Lines Matching defs:job_record

662 struct job_record {  struct
663 uint32_t magic; /* magic cookie for data integrity */
665 char *account; /* account number to charge */
666 char *admin_comment; /* administrator's arbitrary comment */
667 char *alias_list; /* node name to address aliases */
668 char *alloc_node; /* local node making resource alloc */
669 uint16_t alloc_resp_port; /* RESPONSE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION port */
670 uint32_t alloc_sid; /* local sid making resource alloc */
671 uint32_t array_job_id; /* job_id of a job array or 0 if N/A */
672 uint32_t array_task_id; /* task_id of a job array */
673 job_array_struct_t *array_recs; /* job array details,
675 uint32_t assoc_id; /* used for accounting plugins */
676 slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc_ptr; /* job's assoc record ptr confirm the
678 char *batch_features; /* features required for batch script */
679 uint16_t batch_flag; /* 1 or 2 if batch job (with script),
681 char *batch_host; /* host executing batch script */
682 double billable_tres; /* calculated billable tres for the
687 uint32_t bit_flags; /* various job flags */
688 char *burst_buffer; /* burst buffer specification */
689 char *burst_buffer_state; /* burst buffer state */
690 char *clusters; /* clusters job is submitted to with -M
692 char *comment; /* arbitrary comment */
693 uint32_t cpu_cnt; /* current count of CPUs held
696 char *cpus_per_tres; /* semicolon delimited list of TRES=# values */
697 uint16_t cr_enabled; /* specify if Consumable Resources
705 uint32_t db_flags; /* Flags to send to the database
707 uint64_t db_index; /* used only for database plugins */
708 time_t deadline; /* deadline */
709 uint32_t delay_boot; /* Delay boot for desired node mode */
710 uint32_t derived_ec; /* highest exit code of all job steps */
711 struct job_details *details; /* job details */
712 uint16_t direct_set_prio; /* Priority set directly if
715 time_t end_time; /* time execution ended, actual or
718 time_t end_time_exp; /* when we believe the job is
720 bool epilog_running; /* true of EpilogSlurmctld is running */
744 job_record_t *job_next; /* next entry with same hash index */ argument
745 job_record_t *job_array_next_j; /* job array linked list by job_id */ argument
746 job_record_t *job_array_next_t; /* job array linked list by task_id */ argument
747 job_record_t *job_preempt_comp; /* het job preempt component */ argument
748 job_resources_t *job_resrcs; /* details of allocated cores */
749 uint32_t job_state; /* state of the job */
750 uint16_t kill_on_node_fail; /* 1 if job should be killed on
752 time_t last_sched_eval; /* last time job was evaluated for scheduling */
753 char *licenses; /* licenses required by the job */
754 List license_list; /* structure with license info */
755 acct_policy_limit_set_t limit_set; /* flags if indicate an
760 uint16_t mail_type; /* see MAIL_JOB_* in slurm.h */
761 char *mail_user; /* user to get e-mail notification */
762 char *mem_per_tres; /* semicolon delimited list of TRES=# values */
763 char *mcs_label; /* mcs_label if mcs plugin in use */
764 char *name; /* name of the job */
765 char *network; /* network/switch requirement spec */
766 uint32_t next_step_id; /* next step id to be used */
767 char *nodes; /* list of nodes allocated to job */
768 slurm_addr_t *node_addr; /* addresses of the nodes allocated to
770 bitstr_t *node_bitmap; /* bitmap of nodes allocated to job */
771 bitstr_t *node_bitmap_cg; /* bitmap of nodes completing job */
772 uint32_t node_cnt; /* count of nodes currently
774 uint32_t node_cnt_wag; /* count of nodes Slurm thinks
783 char *nodes_completing; /* nodes still in completing state
786 char *origin_cluster; /* cluster name that the job was
788 uint16_t other_port; /* port for client communications */
789 char *partition; /* name of job partition(s) */
790 List part_ptr_list; /* list of pointers to partition recs */
791 bool part_nodes_missing; /* set if job's nodes removed from this
793 part_record_t *part_ptr; /* pointer to the partition record */
794 uint8_t power_flags; /* power management flags,
796 time_t pre_sus_time; /* time job ran prior to last suspend */
797 time_t preempt_time; /* job preemption signal time */
798 bool preempt_in_progress; /* Premption of other jobs in progress
801 uint32_t prep_epilog_cnt; /* count of epilog async tasks left */
802 uint32_t prep_prolog_cnt; /* count of prolog async tasks left */
803 bool prep_prolog_failed; /* any prolog_slurmctld failed */
804 uint32_t priority; /* relative priority of the job,
806 uint32_t *priority_array; /* partition based priority */
807 priority_factors_object_t *prio_factors; /* cached value used
809 uint32_t profile; /* Acct_gather_profile option */
810 uint32_t qos_id; /* quality of service id */
811 slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos_ptr; /* pointer to the quality of
815 void *qos_blocking_ptr; /* internal use only, DON'T PACK */
816 uint8_t reboot; /* node reboot requested before start */
817 uint16_t restart_cnt; /* count of restarts */
818 time_t resize_time; /* time of latest size change */
819 uint32_t resv_id; /* reservation ID */
820 char *resv_name; /* reservation name */
821 struct slurmctld_resv *resv_ptr;/* reservation structure pointer */
822 uint32_t requid; /* requester user ID */
823 char *resp_host; /* host for srun communications */
824 char *sched_nodes; /* list of nodes scheduled for job */
825 dynamic_plugin_data_t *select_jobinfo;/* opaque data, BlueGene */
826 uint32_t site_factor; /* factor to consider in priority */
827 char **spank_job_env; /* environment variables for job prolog
830 uint32_t spank_job_env_size; /* element count in spank_env */
831 uint16_t start_protocol_ver; /* Slurm version job was
836 time_t start_time; /* time execution begins,
838 char *state_desc; /* optional details for state_reason */
839 uint32_t state_reason; /* reason job still pending or failed
841 uint32_t state_reason_prev; /* Previous state_reason, needed to
845 uint32_t state_reason_prev_db; /* Previous state_reason that isn't
848 List step_list; /* list of job's steps */
849 time_t suspend_time; /* time job last suspended or resumed */
850 char *system_comment; /* slurmctld's arbitrary comment */
851 time_t time_last_active; /* time of last job activity */
852 uint32_t time_limit; /* time_limit minutes or INFINITE,
854 uint32_t time_min; /* minimum time_limit minutes or
857 time_t tot_sus_time; /* total time in suspend state */
858 uint32_t total_cpus; /* number of allocated cpus,
860 uint32_t total_nodes; /* number of allocated nodes
862 char *tres_bind; /* Task to TRES binding directives */
863 char *tres_freq; /* TRES frequency directives */
864 char *tres_per_job; /* comma delimited list of TRES values */
865 char *tres_per_node; /* comma delimited list of TRES values */
866 char *tres_per_socket; /* comma delimited list of TRES values */
867 char *tres_per_task; /* comma delimited list of TRES values */
868 uint64_t *tres_req_cnt; /* array of tres counts requested
871 char *tres_req_str; /* string format of
897 /* Job dependency specification, used in "depend_list" within job_record */ argument