Lines Matching refs:help

52help="The name of the Virtual Machine. You can configure the default using `az configure --default…
54 …existing_disk_name = CLIArgumentType(overrides=name_arg_type, help='The name of the managed disk',…
55 …existing_snapshot_name = CLIArgumentType(overrides=name_arg_type, help='The name of the snapshot',…
59help="Scale set name. You can configure the default using `az configure --defaults vmss=<name>`",
62 …extension_instance_name_type = CLIArgumentType(help="Name of extension instance, which can be cust…
64 …disk_encryption_set_name = CLIArgumentType(overrides=name_arg_type, help='Name of disk encryption …
95help='Enables or disables the capability to have 1 or more managed data disks with UltraSSD_LRS st…
99help='Specify the scale-in policy (space delimited) that decides which virtual machines are chosen…
103 help='The name of edge zone.',
111help='The query parameter to decide what shared galleries to fetch when doing listing operations. '
123 …c.argument('source_storage_account_id', help='used when source blob is in a different subscription…
124 …c.argument('size_gb', options_list=['--size-gb', '-z'], help='size in GB. Max size: 4095 GB (certa…
125 …c.argument('duration_in_seconds', help='Time duration in seconds until the SAS access expires', ty…
127 …ent('access_level', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Read', 'Write']), default='Read', help='access level')
129help='Create the {0} for uploading blobs later on through storage commands. Run "az {0} grant-acce…
130 …c.argument('hyper_v_generation', arg_type=hyper_v_gen_sku, help='The hypervisor generation of the …
134help='Encryption type. EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformKey: Disk is encrypted with XStore managed key …
135 …c.argument('disk_encryption_set', min_api='2019-07-01', help='Name or ID of disk encryption set th…
136 …c.argument('location', help='Location. Values from: `az account list-locations`. You can configure…
138 …c.argument('network_access_policy', min_api='2020-05-01', help='Policy for accessing the disk via …
139 …c.argument('disk_access', min_api='2020-05-01', help='Name or ID of the disk access resource for u…
140 …c.argument('enable_bursting', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Enable bursting beyond the pr…
144 …c.argument('source', help='source to create the disk/snapshot from, including unmanaged blob uri, …
152 c.argument('sku', arg_type=disk_sku, help='Underlying storage SKU')
153 …c.argument('os_type', arg_type=get_enum_type(OperatingSystemTypes), help='The Operating System typ…
154 …c.argument('disk_iops_read_write', type=int, min_api='2018-06-01', help='The number of IOPS allowe…
155 …c.argument('disk_mbps_read_write', type=int, min_api='2018-06-01', help="The bandwidth allowed for…
157help='The size (in bytes) of the contents of the upload including the VHD footer. Min value: 20972…
158 …c.argument('max_shares', type=int, help='The maximum number of VMs that can attach to the disk at …
159 …c.argument('disk_iops_read_only', type=int, help='The total number of IOPS that will be allowed ac…
160 …c.argument('disk_mbps_read_only', type=int, help='The total throughput (MBps) that will be allowed…
161 …c.argument('image_reference', help='ID or URN (publisher:offer:sku:version) of the image from whic…
162 …c.argument('image_reference_lun', type=int, help='If the disk is created from an image\'s data dis…
163 …c.argument('gallery_image_reference', help='ID of the shared galley image version from which to cr…
164 …c.argument('gallery_image_reference_lun', type=int, help='If the disk is created from an image\'s …
165 …c.argument('logical_sector_size', type=int, help='Logical sector size in bytes for Ultra disks. Su…
166 …c.argument('tier', help='Performance tier of the disk (e.g, P4, S10) as described here: https://az…
168 …c.argument('security_type', choices=['TrustedLaunch'], help='The security type of the VM. Applicab…
169 …c.argument('support_hibernation', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Indicate the OS on a disk…
178help='Whether a snapshot is incremental. Incremental snapshots on the same disk occupy less space …
190 c.argument('name', arg_type=name_arg_type, help='new image name')
191 …c.argument('source', help='OS disk source from the same region, including a virtual machine ID or …
192 …c.argument('data_disk_sources', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of data disk sources, includ…
193 …c.argument('zone_resilient', min_api='2017-12-01', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Specifie…
195 …c.argument('storage_sku', arg_type=disk_sku, help='The SKU of the storage account with which to cr…
196 …c.argument('os_disk_caching', arg_type=get_enum_type(CachingTypes), help="Storage caching type for…
198 help="Storage caching type for the image's data disk.")
199 …c.argument('hyper_v_generation', arg_type=hyper_v_gen_sku, min_api="2019-03-01", help='The hypervi…
209 …c.argument('scripts', nargs='+', help="Space-separated list of shell or powershell scripts to cust…
211 …c.argument('source', options_list=["--image-source", "-i"], help="The base image to customize. Mus…
212 …c.argument('image_template_name', image_template_name_type, help="The name of the image template.")
213 c.argument('checksum', help="The SHA256 checksum of the Red Hat ISO image")
214 …c.argument('managed_image_destinations', nargs='+', help='Managed image output distributor informa…
215 …c.argument('shared_image_destinations', nargs='+', help='Shared image gallery (sig) output distrib…
217 c.argument('output_name', help=ib_output_name_help)
225 …c.argument('build_timeout', type=int, help="The Maximum duration to wait while building the image …
226 …c.argument('image_template', help='Local path or URL to an image template file. When using --image…
227 …c.argument('identity', nargs='+', help='List of user assigned identities (name or ID, space delimi…
230 …c.argument('vm_size', help='Size of the virtual machine used to build, customize and capture image…
231 …c.argument('os_disk_size', type=int, help='Size of the OS disk in GB. Omit or specify 0 to use Azu…
232 …c.argument('vnet', help='Name of VNET to deploy the build virtual machine. You should only specify…
233 c.argument('subnet', help='Name or ID of subnet to deploy the build virtual machine')
254 …c.argument('gallery_image_definition', arg_group="Shared Image Gallery", help="Name or ID of the e…
255 …c.argument('gallery_name', arg_group="Shared Image Gallery", help="Shared image gallery name, if i…
256 …c.argument('gallery_replication_regions', arg_group="Shared Image Gallery", nargs='+', help=ib_sig…
257 …c.argument('managed_image', arg_group="Managed Image", help="Name or ID of the customized managed …
258 c.argument('managed_image_location', arg_group="Managed Image", help=ib_img_location_help)
262 …ib_artifact_tags_type = CLIArgumentType(overrides=tags_type, help=ib_artifact_tags_help, options_l…
265 …c.argument('output_name', help=ib_output_name_help + " Defaults to the name of the managed image o…
266 …c.argument('gallery_replication_regions', arg_group="Shared Image Gallery", nargs='+', help=ib_sig…
267 …c.argument('managed_image_location', arg_group="Managed Image", help=ib_img_location_help + ib_def…
268 …c.argument('is_vhd', arg_group="VHD", help="The output is a VHD distributor.", action='store_true')
279 c.argument('customizer_name', help="Name of the customizer.")
280 …c.argument('customizer_type', options_list=['--type', '-t'], help="Type of customizer to be added …
283 …c.argument('script_url', arg_type=ib_script_type, help="URL of script to customize the image with.…
284 …c.argument('inline_script', arg_type=ib_script_type, nargs='+', help="Space-separated list of inli…
287 …ions_list=['--exit-codes', '-e'], arg_type=ib_powershell_type, nargs='+', help="Space-separated li…
290 …c.argument('restart_command', arg_type=ib_win_restart_type, help="Command to execute the restart o…
291 …c.argument('restart_check_command', arg_type=ib_win_restart_type, help="Command to verify that res…
292 …c.argument('restart_timeout', arg_type=ib_win_restart_type, help="Restart timeout specified as a s…
295 …c.argument('search_criteria', arg_type=ib_win_update_type, help='Criteria to search updates. Omit …
296 …c.argument('filters', arg_type=ib_win_update_type, nargs='+', help='Space delimited filters to sel…
297 …c.argument('update_limit', arg_type=ib_win_update_type, help='Maximum number of updates to apply a…
300 …c.argument('file_source', arg_type=ib_file_customizer_type, help="The URI of the file to be downlo…
301 …c.argument('dest_path', arg_type=ib_file_customizer_type, help="The absolute destination path wher…
307 …=get_resource_name_completion_list('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets'), help='Name of the availa…
310 …name', name_arg_type, validator=get_default_location_from_resource_group, help='Name of the availa…
311 …c.argument('platform_update_domain_count', type=int, help='Update Domain count. If unspecified, th…
312 c.argument('platform_fault_domain_count', type=int, help='Fault Domain count.')
313 …c.argument('validate', help='Generate and validate the ARM template without creating any resources…
314 …c.argument('unmanaged', action='store_true', min_api='2016-04-30-preview', help='contained VMs sho…
318 …=get_resource_name_completion_list('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets'), help='Name of the availa…
328 c.argument('caching', help='Disk caching policy', arg_type=get_enum_type(CachingTypes))
329 …c.argument('nsg', help='The name to use when creating a new Network Security Group (default) or re…
330 …c.argument('nsg_rule', help='NSG rule to create when creating a new NSG. Defaults to open ports fo…
331 …curity_groups', min_api='2017-09-01', nargs='+', options_list=['--asgs'], help='Space-separated li…
332 …c.argument('workspace', is_preview=True, arg_group='Monitor', help='Name or ID of Log Analytics Wo…
337 c.argument('os_disk', min_api='2017-12-01', help="Managed OS disk ID or name to swap to")
339help="enable/disable disk write accelerator. Use singular value 'true/false' to apply across, or s…
340 …c.argument('disk_caching', nargs='*', help="Use singular value to apply across, or specify individ…
343 help='Enable secure boot.')
345 help='Enable vTPM.')
349 …c.argument('vm_name', name_arg_type, id_part=None, help='Name of the virtual machine.', completer=…
350 … c.argument('os_disk_size_gb', type=int, help='the size of the os disk in GB', arg_group='Storage')
351 …c.argument('availability_set', help='Name or ID of an existing availability set to add the VM to. …
352 …c.argument('vmss', help='Name or ID of an existing virtual machine scale set that the virtual mach…
353 …c.argument('nsg', help='The name to use when creating a new Network Security Group (default) or re…
354 …c.argument('nsg_rule', help='NSG rule to create when creating a new NSG. Defaults to open ports fo…
355 …e.MGMT_NETWORK, min_api='2017-09-01', nargs='+', options_list=['--asgs'], help='Space-separated li…
357help='pre-existing storage account name or its blob uri to capture boot diagnostics. Its sku shoul…
359help="enable accelerated networking. Unless specified, CLI will enable it based on machine image a…
364help="The eviction policy for the Spot priority virtual machine. Default eviction policy is Deallo…
366help='Indicates whether virtual machine agent should be provisioned on the virtual machine. When t…
368help='Indicate whether Automatic Updates is enabled for the Windows virtual machine')
370help='Mode of in-guest patching to IaaS virtual machine. Allowed values for Windows VM: AutomaticB…
371 …c.argument('ssh_key_name', help='Use it as public key in virtual machine. It should be an existing…
372 …c.argument('enable_hotpatching', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Patch VMs without requirin…
374help='Specify the scale set logical fault domain into which the virtual machine will be created. B…
376help='Number of virtual machines to create. Value range is [2, 250], inclusive. Don\'t specify thi…
378help='Specify if the VM is Trusted Launch enabled. See…
380 help='Enable secure boot. It is part of trusted launch.')
382 help='Enable vTPM. It is part of trusted launch.')
383 …c.argument('user_data', help='UserData for the VM. It can be passed in as file or string.', comple…
386 …c.argument('attach_os_disk', help='Attach an existing OS disk to the VM. Can use the name or ID of…
387 …c.argument('attach_data_disks', nargs='+', help='Attach existing data disks to the VM. Can use the…
390 …c.argument('dedicated_host_group', options_list=['--host-group'], is_preview=True, help="Name or I…
391 …c.argument('dedicated_host', options_list=['--host'], is_preview=True, help="ID of the dedicated h…
394 …c.argument('vm_name', name_arg_type, help='The name of the virtual machine to open inbound traffic…
395 …c.argument('network_security_group_name', options_list=('--nsg-name',), help='The name of the netw…
396 …c.argument('apply_to_subnet', help='Allow inbound traffic on the subnet instead of the NIC', actio…
397 …c.argument('port', help="The port or port range (ex: 80-100) to open inbound traffic to. Use '*' t…
398 …c.argument('priority', help='Rule priority, between 100 (highest priority) and 4096 (lowest priori…
402 …how_details', action='store_true', options_list=['--show-details', '-d'], help='show public ip add…
406 …r_data', action='store_true', options_list=['--include-user-data', '-u'], help='Include the user d…
419 …c.argument('maximum_duration', type=str, help='Specify the maximum amount of time that the operati…
420 …c.argument('reboot_setting', arg_type=get_enum_type(RebootSetting), help='Define when it is accept…
421 …n', nargs='+', arg_type=get_enum_type(VMGuestPatchClassificationWindows), help='Space-separated li…
422 …nux', nargs='+', arg_type=get_enum_type(VMGuestPatchClassificationLinux), help='Space-separated li…
423 …c.argument('kb_numbers_to_include', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of KBs to include in the…
424 …c.argument('kb_numbers_to_exclude', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of KBs to exclude in the…
425 …c.argument('exclude_kbs_requiring_reboot', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help="Filter out KBs t…
426 …c.argument('package_name_masks_to_include', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of packages to i…
427 …c.argument('package_name_masks_to_exclude', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of packages to e…
431 c.argument('new', action='store_true', help='create a new disk')
432 c.argument('sku', arg_type=disk_sku, help='Underlying storage SKU')
433 …c.argument('size_gb', options_list=['--size-gb', '-z'], help='size in GB. Max size: 4095 GB (certa…
434 …c.argument('lun', type=int, help='0-based logical unit number (LUN). Max value depends on the Virt…
437 …c.argument('enable_write_accelerator', min_api='2017-12-01', action='store_true', help='enable wri…
439help="The name or ID of the managed disk", validator=validate_vm_disk, id_part='name',
443 c.argument('disk_name', arg_type=name_arg_type, help='The data disk name.')
446 …c.argument('encrypt_format_all', action='store_true', help='Encrypts-formats data disks instead of…
454 …rce_name_completion_list('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions'), help='Name of the extens…
462 …c.argument('secrets', multi_ids_type, options_list=['--secrets', '-s'], help='Space-separated list…
463 c.argument('keyvault', help='Name or ID of the key vault.', validator=validate_keyvault)
464 c.argument('certificate', help='key vault certificate name or its full secret URL')
465 c.argument('certificate_store', help='Windows certificate store names. Default: My')
471 c.argument('publisher_name', options_list=['--publisher', '-p'], help='image publisher')
472 c.argument('publisher', options_list=['--publisher', '-p'], help='image publisher')
473 c.argument('offer', options_list=['--offer', '-f'], help='image offer')
474 c.argument('plan', help='image billing plan')
475 c.argument('sku', options_list=['--sku', '-s'], help='image sku')
476 c.argument('version', help="image sku's version")
477 …c.argument('urn', help="URN, in format of 'publisher:offer:sku:version' or 'publisher:offer:sku:ed…
497 …c.argument('urn', help='URN, in the format of \'publisher:offer:sku:version\'. If specified, other…
498 c.argument('publisher', help='Image publisher')
499 c.argument('offer', help='Image offer')
500 c.argument('plan', help='Image billing plan')
504 c.argument('nics', nargs='+', help='Names or IDs of NICs.', validator=validate_vm_nics)
505 …c.argument('primary_nic', help='Name or ID of the primary NIC. If missing, the first NIC in the li…
508 c.argument('nic', help='NIC name or ID.', validator=validate_vm_nic)
511 c.argument('new', action='store_true', help='Create a new disk.')
512 …c.argument('lun', type=int, help='0-based logical unit number (LUN). Max value depends on the Virt…
513 …c.argument('vhd_uri', help="Virtual hard disk URI. For example: https://mystorage.blob.core.window…
516 c.argument('disk_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], help='The data disk name.')
517 …c.argument('size_gb', options_list=['--size-gb', '-z'], help='size in GB. Max size: 4095 GB (certa…
520 c.argument('disk_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], help='The data disk name.')
530 c.argument('username', options_list=['--username', '-u'], help='The user name')
531 c.argument('password', options_list=['--password', '-p'], help='The user password')
534 … c.argument('size', options_list=['--size', '-s'], help="size name, partial name is accepted")
535 …c.argument('zone', options_list=['--zone', '-z'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help="show skus…
537help="show all information including vm sizes not available under the current subscription")
538 …c.argument('resource_type', options_list=['--resource-type', '-r'], help='resource types e.g. "ava…
541 …c.argument('force', action='store_true', help='Force the VM to restart by redeploying it. Use if t…
544 …c.argument('host_group_name', options_list=['--host-group'], id_part='name', help="Name of the Ded…
545 … c.argument('host_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1', help="Name of the Dedicated Host")
550 help="Fault domain of the host within a group. Allowed values: 0, 1, 2")
552 help="Replace the host automatically if a failure occurs")
554help="The software license type that will be applied to the VMs deployed on the dedicated host.")
555 …c.argument('sku', help="SKU of the dedicated host. Available SKUs:…
561 …c.argument('host_group_name', name_arg_type, id_part='name', help="Name of the Dedicated Host Grou…
563help='Specify whether virtual machines or virtual machine scale sets can be placed automatically '
570 help="Number of fault domains that the host group can span.")
578help=location_type.settings["help"] + custom_location_msg)
588 …c.argument('instance_ids', multi_ids_type, help='Space-separated list of IDs (ex: 1 2 3 ...) or * …
590 c.argument('caching', help='Disk caching policy', arg_type=get_enum_type(CachingTypes))
594help='Name or ID of dedicated host group that the virtual machine scale set resides in')
605 …c.argument('nat_backend_port', default=None, help='Backend port to open with NAT rules. Defaults t…
606 …c.argument('single_placement_group', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help="Limit the scale set to…
608 …c.argument('platform_fault_domain_count', type=int, help='Fault Domain count for each placement gr…
609 …c.argument('vmss_name', name_arg_type, id_part=None, help='Name of the virtual machine scale set.')
610 c.argument('instance_count', help='Number of VMs in the scale set.', type=int)
611 …c.argument('disable_overprovision', help='Overprovision option (see…
612 c.argument('upgrade_policy_mode', help=None, arg_type=get_enum_type(UpgradeMode))
613 …c.argument('health_probe', help='Probe name from the existing load balancer, mainly used for rolli…
614 …c.argument('vm_sku', help='Size of VMs in the scale set. Default to "Standard_DS1_v2". See https:/…
615 … c.argument('nsg', help='Name or ID of an existing Network Security Group.', arg_group='Network')
617help="The eviction policy for virtual machines in a Spot priority scale set. Default eviction poli…
618 …e.MGMT_COMPUTE, min_api='2018-06-01', nargs='+', options_list=['--asgs'], help='Space-separated li…
619 …c.argument('computer_name_prefix', help='Computer name prefix for all of the virtual machines in t…
620 …c.argument('orchestration_mode', help='Choose how virtual machines are managed by the scale set. I…
624help='The amount of time (in minutes, between 30 and 90) for which automatic repairs are suspended…
625 …c.argument('user_data', help='UserData for the virtual machines in the scale set. It can be passed…
627help="Specify the Microsoft.Network API version used when creating networking resources in the Net…
630 …ble_spot_restore', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), min_api='2021-04-01', help='Enable the Spot-Tr…
631 …c.argument('spot_restore_timeout', min_api='2021-04-01', help='Timeout value expressed as an ISO 8…
635 …c.argument('application_gateway', help='Name to use when creating a new application gateway (defau…
636 …c.argument('app_gateway_capacity', help='The number of instances to use when creating a new applic…
637 c.argument('app_gateway_sku', help='SKU when creating a new application gateway.')
638 …c.argument('app_gateway_subnet_address_prefix', help='The subnet IP address prefix to use when cre…
639 …c.argument('backend_pool_name', help='Name to use for the backend pool when creating a new load ba…
640 …c.argument('backend_port', help='When creating a new load balancer, backend port to open with NAT …
641 …c.argument('load_balancer', help='Name to use when creating a new load balancer (default) or refer…
643help="Sku of the Load Balancer to create. Default to 'Standard' when single placement group is tur…
644 …c.argument('nat_pool_name', help='Name to use for the NAT pool when creating a new load balancer.'…
647 …c.argument('public_ip_per_vm', action='store_true', help="Each VM instance will have a public ip. …
648 …c.argument('vm_domain_name', help="domain name of VM instances, once configured, the FQDN is `vm<v…
649 …c.argument('dns_servers', nargs='+', help="space-separated IP addresses of DNS servers, e.g. 10.0.…
651help="enable accelerated networking. Unless specified, CLI will enable it based on machine image a…
655 …c.argument('protect_from_scale_in', arg_type=protection_policy_type, help="Protect the VM instance…
656 …c.argument('protect_from_scale_set_actions', arg_type=protection_policy_type, help="Protect the VM…
658 help='Enable terminate notification')
661 …c.argument('user_data', help='UserData for the virtual machines in the scale set. It can be passed…
663help='Enable the Spot-Try-Restore feature where evicted VMSS SPOT instances will be tried to be re…
665help='Timeout value expressed as an ISO 8601 time duration after which the platform will not try t…
668 …c.argument('enable_automatic_repairs', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Enable automatic rep…
671help='The amount of time (in minutes, between 30 and 90) for which automatic repairs are suspended…
677help='Length of time (in minutes, between 5 and 15) a notification to be sent to the VM on the ins…
679help='The maximum percent of total virtual machine instances that will be upgraded simultaneously …
681help='The maximum percentage of the total virtual machine instances in the scale set that can be s…
683help='The maximum percentage of upgraded virtual machine instances that can be found to be in an u…
685help='The wait time between completing the update for all virtual machines in one batch and starti…
687help='Set this Boolean property will allow VMSS to ignore AZ boundaries when constructing upgrade …
689help='Set this Boolean property will lead to all unhealthy instances in a scale set getting upgrad…
693 …c.argument('instance_id', id_part='child_name_1', help="{0} VM instance with this ID. If missing, …
697 …c.argument('instance_ids', multi_ids_type, help='Space-separated list of IDs (ex: 1 2 3 ...) or * …
700 c.argument('vmss_name', id_part=None, help='Scale set name')
706 …c.argument('lun', type=int, help='0-based logical unit number (LUN). Max value depends on the Virt…
707 …c.argument('size_gb', options_list=['--size-gb', '-z'], help='size in GB. Max size: 4095 GB (certa…
709 …c.argument('disk', validator=validate_vmss_disk, help='existing disk name or ID to attach or detac…
711 c.argument('instance_id', help='Scale set VM instance id', min_api='2017-12-01')
712 c.argument('sku', arg_type=disk_sku, help='Underlying storage SKU')
718 c.argument('extension_name', name_arg_type, help='Name of the extension.')
722 …c.argument('virtual_machine_scale_set_name', options_list=['--vmss-name'], help='Scale set name.',…
724 …twork_interface_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], metavar='NIC_NAME', help='The network interf…
730 …c.argument('service_name', arg_type=get_enum_type(OrchestrationServiceNames), help='The name of th…
731 …c.argument('action', arg_type=get_enum_type(OrchestrationServiceStateAction), help='The action to …
740help='If set, the extension service will not automatically pick or upgrade to the latest minor ver…
743 …c.argument('command_id', completer=get_vm_run_command_completion_list, help="The command id. Use '…
748 …c.argument('parameters', nargs='+', help="space-separated parameters in the format of '[name=]valu…
749 …c.argument('scripts', nargs='+', help="Space-separated script lines. Use @{file} to load script fr…
752 …c.argument('skip_shutdown', action='store_true', help='Skip shutdown and power-off immediately.', …
756 …c.argument('assign_identity', options_list=['--identities'], nargs='*', help="Space-separated iden…
762 …c.argument('identities', nargs='+', help="Space-separated identities to remove. Use '{0}' to refer…
773 …c.argument('location', get_location_type(self.cli_ctx), help='Location in which to create VM and r…
775 c.argument('no_wait', help='Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.')
776 …c.argument('validate', options_list=['--validate'], help='Generate and validate the ARM template w…
777 …c.argument('size', help='The VM size to be created. See…
779 …c.argument('custom_data', help='Custom init script file or text (cloud-init, cloud-config, etc..)'…
780 …c.argument('secrets', multi_ids_type, help='One or many Key Vault secrets as JSON strings or files…
781 …c.argument('assign_identity', nargs='*', arg_group='Managed Service Identity', help="accept system…
786 …c.argument('generate_ssh_keys', action='store_true', help='Generate SSH public and private key fil…
787 …c.argument('admin_username', help='Username for the VM. Default value is current username of OS. I…
788 … c.argument('admin_password', help="Password for the VM if authentication type is 'Password'.")
790 …c.argument('ssh_dest_key_path', help='Destination file path on the VM for the SSH key. If the file…
791 …c.argument('authentication_type', help='Type of authentication to use with the VM. Defaults to pas…
804 c.argument('os_disk_name', help='The name of the new VM OS disk.')
805 …c.argument('os_type', help='Type of OS installed on a custom VHD. Do not use when specifying an UR…
806 …c.argument('storage_account', help="Only applicable when used with `--use-unmanaged-disk`. The nam…
807 c.argument('storage_sku', nargs='+', help=storage_sku_help)
808 …c.argument('storage_container_name', help="Only applicable when used with `--use-unmanaged-disk`. …
810 …c.argument('use_unmanaged_disk', action='store_true', help='Do not use managed disk to persist VM')
811 c.argument('os_disk_size_gb', type=int, help='OS disk size in GB to create.')
812 …c.argument('data_disk_sizes_gb', nargs='+', type=int, help='space-separated empty managed data dis…
814 …caching', redirect='--os-disk-caching', hide=True), '--os-disk-caching'], help='Storage caching ty…
816help="storage caching type for data disk(s), including 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite', etc. Use a…
819help='Allows you to create an OS disk directly on the host node, providing local disk performance …
820 …c.argument('os_disk_encryption_set', min_api='2019-07-01', help='Name or ID of disk encryption set…
822help='Names or IDs (space delimited) of disk encryption sets for data disks.')
823 …c.argument('data_disk_iops', min_api='2019-07-01', nargs='+', type=int, help='Specify the Read-Wri…
824 …c.argument('data_disk_mbps', min_api='2019-07-01', nargs='+', type=int, help='Specify the bandwidt…
825 …c.argument('specialized', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Indicate whether the source image…
826 …c.argument('encryption_at_host', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Enable Host Encryption for…
828help='Specify the behavior of the managed disk when the VM gets deleted i.e whether the managed di…
831help='Specify whether data disk should be deleted or detached upon VM deletion.')
834 …c.argument('vnet_name', help='Name of the virtual network when creating a new one or referencing a…
835 …c.argument('vnet_address_prefix', help='The IP address prefix to use when creating a new VNet in C…
836 …c.argument('subnet', help='The name of the subnet when creating a new VNet or referencing an exist…
837 …c.argument('subnet_address_prefix', help='The subnet IP address prefix to use when creating a new …
838 …c.argument('nics', nargs='+', help='Names or IDs of existing NICs to attach to the VM. The first N…
839 c.argument('private_ip_address', help='Static private IP address (e.g.')
840 …c.argument('public_ip_address', help='Name of the public IP address when creating one (default) or…
841 …c.argument('public_ip_address_allocation', help=None, default=None, arg_type=get_enum_type(['dynam…
842 …c.argument('public_ip_address_dns_name', help='Globally unique DNS name for a newly created public…
845 …c.argument('public_ip_sku', help='Public IP SKU. It is set to Basic by default. The public IP is s…
848help='Specify what happens to the network interface when the VM is deleted. Use a singular '
853 c.argument('plan_name', help='plan name')
854 c.argument('plan_product', help='plan product')
855 c.argument('plan_publisher', help='plan publisher')
856 c.argument('plan_promotion_code', help='plan promotion code')
861 …c.argument('identity_scope', options_list=['--scope'], arg_group=arg_group, help="Scope that the s…
862 …c.argument('identity_role', options_list=['--role'], arg_group=arg_group, help="Role name or id th…
866 …c.argument('off', action='store_true', help='Turn off auto-shutdown for VM. Configuration will be …
867 …c.argument('email', help='The email recipient to send notifications to (can be a list of semi-colo…
868 …c.argument('time', help='The UTC time of day the schedule will occur every day. Format: hhmm. Exam…
869 c.argument('webhook', help='The webhook URL to which the notification will be sent')
874 …c.argument('version', help='version of the diagnostics extension. Will use the latest if not specf…
875 …c.argument('settings', help='json string or a file path, which defines data to be collected.', typ…
876 …c.argument('protected_settings', help='json string or a file path containing private configuration…
877 c.argument('is_windows_os', action='store_true', help='for Windows VMs')
881 …c.argument('volume_type', help='Type of volume that the encryption operation is performed on', arg…
882 …c.argument('force', action='store_true', help='continue by ignoring client side validation errors')
883 …c.argument('disk_encryption_keyvault', help='Name or ID of the key vault where the generated encry…
884 …c.argument('key_encryption_key', help='Key vault key name or URL used to encrypt the disk encrypti…
885 …c.argument('key_encryption_keyvault', help='Name or ID of the key vault containing the key encrypt…
889 c.argument('publisher', help='The name of the extension publisher.')
890 …c.argument('settings', type=validate_file_or_dict, help='Extension settings in JSON format. A JSON…
891 …c.argument('protected_settings', type=validate_file_or_dict, help='Protected settings in JSON form…
892 …c.argument('version', help='The version of the extension. To pin extension version to this value, …
894help='Indicate the extension should be automatically upgraded by the platform if there is a newer …
899 help='Name of the extension.', id_part=None)
900 …c.argument('force_update', action='store_true', help='force to update even if the extension config…
904 …c.argument('force_update', action='store_true', help='force to update even if the extension config…
906 …c.argument('provision_after_extensions', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of extension names …
910 c.argument('image_location', options_list=['--location', '-l'], help='Image location.')
911 c.argument('name', help='Image name', id_part=None)
912 … c.argument('publisher_name', options_list=['--publisher', '-p'], help='Image publisher name')
913 c.argument('type', options_list=['--name', '-n'], help='Name of the extension')
914 c.argument('latest', action='store_true', help='Show the latest version only.')
915 c.argument('version', help='Extension version')
916 c.argument('orderby', help="the $orderby odata query option")
917 c.argument('top', help='the $top odata query option')
925 …c.argument('license_type', help=license_msg, arg_type=get_enum_type(['Windows_Server', 'Windows_Cl…
928help="Priority. Use 'Spot' to run short-lived workloads in a cost-effective way. 'Low' enum will b…
930help='The maximum price (in US Dollars) you are willing to pay for a Spot VM/VMSS. -1 indicates th…
932help='The ID or name of the capacity reservation group that is used to allocate. Pass in "None" to…
936 c.argument('license_type', help=license_msg, arg_type=get_enum_type(
938 …c.argument('user_data', help='UserData for the VM. It can be passed in as file or string. If empty…
943help="Priority. Use 'Spot' to run short-lived workloads in a cost-effective way. 'Low' enum will b…
946 c.argument('gallery_name', options_list=['--gallery-name', '-r'], help='gallery name')
947 …c.argument('gallery_image_name', options_list=['--gallery-image-definition', '-i'], help='gallery …
948 …c.argument('gallery_image_version', options_list=['--gallery-image-version', '-e'], help='gallery …
952 …c.argument('gallery_name', options_list=['--gallery-name', '-r'], id_part='name', help='gallery na…
953 …ptions_list=['--gallery-image-definition', '-i'], id_part='child_name_1', help='gallery image defi…
961 c.argument('gallery_unique_name', type=str, help='The unique name of the Shared Gallery.',
966 … c.argument('gallery_name', type=str, help='The name of the Shared Image Gallery.', id_part='name')
967 … c.argument('subscription_ids', nargs='+', help='A list of subscription ids to share the gallery.')
968 c.argument('tenant_ids', nargs='+', help='A list of tenant ids to share the gallery.')
972 help='distinguish add operation and remove operation')
976 help='distinguish add operation and remove operation')
979 … c.argument('gallery_name', type=str, help='The name of the Shared Image Gallery.', id_part='name')
982 c.argument('offer', options_list=['--offer', '-f'], help='image offer')
983 c.argument('sku', options_list=['--sku', '-s'], help='image sku')
984 c.argument('publisher', options_list=['--publisher', '-p'], help='image publisher')
985 …c.argument('os_type', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Windows', 'Linux']), help='the type of the OS that …
986 …e', arg_type=get_enum_type(self.get_models('OperatingSystemStateTypes')), help="This property allo…
987 …ation', arg_type=get_enum_type(self.get_models('HyperVGenerationTypes')), help='The hypervisor gen…
988 … c.argument('minimum_cpu_core', type=int, arg_group='Recommendation', help='minimum cpu cores')
989 … c.argument('maximum_cpu_core', type=int, arg_group='Recommendation', help='maximum cpu cores')
990 … c.argument('minimum_memory', type=int, arg_group='Recommendation', help='minimum memory in MB')
991 … c.argument('maximum_memory', type=int, arg_group='Recommendation', help='maximum memory in MB')
993 c.argument('plan_publisher', help='plan publisher', arg_group='Purchase plan')
994 c.argument('plan_name', help='plan name', arg_group='Purchase plan')
995 c.argument('plan_product', help='plan product', arg_group='Purchase plan')
997 c.argument('eula', help='The Eula agreement for the gallery image')
998 c.argument('privacy_statement_uri', help='The privacy statement uri')
999 c.argument('release_note_uri', help='The release note uri')
1000 c.argument('end_of_life_date', help="the end of life date, e.g. '2020-12-31'")
1001 …c.argument('disallowed_disk_types', nargs='*', help='disk types which would not work with the imag…
1002 …c.argument('features', help='A list of gallery image features. E.g. "IsSecureBootSupported=true Is…
1006 c.argument('gallery_unique_name', type=str, help='The unique name of the Shared Gallery.',
1012 c.argument('gallery_unique_name', type=str, help='The unique name of the Shared Gallery.',
1014 …'gallery_image_name', options_list=['--gallery-image-definition', '-i'], type=str, help='The name '
1019 c.argument('description', help='the description of the gallery')
1022 help='This property allows you to specify the permission of sharing gallery.')
1024 help='Enable soft-deletion for resources in this gallery, '
1030 help='This property allows you to specify the permission of sharing gallery.')
1032 help='Enable soft-deletion for resources in this gallery, '
1035 c.argument('description', help='the description of the gallery image definition')
1042help='Gallery image version in semantic version pattern. The allowed characters are digit and peri…
1046help='Gallery image version in semantic version pattern. The allowed characters are digit and peri…
1047 c.argument('description', help='the description of the gallery image version')
1048 c.argument('managed_image', help='image name(if in the same resource group) or resource id')
1049 c.argument('os_snapshot', help='Name or ID of OS disk snapshot')
1050 …c.argument('data_snapshots', nargs='+', help='Names or IDs (space-delimited) of data disk snapshot…
1051 …c.argument('data_snapshot_luns', nargs='+', help='Logical unit numbers (space-delimited) of data d…
1052 …c.argument('exclude_from_latest', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='The flag means that if it…
1053 c.argument('version', help='image version')
1054 c.argument('end_of_life_date', help="the end of life date, e.g. '2020-12-31'")
1055 …c.argument('storage_account_type', help="The default storage account type to be used per region. T…
1058help='Space-separated list of customer managed keys for encrypting the OS and data disks in the ga…
1059 c.argument('os_vhd_uri', help='Source VHD URI of OS disk')
1060 …c.argument('os_vhd_storage_account', help='Name or ID of storage account of source VHD URI of OS d…
1061 … c.argument('data_vhds_uris', nargs='+', help='Source VHD URIs (space-delimited) of data disks')
1062 …c.argument('data_vhds_luns', nargs='+', help='Logical unit numbers (space-delimited) of source VHD…
1063 …tions_list=['--data-vhds-storage-accounts', '--data-vhds-sa'], nargs='+', help='Names or IDs (spac…
1064 …ion_mode', min_api='2021-07-01', arg_type=get_enum_type(ReplicationMode), help='Optional parameter…
1068 c.argument('gallery_unique_name', type=str, help='The unique name of the Shared Gallery.',
1070 …'gallery_image_name', options_list=['--gallery-image-definition', '-i'], type=str, help='The name '
1076 …c.argument('expand', help="The expand expression to apply on the operation, e.g. 'ReplicationStatu…
1080 c.argument('gallery_unique_name', type=str, help='The unique name of the Shared Gallery.',
1082 …'gallery_image_name', options_list=['--gallery-image-definition', '-i'], type=str, help='The name '
1085 …'gallery_image_version_name', options_list=['--gallery-image-version', '-e'], type=str, help='The '
1093help='Space-separated list of regions and their replica counts. Use `<region>[=<replica count>][=<…
1095 …c.argument('replica_count', help='The default number of replicas to be created per region. To set …
1100 …c.argument('proximity_placement_group_name', arg_type=name_arg_type, help="The name of the proximi…
1103 …c.argument('ppg_type', options_list=['--type', '-t'], help="The type of the proximity placement gr…
1107 …c.argument('include_colocation_status', action='store_true', help='Enable fetching the colocation …
1114 …c.argument('proximity_placement_group', options_list=['--ppg'], help="The name or ID of the proxim…
1120 …c.argument('analytics_query', options_list=['--analytics-query', '-q'], help="Query to execute ove…
1121 …c.argument('timespan', help="Timespan over which to query. Defaults to querying all available data…
1125 help='Namespace to query metric definitions for.')
1130 …c.argument('resource', arg_type=existing_vm_name, help='Name or ID of a virtual machine', validato…
1136help='Aggregation to use for sorting results and the direction of the sort. Only one order can be …
1137 c.argument('top', help='Max number of records to retrieve. Valid only if --filter used.')
1142 c.argument('start_time', arg_type=get_datetime_type(help='Start time of the query.'))
1143 …c.argument('end_time', arg_type=get_datetime_type(help='End time of the query. Defaults to the cur…
1149 …c.argument('resource_uri', arg_type=existing_vm_name, help='Name or ID of a virtual machine', vali…
1155 c.argument('key_url', help='URL pointing to a key or secret in KeyVault.')
1156 c.argument('source_vault', help='Name or ID of the KeyVault containing the key or secret.')
1158help='The type of key used to encrypt the data of the disk. EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformKey: Disk …
1163 help='Enable automatic rotation of keys.')
1168 …c.argument('disk_access_name', arg_type=name_arg_type, help='Name of the disk access resource.', i…
1176 help='The name of the capacity reservation group.')
1180 …c.argument('zones', zones_type, help='Availability Zones to use for this capacity reservation grou…
1183 …tance_view', action='store_true', options_list=['--instance-view', '-i'], help='Retrieve the list …
1186 …c.argument('vm_instance', action='store_true', help='Retrieve the Virtual Machine Instance which a…
1187 …c.argument('vmss_instance', action='store_true', help='Retrieve the ScaleSet VM Instance which are…
1192 help='The name of the capacity reservation group.')
1194 help='The name of the capacity reservation.')
1195 … c.argument('capacity', type=int, help='Specify the number of virtual machines in the scale set.')
1199 …c.argument('zone', zone_type, help='Availability Zone to use for this capacity reservation. The zo…
1200 …c.argument('sku_name', options_list=['--sku', '-s'], required=True, help='The SKU of the resource …
1203 …tance_view', action='store_true', options_list=['--instance-view', '-i'], help='Retrieve a snapsho…