Lines Matching refs:help

42 …c.argument('code_dir', options_list=['--code-dir'], help='The directory to place the generated dep…
45 c.argument('language', options_list=['--lang'], help='The language or runtime of the bot.',
47 c.argument('proj_file_path', help='The path to the .csproj file relative to --code-dir.')
52help='The resource name of the bot. Bot name must be between 4 and 42 characters in length. '
57 …c.argument('sku_name', options_list=['--sku'], arg_type=get_enum_type(SUPPORTED_SKUS), help='The S…
58 …ist=['--kind', '-k'], arg_type=get_enum_type(['registration', 'webapp']), help='The kind of the bo…
59 …c.argument('display_name', help='The display name of the bot. If not specified, defaults to the na…
60 …c.argument('description', options_list=['--description', '-d'], help='The description of the bot.'…
61 …c.argument('endpoint', options_list=['-e', '--endpoint'], help='The messaging endpoint of the bot.…
62 …c.argument('msa_app_id', options_list=['--appid'], help='The Microsoft account ID (MSA ID) to be u…
63 …c.argument('password', options_list=['-p', '--password'], help='The Microsoft account (MSA) passwo…
65 …e', options_list=['--lang'], arg_type=get_enum_type(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES), help='The language to be…
66 …c.argument('deploy_echo', options_list=['--echo'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Deploy a…
67 …c.argument('cmek_key_vault_url', options_list=['--cmk-key-vault-key-url', '--cmk'], help='The key …
70 … c.argument('code_dir', options_list=['--code-dir'], help='The directory to upload bot code from.')
74help='Path to the start up project file name. (E.g. "./EchoBotWithCounter.csproj")')
76 help='The Microsoft Bot Builder SDK version of the bot.')
77 …c.argument('keep_node_modules', help='Keep node_modules folder and do not run `npm install` on the…
80 …c.argument('timeout', options_list=['--timeout', '-t'], help='Configurable timeout in seconds for …
84 …c.argument('file_save_path', options_list=['--save-path'], help='The directory to download bot cod…
87 …c.argument('bot_json', options_list=['--msbot'], help='Show the output as JSON compatible with a .…
90 c.argument('description', options_list=['--description'], help="The bot's new description.")
91 …c.argument('display_name', options_list=['--display-name', '-d'], help="The bot's new display name…
93 help='The new endpoint of the bot. Must start with "https://"')
95 help='The Sku of the bot.')
99help='Azure Application Insights Key used to write bot analytics data. Provide a key if you want '
103help='Azure Application Insights API Key used to read bot analytics data. Provide a key if you wan…
107help='Azure Application Insights Application ID used to read bot analytics data. Provide an Id if '
109 …c.argument('icon_url', help='Icon URL for bot avatar. Accepts PNG files with file size limit of 30…
110 …c.argument('cmek_key_vault_url', options_list=['--cmk-key-vault-key-url', '--cmk'], help='The key …
111 …c.argument('encryption_off', options_list=['--cmk-off'], help='Set encryption to Microsoft-Managed…
117help='Path to the start up project file name. (E.g. "./EchoBotWithCounter.csproj") '
119 … c.argument('sln_name', help='Name of the start up solution file name. Required only for C#.')
120 …c.argument('code_dir', options_list=['--code-dir'], help='The directory to download deployment scr…
121 …c.argument('version', options_list=['-v', '--version'], help='The Microsoft Bot Builder SDK versio…
126 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
127 …c.argument('page_id', options_list=['--page-id'], help='Page ID of the Facebook page to be used fo…
128 c.argument('app_id', options_list=['--appid'], help='The Facebook application id.')
129 c.argument('app_secret', options_list=['--secret'], help='The Facebook application secret.')
130 …c.argument('access_token', options_list=['--token'], help='The Facebook application access token.')
133 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
134 …c.argument('email_address', options_list=['--email-address', '-a'], help='The email address for th…
135 … c.argument('password', options_list=['--password', '-p'], help='The email password for the bot.')
138 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
139 …c.argument('enable_calling', help='Enable calling on Microsoft Teams.', arg_type=get_three_state_f…
140 c.argument('calling_web_hook', help='The calling web hook to use on Microsoft Teams.')
143 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
144 … c.argument('enable_messaging', help='Enable messaging on Skype.', arg_type=get_three_state_flag())
145 …c.argument('enable_media_cards', help='Enable media cards on Skype.', arg_type=get_three_state_fla…
146 c.argument('enable_video', help='Enable video on Skype.', arg_type=get_three_state_flag())
147 … c.argument('enable_calling', help='Enable calling on Skype.', arg_type=get_three_state_flag())
148 …c.argument('enable_screen_sharing', help='Enable screen sharing on Skype.', arg_type=get_three_sta…
149 c.argument('enable_groups', help='Enable groups on Skype.', arg_type=get_three_state_flag())
150 c.argument('groups_mode', help='select groups mode on Skype.')
151 c.argument('calling_web_hook', help='The calling web hook to use on Skype.')
154 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
155 c.argument('user_name', options_list=['--user-name', '-u'], help='Kik user name.')
156 …c.argument('is_validated', help='Whether or not the Kik account has been validated for use with th…
157 c.argument('api_key', options_list=['--key'], help='The API key for the Kik account.')
160 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
161 …c.argument('site_name', options_list=['-s', '--site-name'], help='Name of the Webchat channel site…
162 …c.argument('enable_preview', help='Enable preview features on the chat control.', arg_type=get_thr…
165 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
166 …c.argument('site_name', options_list=['-s', '--site-name'], help='Name of the Directline channel s…
167 …c.argument('is_v1_disabled', options_list=['--disablev1'], help='If true, v1 protocol will be disa…
168 …c.argument('is_v3_disabled', options_list=['--disablev3'], help='If true, v3 protocol will be disa…
169 …c.argument('enable_enhanced_auth', help='If true, enables enhanced authentication features. Must b…
170 …c.argument('trusted_origins', nargs='+', help='Space separated Trusted Origins URLs (must use HTTP…
173 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
174 …c.argument('site_name', options_list=['-s', '--site-name'], help='Name of the Directline channel s…
175 …c.argument('is_v1_disabled', options_list=['--disablev1'], help='If true, v1 protocol will be disa…
176 …c.argument('is_v3_disabled', options_list=['--disablev3'], help='If true, v3 protocol will be disa…
177 …c.argument('enable_enhanced_auth', help='If true, enables enhanced authentication features. Must b…
178 …c.argument('trusted_origins', nargs='+', help='Space separated Trusted Origins URLs (must use HTTP…
181 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
182 c.argument('access_token', help='The access token for the Telegram account.')
183 …c.argument('is_validated', help='Whether or not the Telegram account has been validated for use wi…
186 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
187 c.argument('account_sid', help='The account SID for the Twilio account.')
188 c.argument('auth_token', help='The token token for the Twilio account.')
189 …c.argument('is_validated', help='Whether or not the Twilio account has been validated for use with…
190 c.argument('phone', help='The phone number for the Twilio account.')
193 …abled', options_list=['--add-disabled'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Add the channel in…
194 c.argument('client_secret', help='The client secret from Slack.')
195 c.argument('client_id', help='The client ID from Slack.')
196 c.argument('verification_token', help='The verification token from Slack.')
197 c.argument('landing_page_url', help='The landing page url to redirect to after login.')
200 …c.argument('connection_name', options_list=['--setting-name', '-c'], help='Name of the oauth conne…
203 c.argument('client_id', help='Client ID associated with the service provider setting.')
204 … c.argument('client_secret', help='Client secret associated with the service provider setting.')
205 …c.argument('scopes', options_list=['--provider-scope-string'], help='The scope string associated w…
206 …c.argument('service_provider_name', options_list=['--service'], help='Name of the service provider…
207 …c.argument('parameters', help='Parameter values for service provider parameters. Usage: --paramete…
210 …c.argument('as_raw_settings', options_list=['--as-raw'], help='Output the raw json for each servic…
211 …c.argument('name', options_list=['--provider-name'], help='Service provider name for which to fetc…
215 …c.argument('show_secrets', options_list=['--with-secrets'], help='Show secrets in response for the…