msgid "``gcdns_record`` use :ref:`gcp_dns_resource_record_set <ansible_2_8:gcp_dns_resource_record_…
2226 msgid "``gcdns_zone`` use :ref:`gcp_dns_managed_zone <ansible_2_8:gcp_dns_managed_zone_module>` ins…
2230 msgid "``gcp_forwarding_rule`` use :ref:`gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule <ansible_2_8:gcp_comput…
2234 msgid "``gcp_healthcheck`` use :ref:`gcp_compute_health_check <ansible_2_8:gcp_compute_health_check…
2238 msgid "``gcp_backend_service`` use :ref:`gcp_compute_backend_service <ansible_2_8:gcp_compute_backe…
2242 msgid "``gcp_target_proxy`` use :ref:`gcp_compute_target_http_proxy <ansible_2_8:gcp_compute_target…
2246 msgid "``gcp_url_map`` use :ref:`gcp_compute_url_map <ansible_2_8:gcp_compute_url_map_module>` inst…
2250 msgid "``panos`` use the `Palo Alto Networks Ansible Galaxy role <…
2254 msgid "The ``foreman`` and ``katello`` modules have been deprecated in favor of a set of modules th…
2258 msgid "The ``foreman`` and ``katello`` modules replacement is officially part of the Foreman Commun…
2262 msgid "The ``tower_credential`` module originally required the ``ssh_key_data`` to be the path to a…
2266 msgid "The ``win_scheduled_task`` module deprecated support for specifying a trigger repetition as …
2270 msgid "The ``win_feature`` module has removed the deprecated ``restart_needed`` return value, use t…
2274 msgid "The ``win_package`` module has removed the deprecated ``restart_required`` and ``exit_code``…
2278 msgid "The ``win_get_url`` module has removed the deprecated ``win_get_url`` return dictionary, con…
2282 msgid "The ``win_get_url`` module has removed the deprecated ``skip_certificate_validation`` option…
2286 msgid "The ``vmware_local_role_facts`` module now returns a list of dicts instead of a dict of dict…
2290 msgid "If ``docker_network`` or ``docker_volume`` were called with ``diff: yes``, ``check_mode: yes…
2294 msgid "The ``na_ontap_cluster_peer`` module has replaced ``source_intercluster_lif`` and ``dest_int…
2298 msgid "The ``modprobe`` module now detects kernel builtins. Previously, attempting to remove (with …
2302 msgid "The ``digital_ocean`` module has been deprecated in favor of modules that do not require ext…
2306 msgid "The ``docker_container`` module has deprecated the returned fact ``docker_container``. The s…
2310 msgid "The ``docker_network`` module has deprecated the returned fact ``docker_container``. The sam…
2314 msgid "The ``docker_volume`` module has deprecated the returned fact ``docker_container``. The same…
2318 msgid "The ``docker_service`` module was renamed to :ref:`docker_compose <ansible_2_8:docker_compos…
2322 msgid "The renamed ``docker_compose`` module used to return one fact per service, named same as the…
2326 msgid "The ``docker_swarm_service`` module no longer sets a defaults for the following options:"
2330 msgid "``user``. Before, the default was ``root``."
2334 msgid "``update_delay``. Before, the default was ``10``."
2338 msgid "``update_parallelism``. Before, the default was ``1``."
2342 msgid "``vmware_vm_facts`` used to return dict of dict with virtual machine's facts. Ansible 2.8 an…
2346 msgid "``vmware_guest_snapshot`` module used to return ``results``. Since Ansible 2.8 and onwards `…
2350 msgid "The ``panos`` modules have been deprecated in favor of using the Palo Alto Networks `Ansible…
2354 msgid "The ``ipa_user`` module originally always sent ``password`` to FreeIPA regardless of whether…
2358 msgid "The ``win_psexec`` has deprecated the undocumented ``extra_opts`` module option. This will b…
2362 msgid "The ``win_nssm`` module has deprecated the following options in favor of using the ``win_ser…
2366 msgid "The ``win_nssm`` module has also deprecated the ``start``, ``stop``, and ``restart`` values …
2370 msgid "The ``status`` module option for ``win_nssm`` has changed its default value to ``present``. …
2374 msgid "The ``app_parameters`` module option for ``win_nssm`` has been deprecated; use ``argument`` …
2378 msgid "The ``app_parameters_free_form`` module option for ``win_nssm`` has been aliased to the new …
2382 msgid "The ``win_dsc`` module will now validate the input options for a DSC resource. In previous v…
2386 msgid "The ``openssl_pkcs12`` module will now regenerate the pkcs12 file if there are differences b…
2390 msgid "Ansible no longer defaults to the ``paramiko`` connection plugin when using macOS as the con…
2394 msgid "Connection plugins have been standardized to allow use of ``ansible_<conn-type>_user`` and `…
2398 msgid "The ``powershell`` shell plugin now uses ``async_dir`` to define the async path for the resu…
2402 msgid "Order of enabled inventory plugins (:ref:`INVENTORY_ENABLED`) has been updated, :ref:`auto <…
2406 msgid "The private ``_options`` attribute has been removed from the ``CallbackBase`` class of callb…
2410 msgid "``context.CLIARGS`` is a read-only dictionary so normal dictionary retrieval methods like ``…
2414 msgid "Play recap now counts ``ignored`` and ``rescued`` tasks as well as ``ok``, ``changed``, ``un…
2418 msgid "``osx_say`` callback plugin was renamed into :ref:`say <say_callback>`."
2422 msgid "Inventory plugins now support caching via cache plugins. To start using a cache plugin with …
2426 msgid "Display class"
2430 msgid "As of Ansible 2.8, the ``Display`` class is now a \"singleton\". Instead of using ``__main__…
2434 msgid "**OLD** In Ansible 2.7 (and earlier) the following was used to access the ``display`` object…
2438 msgid "**NEW** In Ansible 2.8 the following should be used:"
2442 msgid "The ``eos_config``, ``ios_config``, and ``nxos_config`` modules have removed the deprecated …
2446 msgid "The ``nxos_vrf_af`` module has removed the ``safi`` parameter. This parameter was deprecated…
2450 msgid "Ansible 2.9 Porting Guide"
2454 msgid "Ansible Porting Guides are maintained in the ``devel`` branch only. Please go to `the devel …
2458 msgid "Ansible 3 Porting Guide"
2462 msgid "Ansible Porting Guides are maintained in the ``devel`` branch only. Please go to `the devel …
2466 msgid "Ansible 4 Porting Guide"
2470 msgid "Ansible Porting Guides are maintained in the ``devel`` branch only. Please go to `the devel …
2474 msgid "Ansible-base 2.10 Porting Guide"
2478 msgid "In preparation for the release of 2.10, many plugins and modules have migrated to Collection…
2482 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.9 and Ansible-base 2.10."
2486 msgid "It is intended to assist in updating your playbooks, plugins and other parts of your Ansible…
2490 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with the `Ansible-base Changelog for 2.10 <https://githu…
2494 msgid "Ansible-base is mainly of interest for developers and users who only want to use a small, co…
2499 msgid "The complete list of porting guides can be found at :ref:`porting guides <porting_guides>`."
2504 msgid "Contents"
2508 msgid "Fixed a bug on boolean keywords that made random strings return 'False', now they should ret…
2512 msgid "A new fact, ``ansible_processor_nproc`` reflects the number of vcpus available to processes …
2516 msgid "The ``ansible-galaxy login`` command has been removed, as the underlying API it used for Git…
2520 msgid "Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 will no longer be supported or tested in the next Ansible re…
2524 msgid "Links on this page may not point to the most recent versions of modules. We will update them…
2528 msgid "Version 2.10.0 of ansible-base changed the default mode of file-based tasks to ``0o600 & ~um…
2532 msgid "If you changed any tasks to specify less restrictive permissions while using 2.10.0, those c…
2536 msgid "``dnf`` and ``yum`` - As of version 2.10.1, the ``dnf`` module (and ``yum`` action when it u…
2540 msgid "Ansible modules created with ``add_file_common_args=True`` added a number of undocumented ar…
2544 msgid "Ansible no longer looks for Python modules in the current working directory (typically the `…
2548 msgid "Lookup plugin names case-sensitivity"
2552 msgid "Prior to Ansible ``2.10`` lookup plugin names passed in as an argument to the ``lookup()`` f…
2556 msgid "Cache plugins in collections can be used to cache data from inventory plugins. Previously, c…
2560 msgid "Some undocumented arguments from ``FILE_COMMON_ARGUMENTS`` have been removed; plugins using …
2564 msgid "Action plugins which execute modules should use fully-qualified module names"
2568 msgid "Action plugins that call modules should pass explicit, fully-qualified module names to ``_ex…
2575 msgid "No notable changes"
2579 msgid "Ansible-core 2.11 Porting Guide"
2583 msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between ``ansible-base`` 2.10 and ``ansible-co…
2587 msgid "It is intended to assist in updating your playbooks, plugins and other parts of your Ansible…
2591 msgid "We suggest you read this page along with the `ansible-core Changelog for 2.11 <https://githu…
2595 msgid "``ansible-core`` is mainly of interest for developers and users who only want to use a small…
2599 msgid "The ``jinja2_native`` setting now does not affect the template module which implicitly retur…
2603 msgid "The ``ansible-galaxy login`` command has been removed, as the underlying API it used for Git…
2607 msgid "The constant ``ansible.module_utils.basic._CHECK_ARGUMENT_TYPES_DISPATCHER`` is deprecated. …
2611 msgid "Breaking Changes"
2615 msgid "Changes to ``AnsibleModule``"
2619 msgid "With the move to :class:`ArgumentSpecValidator <ansible.module_utils.common.arg_spec.Argumen…
2623 msgid "``_check_argument_types()``"
2627 msgid "``_check_argument_values()``"
2631 msgid "``_check_arguments()``"
2635 msgid "``_check_mutually_exclusive()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_mutu…
2639 msgid "``_check_required_arguments()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_requ…
2643 msgid "``_check_required_by()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_required_by…
2647 msgid "``_check_required_if()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_required_if…
2651 msgid "``_check_required_one_of()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_require…
2655 msgid "``_check_required_together()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_requi…
2659 msgid "``_check_type_bits()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_bits`"
2663 msgid "``_check_type_bool()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_bool`"
2667 msgid "``_check_type_bytes()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_bytes`"
2671 msgid "``_check_type_dict()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_dict`"
2675 msgid "``_check_type_float()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_float`"
2679 msgid "``_check_type_int()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_int`"
2683 msgid "``_check_type_jsonarg()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_jsona…
2687 msgid "``_check_type_list()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_list`"
2691 msgid "``_check_type_path()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_path`"
2695 msgid "``_check_type_raw()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_raw`"
2699 msgid "``_check_type_str()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.check_type_str`"
2703 msgid "``_count_terms()`` --> :func:`ansible.module_utils.common.validation.count_terms`"
2707 msgid "``_get_wanted_type()``"
2711 msgid "``_handle_aliases()``"
2715 msgid "``_handle_no_log_values()``"
2719 msgid "``_handle_options()``"
2723 msgid "``_set_defaults()``"
2727 msgid "``_set_fallbacks()``"
2731 msgid "Modules or plugins using these private methods should use the public functions in :mod:`ansi…
2735 msgid "Changes to :mod:`ansible.module_utils.common.parameters`"
2739 msgid "The following functions in :mod:`ansible.module_utils.common.parameters` are now private and…
2743 msgid "``list_no_log_values``"
2747 msgid "``list_deprecations``"
2751 msgid "``handle_aliases``"
2755 msgid "Other"
2759 msgid "**Upgrading**: If upgrading from ``ansible < 2.10`` or from ``ansible-base`` and using pip, …
2763 msgid "Python 3.8 on the controller node is a soft requirement for this release. ``ansible-core`` 2…
2767 msgid "The configuration system now validates the ``choices`` field, so any settings that violate i…
2771 msgid "The ``ansible-galaxy`` command now uses ``resolvelib`` for resolving dependencies. In most c…
2775 msgid "If you import Python ``module_utils`` into any modules you maintain, you may now mark the im…
2779 msgid "The ``apt_key`` module has explicitly defined ``file`` as mutually exclusive with ``data``, …
2783 msgid "The ``meta`` module now supports tags for user-defined tasks. Set the task's tags to 'always…
2787 msgid "facts - On NetBSD, ``ansible_virtualization_type`` now tries to report a more accurate resul…
2791 msgid "facts - Virtualization facts now include ``virtualization_tech_guest`` and ``virtualization_…
2795 msgid "The parameter ``filter`` type is changed from ``string`` to ``list`` in the :ref:`setup <set…
2799 msgid "inventory plugins - ``CachePluginAdjudicator.flush()`` now calls the underlying cache plugin…
2803 msgid "callback plugins - ``meta`` task execution is now sent to ``v2_playbook_on_task_start`` like…
2807 msgid "The ``choices`` are now validated, so plugins that were using incorrect or incomplete choice…
2811 msgid "Ansible Porting Guides"
2815 msgid "Ansible Porting Guides are maintained in the ``devel`` branch only. Please go to `the devel …
2818 #~ msgid "We suggest you read this page along with the `ansible-core Changelog for 2.11 <https://gi…
2821 #~ msgid "The configuration system now validates the ``choices`` field, so any settings that curren…
2824 #~ msgid "In Ansible 2.10, many plugins and modules have migrated to Collections on `Ansible Galaxy…
2827 #~ msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.9 and Ansible 2.10."
2830 #~ msgid "We suggest you read this page along with the `Ansible Changelog for 2.10 <https://github.…
2833 #~ msgid "Since 2.10, Ansible consists of two parts:"
2836 #~ msgid "ansible-base, which includes the command line tools with a small selection of plugins and…
2839 #~ msgid "a `set of collections <…
2842 #~ msgid "The :ref:`porting_2.10_guide_base` is included in this porting guide. The complete list o…
2845 #~ msgid "Porting Guide for v2.10.7"
2848 #~ msgid "community.general"
2851 #~ msgid "utm_proxy_auth_profile - the ``frontend_cookie_secret`` return value now contains a place…
2854 #~ msgid "Major Changes"
2857 #~ msgid "Restricting the version of the community.okd collection to 1.0.0. The previously included…
2860 #~ msgid "ovirt.ovirt"
2863 #~ msgid "ovirt_system_option_info - Add new module (…
2866 #~ msgid "servicenow.servicenow"
2869 #~ msgid "add new tests (find with no result, search many)"
2872 #~ msgid "add related tests"
2875 #~ msgid "add support for ServiceNOW table api display_value exclude_reference_link and suppress_pa…
2878 #~ msgid "use new API for pysnow >=0.6.0"
2881 #~ msgid "Deprecated Features"
2884 #~ msgid "cisco.nxos"
2887 #~ msgid "Deprecated `nxos_bgp` and `nxos_bgp_neighbor` modules in favor of `nxos_bgp_global` resou…
2890 #~ msgid "community.vmware"
2893 #~ msgid "vmware_host_firewall_manager - the creation of new rule with no ``allowed_ip`` entry in t…
2896 #~ msgid "Porting Guide for v2.10.6"
2899 #~ msgid "For community.general 2.0.0, the kubevirt modules will be moved to the `community.kubevir…
2902 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use kubevirt modules from this collection, you will…
2905 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ``community.general`` manually and rely on the kube…
2908 #~ msgid ""
2911 #~ msgid "For 2.0.0, the Cisco NSO modules will be moved to the `cisco.nso <https…
2914 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use Cisco NSO modules from this collection, you wil…
2917 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ```` manually and rely on the Cisc…
2920 #~ msgid "For 2.0.0, the FortiOS modules will be moved to the `community.fortios …
2923 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use FortiOS modules from this collection, you will …
2926 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ```` manually and rely on the Fort…
2929 #~ msgid "f5networks.f5_modules"
2932 #~ msgid "Added async_timeout parameter to bigip_ucs_fetch module to allow customization of module …
2935 #~ msgid "Changed bigip_ucs_fetch module to use asynchronous interface when generating UCS files"
2938 #~ msgid "Porting Guide for v2.10.5"
2941 #~ msgid "community.hashi_vault"
2944 #~ msgid "hashi_vault - the ``VAULT_ADDR`` environment variable is now checked last for the ``url``…
2947 #~ msgid "For community.general 2.0.0, the Google modules will be moved to the ` <h…
2950 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use Google modules from this collection, you will n…
2953 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ``community.general`` manually and rely on the Goog…
2956 #~ msgid "For community.general 2.0.0, the OC connection plugin will be moved to the `community.okd…
2959 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use OC connection plugin from this collection, you …
2962 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ``community.general`` manually and rely on the OC c…
2965 #~ msgid "For community.general 2.0.0, the hashi_vault lookup plugin will be moved to the `communit…
2968 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use hashi_vault lookup plugin from this collection,…
2971 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ``community.general`` manually and rely on the hash…
2974 #~ msgid "netbox.netbox"
2977 #~ msgid "nb_inventory - Add ``dns_name`` option that adds ``dns_name`` to the host when ``True`` a…
2980 #~ msgid "nb_inventory - Add ``status`` as a ``group_by`` option. (398)"
2983 #~ msgid "nb_inventory - Move around ``extracted_primary_ip`` to allow for ``config_context`` or ``…
2986 #~ msgid "nb_inventory - Services are now a list of integers due to NetBox 2.10 changes. (#396)"
2989 #~ msgid "nb_lookup - Allow ID to be passed in and use ``.get`` instead of ``.filter``. (#376)"
2992 #~ msgid "nb_lookup - Allow ``api_endpoint`` and ``token`` to be found via env. (#391)"
2995 #~ msgid ""
2998 #~ msgid "ec2_vpc_igw_info - After 2022-06-22 the ``convert_tags`` parameter default value will cha…
3001 #~ msgid "community.docker"
3004 #~ msgid "docker_container - currently ``published_ports`` can contain port mappings next to the sp…
3007 #~ msgid "hashi_vault - ``VAULT_ADDR`` environment variable for option ``url`` will have its preced…
3010 #~ msgid "hashi_vault - ``VAULT_AUTH_METHOD`` environment variable for option ``auth_method`` will …
3013 #~ msgid "hashi_vault - ``VAULT_ROLE_ID`` environment variable for option ``role_id`` will be remov…
3016 #~ msgid "hashi_vault - ``VAULT_SECRET_ID`` environment variable for option ``secret_id`` will be r…
3019 #~ msgid "hashi_vault - ``VAULT_TOKEN_FILE`` environment variable for option ``token_file`` will be…
3022 #~ msgid "hashi_vault - ``VAULT_TOKEN_PATH`` environment variable for option ``token_path`` will be…
3025 #~ msgid "Porting Guide for v2.10.4"
3028 #~ msgid "community.hrobot"
3031 #~ msgid "firewall - now requires the `ipaddress <>`_ library (h…
3034 #~ msgid "For community.general 2.0.0, the Hetzner Robot modules will be moved to the `…
3037 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use Hetzner Robot modules from this collection, you…
3040 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ``community.general`` manually and rely on the Hetz…
3043 #~ msgid "For community.general 2.0.0, the ``docker`` modules and plugins will be moved to the `com…
3046 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use ``docker`` content from this collection, you wi…
3049 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ``community.general`` manually and rely on the ``do…
3052 #~ msgid "For community.general 2.0.0, the ``postgresql`` modules and plugins will be moved to the …
3055 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use ``postgresql`` content from this collection, yo…
3058 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ``community.general`` manually and rely on the ``po…
3061 #~ msgid "The community.general collection no longer depends on the ansible.posix collection (https…
3064 #~ msgid "For 2.0.0, the ``routeros`` modules and plugins will be moved to the `c…
3067 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use ``routeros`` content from this collection, you …
3070 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ```` manually and rely on the ``ro…
3073 #~ msgid "In 2.0.0, the ``fortimanager`` httpapi plugin will be removed and repla…
3076 #~ msgid "community.okd"
3079 #~ msgid "Add custom k8s module, integrate better Molecule tests (…
3082 #~ msgid "Add downstream build scripts to build redhat.openshift (…
3085 #~ msgid "Add openshift connection plugin, update inventory plugin to use it (…
3088 #~ msgid "Add openshift_process module for template rendering and optional application of rendered …
3091 #~ msgid "Add openshift_route module for creating routes from services (…
3094 #~ msgid "Initial content migration from community.kubernetes (…
3097 #~ msgid "openshift_auth - new module (migrated from k8s_auth in community.kubernetes) (https://git…
3100 #~ msgid "Removed Features"
3103 #~ msgid "docker_container - no longer returns ``ansible_facts`` (…
3106 #~ msgid "docker_container - the default of ``networks_cli_compatible`` changed to ``true`` (https:…
3109 #~ msgid "docker_container - the unused option ``trust_image_content`` has been removed (https://gi…
3112 #~ msgid "docker_image - ``state=build`` has been removed. Use ``present`` instead (https://github.…
3115 #~ msgid "docker_image - the ``container_limits``, ``dockerfile``, ``http_timeout``, ``nocache``, `…
3118 #~ msgid "docker_image - the ``force`` option has been removed. Use the more specific ``force_*`` o…
3121 #~ msgid "docker_image - the ``source`` option is now mandatory (…
3124 #~ msgid "docker_image - the ``use_tls`` option has been removed. Use ``tls`` and ``validate_certs`…
3127 #~ msgid "docker_image - the default of the ``build.pull`` option changed to ``false`` (https://git…
3130 #~ msgid "docker_image_facts - this alias is on longer availabe, use ``docker_image_info`` instead …
3133 #~ msgid "docker_network - no longer returns ``ansible_facts`` (…
3136 #~ msgid "docker_network - the ``ipam_options`` option has been removed. Use ``ipam_config`` instea…
3139 #~ msgid "docker_service - no longer returns ``ansible_facts`` (…
3142 #~ msgid "docker_swarm - ``state=inspect`` has been removed. Use ``docker_swarm_info`` instead (htt…
3145 #~ msgid "docker_swarm_service - the ``constraints`` option has been removed. Use ``placement.const…
3148 #~ msgid "docker_swarm_service - the ``limit_cpu`` and ``limit_memory`` options has been removed. U…
3151 #~ msgid "docker_swarm_service - the ``log_driver`` and ``log_driver_options`` options has been rem…
3154 #~ msgid "docker_swarm_service - the ``reserve_cpu`` and ``reserve_memory`` options has been remove…
3157 #~ msgid "docker_swarm_service - the ``restart_policy``, ``restart_policy_attempts``, ``restart_pol…
3160 #~ msgid "docker_swarm_service - the ``update_delay``, ``update_parallelism``, ``update_failure_act…
3163 #~ msgid "docker_volume - no longer returns ``ansible_facts`` (…
3166 #~ msgid "docker_volume - the ``force`` option has been removed. Use ``recreate`` instead (https://…
3169 #~ msgid "django_manage - the parameter ``liveserver`` relates to a no longer maintained third-part…
3172 #~ msgid "proxmox - the default of the new ``proxmox_default_behavior`` option will change from ``c…
3175 #~ msgid "proxmox_kvm - the default of the new ``proxmox_default_behavior`` option will change from…
3178 #~ msgid "syspatch - deprecate the redundant ``apply`` argument (…
3181 #~ msgid "Deprecate connection=local support for network platforms using persistent framework (http…
3184 #~ msgid "Porting Guide for v2.10.2"
3187 #~ msgid "Ansible-base"
3190 #~ msgid "ansible-galaxy login command has been removed (see…
3193 #~ msgid "Add phone home Teem integration into all modules, functionality can be disabled by settin…
3196 #~ msgid "cluster_upgrade - Migrate role (…
3199 #~ msgid "disaster_recovery - Migrate role (…
3202 #~ msgid "engine_setup - Migrate role ("
3205 #~ msgid "hosted_engine_setup - Migrate role (…
3208 #~ msgid "image_template - Migrate role (…
3211 #~ msgid "infra - Migrate role ("
3214 #~ msgid "manageiq - Migrate role ("
3217 #~ msgid "repositories - Migrate role ("
3220 #~ msgid "shutdown_env - Migrate role ("
3223 #~ msgid "vm_infra - Migrate role ("
3226 #~ msgid "Removed arp_state parameter from the bigip_virtual_address module"
3229 #~ msgid "Deprecated `nxos_interface_ospf` in favor of `nxos_ospf_interfaces` Resource Module."
3232 #~ msgid "Porting Guide for v2.10.1"
3235 #~ msgid "community.kubernetes"
3238 #~ msgid "k8s - Add support for template parameter (…
3241 #~ msgid "k8s_* - Add support for vaulted kubeconfig and src (…
3244 #~ msgid "Deprecated `nxos_smu` in favour of `nxos_rpm` module."
3247 #~ msgid "The `nxos_ospf_vrf` module is deprecated by `nxos_ospfv2` and `nxos_ospfv3` Resource Modu…
3250 #~ msgid "Porting Guide for v2.10.0"
3253 #~ msgid "Known Issues"
3256 #~ msgid "Due to a limitation in pip, you cannot ``pip install --upgrade`` from ansible-2.9 or earl…
3259 #~ msgid "The individual collections that make up the ansible-2.10.0 package can be viewed independ…
3262 #~ msgid "These fortios modules are not automatically redirected from their 2.9.x names to the new …
3265 #~ msgid "fortios_address"
3268 #~ msgid "fortios_config"
3271 #~ msgid "fortios_firewall_DoS_policy"
3274 #~ msgid "fortios_firewall_DoS_policy6"
3277 #~ msgid "fortios_ipv4_policy"
3280 #~ msgid "fortios_switch_controller_802_1X_settings"
3283 #~ msgid "fortios_switch_controller_security_policy_802_1X"
3286 #~ msgid "fortios_system_firmware_upgrade"
3289 #~ msgid "fortios_system_nd_proxy"
3292 #~ msgid "fortios_webfilter"
3295 #~ msgid "community.grafana"
3298 #~ msgid "grafana_datasource doesn't set password correctly (#113)"
3301 #~ msgid "cisco.nxos.nxos_igmp_interface - no longer supports the deprecated ``oif_prefix`` and ``o…
3304 #~ msgid "community.grafana.grafana_dashboard - the parameter ``message`` is renamed to ``commit_me…
3307 #~ msgid "purestorage.flashblade.purefb_fs - no longer supports the deprecated ``nfs`` option. This…
3310 #~ msgid ""
3313 #~ msgid "aws_s3 - can now delete versioned buckets even when they are not empty - set mode to dele…
3316 #~ msgid ""
3319 #~ msgid "setup - Make sure ``ansible_date_time.epoch`` is seconds since EPOCH in UTC to mirror the…
3322 #~ msgid "setup - Will now add the IPv6 scope on link local addresses for ``ansible_ip_addresses``"
3325 #~ msgid "setup - ``ansible_processor`` will now return the index before the other values to match …
3328 #~ msgid "win_find - No longer filters by size on directories, this feature had a lot of bugs, slow…
3331 #~ msgid "win_find - module has been refactored to better match the behaviour of the ``find`` modul…
3334 #~ msgid "When the directory specified by ``paths`` does not exist or is a file, it will no longer …
3337 #~ msgid "Junction points are no longer reported as ``islnk``, use ``isjunction`` to properly repor…
3340 #~ msgid "Directories no longer return a ``size``, this matches the ``stat`` and ``find`` behaviour…
3343 #~ msgid "win_user - Change idempotency checks for ``description`` to be case sensitive"
3346 #~ msgid "win_user - Change idempotency checks for ``fullname`` to be case sensitive"
3349 #~ msgid "cisco.meraki"
3352 #~ msgid "meraki_device - Changed tags from string to list"
3355 #~ msgid "meraki_device - Removed serial_lldp_cdp parameter"
3358 #~ msgid "meraki_device - Removed serial_uplink parameter"
3361 #~ msgid "meraki_intrusion_prevention - Rename whitedlisted_rules to allowed_rules"
3364 #~ msgid "meraki_mx_l3_firewall - Rule responses are now in a `rules` list"
3367 #~ msgid "meraki_mx_l7_firewall - Rename blacklisted_countries to blocked_countries"
3370 #~ msgid "meraki_mx_l7_firewall - Rename whitelisted_countries to allowed_countries"
3373 #~ msgid "meraki_network - Local and remote status page settings cannot be set during network creat…
3376 #~ msgid "meraki_network - `disableRemoteStatusPage` response is now `remote_status_page_enabled`"
3379 #~ msgid "meraki_network - `disable_my_meraki_com` response is now `local_status_page_enabled`"
3382 #~ msgid "meraki_network - `disable_my_meraki` has been deprecated"
3385 #~ msgid "meraki_network - `enable_my_meraki` is now called `local_status_page_enabled`"
3388 #~ msgid "meraki_network - `enable_remote_status_page` is now called `remote_status_page_enabled`"
3391 #~ msgid "meraki_network - `enabled` response for VLAN status is now `vlans_enabled`"
3394 #~ msgid "meraki_network - `tags` and `type` now return a list"
3397 #~ msgid "meraki_snmp - peer_ips is now a list"
3400 #~ msgid "meraki_switchport - `access_policy_number` is now an int and not a string"
3403 #~ msgid "meraki_switchport - `tags` is now a list and not a string"
3406 #~ msgid "meraki_webhook - Querying test status now uses state of query."
3409 #~ msgid "The environment variable for the auth context for the connection plugin has been co…
3412 #~ msgid "bigpanda - the parameter ``message`` was renamed to ``deployment_message`` since ``messag…
3415 #~ msgid "cisco_spark - the module option ``message`` was renamed to ``msg``, as ``message`` is use…
3418 #~ msgid "datadog - the parameter ``message`` was renamed to ``notification_message`` since ``messa…
3421 #~ msgid "docker_container - no longer passes information on non-anonymous volumes or binds as ``Vo…
3424 #~ msgid "docker_container - support for port ranges was adjusted to be more compatible to the ``do…
3427 #~ msgid "hashi_vault lookup - now returns the latest version when using the KV v2 secrets engine. …
3430 #~ msgid "log_plays callback - add missing information to the logs generated by the callback plugin…
3433 #~ msgid "pkgng - passing ``name: *`` with ``state: absent`` will no longer remove every installed …
3436 #~ msgid "pkgng - passing ``name: *`` with ``state: latest`` or ``state: present`` will no longer i…
3439 #~ msgid "routeros_facts - allow multiple addresses and neighbors per interface. This makes ``ansib…
3442 #~ msgid "vmware_datastore_maintenancemode - now returns ``datastore_status`` instead of Ansible in…
3445 #~ msgid "vmware_guest_custom_attributes - does not require VM name which was a required parameter …
3448 #~ msgid "vmware_guest_find - the ``datacenter`` option has been removed."
3451 #~ msgid "vmware_host_kernel_manager - now returns ``host_kernel_status`` instead of Ansible intern…
3454 #~ msgid "vmware_host_ntp - now returns ``host_ntp_status`` instead of Ansible internal key ``resul…
3457 #~ msgid "vmware_host_service_manager - now returns ``host_service_status`` instead of Ansible inte…
3460 #~ msgid "vmware_tag - now returns ``tag_status`` instead of Ansible internal key ``results``."
3463 #~ msgid "vmware_vmkernel - the options ``ip_address`` and ``subnet_mask`` have been removed; use t…
3466 #~ msgid ""
3469 #~ msgid "win_pester - no longer runs all ``*.ps1`` file in the directory specified due to it execu…
3472 #~ msgid "community.zabbix"
3475 #~ msgid "zabbix_javagateway - options ``javagateway_pidfile``, ``javagateway_listenip``, ``javagat…
3478 #~ msgid "Change ``ip-addresses`` key in netbox inventory plugin to ``ip_addresses`` (https://githu…
3481 #~ msgid "Changed ``group`` to ``tenant_group`` in ```` (…
3484 #~ msgid "Changed ``role`` to ``prefix_role`` in ```` (…
3487 #~ msgid "Module failures when required fields arent provided (…
3490 #~ msgid "Renamed ``netbox_interface`` to ``netbox_device_interface`` (…
3493 #~ msgid "This version has a few breaking changes due to new namespace and collection name. I felt …
3496 #~ msgid "To pass in integers via Ansible Jinja filters for a key in ``data`` that requires queryin…
3499 #~ msgid "``pynetbox`` changed to using ``requests.Session()`` to manage the HTTP session which bro…
3502 #~ msgid "theforeman.foreman"
3505 #~ msgid "All modules were renamed to drop the ``foreman_`` and ``katello_`` prefixes. Additionally…
3508 #~ msgid "katello_upload to content_upload"
3511 #~ msgid "katello_sync to repository_sync"
3514 #~ msgid "katello_manifest to subscription_manifest"
3517 #~ msgid "foreman_search_facts to resource_info"
3520 #~ msgid "foreman_ptable to partition_table"
3523 #~ msgid "foreman_model to hardware_model"
3526 #~ msgid "foreman_environment to puppet_environment"
3529 #~ msgid "Both ansible-doc and ansible-console's help command will error for modules and plugins wh…
3532 #~ msgid "Collections may declare a list of supported/tested Ansible versions for the collection. A…
3535 #~ msgid "Plugin routing allows collections to declare deprecation, redirection targets, and remova…
3538 #~ msgid "Plugins that import module_utils and other ansible namespaces that have moved to collecti…
3541 #~ msgid "Routing data built into Ansible 2.10 ensures that 2.9 content should work unmodified on 2…
3544 #~ msgid "When deprecations are done in code, they to specify a ``collection_name`` so that depreca…
3547 #~ msgid "ansible-test now uses a different ``default`` test container for Ansible Collections"
3550 #~ msgid "ec2 module_utils - The ``AWSRetry`` decorator no longer catches ``NotFound`` exceptions b…
3553 #~ msgid "ansible.netcommon"
3556 #~ msgid "Add libssh connection plugin and refactor network_cli (…
3559 #~ msgid "ansible.posix"
3562 #~ msgid "Bootstrap Collection ("
3565 #~ msgid "Rewrite requests method for version 1.0 API and improved readability"
3568 #~ msgid "meraki_mr_rf_profile - Configure wireless RF profiles."
3571 #~ msgid "meraki_mr_settings - Configure network settings for wireless."
3574 #~ msgid "meraki_ms_l3_interface - New module"
3577 #~ msgid "meraki_ms_ospf - Configure OSPF."
3580 #~ msgid "docker_container - the ``network_mode`` option will be set by default to the name of the …
3583 #~ msgid "docker_container - the module has a new option, ``container_default_behavior``, whose def…
3586 #~ msgid "gitlab_user - no longer requires ``name``, ``email`` and ``password`` arguments when ``st…
3589 #~ msgid "Add changelog management for ansible 2.10 (#112)"
3592 #~ msgid "grafana_datasource ; adding additional_json_data param"
3595 #~ msgid "Add changelog and fragments and document changelog process (…
3598 #~ msgid "helm - New module for managing Helm charts (…
3601 #~ msgid "helm_info - New module for retrieving Helm chart information (…
3604 #~ msgid "helm_plugin - new module to manage Helm plugins (…
3607 #~ msgid "helm_plugin_info - new modules to gather information about Helm plugins (https://github.c…
3610 #~ msgid "helm_repository - New module for managing Helm repositories (…
3613 #~ msgid "k8s - Inventory source migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3616 #~ msgid "k8s - Lookup plugin migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3619 #~ msgid "k8s - Module migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3622 #~ msgid "k8s_auth - Module migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3625 #~ msgid "k8s_config_resource_name - Filter plugin migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collecti…
3628 #~ msgid "k8s_exec - New module for executing commands on pods via Kubernetes API (https://github.c…
3631 #~ msgid "k8s_exec - Return rc for the command executed (…
3634 #~ msgid "k8s_info - Module migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3637 #~ msgid "k8s_log - New module for retrieving pod logs (…
3640 #~ msgid "k8s_scale - Module migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3643 #~ msgid "k8s_service - Module migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3646 #~ msgid "kubectl - Connection plugin migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3649 #~ msgid "openshift - Inventory source migrated from Ansible 2.9 to Kubernetes collection."
3652 #~ msgid "community.libvirt"
3655 #~ msgid "added generic libvirt inventory plugin"
3658 #~ msgid "removed libvirt_lxc inventory script"
3661 #~ msgid "dellemc.os10"
3664 #~ msgid "New role os10_aaa - Facilitates the configuration of Authentication Authorization and Acc…
3667 #~ msgid "New role os10_acl - Facilitates the configuration of Access Control lists."
3670 #~ msgid "New role os10_bfd - Facilitates the configuration of BFD global attributes."
3673 #~ msgid "New role os10_bgp - Facilitates the configuration of border gateway protocol (BGP) attrib…
3676 #~ msgid "New role os10_copy_config - This role pushes the backup running configuration into a OS10…
3679 #~ msgid "New role os10_dns - Facilitates the configuration of domain name service (DNS)."
3682 #~ msgid "New role os10_ecmp - Facilitates the configuration of equal cost multi-path (ECMP) for IP…
3685 #~ msgid "New role os10_fabric_summary Facilitates to get show system information of all the OS10 s…
3688 #~ msgid "New role os10_flow_monitor Facilitates the configuration of ACL flow-based monitoring att…
3691 #~ msgid "New role os10_image_upgrade Facilitates installation of OS10 software images."
3694 #~ msgid "New role os10_interface Facilitates the configuration of interface attributes."
3697 #~ msgid "New role os10_lag Facilitates the configuration of link aggregation group (LAG) attribute…
3700 #~ msgid "New role os10_lldp Facilitates the configuration of link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) …
3703 #~ msgid "New role os10_logging Facilitates the configuration of global logging attributes and logg…
3706 #~ msgid "New role os10_network_validation Facilitates validation of wiring connection, BGP neighbo…
3709 #~ msgid "New role os10_ntp Facilitates the configuration of network time protocol (NTP) attributes…
3712 #~ msgid "New role os10_prefix_list Facilitates the configuration of IP prefix-list."
3715 #~ msgid "New role os10_qos Facilitates the configuration of quality of service attributes includin…
3718 #~ msgid "New role os10_raguard Facilitates the configuration of IPv6 RA Guard attributes."
3721 #~ msgid "New role os10_route_map Facilitates the configuration of route-map attributes."
3724 #~ msgid "New role os10_snmp Facilitates the configuration of global SNMP attributes."
3727 #~ msgid "New role os10_system Facilitates the configuration of hostname and hashing algorithm."
3730 #~ msgid "New role os10_template The role takes the raw string input from the CLI of OS10 device, a…
3733 #~ msgid "New role os10_uplink Facilitates the configuration of uplink attributes like uplink-state…
3736 #~ msgid "New role os10_users Facilitates the configuration of global system user attributes."
3739 #~ msgid "New role os10_vlan Facilitates the configuration of virtual LAN (VLAN) attributes."
3742 #~ msgid "New role os10_vlt Facilitates the configuration of virtual link trunking (VLT)."
3745 #~ msgid "New role os10_vrf Facilitates the configuration of virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)."
3748 #~ msgid "New role os10_vrrp Facilitates the configuration of virtual router redundancy protocol (V…
3751 #~ msgid "New role os10_vxlan Facilitates the configuration of virtual extensible LAN (VXLAN) attri…
3754 #~ msgid "New role os10_xstp Facilitates the configuration of xSTP attributes."
3757 #~ msgid "Broke apart bigip_device_auth_radius to implement radius server configuration in bigip_de…
3760 #~ msgid "Remove redundant parameters in f5_provider to fix disparity between documentation and mod…
3763 #~ msgid "gluster.gluster"
3766 #~ msgid "geo_rep - Added the independent module of geo rep with other gluster modules (https://git…
3769 #~ msgid "ovirt_disk - Add backup ("
3772 #~ msgid "ovirt_disk - Support direct upload/download (…
3775 #~ msgid "ovirt_host - Add ssh_port ("
3778 #~ msgid "ovirt_vm_os_info - Creation of module (…
3781 #~ msgid "purestorage.flasharray"
3784 #~ msgid "purefa_console - manage Console Lock setting for the FlashArray"
3787 #~ msgid "purefa_endpoint - manage VMware protocol-endpoints on the FlashArray"
3790 #~ msgid "purefa_eula - sign, or resign, FlashArray EULA"
3793 #~ msgid "purefa_inventory - get hardware inventory information from a FlashArray"
3796 #~ msgid "purefa_network - manage the physical and virtual network settings on the FlashArray"
3799 #~ msgid "purefa_pgsched - manage protection group snapshot and replication schedules on the FlashA…
3802 #~ msgid "purefa_pod - manage ActiveCluster pods in FlashArrays"
3805 #~ msgid "purefa_pod_replica - manage ActiveDR pod replica links in FlashArrays"
3808 #~ msgid "purefa_proxy - manage the phonehome HTTPS proxy setting for the FlashArray"
3811 #~ msgid "purefa_smis - manage SMI-S settings on the FlashArray"
3814 #~ msgid "purefa_subnet - manage network subnets on the FlashArray"
3817 #~ msgid "purefa_timeout - manage the GUI idle timeout on the FlashArray"
3820 #~ msgid "purefa_vlan - manage VLAN interfaces on the FlashArray"
3823 #~ msgid "purefa_vnc - manage VNC for installed applications on the FlashArray"
3826 #~ msgid "purefa_volume_tags - manage volume tags on the FlashArray"
3829 #~ msgid "purestorage.flashblade"
3832 #~ msgid "purefb_alert - manage alert email settings on a FlashBlade"
3835 #~ msgid "purefb_bladename - manage FlashBlade name"
3838 #~ msgid "purefb_bucket_replica - manage bucket replica links on a FlashBlade"
3841 #~ msgid "purefb_connect - manage connections between FlashBlades"
3844 #~ msgid "purefb_dns - manage DNS settings on a FlashBlade"
3847 #~ msgid "purefb_fs_replica - manage filesystem replica links on a FlashBlade"
3850 #~ msgid "purefb_inventory - get information about the hardware inventory of a FlashBlade"
3853 #~ msgid "purefb_ntp - manage the NTP settings for a FlashBlade"
3856 #~ msgid "purefb_phonehome - manage the phone home settings for a FlashBlade"
3859 #~ msgid "purefb_policy - manage the filesystem snapshot policies for a FlashBlade"
3862 #~ msgid "purefb_proxy - manage the phone home HTTP proxy settings for a FlashBlade"
3865 #~ msgid "purefb_remote_cred - manage the Object Store Remote Credentials on a FlashBlade"
3868 #~ msgid "purefb_snmp_agent - modify the FlashBlade SNMP Agent"
3871 #~ msgid "purefb_snmp_mgr - manage SNMP Managers on a FlashBlade"
3874 #~ msgid "purefb_target - manage remote S3-capable targets for a FlashBlade"
3877 #~ msgid "purefb_user - manage local ``pureuser`` account password on a FlashBlade"
3880 #~ msgid "core - remove support for ``check_invalid_arguments`` in ``AnsibleModule``, ``AzureModule…
3883 #~ msgid " has been removed"
3886 #~ msgid "win_stat - removed the deprecated ``get_md55`` option and ``md5`` return value."
3889 #~ msgid "community.crypto"
3892 #~ msgid "The ``letsencrypt`` module has been removed. Use ``acme_certificate`` instead."
3895 #~ msgid "conjur_variable lookup - has been moved to the ``cyberark.conjur`` collection. A redirect…
3898 #~ msgid "core - remove support for ``check_invalid_arguments`` in ``UTMModule``."
3901 #~ msgid "digital_ocean_* - all DigitalOcean modules have been moved to the ``community.digitalocea…
3904 #~ msgid "infini_* - all infinidat modules have been moved to the ``infinidat.infinibox`` collectio…
3907 #~ msgid "logicmonitor - the module has been removed in 1.0.0 since it is unmaintained and the API …
3910 #~ msgid "logicmonitor_facts - the module has been removed in 1.0.0 since it is unmaintained and th…
3913 #~ msgid "mysql_* - all MySQL modules have been moved to the ``community.mysql`` collection. A redi…
3916 #~ msgid "pacman - Removed deprecated ``recurse`` option, use ``extra_args=--recursive`` instead"
3919 #~ msgid "proxysql_* - all ProxySQL modules have been moved to the ``community.proxysql`` collectio…
3922 #~ msgid "onyx - all onyx modules and plugins have been moved to the mellanox.onyx collection. Redi…
3925 #~ msgid "vmware_guest_find - Removed deprecated ``datacenter`` option"
3928 #~ msgid "vmware_portgroup - removed 'inbound_policy', and 'rolling_order' deprecated options."
3931 #~ msgid "vmware_vmkernel - Removed deprecated ``ip_address`` option; use sub-option ip_address in …
3934 #~ msgid "vmware_vmkernel - Removed deprecated ``subnet_mask`` option; use sub-option subnet_mask i…
3937 #~ msgid "win_disk_image - removed the deprecated return value ``mount_path`` in favour of ``mount_…
3940 #~ msgid "win_psexec - removed the deprecated ``extra_opts`` option."
3943 #~ msgid "Remove _bigip_iapplx_package alias"
3946 #~ msgid "Remove _bigip_security_address_list alias"
3949 #~ msgid "Remove _bigip_security_port_list alias"
3952 #~ msgid "Remove _bigip_traffic_group alias"
3955 #~ msgid "Remove bigip_appsvcs_extension module"
3958 #~ msgid "Remove bigip_asm_policy module"
3961 #~ msgid "The vyos.vyos.vyos_static_route module has been deprecated and will be removed in a later…
3964 #~ msgid "Using the DefaultCallback without the correspodning doc_fragment or copying the documenta…
3967 #~ msgid "hash_behaviour - Deprecate ``hash_behaviour`` for future removal."
3970 #~ msgid "script inventory plugin - The 'cache' option is deprecated and will be removed in 2.12. I…
3973 #~ msgid "All AWS Modules - ``aws_access_key``, ``aws_secret_key`` and ``security_token`` will be m…
3976 #~ msgid "cloudformation - The ``template_format`` option had no effect since Ansible 2.3 and will …
3979 #~ msgid "cloudformation - the ``template_format`` option has been deprecated and will be removed i…
3982 #~ msgid "data_pipeline - The ``version`` option had no effect and will be removed in after 2022-06…
3985 #~ msgid "ec2 - in a later release, the ``group`` and ``group_id`` options will become mutually exc…
3988 #~ msgid "ec2_ami - The ``no_device`` alias ``NoDevice`` has been deprecated and will be removed a…
3991 #~ msgid "ec2_ami - The ``virtual_name`` alias ``VirtualName`` has been deprecated and will be remo…
3994 #~ msgid "ec2_eip - The ``wait_timeout`` option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01"
3997 #~ msgid "ec2_key - The ``wait_timeout`` option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01"
4000 #~ msgid "ec2_key - The ``wait`` option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01"
4003 #~ msgid "ec2_key - the ``wait_timeout`` option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later …
4006 #~ msgid "ec2_key - the ``wait`` option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release.…
4009 #~ msgid "ec2_lc - The ``associate_public_ip_address`` option had no effect and will be removed aft…
4012 #~ msgid "ec2_tag - deprecate the ``list`` option in favor of ec2_tag_info"
4015 #~ msgid "ec2_tag - support for ``list`` as a state has been deprecated and will be removed in a la…
4018 #~ msgid "win_domain_computer - Deprecated the undocumented ``log_path`` option. This option will b…
4021 #~ msgid "win_domain_controller - the ``log_path`` option has been deprecated and will be removed i…
4024 #~ msgid "win_package - the ``ensure`` alias for the ``state`` option has been deprecated and will …
4027 #~ msgid "win_package - the ``productid`` alias for the ``product_id`` option has been deprecated a…
4030 #~ msgid "win_package - the ``username`` and ``password`` options has been deprecated and will be r…
4033 #~ msgid "win_regedit - Deprecated using forward slashes as a path separator, use backslashes to av…
4036 #~ msgid "data_pipeline - The ``version`` option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01"
4039 #~ msgid "data_pipeline - the ``version`` option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later…
4042 #~ msgid "ec2_eip - the ``wait_timeout`` option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later …
4045 #~ msgid "ec2_lc - the ``associate_public_ip_address`` option has been deprecated and will be remov…
4048 #~ msgid "elb_network_lb - The current default value of the ``state`` option has been deprecated an…
4051 #~ msgid "elb_network_lb - in a later release, the default behaviour for the ``state`` option will …
4054 #~ msgid "iam_managed_policy - The ``fail_on_delete`` option had no effect and will be removed afte…
4057 #~ msgid "iam_managed_policy - the ``fail_on_delete`` option has been deprecated and will be remove…
4060 #~ msgid "iam_policy - The ``policy_document`` will be removed after 2022-06-01. To maintain the e…
4063 #~ msgid "iam_policy - The default value of ``skip_duplicates`` will change after 2022-06-01 from `…
4066 #~ msgid "iam_policy - in a later release, the default value for the ``skip_duplicates`` option wil…
4069 #~ msgid "iam_policy - the ``policy_document`` option has been deprecated and will be removed after…
4072 #~ msgid "iam_role - The default value of the purge_policies has been deprecated and will change fr…
4075 #~ msgid "iam_role - in a later release, the ``purge_policies`` option (also know as ``purge_policy…
4078 #~ msgid "s3_lifecycle - The ``requester_pays`` option had no effect and will be removed after 2022…
4081 #~ msgid "s3_lifecycle - the ``requester_pays`` option has been deprecated and will be removed afte…
4084 #~ msgid "s3_sync - The ``retries`` option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01"
4087 #~ msgid "s3_sync - the ``retries`` option has been deprecated and will be removed after 2022-06-01…
4090 #~ msgid "openssl_csr - all values for the ``version`` option except ``1`` are deprecated. The valu…
4093 #~ msgid "The ldap_attr module has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release; use ldap…
4096 #~ msgid "airbrake_deployment - Add deprecation notice for ``token`` parameter and v2 api deploys. …
4099 #~ msgid "clc_aa_policy - The ``wait`` option had no effect and will be removed in community.genera…
4102 #~ msgid "clc_aa_policy - the ``wait`` parameter will be removed. It has always been ignored by the…
4105 #~ msgid "docker_container - the ``trust_image_content`` option is now deprecated and will be remov…
4108 #~ msgid "docker_container - the ``trust_image_content`` option will be removed. It has always been…
4111 #~ msgid "docker_container - the default of ``container_default_behavior`` will change from ``compa…
4114 #~ msgid "docker_container - the default value for ``network_mode`` will change in community.genera…
4117 #~ msgid "docker_stack - Return values ``out`` and ``err`` have been deprecated and will be removed…
4120 #~ msgid "docker_stack - the return values ``err`` and ``out`` have been deprecated. Use ``stdout``…
4123 #~ msgid "helm - Put ``helm`` module to deprecated. New implementation is available in community.ku…
4126 #~ msgid "redfish_config - Deprecate ``bios_attribute_name`` and ``bios_attribute_value`` in favor …
4129 #~ msgid "redfish_config - the ``bios_attribute_name`` and ``bios_attribute_value`` options will be…
4132 #~ msgid "redfish_config and redfish_command - the behavior to select the first System, Manager, or…
4135 #~ msgid "redfish_config, redfish_command - Behavior to modify the first System, Mananger, or Chass…
4138 #~ msgid "xbps - the ``force`` option never had any effect. It is now deprecated, and will be remov…
4141 #~ msgid "The vmware_dns_config module has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release; …
4144 #~ msgid "vca - vca_fw, vca_nat, vca_app are deprecated since these modules rely on deprecated part…
4147 #~ msgid "vmware_dns_config - Deprecate in favour of new module vmware_host_dns."
4150 #~ msgid "vmware_guest - deprecate specifying CDROM configuration as a dict, instead use a list."
4153 #~ msgid "vmware_tag_info - in a later release, the module will not return ``tag_facts`` since it d…
4156 #~ msgid "zabbix_proxy (module) - deprecates ``interface`` sub-options ``type`` and ``main`` when p…
4159 #~ msgid "Deprecated bigip_appsvcs_extension module"
4162 #~ msgid "Deprecated bigip_device_facts module name"
4165 #~ msgid "Deprecated bigiq_device_facts module name"
4168 #~ msgid "This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.8 and Ansible 2.9."
4171 #~ msgid "We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.9 <…
4174 #~ msgid "``hash_behaviour`` now affects inventory sources. If you have it set to ``merge``, the da…
4177 #~ msgid "Loops"
4180 #~ msgid "Ansible 2.9 handles \"unsafe\" data more robustly, ensuring that data marked \"unsafe\" i…
4183 #~ msgid "As a result, if you use ``with_dict`` to return keys with templatable values, your templa…
4186 #~ msgid "To allow the old behavior, switch from using ``with_X`` to using ``loop`` with a filter a…
4189 #~ msgid "The location of the Galaxy token file has changed from ``~/.ansible_galaxy`` to ``~/.ansi…
4192 #~ msgid "Collection loader changes"
4195 #~ msgid "The way to import a PowerShell or C# module util from a collection has changed in the Ans…
4198 #~ msgid "In Ansible 2.9 this was changed to:"
4201 #~ msgid "The change in the collection import name also requires any C# util namespaces to be updat…
4204 #~ msgid "The ``win_get_url`` and ``win_uri`` module now sends requests with a default ``User-Agent…
4207 #~ msgid "The ``apt`` module now honors ``update_cache=false`` while installing its own dependency …
4210 #~ msgid "Version 2.9.12 of Ansible changed the default mode of file-based tasks to ``0o600 & ~umas…
4213 #~ msgid "If you changed any tasks to specify less restrictive permissions while using 2.9.12, thos…
4216 #~ msgid "``dnf`` and ``yum`` - As of version 2.9.13, the ``dnf`` module (and ``yum`` action when i…
4219 #~ msgid "Renaming from ``_facts`` to ``_info``"
4222 #~ msgid "Ansible 2.9 renamed a lot of modules from ``<something>_facts`` to ``<something>_info``, …
4225 #~ msgid "Writing modules"
4228 #~ msgid "Module and module_utils files can now use relative imports to include other module_utils …
4231 #~ msgid "Example of using a relative import in collections:"
4234 #~ msgid "Modules and module_utils shipped with Ansible can use relative imports as well but the sa…
4237 #~ msgid "Each single dot (``.``) represents one level of the tree (equivalent to ``../`` in filesy…
4240 #~ msgid "`The Python Relative Import Docs <…
4243 #~ msgid "Apstra's ``aos_*`` modules. See the new modules at ` <https://…
4246 #~ msgid "ec2_ami_find use :ref:`ec2_ami_facts <ansible_2_9:ec2_ami_facts_module>` instead."
4249 #~ msgid "kubernetes use :ref:`k8s <ansible_2_9:k8s_module>` instead."
4252 #~ msgid "nxos_ip_interface use :ref:`nxos_l3_interface <ansible_2_9:nxos_l3_interface_module>` ins…
4255 #~ msgid "nxos_portchannel use :ref:`nxos_linkagg <ansible_2_9:nxos_linkagg_module>` instead."
4258 #~ msgid "nxos_switchport use :ref:`nxos_l2_interface <ansible_2_9:nxos_l2_interface_module>` inste…
4261 #~ msgid "oc use :ref:`k8s <ansible_2_9:k8s_module>` instead."
4264 #~ msgid "panos_nat_policy use :ref:`panos_nat_rule <ansible_2_9:panos_nat_rule_module>` instead."
4267 #~ msgid "panos_security_policy use :ref:`panos_security_rule <ansible_2_9:panos_security_rule_modu…
4270 #~ msgid "vsphere_guest use :ref:`vmware_guest <ansible_2_9:vmware_guest_module>` instead."
4273 #~ msgid "The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.13. Please update update your playbook…
4276 #~ msgid "cs_instance_facts use :ref:`cs_instance_info <cs_instance_info_module>` instead."
4279 #~ msgid "cs_zone_facts use :ref:`cs_zone_info <cs_zone_info_module>` instead."
4282 #~ msgid "digital_ocean_sshkey_facts use :ref:`digital_ocean_sshkey_info <digital_ocean_sshkey_info…
4285 #~ msgid "eos_interface use :ref:`eos_interfaces <eos_interfaces_module>` instead."
4288 #~ msgid "eos_l2_interface use :ref:`eos_l2_interfaces <eos_l2_interfaces_module>` instead."
4291 #~ msgid "eos_l3_interface use :ref:`eos_l3_interfaces <eos_l3_interfaces_module>` instead."
4294 #~ msgid "eos_linkagg use :ref:`eos_lag_interfaces <eos_lag_interfaces_module>` instead."
4297 #~ msgid "eos_lldp_interface use :ref:`eos_lldp_interfaces <eos_lldp_interfaces_module>` instead."
4300 #~ msgid "eos_vlan use :ref:`eos_vlans <eos_vlans_module>` instead."
4303 #~ msgid "ios_interface use :ref:`ios_interfaces <ios_interfaces_module>` instead."
4306 #~ msgid "ios_l2_interface use :ref:`ios_l2_interfaces <ios_l2_interfaces_module>` instead."
4309 #~ msgid "ios_l3_interface use :ref:`ios_l3_interfaces <ios_l3_interfaces_module>` instead."
4312 #~ msgid "ios_vlan use :ref:`ios_vlans <ios_vlans_module>` instead."
4315 #~ msgid "iosxr_interface use :ref:`iosxr_interfaces <iosxr_interfaces_module>` instead."
4318 #~ msgid "junos_interface use :ref:`junos_interfaces <junos_interfaces_module>` instead."
4321 #~ msgid "junos_l2_interface use :ref:`junos_l2_interfaces <junos_l2_interfaces_module>` instead."
4324 #~ msgid "junos_l3_interface use :ref:`junos_l3_interfaces <junos_l3_interfaces_module>` instead."
4327 #~ msgid "junos_linkagg use :ref:`junos_lag_interfaces <junos_lag_interfaces_module>` instead."
4330 #~ msgid "junos_lldp use :ref:`junos_lldp_global <junos_lldp_global_module>` instead."
4333 #~ msgid "junos_lldp_interface use :ref:`junos_lldp_interfaces <junos_lldp_interfaces_module>` inst…
4336 #~ msgid "junos_vlan use :ref:`junos_vlans <junos_vlans_module>` instead."
4339 #~ msgid "lambda_facts use :ref:`lambda_info <lambda_info_module>` instead."
4342 #~ msgid "na_ontap_gather_facts use :ref:`na_ontap_info <na_ontap_info_module>` instead."
4345 #~ msgid "net_banner use the platform-specific [netos]_banner modules instead."
4348 #~ msgid "net_interface use the new platform-specific [netos]_interfaces modules instead."
4351 #~ msgid "net_l2_interface use the new platform-specific [netos]_l2_interfaces modules instead."
4354 #~ msgid "net_l3_interface use the new platform-specific [netos]_l3_interfaces modules instead."
4357 #~ msgid "net_linkagg use the new platform-specific [netos]_lag modules instead."
4360 #~ msgid "net_lldp use the new platform-specific [netos]_lldp_global modules instead."
4363 #~ msgid "net_lldp_interface use the new platform-specific [netos]_lldp_interfaces modules instead."
4366 #~ msgid "net_logging use the platform-specific [netos]_logging modules instead."
4369 #~ msgid "net_static_route use the platform-specific [netos]_static_route modules instead."
4372 #~ msgid "net_system use the platform-specific [netos]_system modules instead."
4375 #~ msgid "net_user use the platform-specific [netos]_user modules instead."
4378 #~ msgid "net_vlan use the new platform-specific [netos]_vlans modules instead."
4381 #~ msgid "net_vrf use the platform-specific [netos]_vrf modules instead."
4384 #~ msgid "nginx_status_facts use :ref:`nginx_status_info <nginx_status_info_module>` instead."
4387 #~ msgid "nxos_interface use :ref:`nxos_interfaces <nxos_interfaces_module>` instead."
4390 #~ msgid "nxos_l2_interface use :ref:`nxos_l2_interfaces <nxos_l2_interfaces_module>` instead."
4393 #~ msgid "nxos_l3_interface use :ref:`nxos_l3_interfaces <nxos_l3_interfaces_module>` instead."
4396 #~ msgid "nxos_linkagg use :ref:`nxos_lag_interfaces <nxos_lag_interfaces_module>` instead."
4399 #~ msgid "nxos_vlan use :ref:`nxos_vlans <nxos_vlans_module>` instead."
4402 #~ msgid "online_server_facts use :ref:`online_server_info <online_server_info_module>` instead."
4405 #~ msgid "online_user_facts use :ref:`online_user_info <online_user_info_module>` instead."
4408 #~ msgid "purefa_facts use :ref:`purefa_info <purefa_info_module>` instead."
4411 #~ msgid "purefb_facts use :ref:`purefb_info <purefb_info_module>` instead."
4414 #~ msgid "scaleway_image_facts use :ref:`scaleway_image_info <scaleway_image_info_module>` instead."
4417 #~ msgid "scaleway_ip_facts use :ref:`scaleway_ip_info <scaleway_ip_info_module>` instead."
4420 #~ msgid "scaleway_organization_facts use :ref:`scaleway_organization_info <scaleway_organization_i…
4423 #~ msgid "scaleway_security_group_facts use :ref:`scaleway_security_group_info <scaleway_security_g…
4426 #~ msgid "scaleway_server_facts use :ref:`scaleway_server_info <scaleway_server_info_module>` inste…
4429 #~ msgid "scaleway_snapshot_facts use :ref:`scaleway_snapshot_info <scaleway_snapshot_info_module>`…
4432 #~ msgid "scaleway_volume_facts use :ref:`scaleway_volume_info <scaleway_volume_info_module>` inste…
4435 #~ msgid "vcenter_extension_facts use :ref:`vcenter_extension_info <vcenter_extension_info_module>`…
4438 #~ msgid "vmware_about_facts use :ref:`vmware_about_info <vmware_about_info_module>` instead."
4441 #~ msgid "vmware_category_facts use :ref:`vmware_category_info <vmware_category_info_module>` inste…
4444 #~ msgid "vmware_drs_group_facts use :ref:`vmware_drs_group_info <vmware_drs_group_info_module>` in…
4447 #~ msgid "vmware_drs_rule_facts use :ref:`vmware_drs_rule_info <vmware_drs_rule_info_module>` inste…
4450 #~ msgid "vmware_dvs_portgroup_facts use :ref:`vmware_dvs_portgroup_info <vmware_dvs_portgroup_info…
4453 #~ msgid "vmware_guest_boot_facts use :ref:`vmware_guest_boot_info <vmware_guest_boot_info_module>`…
4456 #~ msgid "vmware_guest_customization_facts use :ref:`vmware_guest_customization_info <vmware_guest_…
4459 #~ msgid "vmware_guest_disk_facts use :ref:`vmware_guest_disk_info <vmware_guest_disk_info_module>`…
4462 #~ msgid "vmware_host_capability_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_capability_info <vmware_host_capabilit…
4465 #~ msgid "vmware_host_config_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_config_info <vmware_host_config_info_modul…
4468 #~ msgid "vmware_host_dns_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_dns_info <vmware_host_dns_info_module>` inste…
4471 #~ msgid "vmware_host_feature_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_feature_info <vmware_host_feature_info_mo…
4474 #~ msgid "vmware_host_firewall_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_firewall_info <vmware_host_firewall_info…
4477 #~ msgid "vmware_host_ntp_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_ntp_info <vmware_host_ntp_info_module>` inste…
4480 #~ msgid "vmware_host_package_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_package_info <vmware_host_package_info_mo…
4483 #~ msgid "vmware_host_service_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_service_info <vmware_host_service_info_mo…
4486 #~ msgid "vmware_host_ssl_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_ssl_info <vmware_host_ssl_info_module>` inste…
4489 #~ msgid "vmware_host_vmhba_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_vmhba_info <vmware_host_vmhba_info_module>`…
4492 #~ msgid "vmware_host_vmnic_facts use :ref:`vmware_host_vmnic_info <vmware_host_vmnic_info_module>`…
4495 #~ msgid "vmware_local_role_facts use :ref:`vmware_local_role_info <vmware_local_role_info_module>`…
4498 #~ msgid "vmware_local_user_facts use :ref:`vmware_local_user_info <vmware_local_user_info_module>`…
4501 #~ msgid "vmware_portgroup_facts use :ref:`vmware_portgroup_info <vmware_portgroup_info_module>` in…
4504 #~ msgid "vmware_resource_pool_facts use :ref:`vmware_resource_pool_info <vmware_resource_pool_info…
4507 #~ msgid "vmware_target_canonical_facts use :ref:`vmware_target_canonical_info <vmware_target_canon…
4510 #~ msgid "vmware_vmkernel_facts use :ref:`vmware_vmkernel_info <vmware_vmkernel_info_module>` inste…
4513 #~ msgid "vmware_vswitch_facts use :ref:`vmware_vswitch_info <vmware_vswitch_info_module>` instead."
4516 #~ msgid "vultr_account_facts use :ref:`vultr_account_info <vultr_account_info_module>` instead."
4519 #~ msgid "vultr_block_storage_facts use :ref:`vultr_block_storage_info <vultr_block_storage_info_mo…
4522 #~ msgid "vultr_dns_domain_facts use :ref:`vultr_dns_domain_info <vultr_dns_domain_info_module>` in…
4525 #~ msgid "vultr_firewall_group_facts use :ref:`vultr_firewall_group_info <vultr_firewall_group_info…
4528 #~ msgid "vultr_network_facts use :ref:`vultr_network_info <vultr_network_info_module>` instead."
4531 #~ msgid "vultr_os_facts use :ref:`vultr_os_info <vultr_os_info_module>` instead."
4534 #~ msgid "vultr_plan_facts use :ref:`vultr_plan_info <vultr_plan_info_module>` instead."
4537 #~ msgid "vultr_region_facts use :ref:`vultr_region_info <vultr_region_info_module>` instead."
4540 #~ msgid "vultr_server_facts use :ref:`vultr_server_info <vultr_server_info_module>` instead."
4543 #~ msgid "vultr_ssh_key_facts use :ref:`vultr_ssh_key_info <vultr_ssh_key_info_module>` instead."
4546 #~ msgid "vultr_startup_script_facts use :ref:`vultr_startup_script_info <vultr_startup_script_info…
4549 #~ msgid "vultr_user_facts use :ref:`vultr_user_info <vultr_user_info_module>` instead."
4552 #~ msgid "vyos_interface use :ref:`vyos_interfaces <vyos_interfaces_module>` instead."
4555 #~ msgid "vyos_l3_interface use :ref:`vyos_l3_interfaces <vyos_l3_interfaces_module>` instead."
4558 #~ msgid "vyos_linkagg use :ref:`vyos_lag_interfaces <vyos_lag_interfaces_module>` instead."
4561 #~ msgid "vyos_lldp use :ref:`vyos_lldp_global <vyos_lldp_global_module>` instead."
4564 #~ msgid "vyos_lldp_interface use :ref:`vyos_lldp_interfaces <vyos_lldp_interfaces_module>` instead…
4567 #~ msgid "The following functionality will be removed in Ansible 2.12. Please update update your pl…
4570 #~ msgid "``vmware_cluster`` DRS, HA and VSAN configuration; use :ref:`vmware_cluster_drs <vmware_c…
4573 #~ msgid "The following functionality will be removed in Ansible 2.13. Please update update your pl…
4576 #~ msgid "``openssl_certificate`` deprecates the ``assertonly`` provider. Please see the :ref:`open…
4579 #~ msgid "For the following modules, the PyOpenSSL-based backend ``pyopenssl`` has been deprecated …
4582 #~ msgid ":ref:`get_certificate <get_certificate_module>`"
4585 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_certificate <openssl_certificate_module>`"
4588 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_certificate_info <openssl_certificate_info_module>`"
4591 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_csr <openssl_csr_module>`"
4594 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_csr_info <openssl_csr_info_module>`"
4597 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_privatekey <openssl_privatekey_module>`"
4600 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_privatekey_info <openssl_privatekey_info_module>`"
4603 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_publickey <openssl_publickey_module>`"
4606 #~ msgid "Renamed modules"
4609 #~ msgid "The following modules have been renamed. The old name is deprecated and will be removed i…
4612 #~ msgid "The ``ali_instance_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ali_instance_info <ali_instance_in…
4615 #~ msgid "The ``aws_acm_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`aws_acm_info <aws_acm_info_module>`."
4618 #~ msgid "The ``aws_az_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`aws_az_info <aws_az_info_module>`."
4621 #~ msgid "The ``aws_caller_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`aws_caller_info <aws_caller_info_mod…
4624 #~ msgid "The ``aws_kms_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`aws_kms_info <aws_kms_info_module>`."
4627 #~ msgid "The ``aws_region_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`aws_region_info <aws_region_info_mod…
4630 #~ msgid "The ``aws_s3_bucket_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`aws_s3_bucket_info <aws_s3_bucket…
4633 #~ msgid "The ``aws_sgw_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`aws_sgw_info <aws_sgw_info_module>`."
4636 #~ msgid "The ``aws_waf_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`aws_waf_info <aws_waf_info_module>`."
4639 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_aks_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_aks_info <azure_rm_aks_in…
4642 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_aksversion_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_aksversion_info <a…
4645 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_applicationsecuritygroup_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_appl…
4648 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_appserviceplan_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_appserviceplan…
4651 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_automationaccount_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_automationa…
4654 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_autoscale_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_autoscale_info <azu…
4657 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_availabilityset_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_availabilitys…
4660 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_cdnendpoint_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_cdnendpoint_info …
4663 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_cdnprofile_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_cdnprofile_info <a…
4666 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_containerinstance_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_containerin…
4669 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_containerregistry_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_containerre…
4672 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_cosmosdbaccount_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_cosmosdbaccou…
4675 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_deployment_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_deployment_info <a…
4678 #~ msgid "The ``azure_rm_resourcegroup_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`azure_rm_resourcegroup_i…
4681 #~ msgid "The ``bigip_device_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`bigip_device_info <bigip_device_in…
4684 #~ msgid "The ``bigiq_device_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`bigiq_device_info <bigiq_device_in…
4687 #~ msgid "The ``cloudformation_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`cloudformation_info <cloudformat…
4690 #~ msgid "The ``cloudfront_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`cloudfront_info <cloudfront_info_mod…
4693 #~ msgid "The ``cloudwatchlogs_log_group_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`cloudwatchlogs_log_gro…
4696 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_account_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_account_inf…
4699 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_certificate_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_certifi…
4702 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_domain_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_domain_info …
4705 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_firewall_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_firewall_i…
4708 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_floating_ip_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_floatin…
4711 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_image_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_image_info <d…
4714 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_load_balancer_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_load_…
4717 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_region_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_region_info …
4720 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_size_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_size_info <dig…
4723 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_snapshot_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_snapshot_i…
4726 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_tag_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_tag_info <digit…
4729 #~ msgid "The ``digital_ocean_volume_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`digital_ocean_volume_info …
4732 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_ami_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_ami_info <ec2_ami_info_module>`."
4735 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_asg_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_asg_info <ec2_asg_info_module>`."
4738 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_customer_gateway_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_customer_gateway_info …
4741 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_eip_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_eip_info <ec2_eip_info_module>`."
4744 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_elb_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_elb_info <ec2_elb_info_module>`."
4747 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_eni_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_eni_info <ec2_eni_info_module>`."
4750 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_group_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_group_info <ec2_group_info_module…
4753 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_instance_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_instance_info <ec2_instance_in…
4756 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_lc_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_lc_info <ec2_lc_info_module>`."
4759 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_placement_group_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_placement_group_info <e…
4762 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_snapshot_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_snapshot_info <ec2_snapshot_in…
4765 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vol_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vol_info <ec2_vol_info_module>`."
4768 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_info <e…
4771 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_endpoint_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_endpoint_info <ec2_vpc…
4774 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_igw_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_igw_info <ec2_vpc_igw_info_…
4777 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_nacl_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_nacl_info <ec2_vpc_nacl_in…
4780 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_info <e…
4783 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_net_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_net_info <ec2_vpc_net_info_…
4786 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_peering_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_peering_info <ec2_vpc_p…
4789 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_route_table_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_route_table_info <e…
4792 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_subnet_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_subnet_info <ec2_vpc_sub…
4795 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_vgw_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_vgw_info <ec2_vpc_vgw_info_…
4798 #~ msgid "The ``ec2_vpc_vpn_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ec2_vpc_vpn_info <ec2_vpc_vpn_info_…
4801 #~ msgid "The ``ecs_service_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ecs_service_info <ecs_service_info_…
4804 #~ msgid "The ``ecs_taskdefinition_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ecs_taskdefinition_info <ecs…
4807 #~ msgid "The ``efs_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`efs_info <efs_info_module>`. When called wi…
4810 #~ msgid "The ``elasticache_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`elasticache_info <elasticache_info_…
4813 #~ msgid "The ``elb_application_lb_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`elb_application_lb_info <elb…
4816 #~ msgid "The ``elb_classic_lb_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`elb_classic_lb_info <elb_classic…
4819 #~ msgid "The ``elb_target_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`elb_target_info <elb_target_info_mod…
4822 #~ msgid "The ``elb_target_group_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`elb_target_group_info <elb_tar…
4825 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_bigquery_dataset_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_bigquery_dataset_info …
4828 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_bigquery_table_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_bigquery_table_info <gcp…
4831 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_cloudbuild_trigger_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_cloudbuild_trigger_i…
4834 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_address_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_address_info <g…
4837 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_backend_bucket_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_backend_…
4840 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_backend_service_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_backend…
4843 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_disk_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_disk_info <gcp_com…
4846 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_firewall_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_firewall_info …
4849 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_forwarding_rule_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_forward…
4852 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_global_address_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_global_a…
4855 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_…
4858 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_health_check_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_health_che…
4861 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_http_health_check_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_http_…
4864 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_https_health_check_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_http…
4867 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_image_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_image_info <gcp_c…
4870 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_instance_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_instance_info …
4873 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_instance_group_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_instance…
4876 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_instance_group_manager_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_…
4879 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_instance_template_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_insta…
4882 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_interconnect_attachment_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute…
4885 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_network_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_network_info <g…
4888 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_region_disk_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_region_disk…
4891 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_route_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_route_info <gcp_c…
4894 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_router_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_router_info <gcp…
4897 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_ssl_certificate_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_ssl_cer…
4900 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_ssl_policy_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_ssl_policy_i…
4903 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_subnetwork_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_subnetwork_i…
4906 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_target_http_proxy_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_targe…
4909 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_target_https_proxy_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_targ…
4912 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_target_pool_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_target_pool…
4915 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_target_ssl_proxy_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_target…
4918 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_target_tcp_proxy_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_target…
4921 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_target_vpn_gateway_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_targ…
4924 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_url_map_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_url_map_info <g…
4927 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_compute_vpn_tunnel_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_compute_vpn_tunnel_i…
4930 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_container_cluster_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_container_cluster_inf…
4933 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_container_node_pool_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_container_node_pool…
4936 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_dns_managed_zone_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_dns_managed_zone_info …
4939 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_dns_resource_record_set_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_dns_resource_re…
4942 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_iam_role_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_iam_role_info <gcp_iam_role_in…
4945 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_iam_service_account_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_iam_service_account…
4948 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_pubsub_subscription_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_pubsub_subscription…
4951 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_pubsub_topic_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_pubsub_topic_info <gcp_pub…
4954 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_redis_instance_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_redis_instance_info <gcp…
4957 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_resourcemanager_project_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_resourcemanager…
4960 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_sourcerepo_repository_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_sourcerepo_reposi…
4963 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_spanner_database_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_spanner_database_info …
4966 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_spanner_instance_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_spanner_instance_info …
4969 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_sql_database_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_sql_database_info <gcp_sql…
4972 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_sql_instance_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_sql_instance_info <gcp_sql…
4975 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_sql_user_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_sql_user_info <gcp_sql_user_in…
4978 #~ msgid "The ``gcp_tpu_node_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcp_tpu_node_info <gcp_tpu_node_in…
4981 #~ msgid "The ``gcpubsub_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gcpubsub_info <gcpubsub_info_module>`."
4984 #~ msgid "The ``github_webhook_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`github_webhook_info <github_webh…
4987 #~ msgid "The ``gluster_heal_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`gluster_heal_info <gluster_heal_in…
4990 #~ msgid "The ``hcloud_datacenter_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hcloud_datacenter_info <hclou…
4993 #~ msgid "The ``hcloud_floating_ip_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hcloud_floating_ip_info <hcl…
4996 #~ msgid "The ``hcloud_image_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hcloud_image_info <hcloud_image_in…
4999 #~ msgid "The ``hcloud_location_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hcloud_location_info <hcloud_lo…
5002 #~ msgid "The ``hcloud_server_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hcloud_server_info <hcloud_server…
5005 #~ msgid "The ``hcloud_server_type_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hcloud_server_type_info <hcl…
5008 #~ msgid "The ``hcloud_ssh_key_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hcloud_ssh_key_info <hcloud_ssh_…
5011 #~ msgid "The ``hcloud_volume_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hcloud_volume_info <hcloud_volume…
5014 #~ msgid "The ``hpilo_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`hpilo_info <hpilo_info_module>`. When cal…
5017 #~ msgid "The ``iam_mfa_device_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`iam_mfa_device_info <iam_mfa_dev…
5020 #~ msgid "The ``iam_role_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`iam_role_info <iam_role_info_module>`."
5023 #~ msgid "The ``iam_server_certificate_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`iam_server_certificate_i…
5026 #~ msgid "The ``idrac_redfish_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`idrac_redfish_info <idrac_redfish…
5029 #~ msgid "The ``intersight_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`intersight_info <intersight_info_mod…
5032 #~ msgid "The ``jenkins_job_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`jenkins_job_info <jenkins_job_info_…
5035 #~ msgid "The ``k8s_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`k8s_info <k8s_info_module>`."
5038 #~ msgid "The ``memset_memstore_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`memset_memstore_info <memset_me…
5041 #~ msgid "The ``memset_server_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`memset_server_info <memset_server…
5044 #~ msgid "The ``one_image_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`one_image_info <one_image_info_module…
5047 #~ msgid "The ``onepassword_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`onepassword_info <onepassword_info_…
5050 #~ msgid "The ``oneview_datacenter_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`oneview_datacenter_info <one…
5053 #~ msgid "The ``oneview_enclosure_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`oneview_enclosure_info <onevi…
5056 #~ msgid "The ``oneview_ethernet_network_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`oneview_ethernet_netwo…
5059 #~ msgid "The ``oneview_fc_network_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`oneview_fc_network_info <one…
5062 #~ msgid "The ``oneview_fcoe_network_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`oneview_fcoe_network_info …
5065 #~ msgid "The ``oneview_logical_interconnect_group_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`oneview_logi…
5068 #~ msgid "The ``oneview_network_set_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`oneview_network_set_info <o…
5071 #~ msgid "The ``oneview_san_manager_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`oneview_san_manager_info <o…
5074 #~ msgid "The ``os_flavor_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_flavor_info <os_flavor_info_module…
5077 #~ msgid "The ``os_image_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_image_info <os_image_info_module>`.…
5080 #~ msgid "The ``os_keystone_domain_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_keystone_domain_info <os_…
5083 #~ msgid "The ``os_networks_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_networks_info <os_networks_info_…
5086 #~ msgid "The ``os_port_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_port_info <os_port_info_module>`. Wh…
5089 #~ msgid "The ``os_project_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_project_info <os_project_info_mod…
5092 #~ msgid "The ``os_server_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_server_info <os_server_info_module…
5095 #~ msgid "The ``os_subnets_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_subnets_info <os_subnets_info_mod…
5098 #~ msgid "The ``os_user_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`os_user_info <os_user_info_module>`. Wh…
5101 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_affinity_label_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_affinity_label_info …
5104 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_api_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_api_info <ovirt_api_info_module…
5107 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_cluster_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_cluster_info <ovirt_cluster…
5110 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_datacenter_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_datacenter_info <ovirt_d…
5113 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_disk_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_disk_info <ovirt_disk_info_mod…
5116 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_event_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_event_info <ovirt_event_info_…
5119 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_external_provider_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_external_provider…
5122 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_group_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_group_info <ovirt_group_info_…
5125 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_host_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_host_info <ovirt_host_info_mod…
5128 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_host_storage_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_host_storage_info <ovi…
5131 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_network_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_network_info <ovirt_network…
5134 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_nic_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_nic_info <ovirt_nic_info_module…
5137 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_permission_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_permission_info <ovirt_p…
5140 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_quota_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_quota_info <ovirt_quota_info_…
5143 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_scheduling_policy_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_scheduling_policy…
5146 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_snapshot_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_snapshot_info <ovirt_snaps…
5149 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_storage_domain_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_storage_domain_info …
5152 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_storage_template_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_storage_template_i…
5155 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_storage_vm_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_storage_vm_info <ovirt_s…
5158 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_tag_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_tag_info <ovirt_tag_info_module…
5161 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_template_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_template_info <ovirt_templ…
5164 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_user_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_user_info <ovirt_user_info_mod…
5167 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_vm_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_vm_info <ovirt_vm_info_module>`.…
5170 #~ msgid "The ``ovirt_vmpool_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`ovirt_vmpool_info <ovirt_vmpool_in…
5173 #~ msgid "The ``python_requirements_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`python_requirements_info <p…
5176 #~ msgid "The ``rds_instance_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`rds_instance_info <rds_instance_in…
5179 #~ msgid "The ``rds_snapshot_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`rds_snapshot_info <rds_snapshot_in…
5182 #~ msgid "The ``redfish_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`redfish_info <redfish_info_module>`. Wh…
5185 #~ msgid "The ``redshift_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`redshift_info <redshift_info_module>`."
5188 #~ msgid "The ``route53_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`route53_info <route53_info_module>`."
5191 #~ msgid "The ``smartos_image_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`smartos_image_info <ali_instance_…
5194 #~ msgid "The ``vertica_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`vertica_info <vertica_info_module>`. Wh…
5197 #~ msgid "The ``vmware_cluster_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`vmware_cluster_info <vmware_clus…
5200 #~ msgid "The ``vmware_datastore_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`vmware_datastore_info <vmware_…
5203 #~ msgid "The ``vmware_guest_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`vmware_guest_info <vmware_guest_in…
5206 #~ msgid "The ``vmware_guest_snapshot_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`vmware_guest_snapshot_inf…
5209 #~ msgid "The ``vmware_tag_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`vmware_tag_info <vmware_tag_info_mod…
5212 #~ msgid "The ``vmware_vm_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`vmware_vm_info <vmware_vm_info_module…
5215 #~ msgid "The ``xenserver_guest_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`xenserver_guest_info <xenserver…
5218 #~ msgid "The ``zabbix_group_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`zabbix_group_info <zabbix_group_in…
5221 #~ msgid "The ``zabbix_host_facts`` module was renamed to :ref:`zabbix_host_info <zabbix_host_info_…
5224 #~ msgid ":ref:`vmware_cluster <vmware_cluster_module>` was refactored for easier maintenance/bugfi…
5227 #~ msgid ":ref:`vmware_dvswitch <vmware_dvswitch_module>` accepts ``folder`` parameter to place dvs…
5230 #~ msgid ":ref:`vmware_datastore_cluster <vmware_datastore_cluster_module>` accepts ``folder`` para…
5233 #~ msgid ":ref:`mysql_db <mysql_db_module>` returns new ``db_list`` parameter in addition to ``db``…
5236 #~ msgid ":ref:`snow_record <snow_record_module>` and :ref:`snow_record_find <snow_record_find_modu…
5239 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``force`` option in ``win_firewall_rule`` has been removed."
5242 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_certificate <openssl_certificate_module>`'s ``ownca`` provider creates auth…
5245 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssl_certificate <openssl_certificate_module>`'s ``ownca`` and ``selfsigned`` pr…
5248 #~ msgid ":ref:`openssh_keypair <openssh_keypair_module>` now applies the same file permissions and…
5251 #~ msgid "Removed Lookup Plugins"
5254 #~ msgid "``redis_kv`` use :ref:`redis <redis_lookup>` instead."
5257 #~ msgid "Network resource modules"
5260 #~ msgid "Ansible 2.9 introduced the first batch of network resource modules. Sections of a network…
5263 #~ msgid "Improved ``gather_facts`` support for network devices"
5266 #~ msgid "In Ansible 2.9, the ``gather_facts`` keyword now supports gathering network device facts …
5269 #~ msgid "Top-level connection arguments removed in 2.9"
5272 #~ msgid "Top-level connection arguments like ``username``, ``host``, and ``password`` are removed…
5275 #~ msgid "Change your playbooks to the connection types ``network_cli`` and ``netconf`` using stand…
5278 #~ msgid "Ansible 3 is based on Ansible-Base 2.10, which is the same major release as Ansible 2.10.…
5281 #~ msgid "We suggest you read this page along with the `Ansible Changelog for 3.0 <https://github.c…
5284 #~ msgid "Due to a scheduling conflict, the latest version of Ansible 2.10 (2.10.7) has a few colle…
5287 #~ msgid "Porting Guide for v3.0.0"
5290 #~ msgid "ansible.utils"
5293 #~ msgid "If added custom sub plugins in your collection move from old location `plugins/<sub-plugi…
5296 #~ msgid "Move sub plugins cli_parsers, fact_diff and validate to `plugins/sub_plugins` folder"
5299 #~ msgid "The `cli_parsers` sub plugins folder name is changed to `cli_parse` to have consistent na…
5302 #~ msgid ""
5305 #~ msgid "floating_ip - ``name`` is required for assigning a new floating IP."
5308 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the Google cloud plugins or modules from this collection, comm…
5311 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5314 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the Kubevirt plugins or modules from this collection, communit…
5317 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5320 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``docker`` plugins or modules from this collections, commu…
5323 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5326 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``hashi_vault`` lookup plugin from this collections, commu…
5329 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5332 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``hetzner`` modules from this collections, community.gener…
5335 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5338 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``oc`` connection plugin from this collections, community.…
5341 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5344 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``postgresql`` modules from this collections,…
5347 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5350 #~ msgid "The Google cloud inventory script ```` has been migrated to the ```…
5353 #~ msgid "archive - remove path folder itself when ``remove`` paramater is true (…
5356 #~ msgid "passwordstore lookup plugin - now parsing a password store entry as YAML if possible, ski…
5359 #~ msgid "proxmox_kvm - recognize ``force=yes`` in conjunction with ``state=absent`` to forcibly re…
5362 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the FortiOS modules from this collection, 2.…
5365 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5368 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``cp_publish`` module from this collection, community.netw…
5371 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``fortimanager`` httpapi plugin from this collection, comm…
5374 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5377 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``nso`` modules from this collection, 2.…
5380 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5383 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and the ``routeros`` plugins or modules from this collections, com…
5386 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer and did not install Ansible 3.0.0, but installed (a…
5389 #~ msgid "cnos_static_route - move ipaddress import from ansible.netcommon to builtin or package be…
5392 #~ msgid "os10_bgp - Changed \"subnet\" key as list format instead of dictionary format under \"li…
5395 #~ msgid "os10_bgp - Changed \"vrf\" key as list format instead of dictionary format to supprot mul…
5398 #~ msgid "ngine_io.cloudstack"
5401 #~ msgid "Authentication option using INI files e.g. ``cloudstack.ini`` has been removed. The only …
5404 #~ msgid "default zone deprecation - The `zone` param default value, across multiple modules, has b…
5407 #~ msgid "cisco.aci"
5410 #~ msgid "Change certificate_name to name in aci_aaa_user_certificate module for query operation"
5413 #~ msgid "For community.general 3.0.0, the ``ome_device_info``, ``idrac_firmware`` and ``idrac_serv…
5416 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use the DellEMC modules mentioned above from this c…
5419 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base and installed ``community.general`` manually and rely on the Dell…
5422 #~ msgid "The community.general collection no longer depends on the ansible.netcommon collection (h…
5425 #~ msgid "os10_bgp - Enhanced router bgp keyword support for non-default vrf which are supported fo…
5428 #~ msgid "os10_snmp role - Added support for snmp V3 features in community, group, host, engineID"
5431 #~ msgid "kubernetes.core"
5434 #~ msgid "Add changelog and fragments and document changelog process (…
5437 #~ msgid "helm - New module for managing Helm charts (…
5440 #~ msgid "helm_info - New module for retrieving Helm chart information (…
5443 #~ msgid "helm_plugin - new module to manage Helm plugins (…
5446 #~ msgid "helm_plugin_info - new modules to gather information about Helm plugins (https://github.c…
5449 #~ msgid "helm_repository - New module for managing Helm repositories (…
5452 #~ msgid "k8s - Add support for template parameter (…
5455 #~ msgid "k8s_* - Add support for vaulted kubeconfig and src (…
5458 #~ msgid "k8s_exec - New module for executing commands on pods via Kubernetes API (https://github.c…
5461 #~ msgid "k8s_exec - Return rc for the command executed (…
5464 #~ msgid "k8s_log - New module for retrieving pod logs (…
5467 #~ msgid "All Google cloud modules and plugins have now been migrated away from this collection. Th…
5470 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5473 #~ msgid "All Kubevirt modules and plugins have now been migrated from community.general to the `co…
5476 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5479 #~ msgid "All ``docker`` modules and plugins have been removed from this collection. They have been…
5482 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5485 #~ msgid "All ``hetzner`` modules have been removed from this collection. They have been migrated t…
5488 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5491 #~ msgid "All ``postgresql`` modules have been removed from this collection. They have been migrate…
5494 #~ msgid "If you use ansible-base 2.10 or newer, redirections have been provided. If you use Ansibl…
5497 #~ msgid "The ``hashi_vault`` lookup plugin has been removed from this collection. It has been migr…
5500 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5503 #~ msgid "The ``oc`` connection plugin has been removed from this collection. It has been migrated …
5506 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5509 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``actionable`` callback plugin has been removed. Use the ``ansible.builtin…
5512 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``foreman`` module has been removed. Use the modules from the theforeman.f…
5515 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``full_skip`` callback plugin has been removed. Use the ``ansible.builtin.…
5518 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gcdns_record`` module has been removed. Use ``…
5521 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gcdns_zone`` module has been removed. Use ``…
5524 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gce`` module has been removed. Use ````…
5527 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gcp_backend_service`` module has been removed. Use ``…
5530 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gcp_forwarding_rule`` module has been removed. Use ``…
5533 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gcp_healthcheck`` module has been removed. Use ``…
5536 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gcp_target_proxy`` module has been removed. Use ``…
5539 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gcp_url_map`` module has been removed. Use ``…
5542 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``gcspanner`` module has been removed. Use ``…
5545 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``github_hooks`` module has been removed. Use ``community.general.github_w…
5548 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``katello`` module has been removed. Use the modules from the theforeman.f…
5551 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``na_cdot_aggregate`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ontap.na_ontap_a…
5554 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``na_cdot_license`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ontap.na_ontap_lic…
5557 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``na_cdot_lun`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ontap.na_ontap_lun ins…
5560 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``na_cdot_qtree`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ontap.na_ontap_qtree…
5563 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``na_cdot_svm`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ontap.na_ontap_svm ins…
5566 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``na_cdot_user_role`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ontap.na_ontap_u…
5569 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``na_cdot_user`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ontap.na_ontap_user i…
5572 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``na_cdot_volume`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ontap.na_ontap_volu…
5575 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``sf_account_manager`` module has been removed. Use netapp.elementsw.na_el…
5578 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``sf_check_connections`` module has been removed. Use netapp.elementsw.na_…
5581 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``sf_snapshot_schedule_manager`` module has been removed. Use netapp.eleme…
5584 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``sf_volume_access_group_manager`` module has been removed. Use netapp.ele…
5587 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``sf_volume_manager`` module has been removed. Use netapp.elementsw.na_ele…
5590 #~ msgid "The deprecated ``stderr`` callback plugin has been removed. Use the ``ansible.builtin.def…
5593 #~ msgid "The redirect of the ``conjur_variable`` lookup plugin to ``cyberark.conjur.conjur_variabl…
5596 #~ msgid "The redirect of the ``firewalld`` module and the ``firewalld`` module_utils to the ``ansi…
5599 #~ msgid "The redirect to the ``community.digitalocean`` collection was removed for: the ``digital_…
5602 #~ msgid "The redirect to the ``community.mysql`` collection was removed for: the ``mysql`` doc fra…
5605 #~ msgid "The redirect to the ``community.proxysql`` collection was removed for: the ``proxysql`` d…
5608 #~ msgid "The redirect to the ``infinidat.infinibox`` collection was removed for: the ``infinibox``…
5611 #~ msgid "iptables_state - the ``ANSIBLE_ASYNC_DIR`` environment is no longer supported, use the ``…
5614 #~ msgid "memcached cache plugin - do not import ``CacheModule``s directly. Use ``ansible.plugins.l…
5617 #~ msgid "redis cache plugin - do not import ``CacheModule``s directly. Use ``ansible.plugins.loade…
5620 #~ msgid "xml - when ``content=attribute``, the ``attribute`` option is ignored (…
5623 #~ msgid "All FortiOS modules and plugins have been removed from this collection. They have been mi…
5626 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5629 #~ msgid "All ``nso`` modules have been removed from this collection. They have been migrated to th…
5632 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5635 #~ msgid "All ``routeros`` modules and plugins have been removed from this collection. They have be…
5638 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5641 #~ msgid "The ``cp_publish`` module has been removed from this collection. It was a duplicate of ``…
5644 #~ msgid "The ``fortimanager`` httpapi plugin has been removed from this collection. It was a dupli…
5647 #~ msgid "If you use Ansible 2.9 and installed this collection, you need to adjust the FQCNs (``com…
5650 #~ msgid "The dependency on the ``check_point.mgmt`` collection has been removed. If you depend on …
5653 #~ msgid "The deprecated Pluribus Networks modules ``pn_cluster``, ``pn_ospf``, ``pn_ospfarea``, ``…
5656 #~ msgid "The deprecated modules ``panos_admin``, ``panos_admpwd``, ``panos_cert_gen_ssh``, ``panos…
5659 #~ msgid "The redirect to the ``mellanox.onyx`` collection was removed for: the ``onyx`` cliconf pl…
5662 #~ msgid "The ``gluster_heal_info``, ``gluster_peer`` and ``gluster_volume`` modules have migrated …
5665 #~ msgid "Python 3.8 on the controller node is a soft requirement for this release. ``ansible-core`…
5668 #~ msgid "The configuration system now validates the ``choices`` field, so any settings that curren…
5671 #~ msgid "This section lists porting guides that can help you in updating playbooks, plugins and ot…