Lines Matching refs:help

45 …name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part='name', help='The name of t…
46 … = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--account-name', '-a'], id_part='name', help='The name of the Az…
51 …default_policy_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--content-key-policy-name'], help='T…
54 …correlation_data_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_correlation_data, help="Space-separated…
55 …token_claim_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_token_claim, help="Space-separated required …
56 …output_assets_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_output_assets, nargs='*', help="Space-sepa…
68help='The name or resource ID of the primary storage account to attach to the Azure Media Services…
69 …gn_identity', options_list=['--mi-system-assigned'], action='store_true', help='Set the system man…
73 help='The name of the Azure Media Services account.')
77 …c.argument('type', help='Speed of reserved processing units. The cost of media encoding depends on…
78 …c.argument('count', type=int, help='The number of the encoding reserved units that you want to be …
83help='The name or resource ID of the secondary storage account to detach from the Azure Media Serv…
87 c.argument('storage_account_id', required=True, help="The storage account Id.")
90 …arg_type=get_enum_type(get_storage_authentication_allowed_values_list()), help='The type of authen…
95help="The app name or app URI to associate the RBAC with. If not present, a default name like '{am…
96 c.argument('new_sp_name', help="The new app name or app URI to update the RBAC with.")
98help="The password used to log in. Also known as 'Client Secret'. If not present, a random secret …
99 …c.argument('role', help='The role of the service principal.', completer=get_role_definition_name_c…
100 c.argument('xml', action='store_true', help='Enables xml output format.')
101 …c.argument('years', help='Number of years for which the secret will be valid. Default: 1 year.', t…
105 …c.argument('key_type', help='The encryption key source (provider). Allowed values: SystemKey, Cust…
106 …c.argument('key_identifier', help='The URL of the Key Vault key used to encrypt the account. The k…
107 …c.argument('current_key_id', help='The current key used to encrypt the Media Services account, inc…
112 help='The name of the transform.')
113 …c.argument('preset', help='Preset that describes the operations that will be used to modify, trans…
115 …tract', arg_group='Video Analyzer', arg_type=get_enum_type(InsightsType), help='The type of insigh…
116 …c.argument('video_analysis_mode', arg_group='Video Analyzer', help='Determines the set of audio an…
117 …c.argument('audio_language', arg_group='Audio/Video Analyzer', help='The language for the audio pa…
119 …c.argument('audio_analysis_mode', arg_group='Audio/Video Analyzer', help='Determines the set of au…
120 …c.argument('resolution', arg_group='Face Detector', help='Specifies the maximum resolution at whic…
122 …c.argument('relative_priority', arg_type=get_enum_type(Priority), help='Sets the relative priority…
123 …c.argument('on_error', arg_type=get_enum_type(OnErrorType), help="A Transform can define more than…
124 c.argument('description', help='The description of the transform.')
127 c.argument('output_index', help='The element index of the output to remove.',
136 help='The name of the asset.')
142 c.argument('alternate_id', help='The alternate id of the asset.')
143 c.argument('description', help='The asset description.')
144 c.argument('asset_name', name_arg_type, help='The name of the asset.')
145 c.argument('storage_account', help='The name of the storage account.')
146 c.argument('container', help='The name of the asset blob container.')
149 c.argument('alternate_id', help='The alternate id of the asset.')
150 c.argument('description', help='The asset description.')
154 help='The permissions to set on the SAS URL.')
155 …c.argument('expiry_time', expiry_arg_type, help="Specifies the UTC datetime (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') at …
159 c.argument('asset_name', help='The name of the asset.', id_part='child_name_1')
160 …c.argument('filter_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_2', help='The name of the asset filte…
162help='Applies to Video on Demand (VoD) or Live Streaming. This is a long value that represents an …
164help='Applies to Video on Demand (VoD).For the Live Streaming presentation, it is silently ignored…
166help='Applies to Live Streaming only.Use presentationWindowDuration to apply a sliding window of f…
168help='Applies to Live Streaming only. This value defines the latest live position that a client ca…
170help='Applies to all timestamps and durations in a Presentation Time Range, specified as the numbe…
172help='Applies to Live Streaming only. Indicates whether the endTimestamp property must be present.…
173 …c.argument('bitrate', help='The first quality bitrate.', deprecate_info=c.deprecate(target='--bitr…
174 … c.argument('first_quality', help='The first quality (lowest) bitrate to include in the manifest.')
175 …c.argument('tracks', help='The JSON representing the track selections. Use @{file} to load from a …
183 help='The name of the transform.')
185 help='The name of the job.')
186 c.argument('description', help='The job description.')
188 help='The priority with which the job should be processed.')
197 help='The name of the input asset.')
201help='Base uri for http job input. It will be concatenated with provided file names. If no base ur…
204help='Space-separated list of files. It can be used to tell the service to only use the files spec…
205 …c.argument('label', help="A label that is assigned to a Job Input that is used to satisfy a refere…
209 c.argument('delete', action='store_true', help='Delete the job being cancelled.')
214 help='The content key policy name.')
215 c.argument('description', help='The content key policy description.')
219help='Use Clear Key configuration, a.k.a AES encryption. It\'s intended for non-DRM keys.')
223help='Use open restriction. License or key will be delivered on every request. Not recommended for…
224 c.argument('policy_option_name', help='The content key policy option name.')
225 …c.argument('policy_option_id', help='The content key policy option identifier. This value can be o…
226 c.argument('issuer', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The token issuer.')
227 c.argument('audience', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The audience for the token.')
228 …c.argument('token_key', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Either a string (for symmetric key) o…
229 …c.argument('token_key_type', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The type of the token key to be …
230 …c.argument('add_alt_token_key', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Creates an alternate token ke…
231 …c.argument('add_alt_token_key_type', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The type of the token ke…
232 …c.argument('alt_symmetric_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separ…
233 …c.argument('alt_rsa_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separated l…
234 …c.argument('alt_x509_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separated …
237help='The type of token. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_token_type_completion_list())))
238 …c.argument('open_id_connect_discovery_document', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The OpenID c…
239 …c.argument('widevine_template', arg_group='Widevine Configuration', help='JSON Widevine license te…
240 …c.argument('fp_playback_duration_seconds', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='Playback dura…
241 …c.argument('fp_storage_duration_seconds', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='Storage durati…
242 …c.argument('ask', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The key that must be used as FairPlay …
243 …c.argument('fair_play_pfx_password', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The password encryp…
244 …c.argument('fair_play_pfx', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The filepath to a FairPlay c…
245 …c.argument('rental_and_lease_key_type', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The rental and l…
246 …c.argument('rental_duration', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The rental duration. Must …
247 …c.argument('play_ready_template', arg_group='PlayReady Configuration', help='JSON PlayReady licens…
255 help='Include secret values of the content key policy.')
261 help='The name of the streaming locator.')
263 help='The name of the asset used by the streaming locator.')
265help='The name of the streaming policy used by the streaming locator. You can either create one wi…
267help="The ISO 8601 DateTime start time (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') of the streaming locator.")
269help="The ISO 8601 DateTime end time (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') of the streaming locator.")
270 c.argument('streaming_locator_id', help='The identifier of the streaming locator.')
271 …c.argument('alternative_media_id', help='An alternative media identifier associated with the strea…
272 …c.argument('content_keys', help='JSON string with the content keys to be used by the streaming loc…
273 …c.argument('filters', nargs='+', help='A space-separated list of asset filter names and/or account…
280 …c.argument('streaming_policy_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The name of the s…
281 …c.argument('default_content_key_policy_name', help='Default Content Key used by current streaming …
282 …c.argument('no_encryption_protocols', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols f…
283 …c.argument('envelope_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Space-separated…
284 …c.argument('envelope_clear_tracks', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The JSON representing w…
285 …c.argument('envelope_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The JSON repre…
286 …c.argument('envelope_default_key_label', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Label used to spec…
287 …c.argument('envelope_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Policy used …
288 …c.argument('envelope_template', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The KeyAcquistionUrlTemplat…
289 …c.argument('cenc_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Space-separated …
290 …c.argument('cenc_default_key_label', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Label to specify De…
291 …c.argument('cenc_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Policy used b…
292 …c.argument('cenc_clear_tracks', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The JSON representing wh…
293 …c.argument('cenc_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The JSON repres…
294 …c.argument('cenc_play_ready_attributes', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Custom attribut…
295 …c.argument('cenc_widevine_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The custom license …
296 …c.argument('cenc_play_ready_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The custom licens…
297 …ne', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='If specified, no W…
298 …dy', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='If specified, no P…
299 …c.argument('cbcs_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Space-separated …
300 …c.argument('cbcs_default_key_label', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Label to specify De…
301 …c.argument('cbcs_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Policy used b…
302 …c.argument('cbcs_clear_tracks', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The JSON representing wh…
303 …c.argument('cbcs_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The JSON repres…
304 …c.argument('cbcs_play_ready_attributes', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Custom attribut…
305 …c.argument('cbcs_play_ready_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom licens…
306 …c.argument('cbcs_widevine_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom license …
307 …c.argument('cbcs_fair_play_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom license…
308 …se', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Allows the license…
315 help='The name of the streaming endpoint.')
318 c.argument('description', help='The streaming endpoint description.')
319 …c.argument('scale_units', help='The number of scale units for Premium StreamingEndpoints. For Stan…
320 …c.argument('availability_set_name', help='The name of the AvailabilitySet used with this Streaming…
321 c.argument('max_cache_age', help='Max cache age.')
322 …c.argument('custom_host_names', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of custom host names for the…
323 …c.argument('cdn_provider', arg_group='CDN Support', help='The CDN provider name. Allowed values: {…
324 c.argument('cdn_profile', arg_group='CDN Support', help='The CDN profile name.')
326help='The XML representing the clientaccesspolicy data used by Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Fla…
328help='The XML representing the crossdomain data used by Silverlight. Use @{file} to load from a fi…
329 …c.argument('auto_start', action='store_true', help='The flag indicates if the resource should be a…
330 …c.argument('ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Access Control Support', help='Space-separated IP addresse…
331 …c.argument('disable_cdn', arg_group='CDN Support', action='store_true', help='Use this flag to dis…
337 …c.argument('scale_unit', options_list=['--scale-units'], help='The number of scale units for Premi…
340 …c.argument('identifier', help='The identifier for the authentication key. This is the nonce provid…
341 …c.argument('base64_key', help='Base64-encoded authentication key that will be used by the CDN. The…
343help='The ISO 8601 DateTime value that specifies when the Akamai authentication expires.')
351 help='The name of the live event.')
353 …arg_group='Input', help='The streaming protocol for the live event. This value is specified at cre…
354 …c.argument('auto_start', action='store_true', help='The flag indicates if the resource should be a…
355 …c.argument('encoding_type', arg_group='Encoding', help='The encoding type for live event. This val…
356 …c.argument('preset_name', arg_group='Encoding', help='The encoding preset name. This value is spec…
357 …c.argument('stretch_mode', arg_group='Encoding', help='Specifies how the input video will be resiz…
358 …c.argument('key_frame_interval', arg_group='Encoding', help='Use an ISO 8601 time value between 0.…
361help='ISO 8601 timespan duration of the key frame interval duration in seconds. The value should b…
362 …c.argument('access_token', arg_group='Input', help='A unique identifier for a stream. This can be …
363 c.argument('description', help='The live event description.')
364 …c.argument('ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Input', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access cont…
365 …c.argument('preview_ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Preview', help='Space-separated IP addresses for a…
366 …c.argument('preview_locator', arg_group='Preview', help='The identifier of the preview locator in …
367 …c.argument('streaming_policy_name', arg_group='Preview', help='The name of streaming policy used f…
368 …c.argument('alternative_media_id', arg_group='Preview', help='An Alternative Media Identifier asso…
369 …c.argument('client_access_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies', help='Filepath to the c…
370 …c.argument('cross_domain_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies', help='Filepath to the cr…
371 …c.argument('stream_options', nargs='+', arg_type=get_enum_type(StreamOptionsFlag), help='The optio…
372 …c.argument('transcription_lang', help='Live transcription language for the live event. Allowed val…
373 …c.argument('use_static_hostname', help='Specifies whether a static hostname would be assigned to t…
374 …c.argument('hostname_prefix', help='When useStaticHostname is set to true, hostname_prefix specifi…
375 … c.argument('remove_outputs_on_stop', action='store_true', help='Remove live outputs on stop.')
383 help='The name of the live event.')
385 help='The name of the live output.')
391 c.argument('asset_name', help='The name of the asset.')
393help="ISO 8601 timespan duration of the archive window length. This is the duration that customer …
394 …c.argument('manifest_name', help='The manifest file name. If not provided, the service will genera…
395 c.argument('description', help='The live output description.')
396 c.argument('fragments_per_ts_segment', help='The number of fragments per HLS segment.')
397 c.argument('output_snap_time', help='The output snapshot time.')
401 …c.argument('filter_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The name of the account fil…
403help='Applies to Video on Demand (VoD) or Live Streaming. This is a long value that represents an …
405help='Applies to Video on Demand (VoD). For the Live Streaming presentation, it is silently ignore…
407help='Applies to Live Streaming only. Use presentationWindowDuration to apply a sliding window of …
409help='Applies to Live Streaming only. This value defines the latest live position that a client ca…
411help='Applies to all timestamps and durations in a Presentation Time Range, specified as the numbe…
413help='Applies to Live Streaming only. Indicates whether the endTimestamp property must be present.…
414 …c.argument('bitrate', help='The first quality bitrate.', deprecate_info=c.deprecate(target='--bitr…
415 … c.argument('first_quality', help='The first quality (lowest) bitrate to include in the manifest.')
416 …c.argument('tracks', help='The JSON representing the track selections. Use @{file} to load from a …