Lines Matching refs:help

34         help='Space-separated customized output fields.',
40 help='Customize output fields for Feature Flags.',
46help="Space-separated filter parameters in 'name[=value]' format. The value must be an escaped JSO…
51 help='Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ". If no time zone specified, use UTC by default.'
56 help='Maximum number of items to return. Must be a positive integer. Default to 100.'
65 …c.argument('name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part='None', help='Name of the App Configurat…
67help="Combination of access key and endpoint of App Configuration. Can be found using 'az appconfi…
68 c.argument('yes', options_list=['--yes', '-y'], help='Do not prompt for confirmation.')
71 c.argument('all_', options_list=['--all'], action='store_true', help="List all items.")
73 …c.argument('sku', help='The sku of App Configuration', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Free', 'Standard']…
74 …c.argument('endpoint', help='If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuratio…
76help='This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. ' +
84 …c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type, help="Space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...].")
86help='Space-separated list of managed identities to be assigned. Use "[system]" to refer to system…
88help='When true, requests coming from public networks have permission to access this store while p…
89 …c.argument('disable_local_auth', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), is_preview=True, help='Disable a…
94help='When true, requests coming from public networks have permission to access this store while p…
95 …c.argument('disable_local_auth', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), is_preview=True, help='Disable a…
98 c.argument('encryption_key_name', help='The name of the KeyVault key.')
99 c.argument('encryption_key_vault', help='The URI of the KeyVault.')
100 …c.argument('encryption_key_version', help='The version of the KeyVault key. Use the latest version…
101 …c.argument('identity_client_id', help='Client ID of the managed identity with wrap and unwrap acce…
104 …c.argument('identities', arg_type=identities_arg_type, help="Accept system-assigned or user-assign…
107 …c.argument('identities', arg_type=identities_arg_type, help="Accept system-assigned or user-assign…
110 …c.argument('id_', options_list=['--id'], help='Id of the key to be regenerated. Can be found using…
113 …c.argument('label', help="Imported KVs and feature flags will be assigned with this label. If no l…
114 …c.argument('prefix', help="This prefix will be appended to the front of imported keys. Prefix will…
115 …num_type(['file', 'appconfig', 'appservice']), validator=validate_import, help="The source of impo…
116 c.argument('yes', help="Do not prompt for preview.")
117 …c.argument('skip_features', help="Import only key values and exclude all feature flags. By default…
118 c.argument('content_type', help='Content type of all imported items.')
121 c.argument('path', help='Local configuration file path. Required for file arguments.')
122 …ist=['--format'], arg_type=get_enum_type(['json', 'yaml', 'properties']), help='Imported file form…
123 …c.argument('depth', validator=validate_import_depth, help="Depth for flattening the json or yaml f…
125 …c.argument('separator', validator=validate_separator, help="Delimiter for flattening the json or y…
128 c.argument('src_name', help='The name of the source App Configuration.')
129 …c.argument('src_connection_string', validator=validate_connection_string, help="Combination of acc…
130 …c.argument('src_key', help='If no key specified, import all keys by default. Support star sign as …
131 …c.argument('src_label', help="Only keys with this label in source AppConfig will be imported. If n…
132 …c.argument('preserve_labels', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help="Flag to preserve labels from …
133 …c.argument('src_endpoint', help='If --src-auth-mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the source…
135help='Auth mode for connecting to source App Configuration. For details, refer to "--auth-mode" ar…
138 …c.argument('appservice_account', validator=validate_appservice_name_or_id, help='ARM ID for AppSer…
141 …c.argument('label', help="Only keys and feature flags with this label will be exported. If no labe…
142 …c.argument('prefix', help="Prefix to be trimmed from keys. Prefix will be ignored for feature flag…
143 …c.argument('key', help='If no key specified, return all keys by default. Support star sign as filt…
144 …num_type(['file', 'appconfig', 'appservice']), validator=validate_export, help="The destination of…
145 c.argument('yes', help="Do not prompt for preview.")
146 …c.argument('skip_features', help="Export items excluding all feature flags. By default, all featur…
147 …c.argument('skip_keyvault', help="Export items excluding all key vault references. By default, all…
150 c.argument('path', help='Local configuration file path. Required for file arguments.')
151 …ist=['--format'], arg_type=get_enum_type(['json', 'yaml', 'properties']), help='File format export…
152 …c.argument('depth', validator=validate_import_depth, help="Depth for flattening the key-value pair…
154 …c.argument('separator', validator=validate_separator, help="Delimiter for flattening the key-value…
155 …on', arg_type=get_enum_type(['pascal', 'camel', 'underscore', 'hyphen']), help='Naming convention …
156 …t', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), validator=validate_resolve_keyvault, help="Resolve the conten…
159 c.argument('dest_name', help='The name of the destination App Configuration.')
160 …c.argument('dest_connection_string', validator=validate_connection_string, help="Combination of ac…
161 …c.argument('dest_label', help="Exported KVs will be labeled with this destination label. If neithe…
162 …c.argument('preserve_labels', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help="Flag to preserve labels from …
163 …c.argument('dest_endpoint', help='If --dest-auth-mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the dest…
165help='Auth mode for connecting to destination App Configuration. For details, refer to "--auth-mod…
168 …c.argument('appservice_account', validator=validate_appservice_name_or_id, help='ARM ID for AppSer…
171 …c.argument('key', validator=validate_key, help="Key to be set. Key cannot be a '.' or '..', or con…
172 c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, set the key with null label by default")
174 c.argument('content_type', help='Content type of the keyvalue to be set.')
175 c.argument('value', help='Value of the keyvalue to be set.')
178 …c.argument('key', validator=validate_key, help="Key to be set. Key cannot be a '.' or '..', or con…
179 c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, set the key with null label by default")
181 …c.argument('secret_identifier', validator=validate_secret_identifier, help="ID of the Key Vault ob…
184 …c.argument('key', help='Support star sign as filters, for instance * means all key and abc* means …
185 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, delete entry with null label. Support star sign a…
188 c.argument('key', help='Key to be showed.')
189 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, show entry with null label. Filtering is not supp…
192 …c.argument('key', help='If no key specified, return all keys by default. Support star sign as filt…
193 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, list all labels. Support star sign as filters, fo…
194 …c.argument('resolve_keyvault', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help="Resolve the content of key v…
197 …c.argument('key', help='If no key specified, restore all keys by default. Support star sign as fil…
198 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, restore all key-value pairs with all labels. Supp…
201 c.argument('key', help='Key to be locked.')
202 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, lock entry with null label. Filtering is not supp…
205 c.argument('key', help='Key to be unlocked.')
206 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, unlock entry with null label. Filtering is not su…
209 …c.argument('key', help='If no key specified, return all keys by default. Support star sign as filt…
210 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, list all labels. Support star sign as filters, fo…
213 …c.argument('key', validator=validate_feature_key, help='Key of the feature flag. Key must start wi…
216 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature flag to be retrieved. If the feature flag key is d…
217 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, show entry with null label. Filtering is not supp…
221 …c.argument('feature', validator=validate_feature, help="Name of the feature flag to be set. Featur…
222 … c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, set the feature flag with null label by default")
223 c.argument('description', help='Description of the feature flag to be set.')
224 …c.argument('key', validator=validate_feature_key, help='Key of the feature flag. Key must start wi…
227 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature to be deleted. If the feature flag key is differen…
228 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, delete the feature flag with null label by defaul…
229 …c.argument('key', validator=validate_feature_key, help='Key of the feature flag. Key must start wi…
232 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature to be listed. If the feature flag key is different…
233 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, list all labels. Support star sign as filters, fo…
235 c.argument('all_', help="List all feature flags.")
236 …c.argument('key', validator=validate_feature_key, help='Key of the feature flag. Key must start wi…
239 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature to be locked. If the feature flag key is different…
240 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, lock the feature flag with null label by default.…
243 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature to be unlocked. If the feature flag key is differe…
244 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, unlock the feature flag with null label by defaul…
247 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature to be enabled. If the feature flag key is differen…
248 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, enable the feature flag with null label by defaul…
251 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature to be disabled. If the feature flag key is differe…
252 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, disable the feature flag with null label by defau…
255 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature to which you want to add the filter. If the featur…
256 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, add to the feature flag with null label by defaul…
257 c.argument('filter_name', help='Name of the filter to be added.')
259 …c.argument('index', type=int, help='Zero-based index in the list of filters where you want to inse…
262 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature from which you want to delete the filter. If the f…
263 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, delete from the feature flag with null label by d…
264 c.argument('filter_name', help='Name of the filter to be deleted.')
265 …c.argument('index', type=int, help='Zero-based index of the filter to be deleted in case there are…
266 c.argument('all_', help="Delete all filters associated with a feature flag.")
269 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature which contains the filter. If the feature flag key…
270 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, show the feature flag with null label by default.…
271 c.argument('filter_name', help='Name of the filter to be displayed.')
272 …c.argument('index', type=int, help='Zero-based index of the filter to be displayed in case there a…
275 …c.argument('feature', help='Name of the feature whose filters you want to be displayed. If the fea…
276 …c.argument('label', help="If no label specified, display filters from the feature flag with null l…
277 c.argument('all_', help="List all filters associated with a feature flag.")